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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
ROYAL Pine weather oiram. Lent began yesterday. Will Klosterman extended the Richels sale Tues Jay. C. E. Wolfe was a passenger to the cities Saturday night. Chas. Krause of Mantador was a county seat vis t'.r Thursday. Hon. W. E. Purcell was a Satur day night .passenger to Wheaton. Joe Lugert of Barney was a county seat visitor last Thursday. The Methodist ladies aid will meet Wednesday, March 4, in the church. The Methodist ladies' aid will have a food sale, Saturday before Easter. There are about fifteen witnes ses from Lidgerwood attending court. Tom Manikowske of Mooreton was a business visitor in our city Tuesday. August Gi'ipentrog, Sr., of Great Bend was a business- Thursday. jr BAKINQ POWDER Absolutely Pure Absolutely has no substitute Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such fine food. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cre»m of Tartar CITY AND COUNTY :^tor '•HI: here $1.50 Hand Painted Plates for -V*. & Dr. Devine has returned from his Chicago trip. "That Printer of Udell's" was the attraction at the opera house Tuesday night. Geo. A. Goolsbey aiid Herbert Bullis of Lidgerwood are attending court this week. M. J. Bakken and Walter Mon son of Abercrombie attended lodge here last Friday night. Richard & Kain have private money to loan on 1st farm mort gages. adv. Steam power has been substitu ted for electric at the waterworks pecial for Saturday From 10 O'Clock Until 10:30 A. M. UNIT ONE TO EACH We have just received an assortment of Nickel Silver—Florella Pattern— consisting of Knives and Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, which we are going to put on sale at the extremely low price of 10c. The FLORELLA PATTERN is manufactured from a composition metal with a heavy coating of hard nickel and a heavy silver plate. The finish is in a soft French gray effect. The design is graceful and practical. ALUMINUM We handle a full line of Pure Aluminum Ware, the very best on the market. We buy this direct from the manufacturer, which enables us to sell at a much lower figure. You get the benefit of the jobber's profit. All of Laundry and Toilet Soaps Laundry Soap, 8 bars 25c Toilet Soap, 7 bars 25c We Handle the Armor Plate Hosiery. The Lundquist Variety Store Wahpeton, North Dakota. Mrs. H. Bull of Second street is Seriously ill. Grace Hoffman of Barney was a Wahpeton visitor Monday, W. F. Schweitzer made a busi ness trip to Campbell, Minn., last Monday. The county commissioners were in session Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Richard & Kain have private money to loan 011 1st farm mort gages. adv. The schools were inspected by the board of health and fumi gated last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hausken spent a couple of days last week at the Hans Mylira farm. The fire escapes for the Wahpe ton opera house arrived Monday and are being placed in position. Sheriff Buda-k was at Lidger wood Saturday subpoenaing about forty witnesses in toe Ben lilies, Geo. Goosby, .Mid the Hart Bullis cases. Mrs. A. J. Schulteis of lloyalton, Minn., left for home Monday. She recently had an operation for gall stones at the Wahpeton Hospital. Mrs. Tony Hilda of Breckenridge who was operated on at the Wahpe ton Hospital two weeks ago, leaves for home today entirely restored to health. Mrs. W. J. Robinson spent the past couple of weeks at LaMoure, where she assisted in caring for a nephew's little daughter, who was ill of pneumonia. Carl Rudolph Swenson of Kind red and (jfiinhild Tieoline Grant of Barrie township were vnited in marriage on Washington's birth day by Rev. E. Ballestad. Joe Meyer, a guard at the peni tentiary, was married in Fairniount last week to Miss Emma Chamber lain of Oakes. Rev. Fr. Meyer, a brother of the power house as a matter of econ- The Broadaxe says that two or omy. three young fellows of Lidgerwood It was 20 years ago last week drank too muh booze, the other that Wahpeton had its'big $20,000 Sunday night, and one of them had fire, in which the postoffice, opera to have his sealp sewed up by the house and two millinery stores were doctor. burned. ^|lt. "Wahpeton branch of the Mil "In the Bishop's Carriage,'' waukee railway is carrying a big with Mary Pickford of the Fam- lot of passengers lately. Is this ous Players Company in motion another indication of spring, or pictures at the Braun Theatre one only of the good times the county night only, March2nd, Monday, adv is enjoying? groom, officiated, 10c THE WAHPETON TIMES Every Tuesday is Ludefisk Day at the City Hotel. adv. Richard & Kain have private money to loan on 1st farm mort gages. adv. John Baldorf is repairing his business house on Dakota avenue, getting it ready for the Golden Rule store to be started here next month. Weuzel Mikash, who was recen tly operated on for appendicitis at tlie Wahpeton Hospital, is around again feeling quite restored to health. Coal and Wood 1 handle all kinds of Coal and Wood at moderate prices H. M. CHRISTIANSON Mrs. John Had lice received word last Thursday of the death of her mother, Mrs. Peters, at her home in Athens, Minn. Her death was due to the infirmities of old age. Daniel Frohman presents "In the Bishop's Carriage," with Mary Pickford, in motion pictures, at the Braun Theatre Monday, March 2nd. adv. DR. HERBERT H. PFISTER DENTIST Rooms over Dietz & Murray Phone 302 A number of neighbors and friends of Mr .and Mrs. Frank Ne clias recently gathered at their Lidgerwood home and helped them celebrate the 16th anniversary of their marriage. The Woman's Missionary society of the Congregational church wilt meet Tuesday afternoon, March 3, with Mrs. Dave Purdon. The leaders will be the Mesdames Laud er and Forbes. Anton Lipovsky of Lidgerwood whose foot was so severely injured last fall, has been having a serious time with it again of late. How ever, he is now around again, but is still on crutches. Druggist Keen has absolved all responsibility for the delivering of the Sunday Tribunes in this city and its Wahpeton subscribers must now rent a box in the post office or wait for it till Monday. President Smith of the S. S. S. departed last Thursday night for Richmond, Va., to attend the mid winter meeting of the department of superintendents of he National Educational association. He ex ^ected to be absent about two weeks. O. A. Leach accompanied his mother to Lyndon, 111., the last of last week to attend the funeral of his mother's uncle. Following the funeral Mrs. Leach cftitinued her journey to Tennessee, for an extended visit with relatives in the "Sunny South." The Styles Coming In Just received many charming new creations for Spring 1914, in Laces, Silks, Wash Goods, Skirts, Coats, Dresses, We invite you to come any day and Spring fashions. Nowhere else in this ___ variety of high grade goods. A "quality first" store, yet you pay no more here for the best goods than you do elsewhere for inferior merchandise. We are glad to show you, whether you contemplate buying now or not. The "Bee Hive" Store WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT WILL BE OPENED ABOUT MARCH 18th R. J. Hughes returned to the city last Monday morning following a ten days' trip on the road. Aug. Grehentrog, one of Brand enburg's prosperous farmers, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. An interesting and profitable Meeting of teachers and patrons was held at "Wahotf- last Friday under the auspices of the county superintendent. There was a splendid program iiikl large attend ance and much interest shown. The Breckenridge Gazelle has changed hands. Editor Giuin be comes mayor of the east, side city next week and Morrell Edwards, a former publisher of the Gazette is the now manager of that paper. The Times wishes him success. Mrs. E. Duden entertained the M. E. ladies aid last Wednesday af ternoon and her Sunday school class in the evening. The husbands of the members of the aid also met at the parsonage in the evening, and there was a "'full house." Judge l)ow is in receipt of a let ter from his son in Montana, in which he recounts the incident of some of his neighors coming to North Dakota for a carload of breeding sows. The cholera broke out amongst them and everv hog died. An M. E. Social Club of about forty members was organized last Wednesday evening and it held its first meeting last evening at the home of E. B. Oliver on Fourth street. A good program was ren dered and a splendid social time was enjoyed by all present. A. H. JOHNSON, D. C., Graduate Chiropractic Homo Office, Breckenridge, Minn. Branch ofllce, Barney, N. D. If our forethought was as good as our afterthought, we would take chiropractic first—instead of trying it as a last resort. James Hendricks, father-in-law of E. E. Gilluin, who lives on the west side of town, died last Friday night as a result of a stroke of paralysis, sustained two or three weeks previous. The funeral was held at the Gillum home on Sun day afternoon, J. W: Worner hav ing charge of the body. Rev. E. Duden preached the funeral ser mon. The Fairmount News gives out the information that Judge G. M. Leland was recently married in Cal ifornia to "the Misses Cain," and that they will be at home in Fair jnoiuit after June 1. The News gives no explanation of its biga mous charge against the Judge and makes no prediction of how he will he received by the good people of Fairmount when he arrives with more than one wife. •1 /trd\f Dress Goods, Corsets, Waists, Suits, Etc. acquaint yourself with the new vicinity can you see such a large Urnie Umbreit, son of Al. Um breit of Great Bend, was operated on for empyema of lung at the Wahpeton Hospital last week. He is doing nicely. The Norwegian Lutheran ladies aid will be entertained Thursday afternoon by the Mesdames O. A. Swenson and Alfred Nelson, at the home of the former. Katherine Moore with Dancing Brownie and Joe Christie in "A Glimpse of Minstrelsy" at the Braun Theatre the last" half of this week. adv. Judge Allen gave J. A. Beathune of Gwinner the usual sentence oil his plea of guilty to fracturing the prohibition, law, and then suspend ed his sentence a year conditioned on his good behavior. Beathune is a deaf man. Alderman Ilodel is on the war path and-there's.blood in his eye. lie is resolved that beginning next week the city ordinance relating to the throwing of cinders another refuse matter in the streets and al leys or on the sidewalks and boule vards must cease or arrests will begin next Monday. Bernard & Canham, the oxy-acet ylene welders, put a number of new cogs on the wheels of one of the big presses in The Times office, last Saturday, without taking the wheel off the press. This would have been scoffed at as an impossibility a few years ago. E. C. Johnson of St. iul com pleted his wor'c oi. the machinery in The Times office-Monday night and if Mr.' Cameron would visit, the office now he would rohably not recognize ii as ihe wime ma chinery he use.I to have, ''"here is nothing too yen:I .for Yh Times office. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms for light- housekeeping. Phone 224L. 2-26 tf WANTED—A girl for general house work Good wages. Inquire or write Mrs. G. A. Lacy. 2-26 2t FOR RENT—One large furn ished room for light housekeeping. Inquire of H. Boetscher, 621 1st St. No. 2-26-tf Violin Teaching Tuned AN* S •IOjOO TuMm tor torn at^ 3 Mentha MI VMTE W.F. Schweitzer 34 lit Street N. Wahpetae, N. Bi