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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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f- *5? J- it The Misses Rose Clark and Vera Murray of Valley City spent Sun day with Miss Frances Braun. Remember that Corey Bros.' combined shows will be here next week to make a whole week of fun. —Adv. Mrs. R. A. Grout is entertain ing her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mitchell, of Lu verne. Minn. Silk Hose We carry a good line of Ladies All Silk Hose in black white and tan, at per pair 48c Also Silk Boot Hose at.... 25c A New Line ef Men's and Boy's Wash Ties. BAKING POWDER ROYAL^-Ihe most celebrated of all the baking powders In the world—celebrated for Its great leavening strength purity* it makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc* healthful, It Insures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the low priced brands. CITY AND COUNTY Deputy Revenue Collector Low ry was in town Tuesday. Base ball scores by wire daily at Oopie's Toggery.—Adv. YV. F. Schweitzer, the piano man. now rides in a brand new Mitchell car. Geo. Fisher of the county aud itor's office has a sorelwead, the iesult of a fall. Mrs. R. M. Black Iirs been under the doctor's care for the past week or two. E. S. Cameron has sold his 1913 model Ford car and added a 1914 model to the luxuries of life. Fairmount is to have a cement block plant, with a capacity of 800 to 1,000 blocks per hour. Mrs. J. A. Bailey is entertain, ing her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Suffron, of Dent, Minn. R. M. Lunday arrived home last Saturday from Rochester, Minn., where he had an operation on his throat. Thirty or more Odd Fellows in a body attended church last Wed nesday night and listened to Dr. Wheeler preach. If you want to see a whole ear load ol" dandy new pianos call at J. R. Molloy's Furniture Rooms and set prices.—Adv. County Superintendent Thorn ton is attending the state con vention of County Superintend ents at Devils Lake this week. The J. N. Kins meat market in Breckenridge was sold last week to Thulen & Sykora. and there is only one meat market in our twin city now. Mrs. Walter sheppard. on hor way home from Wisconsin to Mi not. stopped off here a couple of days last week to visit at the G. L. Harris home. »fflfflfflfflttnnn»imn«unn»»m»ttuu»n»»»»»n»mnwnw«wwwwmmi A Lundquist Variety Store Our store is the right place to go to if you want to economize. Every article you buy at our store is a bargain. Come to our store when you need anything in our line. We do not claim to be the largest nor to carry the largest stock. But large trees from little acorns grow. What we have has the quality, and that counts. Our prices are right on all of our merchandise, and it will pay you to see our line before making your purchase, in anything we carry. What we say about our goods you will find reliable. We are receiving New Goods daily, so call in and look over our stock. Enamel Ware Strictly First Quality Special For One Week, Com mencing Saturday. Any Article For See Our Win dow Display Rogers Nickel Silver Tea Wonder Cream Chocolat Spoons, 2 for......... es, per half pound... 9c 10c iiiiiimiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuwmmmmaiiiiiMitiiminimmtttmtm Deputy Sheriff Olson made a business trip to Fargo Tuesday. Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Thompson of Root'b addition expects to leave the first of the week for Wadena, Minn., to make her future home with her son. St. John's Ladies' Aid will have their semi-annual apron and fancy work sale and six o'clock Alinner in Foresters' ball on Ihursday, May 14. The Abercronibie Messenger notes that Miss Edith Johnson, a teacher in the S. S. S. spent a re cent Sunday in that city with the Westerson family. The county auditor's office is setting straightened up in its permanent Quarters, and the of licials there are beginning to feel at home again. The many friends of Mrs. C. A. Leach are pleased to learn that her recent operation at the Mayo Bros, hospital in Rochester was very successful, and that she is convelescing nicely, Carl Mikkelson declines to be a Bull Moose candidate for state treasurer and Dan Jones, it ap pears. will have to hold up the Richland county end of the ticket all "by his lonesome." NOTICE—AH persons knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please call at once and set tle. as I am going away and must close up my business affairs at once.—Oscar Rinderman.—Adv. District court, was in session here Tuesday and Judge Allen heard the case of the State vs. Alfred Poterson. ex-state treas urer of Cogswell. Deputies «"nr. mody and Zuger of the Attorney General's office were in attend ance. Do you know you can produce the best music ever played on all kinds of instruments if you try. Yes, you can if you have a Vic trola. adv. Sisseton, S.D., voted dry at last week's election, thus putting out of business its "municipal" sa loon. While it was a big money maker it seems not to have re. duced the amount of drunkenness any. and for that reason was un popular. Auditor Burton expected to have last evening for Montana, to spend a week or so helping his sons. Edwin and Victor, and hie daughter, Blanche, to find good claims for themselves in that section of the country. Wal ter Hess and Joe Simard were in the party also. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT— Having bought and taken posses sion of Oscar Rinderman's shoe store. I most cordially solicit a share of your trade, I promise you fair treatment and a square deal will be given all who favor me with their patronage.—John Cur ran. successor t:j Oscar Rinder man.—Adv. Bargains! Crockery and Glassware We can give you valuable bargains in the dish line, we have just received two new decorations that we will sell at each 10c New Things in GLASSWARE Voting Contest Wahpe ton limes Remember you get 25 votes for every $1 purchase at our store. Whom Your Candidate 3 Boxes of Axle Grease for.••.. *•«.«...»» 10c THK WAHPETON TIIMKS in iniii iiiiiiimiiiiimimiiM Judge Jessin of Chri3tine was in town Tuesday. Albert Weis spent the fore part of the week in Fargo. Coming, next Monday, Corey Bros., combined shows.—Adv. Miss Nellie Bowman spent Sat urday and Sunday at her home. Manager Loll of the. Golden Rule SI ore spent Sunday in Far go. Judge Allen and court steno grapher Divet are in the city this week. U. s. Deputy Marshal Cameron, ot largo spent Sunday with his family here. Deputy Sheriff McMichael made a business trip to Fairmount Tuesday night. A (laughter was born last Sat. urday to Prof, and Mrs. Hubert Warren in Minneapolis. Lounsbury & Reeder will soon nave their big new moving picture show in running order. The Wahoetni Marble AVorks are shipping nut a big lot of line new numuments this week. A carload of Harm Bros.' pianos arrived this week at J. R. Molloy's Furniture Rooms.—Adv. Mrs. Shields and litle daughter are visiting at 'lie home of Mrs. Shields' parents in Lidgerwood. The Loyal Order of Moose init iated a class of 35, last evening, making a total membership of 150 at present. Mr. E. Corey, of the Corey Bros, snows was in the city this week, arranging for their appearance here next week. Corey Bros.' shows will be on every lip next week. They will he here with all their various at tractions.—Adv. Fargo college ball club crossed bats with the Indians on the Island last Saturday and won out 6 to4. Miss Mary Kaiser has returned to her home at White Rock, fol lowing a several weeks' absence in this city. The Mcsdames Duden and Lun day are atending the meetings of the Fargo district missionary so ciety at Wyndmere. W. Adams and wife arrived from Iowa Tuesday, to attend ihe funeral of the late Geo. A. Lacy. Miss Anna Gunness of Aber cronibie has started for Norway, where she expects to spend the summer. Fairmount has organized a good hall team for the season, and "Fairmount is the only town in the slate with four railroads." Hun. w. E. Purcell is not saying anything for publication these days, but it is understood that he has several men out building fen ces. Miss Lenora Weling will enter tain the St. John's Ladies' Aid at her home next Thursday, May 7,. assisted by Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Albright. Sunday's precipitation, accord, ing to the rain guage at S.S.S. was .50 of an inch, and Monday's was 1.05, the total amount of rainfall the lirst two days of this week be ing 1.(31 inches. "Dr. Martin" addressed a few hundred people at the opera house last Sunday afternoon and made a rambling talk on Mexico and Mexicans. Butn obody has yet told us who Dr. Martin is. Dr. R. A. REED Osteopathic Physician CHRONIC DESEASES A SPECIALTY Office over Bee Hive Store Phone 177 The Woman's missionary So ciety of the Congregational church will meet on Tuesday af ternoon, May 5th, at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. Lauder. Subject: Social Transformation of China. Lead ers, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. R. T. Barber. The entertainment given bv Ihe children of the Catholic schools at the opera house last Fridav night was largely attended and every one there was delight 'd with the pleasing manner in which the children rendered the fine program. While Mr. and Mrs. Bullock were visiting at a neighbor's last Sunday evening, their litle two year old son. who was playing with the neighbor's children, ac cidentally fell from a bed, break ing his arm in two places The fi actures were reduced and the lit. lit fellow is resting as patiently as possible. Herbert Lundquist and familv, and his brother. Charles, spent Sunday with relatives and friends at.Fargo. Before they return home in the evening their little daugh ter acidentally fell down a stair way where they were stopping and cut her forehead auite badly. A doctor was called and dressed the wound, and all reached home the same night. DONALDSON'S DAIRY LUNCH Sunday Dinner 35o Celery Olives Consomme Royal Baked Lake Trout Matre de Hotel Braised Sirloin of Beef a la Jardeniere Roast Young Turkey—Stuffed Cranberry Sauce Fruit Salad June Peas Sweet Corn Soufle Mashed and Steamed Potatoes Rice Custard Pudding 'Wine Sauce Tea Coffee Milk \m\m\ I I I See the latest and biggest mer ry-go-'round at Corev Bros.' shows next week.—Adv. WANTED Experienced Sales Lady and Stock-Keeper Must furnish good references. German speaking Lady pre ferred. Will pay good salary to right party. A. J. Ross, WONDER STORE IIIIBllBllll IIIBMMIIBMBMH IF If your Soul is parting from your body, you need the service of a minister. BUT If your Sole is parting from your Shoes, you need the services 01 Dr. Herman, the Shoe Surgeon, at John Curran's Shoe Store, where you 1 will find the shoes you want, at the right prices, and your old ones restored to their former appearance Come in the Dr. is always in JOHN CURRAN Successor to Oscar Rindeman •llWlBliaililBlll i* lv it •. WANTED Times office, be paid. itt»»»»»n»»mi»i»n»nmn»mwH»»»w»»»:»»»«nnmw»»«»n»mtmm The Olympia Candy Kitchen 302 Dakota Avenue. Phone 292 We extend a cordial invitation to the people of this vicinity, to visit our store, and try our Home Made Candies and Ice Cream, of which we carry a full line. Our Candies are all made according to PURE FOOD Laws and Guaranteed Pure We also handle a full line of FRUIT PAPPAS BROS. j»»lHMiinHiiim»mmiiM»miin»»nMM»»Mt»»n»nni»ni milHHHtirtfflt A Genuine Victrola $ $2.00 DOWN AND 92.00 PER MONTH Ifin doubt, call in at_the Victor store and hear the Wonderful Machine VICTOR VICTOOLAS $15.00 to $200.00 Please ask me to demonstrate at your Vmg A. H. Burnson DEALER Wahpeton, fcwM IMMFnltn MM nyt ir t%, f4( Vi 1 .r WANT AOS. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE—Cheap. River sand, black dirt, and dirt for filling. Union Transfer Co. 4-16tf. WANTED—Four or five room house for family of two. Address P. O. Box 424. 4-30-4t Cotton rags at Market price will 4-30tf