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Norton Bakery Whilwito and Rotall wmkimi «. •. F. H. FARMER Veterinarian Phone 77 T. J. Strehlow Chiropractor Office over Citizens National Bank Haura 10-13, 2-4 W.E. Purceli A.G. Divet PtfRCELL & DIVET %keAttomeys at Law Practice in all the courts of the state. Collections a specialty Wahpeton, North Dakota Sc4M CHRISTIANSON Contractor and *Builacr Plans and estimates furnished for all kinds of building Contractor for all kinds of mason work I BUSINESS DIRECTORY PHONE ARCHITECT Offices in Schuler Block THE BEST SERVICE that an Undertaker can render is the unobtrusive* inconspicuous kind that anti cipates and provides for every contingency that lighters the burden of the affli cted in a commonsense way. Our methods are pleasing to the most particular. The expense is a matter of your own desire. IRA L. POSTER LICENSED EMBALMER ANI FUNERAL. DIRECTOR LADY ASSISTANT IP DBHBBD WITH ONSTA.D & SCHMTTT FURNITURE CO. BERNARD CANHAM THE OXY-ACETYLENE WELDERS have rooms in the Wahpeton Garage Company's new building, and do all kinds of steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, copper welding. All kinds of boil er repairs. In fact we weld anything made of metal. Will answer telephone calls from the country and will go out to make repairs on anything too large to be brought in. BERNARD 8c CANHAM learning Draying Wahpoton Garage Co'o Building, Wahpeton, North Dakota Am Prepared •pw-v.-.f \X-,, & take Contracts for Dwellings and other Buildings and tfll furnish estimates for new work or repairing. j, ." v- Estimates for concrete and mason work I am prepared to do all kinds of teaming and draying For prompt service telephone your orders to numbers 370 or A. E. McMIZHAEL W W O N E MRS. J. W. WORNER Licensed Embalmers and Funeral Directors With Eckes-Worner Furniture Co Day Phone 123 Night Phones 326 or I07L Wahpeton, N. D. /. cfd, cNgss Optician two Read the Want Column WAHPETON IARBLE ilid GRANITE WORKS Manufacturer! of and Dealers in Foreign and Domsstlo Marble and Granite Monument*, Coping and IronPenoes Reference: Fir* National Bank. Breckenridge. Minn. Citizen* National BankTwahpeton, N. D. H. j. korf J. b. mum, M. PARSONS summons Jlrsj publication April 16. 1914. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OP Richland—SS: In District Court, Fourth Judicial District Christopher Hafner, \t Plaintiff, VS. John D. Hall, Mosley s. E. s. Ten Eylte -i| Day, J. G. Willrett, and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in or lien or incumbrance upon the real prop erty described in the complaint rfft herein and their unknown heirs. Defendants. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer th« complaint In this action which said com plain is on Die in the office or ih.5 of the District Court of Richland County, Ninth Lakota, In the city of Walloon «n mm county and state, and to seivi a «ti»\ of your answer upon the subscribers with in thirty (30) days after the service or this summons upon you, exclusive or the day or such service and, In case or your fail ure to appear or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by derault for the reller demanded in the complaint. Dated this 8th day or April, IM4 W. S. LAUDER and JOHN L. KOEPPLER, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Residence and Post Office address: Wahpeton, Richland County, North Dakota. To the above—named Derendants: Take notlce« that the above-entitled ac tion relates to the fallowing-described real property, situate in the county or Richland and state or North Dakota, to-wit: The Sottth West Quarter (SW 1-4) or Sec tion Thirty-two (33), in Township One Hundred Thirty-three (t33), North, or Range Forty-nine (49), West. 4-16-6t. W. S. LAUDER and JOHN L. KOEPPLER. Plaintiff's Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter or the Estate or George W. Reedy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under signed Alvlna Reedy, Administratrix or the Estate or George W. Reedy late or the City or Wahpeton in the county or Richland and State or North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors or, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit thorn with the necessary vouchers, within 4 months after the nrst publication or this notice, to said Administratrix at S3 So. 8nd St. in the City or Wahpeton In said Richland County Dated Mar. 28. A. D. 1914. ALVINA REEDY, Administratrix. First publicalton on the 2 day of April, A. D. 1914. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate or Hattie Wlt tenmeyer. Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersign ed Rebecca Thompson, Administratrix of the Estate of Hattie Wittenmeyer, late of the City or Flthlan, in the County or Ver milion, and Sale of Illinois, deceased to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within rour months arter the tlrst publication or this notice, to said Administratrix, by de livering the same to P. A. Peschel, her duly appointed resident agent, in the City of Wahpeton, in said Richland County. Dated April 14, A. D. 1914. REBECCA THOMPSON, Administratrix. C. J. KACHELHOFFER, Attorney ror Administratrix, Wahpeton, North Dakota. First publication on the 33rd day of Ap ril. A. D. 1914. 4-33-ot. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate or Peter H. Thiei, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under signed John M. Thiel, Administrator of the Estate of Peter H. Thiel, late or the Village of New Holstein in the County of Calumet and State of Wisconsin, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit tiiem with the necessary vouchers, within rour months arter the first publication of this notice, to said Administrator at his resi dence in the Township of Barney In said Richland County, North Dakota. Dated April SOtli A. D. 1914. JOHN M. THIEL, Administrator. FORBES & LOUNSBURY, Attorneys for Administrator, Wahpeton. North Dakota. First publication on the 33rd day or Ap ril, A. D. 1914. 4-23-41. The Artist's Antique Was Genuine. A well known landscape painter re cently bought a Louise Quinze sofa at a public auction. He paid a large sum for tbls acquisition, but was at tbe same time not altogether certain of its authenticity, despite the pedigree with which it was purchased. But hav ing he placed tbe sofa in his studio. On tbe tyrst occasion on which be sat down on tbe sofa it collapsed beneath bis weigbt, and be was pre cipitated on tbe floor, being severely bruised in tbe process. But his con tusions did not trouble hltn. Observing the worm eaten pieces of wood tbat lit tered the floor, be exclaimed joyfully, "After all, it's genuine"—Paris Letter to London Globe. Caustic. Chollie—I figured out this morning how many ancestors I really had and found there were several thousand. Miss Blunt—And just think of the in significant result of all those ances tors.—Boston Transcript. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Supervising Architect's Ofllce, Washington, D. C., March 26, 1914.—Sealed proposals will be opened in this office at 3 p. m., May 8,1914, for the construction complete (Including mechani cal equipment, interior lighting fixtures, and approaches) or the United States post ofllce at wahpeton, N. Dak.. The building ts one story and basement, with ground area or approximately 3,230 square feet brick racing composition roof flrat floor or flreproof construction. Drawings and speculations may be obtained from the custodian of site at Wahpeton, N. Dak., or at this office, In the discretion of the Sup ervising Architect. O. Wenderoth Super vising Architect. adv. Carload of tocosesl By the way R. H. Cughan ii Mocking up on roof-coating he mutt be expecting awn «prin*. He has already received a cariouTof this guaran teed 10-year material and can aave the purchaser the freight. With this long time guarantee ^fr. tUnlca he has the vwy. beat roof-coating tMIUUKCte Thouaands of satisfied customers in all parte of the U. S. A few of the Vahpetm reference* ue the People's State Bank, dfcyHotd. Mar chant's Hotel, and many other building*. H. CUGHAN flalraatir ft Balliar IN THE WORLD OF SPORT •y -Art,. Arnold Hauser, Cardinal Star, Is All In. Photo by American Preaa Association. One of the most pathetic cases In the history of the national game came to light when Arnold Hauser, former star shortstop of the St Louis Cardinals, announced his retirement from base ball. Hauser lost his mother and little daughter. Following this double catas trophe he was badly injured in prac tice and worried so over his troubles tbat he suffered a nervous breakdown. Mrs. Britton, owner of the St Louis club, has offered Hauser a pension for life, and he will probably act as an ad viser to Manager Huggins when be re covers. Aqueduct Gets Classics. All the turf classics of the old Gravesend track, as well as most of the features of the Aqueduct associa tion, will be run off at the latter's course on Long Island this summer. A fine program of fifteen days' rac ing has been arranged by tbe directors of the Queens County Jockey club, to begin on June 27 and end on July 14. Some of the important stakes are the Brooklyn Handicap, Carter Handi cap, Brooklyn Derby, Queens County Handicap, Rockaway stake, Canarsie stake and the Astoria Dinner stake. Tbe Brooklyn Handicap was run off at the Belmont park track last year In conjunction with tbe Westchester Rac ing association's meeting. The race will be worth $5,000, with that sum guaranteed to the owners. The Carter Handlcaip has been the feature event at Aqueduct since tbat course became prominent in the rac ing circuit of New York. In the gold e?) days of the turf it was the first $10,000 handicap of tbe racing season. It will not be worth that sum this year, but will have $2,500 added to the regular sweepstakes. The Brooklyn Derby, Queens County Handicap and Rockaway and Canarsie stakes will have from $1,000 to $1,500 each added. None of the overnight races will have less than $400 added, but tbe ma jority of the events will have $500 added to the sweepstakes. Yale Crew Named. The lineup of tbe two Yale varsity boats as they will race will probably be unchanged from the seating used by Coach Guy Nlckalls at present. The lineup does not include Fitzpatrick, who rowed at No. 5, but suffered a nervous breakdown and has not been allowed to return, nor Gilfillan nor Vonder Ropp, both considered among the best available material. Tbe lineup will probably be: First Boat—Stroke, Croker 7, Dene gre (captain) 6, Rogers 5, Stlllman 4, Meyer 3, Jenkinson 2, Harrison bow, Cushman coxswain, Moore. Second Boat—Stroke, Appleton 7, Low 6, Sheldon 5, Sturtevant 4, Oakcs 3, McHenry 2, Coe bow, Stauf fer coxswain, Blackburn. Murray a Comer. Billy Murray of Sacramento, Cal., gave Jimmy Clabby tbe fight of bis young life in their recent bout at Cof frotli's Daily City arena. The result was decided a draw after twenty rounds of fast fighting.. It was Murray's debut as a first rat er, and he established beyond any doubt that he belongs in the first divi sion of middleweights. Murray almost bad the clever Hammond boy out in tbe fifteenth round, but by bringing his cleverness into action Clabby was able to stem the tide. Clabby was wild at times and his Judgment of distance poor. Murray 1b rated us a champion possibility by ex perts after seeing bis performance. Williams a Great Flinger. George Morlarty of the Detroit Tigers say* Johnny Williams, tbe Ha waiian speed artist, will be a star pitcher In tbe American league. Mo rlarty picks Williams as being the best of the young right banders and a fellow who will make his mark In baseball. "Williams bas the natunl ability and the head and heart to go with it" aays George. "There are lot of pitches* with the ability of a Johnson, but they lack bntni or tiis heart and as consequence they an not even fair minor leaguers. Wil liams has a disposition that never gives up and I honestly believe ha la one of the best young right handset I have ever aeao." Advertisements under this head will be inserted at the rate of 25 cents per week for 30 words or less. We cannot afford to open an account for such a small a mount and cash must accompany all orders where we do not already have a running account. NOTIOKl PEOPLE'S COLUMN All persons indebted to me will please call and settle, adv. D. D. SWANK. FOR RENT——One large furn ished room for light housekeeping. Inquire of H. Boetscher, 621 1st St. No. 2-26-tf HOUSES FOR SALE!—At prices ranging from $350 to $3,000. Practically your own terms will be given. Geo. Wrahlstad. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms for rent. Call 348 Phone. Corner First St., and Wisconsin Ave. W. F. Schweitzer. 2-19-tf FOR SALE—A Molene Model M-35-1912, 40 H. P. Four Pas senger Auto in A-l Shape. Price. $650.00 Gash. L. R. Bitney, Act ing Auditor. Fairmount & Veblin Ky Co., Fairmount. N. D. 4-9-tf C. D.Rittenhouse DRUGGIST Proprietary Medicines, Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Etc. We make a specialiy of compounding physician's prescriptions. FOR A LOAN on City Property or Farm Lands FOR SALE—Auto. A 20-horae runabout, newly painted and re built. Fully equipped Prestolito. Sliding gear transmission. This' car is in perfect condition and witl^ be sold at a bargain for cash on.' Iy. Gall E. Bruce Knowlton, at Conservatory of Music, Wahpeton. 3-26-tf. FOR SALE—Wm. Keating has 1000 bushels of clean Durum seed wheat for sale. 2-5-tf. FOR SALE—Three secon-hand automobiles .for sale. Inpuire Red River Motor Co.. Phorie Call on tba Peoples State Bank Wahpeton North Dakota March Winds Are Here S« Use Nyal's Peroxide Face Cream For Your Comploxlon Sako Almond and Cucumber Cream For Your Hando Licorice Ju Ju's for Your Throat Paokago So, 1 pound 30e. Buy 'Em By tho Pound. The Nyal Store H. MILLER Co. Barn Roof Ventilator Plumbing and Hot Water Heating Warm Air Furnaces Roofing and All Kindt of Tin Work A. H0DEL CO. Ctty HM 2ML. 4-9tf FOR SALE—House of 5 rooms on 8th street. Inquire of H. W. Rife. 2-26-tf WANWED—A second cook—a woman preferred. Apply Strat ford Hotel, Breckenridge. 4-9-tf. FOR SALE—Good home grown seed corn. I have a lot of good home grown Rustler White Dent seed corn for sale. Can shell and grade it at: Grade No. i. §2.70 grade No. 2, $2.00 grade No. 3, $1.50 tips and ends $1.00 new bags extra. 25c. Order early and oblige B. F. Schuster, Wvnd mere. N. D. 4-9-8t. EGGS FOR HATCHING—Rhode Island Reds 75c per setting. Now those birds are from the very best stock. Jos. Simard, Wahpeton. N. Dak. adv.-tf. V: Wlp|||||, H. I.