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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
'V# .-ftr* 4 .iS &m t'^v*} M?{* Friday Mantador won a ball game from Great Bend, the other dav. of 4^ May 22nd Any Coat Ladles or Misses Sizes 1-3 off New Waists Voiles, Crepes and Lawns $1.28 Waists at 91.50 Waists at Children's Coats NONE RESERVED Your Unrestricted Choice R" t.frfc ?j .^U & M!tl« kit, fjn. No Substitutes ETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. CITY AND COUNTY 4 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Worner of Great Bend were in town Monday. Mayor Nudinpr of Lidgerwood has bought for himself a fine new car. Wm. Tonk was a Wahpeton vis itor from Lidgerwood last Satur day. John Weling, son of Mr. J. B. Weling, has returned from Mon tana. Bungalow and cover-all aprons. Special for Friday and Saturday, 45c—James Purdon & Co.—Adv. Judge Jersin of Walcott attend ed the big Norwegian celebration at the Cities the ilrst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Movius of Lidgerwood have returned from an extended visit to the western coast. Messrs. Ulsaker and Brusletten joined the crowd that attended the big 17th of May celebration at Minneapolis. Messrs. Hull and Harris have invested in another gravel pit. This one is at White Rock, on the Milwaukee. Thirty-seven applicants for teachers' certificates wrote the ex amination here last week, and two did the same thing at Lidgerwood. The Wyndmere Pioneer esti mates that more than 10,000 trees have been planted in that vicinity this spring. Let the good work go on. T. J. STRKHLOW. D. O. Ohlropraotor Office over Citizens1 Nt'l. Bank Consultation and Spinal Analysis FPSS PHONE 337 WAHPETON, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ujka de parted for Wadena, Tuesday, -where they expect to spend a cou. pie of weeks visiting relatives and friends. lumMi *. Wonderful Mayor Fligelman has repainted his business office on Dakota ave. He is one of the few mayors of the Northwest who does a landoflficc business. C. K. Thorstad of Wyndmere has bought himself another horse, which he will exercise on the track this summer. C. K. is a great lover of horse flesh. J. R. Smith came over from Mantador, the other evening, to lake the examination for Fourth Class postmasters. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eckes have returned from their wedding trip and have gone to housekeeping at the home of Mr. Eckes' father, Mr. Nick Eckes. John J. Risehard and family re turned Monday evening from a visit to the coast country, and John looks as if the climate there thoroughly agrees with him. Charley Thatcher and family came over from Minot the fore part of the week for a visit with Mrs. Thatcher's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rinderman before their departure for the west. WANTED—Good hand ironer, steady work all year round Wahpeton Steam Laundry, P. Meyer, Prop. 5-21tf NOTICE—I have bought the Gerde-Good Automatic Lawn Mow «r sherpener and am now prepar ed to sharpen your mowers at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed.—F. H. Dunn, 623 Fifth St. 5-2 ltf. Peter Fischer has been very ill in a hospital in St. Paul. He had been in the employ of one of the targe grocery firms there for the past four years, but as soon as he recovers from his illness will return to Lidgerwood and take charge of his father's store. "A iw ri i, .f-r THE WAHPETON TIMK8 4% Just Exactly 81 Trimmed Hats and Untrimmed Hats—Formerly $2.75 to $9.00 Biggest Millinery Bargains Ever Offered in Wahpeton or Breckenridge. Ladies and Children's Hats. Take your choice Special for Friday and Satur day: Tub dresses in Percales and Gingham's light and dark colors, only 90 cents.—James Purdon & Co.—Adv. Mrs. F. C. Snyder will entertain the M. E. Ladies Aid at her home next Wednesday afternoon. May, 21. in honor of Mrs. G. \V. Baker, one of the pioneer members ol' tin Aid. President and Mrs. Smith re turned Tuesday noon from Grand| Forks and Fargo. At the former place, Mr. Smith attended spring meeting of the Superin tendents and they stopped at Far go over Sunday to visit with rela tives. A part of the contractor's crew arrived this week and are ready In begin the work of constructing Lin Sterns Clothing Co.'s large new building at the corner of Dakota ave., and Fifth st. The wet weath er delayed the excavating work to] a considerable extent but cement: work can now begin very shortly, shortly. I About a hundred people gather ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.! P. S. Larson at Abercrombie to as-1 sist in the proper celebration of Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Quarrum'sj golden wedding. the«lher Sunday. 1 They were married in Norway iif ty years ago, and have been resi dents of this country since 18!)o. Ainund Olson of the Abercrom-j hie country has set a good exam- Dr. R. A. REED OatMpatMs Ptiyriolan CHRONIC DESEASES A SPECIALTY Office over Bee Hive Store Phone 177 Mighty few towns the size Wahpeton have had the honor entertaining and being entertain ed by the great Minneapolis Sym phony Orchestra. It is worth com ing 100 miles to see and hear this great musical organization, and tickets are said to be selling fasl. Better see, or write to Clyde Mit ton of this city at once about se curing one while tickets may had. If you have never heard, the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra you will not know what you have missed until you do hear it. It is coming to Wahpeton next month, and this will be the chance of your life time to see and hear a really great musical organization. The "Bee Hive" Store, Wahpeton, N. D.| 1 pie for farmers generally in hav-j ing placed at the crossing near! his residence a sign board with his name, and an arrow showing! the direction to Abercrombie ami Colfax. 1 Oscar Rinderman and family departed Tuesday night for Utah, where they wil visit relatives for a time and then probably contin ue their journey to the coast. Mr. Rinderman's health has been very poor for the past few months and he seeks a change of climate with the hope of permanent benefit, and all of hia many Wahpeton and Richland county friends hope that he may regain his old time vigor. ft -s-r» \v \M "^J.r We Satisfy Particular Men Oppie's Toggery WAHPETON John Kelly made a trip to tin.* cities Saturday night.. Dr. Reed returned last Friday from a trip to Chicago. J. L. Koepler made a business trip to Beach last Saturday. Judge Jersin of Walcott spent Friday and Saturday in this city. Crepe and muslin gowns. Spec ial on Friday ami Sal unlay 7!" Cents.—James Purdon Co.—Adv. Editor Dick Lee of the Walcott Reporter, and family, were in the Ounty seat last Saturday. Deputy Sheriff John Olson transacted business at Abercrom bie, Tuesday afternoon. Norrie Robert Lee of Walcott and Julia Erickson of Christine were granted a marriage license i»y Judge Van Arnam, Tuesday. Joe Merrick had his buggy badly smashed by an unlabeled auto, while on road passing the Pur cell-Divet farm, the other day. Mrs. Martha Lambert departed for Stewartsville, Minn.. Monday following a few days' visit with Iter daughter. Mi s. J. B. Yates and family. Mrs. Orla Wherry returned last week from attendance upon the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Bell, interment having been made at Casselton, this state. Dr. Frank Gilhreath lias gone to his home at Bismarck to rest and recuperate bis »»ealth. which has not been the best for some lime past. Sadie Adams, colored, was dis-, missed from the county .jail here last Saturday, following a ten1 months incarceration as a U. S. prisoner, her sentence having ex pired. The little one-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Weber died last Friday, following a lingering illness. Interment was made in Calvary cemetery. The Sheriff and States Attor ney were in Hankinson yesterday, where a number of merchants had a hearing on the charge of keep ing their places of business open on Sundays. Joseph G. Forbes evidently be lieves in the old motto: "If at first you don't succeed, try. try again." At any Mte he announces in last week's Hankinson News that he a-candidate for State's attorney again. The Times is in receipt of the 1914 .premium list for the State Fair at Fargo. It is a 144-page affair, neatly printed and chuck full of premium offers for every thing grown or raised upon the farm, or manufactured in the home or shop. The Fair will be held July 20-25th. Wear Bargains 7 $1.48 Middy Blouses at #1.23. §1.50. and -S-'.OO.—Pardon's & Co.—Adv. F. T. Watkips of the Anti-Sa loon league was in the city Mon day. J. P. Roedor is having the in terior of his residence remodeled. R. A. and Mrs. Gl'ont. have a new daughter, born Mav 20. I| O. H. S-irunc and A. .T. Ross with 1 heir families auloed (o Far go Sunday. Mayor Fligelman is having a lot 0 good work done on lite streets of the city. Dr. Fitzgerald is building a very ornamental fence around his two lots on Ninth St. Miss Vallie Wright, formerly connected with the Times office is under a doctor's care for the pas! few days. The Red River Motor Co.'s place of business is the old Case build ing. one door north of Wolfe's grocery building, on Sixth St. Fancy Printed crepes at 10 cents per yd. Friday and Saturday, at \irdoifs.—Adv. The Ladies' Aid Society of I lie Congregational church will be entertained by Mrs. ,J. B. Royce and Miss Preston, next. Wednes day. May 27th. at the church. The Valley City Normal School base hall team played a couple of games here this week, losinir to the Indians bv a score of 5 to 7. and to I he S. S. S. on Tuesday by a score of 5 to 0. IIIIBIIIIBIIIIBIIIBIBIIII TRY: I'V 5f *«'v fc- 5 H/ 1-2 Price Closing Out All Last Season's Skirts v.j^'.0te: f'•'*" IM^ May 23rd Any Suit Ladlee or Mleeoe Size Lot 1. 20 All A1 A Wool Skirts Vl*W Lot 2. 23 All A €S Wool Skirts VO.^O ELECTRIC BRAND House Dresses $1. 25 Dresses 98c $1.50 Dresses AO Earl Knie. local warehouseman for the i. N. railway, got some of his toes mashed, the other day, ami went to his home to recuper ate. The Misses Amelia Onstad, Margaret. Sinclair. Ella Marlette, Alvira Larson and Rubie Anderson of Moosehead spent Sunday and Monday at the H. Lundciuist home. •. A. Leach relumed Tuesday morning from an extended slay at Rochester. Minn., where Its wife is recuperating from snreical operation. The latter is expected home now at 1110-1 any time. Mrs. Emerson H. Smilli and her father of Fargo accompanied President and Mrs. F. E. Smith home from Fargo Tuesday, just for an onto ride and a brief visit at the home of the latter. They re turned home on the evening train. 'Pub skirts in while. Ratine white Pijivie and while Galatea, priced $1.50 to *2.75.—James Purdon & Co.—Adv I would like to have a part of your trade and serve you right in Cement, Plaster, Fire Brick, and Cemenf Stone Agent for— 0EV0E PAINTS, BRUSHES, alto HOUSEHOLD MURESC0MLS0MME JOHN RISCHARD, The New Grocery 1 For Anything You Want In Fancy or Staple Groceries Fresh For Saturday STRAWBERRIES LETTUCE CELERY ASPARAGAS GRAPE FRUIT PINE APPLES Paul & Oliver Phone 96 WAHPETON. RHUBARB RADISHES ONIONS SPINABH CUCUMBERS A "To if- 1 I I I ""I I TI •*S| ?41 i| 4 I '•2* I