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0R.R.A. RIID OsteopathloPhyalolari CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Offioe over Bee Hive, Store V-'Xl.V-- nm 177 VU? V» I'M OGHAM FORMAR :isfa-.=:*-.r *r tlQN PAINTER WAHPETON, North Dakota QUSTAV SOHULKR v- Lawyer PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS Probate Practice a Specialty KUQRRK SOHULKR Arohlteot Offices in Sohuler Block WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA. T. J. 8TRKHLOW Ohlropraotor Office over Citizens National Bank HouralO-12,1-4 W. B. PURCELL A. 0. DIVET PUROKLL DIVET ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in an the courts or the state. Collections a specialty WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA. VULCANIZING am now ready to repair all kinds of Auto, Motoroyole and Bieyole Tires also Tubes ALL WORK, GUARANTEED -x. Geo. Zlllgltt WAHPETON, North Dakota TEAMING DRAYINQ I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF TEAMING AND DRAYING •. Tor prompt service telephone your orders'to numbers 370 or 241L A. E. MoMIOHAEL WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA. Wahpeton Lodge No. 15 A. P. and A. M.—Regular meeting nights are the 2nd and 4th Fri day nights of each month at 8:00 P. M. All Masons are welcome. Going OfM Batter. ."•Why aboQlft you regard yourself as hpr social superior? Her family to aa dttpttagalajted aa yoni*.. *Yea, bot ajy allaaony la nucb bus «sr."—Washington Star. fi 1 tC:.' O.'* f. j5if iv 27 v*' h" i% & \f v»J 1 C. p.Rittenhous^ DRUGGIST Proprietary Medicines, Wail Paper, Toilet Articles, Ggars, Etc. We make a specially of compounding physician'* prescriptions. .t-• xv .Nvr "T Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll mil I A TArarA flunnlv t%t A Large supply of PERMS and. BULBS The Nyal Store f* H^ MILLER A Co. i|ii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiiiniiiiin fv SJft* W?v' VjI- rn^-'v iijgJ cM. cNgSS Optician & J. W. WORNER MRS. J. W. WORNER Licensed Embalmera and Funeral Directors With Eckes-Worner Furniture .. Company Day Phone 123 Night Phones 226L 326L and 343L WAHPETON, North Dakota LUICK'S Neat Market Is the popular place to buy all kinds of fresh and salt meats. His prices are always reasonable and his meats good. Your patronage is appreciated!.' C. G.LUICK The Meat Man 1 i'-i: w-i/S 1 1 4 iM -C x(*i, is Mrs. Sinolalr Plnda Wonderful Stomau)h Remedy In Time to Avoid Knife Mrs. Sadie E. Sinclair of 418 East Lake St., Minneapolis, suf fered from stomach deranRe ment's for more than six years. ShiB feared she would have to un derRo an operation. Her complex ion suffered alonR with her Rener al health. Then she discovered Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy and took a course of treatment. The flrst dose brouRht wrote: "Only one dose and I slept like a IOR. Julius O. Johnson is MINNEAPOLIS WOMAN ESCAPES SURGICAL OPERATION And I felt relieved riRht away. If I should need anv more medicine you may be sure I will send for it. It'is a wonder one can be rid of'such conditions without pain. And my complexion is clearinR, they all speak of it—I SHEYENNE SHORTSTOPS (Delayed Letter) On election day, durinR the hea vy windstorm, the wind mill at Andrew Stensmils place broke down.The vane went down and the wheel broke. It took Iver Knudson one day to put it in order aRain. Anton Liedal of Helendale has been canvassinR the county in the interest of the Farmers' Insur ance Co. of Richland Co. Martha and Anna Berp left our township and moved to FerRus Falls on the 10th of November. They have rented their farm here to Bernt J. Aas, for a period of five years. Nels Ulsaker is the owner of a Ford tourinR car, purchased from Pander Torpurud. Walcott people who are ridinp with him say that the road looks like a 2 by 4 to them. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knudson will depart for FerRus Falls on the 10th for a visit with friends and relatives. A larRe AnRora eroat. purchased by Gilbert Bros, some time aso, left their place, and is runininp wild in the timber. Nobody can catch him. He almost scared To bias HaRen. when he came down to his camp in the timber last week. At the auction of Martha BerR's place a cow was sold to Olaf Ben der for one hundred dollars. She is from the Powef stock which ev ery here commands the hiRhest price. InRman BjerRan is buildinR a larRe barn at his place. Now that the election is over and the smoke is blown away, we find that your correspondent lost in the battle. But Myhra and Ca rey will have to take all the kicks jthat are cominp, w^ile1 we will RO free, as we did not Ret to the place where people are kicked. A member of our younR people attended the "NiRRer" show at Leonard and will start to sell beef Rood time. haulinR coal for the Central school house. A larRe number of people from Sheyenne attended the auction at Einar Hagen's at Helendale on the 14th. when everythinR went at & Rood price. Mr. HaRen has become the owner of the butcher shop'at Leonard and will start to seel beef in a few days. Miss Dina Nelson departed for Hillsboro. N. D., on the 11th inst. where slfe will assist Mrs. Rev Winther for a number of weeks. Your correspondent wishes to thank all the citizens who so kindly supported hiiji durinR the campaiRn and at the election Nov 3. John R. will be heard from aRain in the next campaiRn. Rev. Balistad of Walcott helH church service at the Central School house on the 15th inst in the, afternoon. The Doore conprre Ration had a business meeting and decided .to build a new church next sprinR instead of the one that burned down a few years aRO. Nils Ulsaker took Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Anderson in his auto to Knut. Haven's place on the 21st, where they celebrated the weddinR beinR #r4 ill. It was a sad evening for Mr. Granum to See h's jBister and Only companion drop pinR dead in such a way. Miss Granum was- about 60 years o'd and came out here in 1881 or 82 with her brother and also her mo ther, who died out here a few years ajro at the aRe of somethinR near 85 .years old. Miss Granum was one of the most-esteemed la dies on Silver Prairie. Our sym pathy is with her bereaved bro ther.'* F. H. Schjoll of Helendale is haulmR lumber for a larRe barn piwi he will erect on his farm in Sheyenne twp. He will, repair the dwelling house and move out -v- was. so yellow and brown before." Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy works quickly and safely. It clears the diRestive tract of mucoid accretions and removes poisonous matter. It brinRs swift relief to sufferers from ailments of the stomach, liver and diRes tive tract. Many- declare it has saved them from danRerous ooer- aV(?P8.: results. She many are sure it has sav ed their lives. We want all people who have ehronic stomach trouble or con stipation. no matter of how lonR standing to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy—one dose will convince you. This is the medicine so many of our people have been takinR with surprisinR results. The most CITATION workitiR thorouRh AND NOTICE—HEARING PETI TION STATE 01' NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF Rlcbland.—In County Court, before Hon. George van Arnam, Judge. In the matter or the Estate of Jerome Francis Downing, Deceased. Frederick B. Downing, Lucia B. Dated November 30, 1914. By (SEAL) Nels E. Ulsaker at Sheyenne and. nors. his Uncle Andrew Ulsaker of Mc Leod went to Richville and Dent! /SEAL) in: Otter Tail Co., Minn.. i.n Nil's Dec. 3-3t auto last week to visit ""'th rela tives and friends. They have not returned, yet on account of the snow, but will soon as the snow is RoiiiR, with the return of warm weather. of Al bert Otteson to Miss Annette Eik re. .Olaf HaRen took h»* steam en Rine over to Power the 19th where he will run the larRe feed mill and also the saw for a week. The sad news came over the telephone on the 20th reportinR that Miss Gunild Granum of Vik mR twp. had dropped dead in or near the barn. She had been at Jf°rk feedinR milk or somethinR to the calves and when she went out with the empty pails she drop ped down-and was dead. Her bro yier. C.- C. Granum was nearby. She appeared to be in. Rood health idurinR the day, and' neVer com plained of the Court, GEORGE VAN ARNAM, Judge or the County Court. Let service of the above citation be made by publication, In The Wahpeton Times, wahpeton. North Dakota, three times, once each week also by personal service of the same upon the County Treasurer of Richland County North Dakota and on C. D. Rittenhouse, special guardian of said mt- GEORGE VAN ARNAM, Judge of the County Court. SUMMONS STATE OP NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF Richland. In District Court, Fourth Judi cial District. John R. Kelly and James W. Kelly, Co-partners under the Firm name and Style or Kelly Brothers, .... -.v sys- tem oleanser ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy is now sold here by Henry Miller & Co.. and druRRists everywhere. here before lonR. Mr. and Mrs. Schjoll are welcomed by our peo ple. havinR been residents of our township for many'years before. They moved to Helendale where they rented a farm of 640 acres and have made a pile of money durinR'their stay. Petitioner Downing, Wellington Downing, Henrietta Ella Down ing ..Winifred D. Galbraith. Winirred T. Cabanne, Natalie W. Downing, Isabel Hunter, Stephen Gerard Downing, and Henrietta Marie Dumm. Isabel Cabanne, Dorys Cabanne, Je rome Francis Downing, Jr., Frederick B. Downing, Jr., and Jerome F. Downing, Minors, and C. D. Rlllenhouse, Spec ial guardian or said minors, Respondents The State or T\ortli Dakota, to the above named respondents and all persons in terested in the estate of Jerome Francis Downing, deceased: You, and each or yon, are hereby notified that Stephen Gerard Downing, one or the respondents above named, has illed, in this court, a petition alleging among other things, that lite last will and testament or said Jerome Francis Downing, deceased, that was admitted to probate in this court on the 18lh day or November, 1913, is in valid and void, under the laws or the Stale of North Dakota, In that it contravenes the statutes against perpetuities: and said pe ition further prays that this court (Icier mine the validity or said will so rar as it atTects real estate situated in the State or North Dakota, and prays that a time and place be fixed for said hearing and that cttations issue to all persons in interest and to all of the above respondents, requiring them to appear, at said time and place, be fore this Court, and answer said petition and show cause, ir any there be, why the prayer -or said petition should not be grant ed, and that the said petition and proofs and arguments ror and against the same will be heard and duly considered by this court on Tu«sday, the lath day or January, 1915, •t ten- #elock In- the rorenoon or that day, (at the court-rooms or this court, in the court house in the City of Wahpeton, Rich land County, North Dakota and you, and each of you, are hereby cited to be and ap pear before this court, at said time and place, and answer said petition and show cause, If any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. The BANK PERSONAL SERVICE Plaintiffs vs. C. P. Bertleson. Defendant'. The State of North Dakota to the Above named Defendant You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In the above entitled action, which has been filed in the office of the jClerk or the District Court or the Fourth Judicial Dlstriet in and for the County or Richland and State or North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint on the subscribers at their of flee in the Cty or Wahpeton, in saiT County and State, within thirty days after the service of this Summons upon you, exclu sive or the day or such service and in case or your failure to appear or answer, judg ment wiU be taken against you by derault ror the relier demanded in the Complaint. Dated November 18, 1914. PURCELL, DIVET & PERKINS, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Office and Post Of fice address, Wahpeton, N. Dak. 11-19-6* CARLOAD OF TOCOSEAL By the way R. H. Cughan is stocking up on roof-coating he must be expecting a wet spring. He has already, received a carload or this guaranteed 10-year material and can save the purchaser the rretght. With this long time guarantee Mr. Cughan thinks be has tbe very best roor-coatlng on the market Thousands of satisfied customers in aU parts or the U. S, A rew or tlui Wahpeton references are the People's State Hank, City Hotel. Jerchant's Hotel, and many ether buildings.. R.H. CUQHAM Contractor & Builder WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA. WATKINS REMEDIES I have the aRency for the Wat kin's liniments, spices, extracts and tbitet articles for the soutir half of Jtiehland county, includ inR the city of Wahpeton. A full line of the above arti cles is kept at 21 Second street south. M. D. KEENEY, Agent Telephone No. 311J TURKISH ARMY OF 7S.OOO AccordinR to a Berlin .'field messaRe Cairo reports that 76,000 Turkish' troops under Izza Pasha are marchinir aRainst the Suez canal. This army-includes i0,000 Be douins with. 500 camels. The re port states'that the Turks have built a railway to the Elna- kel oasis. The road is barricaded by the British. rK' %c t/W, Jaf v- Cook (NORTHERN LIGHT ELECTRIC CO.) Phone No. 87 WAHPETON Let this bank be the rally-ground for every apare dollar you oan en I let,—then your advancement will be in suoh foroe that enemies to your eontlnuous prosper ity will be found to halve evaouated with out an enoounter. Come In today. The National Bank WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA "HOME OF CHECKING ACCOUNTS" Capital, Surplus 960,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Joseph Patterson, Pres. O. K. Ulsaker, vice Pres. W. F. Eckes, cashier P. A. Peschel, Asst. Cashier B1BIIUB1B1B1B11IB1B1BUIIBIIUBIIIIBII! MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS Manufacturers of and Dealersln Foreign and Domestio Marble and Granite Monuments. Coping and Iron Fenoes Reference First National Bank, Bieckenridae. Minn. Citizens National Bank, Wahpeton, NiD. H. J. K0RF I J. B. WEUNG, raONIKTOM Let This Bank Be Your Ally Before assaulting the strongly In trenched obstaeles and problems that stand In your path—draw up a Savings alliance with The Rational Bank. W. L. Carter Dan R. Jones Paul Meyer D. D. Swank Wesley Patterson IIIMiniBIIIIHlBIIIIMIIIIBWBIIII I WAR IN BRIEF While all Europe is in the jaws of death through the conflict of a bloody war, the people of Wahpeton and vicinity have nothing to fear but the cold weather, which can be overcome by investing in a Radiant Home Base Burner Stove Gome in and let us show you the merits of this famous stove. We have diem in all sizes and suitable for any house. We will take your old stove in exchange and set up anew one to please you, either in Wahpeton or Breckenridge. WAHPETON HARDWARE CO. "The Place ol Quality" *aS. "s' if 13.1 fel -JfSia J£ )«. *4