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TEACHERS FOR THE COMING YEAR Board of Eduoat'on Has Elected /.. the Following Publlo School Teacher* FOR THE TEAR OF 1915-16 Where They Will Inetruet at the High School and Grade Sehool Buildngs of This Distrlot The teachers for the coming year have been elected for the next school year and are eighteen incumber and Miss Fulton, who has made such an excellent re cord in the past as superintend ent will hold down the same po sition .next year. The following high school teachers with their branch of study are as follows: Miss Tillie Snyder, Principal. Miss Frances Van Boskirk, English. Miss Bern ice Claxton, History and German. Miss Elsie Hull, Science. Mr. E. B. Austford, Manual Training. Miss Lillian Morden, Domestic Science. Miss Maryan Conolly, Commer cial. Miss Vera Schoen, Music and Drawing. Miss Martha T. Fulton, Supt. The following grade instruc tors are as follows: C. J. Graber, Principal. Miss Eleanor Weissert. Miss I.nga Nepstad Miss Helen Campion Miss May Murray. Miss Niome Dahlquist Miss Edda Albrecht Miss Josephine Bye Miss Elizabeth Stanley. Miss Bertha Bauer. It is always a matter of inter est to the readers of the Times in this city and elsewhere where the teachers will spend their va cation. As far as obtainable the following teachers will spend their summer vacation at the fol lowing places: Miss Snyder, at her home at Dallas Center, Iowa. Miss Claxton, will visit the ex position. Miss Morden at Grafton, N. D. Mr. Austford, will stay here in Wahpeton. Miss Albrecht at her home in Vancouver, Washington. Miss Bauer will visit the Expo sition and then go to her home in Portland, Oregon. All other will spend the sum mer at home. Miss Fulton will he in Wahpe ton until the firs) of July. She will then visit the Exposition. CLOUD BURST SOUTH OP TOWN Reports came to this office of a severe cloudburst near the Mike Wettstein's place, 6 miles south of this city. It is said that the ground was covered by 5 inches of rain. 2/our Gaming Capacity ought to enable you to do more than just make a living. You ought to save money. Then hav ing saved, the next thing to do is to set your surplus to work ing safely and profitably. A saving account in this bank is both safe and profitable and is the one sure way to future in dependence. Interest paid every 3 months. Next quarter begins July 1st. Interest on sums de posited on or before July 10th. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF WAHPETON- CAPITAI SURPLUS $75,000 E.R.GAMBLE,PUTS J.P.REEDER, CASHIER A STERN, Vict 5. M. MURRAY.ASST i- v* *t A UNIQUE PROPOSITION The grocers and meat market men of this city met together last Monday night to consider a uni que proposition. It is one that is sometimes carried on successful ly. The proposition is that of one central delivery for all places of businesses of the above mention ed type. Each store pays a cer tain amount each month or year to deliver his goods. This person being in contract with other pla ces. The whole thing is to cut down Ihe cost of delivering .goods by the individual merchant. ANOTHER DOLLAR DAY COMING There Will Be Another Dollar Day Celebration Held in This Oity the SECOND SATURDAY IN JULY If Everything That Is in Prospect Comes Through in Good Shape For This Day Well its coming. Are you with them? If so then let them know. The Dolar Day committee of the Wahpeton Commercial Club stat ed to this paper that another Dol lar Day will be held the second Saturday in July, July the 10th. They are going into this one .just like they did for you on the first one, May 29th. This mean many grand bargains and entertainment for you. That tlv people will be pleased to hear this is evident by the so numerous inquiries at this office by outside people when an other such day was going to be held. Not only does this impliliv all the enthusiasm for another such day. The merchants seem all of one kind, lets make it big ger than ever. They have got the spirit and all thai is needed now is, for you. to .give them your sup port which will .no doubt be com ing from all sources in great, streams. Show the merchants at all times that you appreciate their gener osity and they in turn will show you that they appreciate yours and before long this city will be fairly sizzling with good things for each and everyone. This is no catch day to get your money by thes merchants and business men, but a genuine bargain festival that fairly rings with honestyaud com panionship. These merchants are your companions and the more that you trade with them the more they can honestly afford to give you more for your money, by ing a hit* to. do more than get along on little profits where the sales are numerous. So lets all of us When the time comes show that you appreciate such things by be ing here and taking advantage of the bargains offered. Misses Grace and Hazel Swank and Marguerotte Geister were expected home from the State last evening. Volume XXXIX WAHPETON, RIOHLAND COUNTY, NOftTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 191S I BASE BALL FOR THE COMING WEEK Fergus Falls on Friday, Orton ville oh Sunday, Havana on Tuesday HANKINS0N~0ir THE 23rd DeLamere on the 24th, Thursday, Constitutes all the Qames Ahead So Far The B-W's will again go back to Fergus Falls tomorrow where they will do them honor. The boys of the local team feel that they can again take the measure of that team and make the suit in any style to jit. Although the last suit was a close fit, it was of the tight-fitting English cut variety and it weathered through nicely in the 9 innings of time. Though the local boys had to scrap the marrow from out of the bones, they came last Friday ev ening satisfied that they, had en ough to fill their cravings. Now this time they want to show that hunch of fence busters that des sert is proper for any meal and intend to get all-they-can. The automobiles that carried them there last Friday had to be left in storage on the account of the wet weather that appeared immediately after the game. On this trip the cars will be brought ascension of the mighty and when tournament which is going to be well of her prowness. If you have Ortonville Here Sunday" They come to demonstrate their ability to the Breckenridge Wahpeton Ball Team at Island Park Sunday afternoon, that they can play this great American game of base ball in real style. That they can seems true by the record they have made this season so far, but you never can tell. How David smote Goliath is a matter of history how Achilles was dipped into the river Styx and made the whole world trem ble at his deeds may be the case from now on by the dipping into the river Styx of the local team by that unfermented bunch of broncho busters from Hankinson Old "Orton" comes here Sun day and will make the dust fair ly raise in clouds so groat that will probably make you think that there is a total eclipse on Ihe sun and wonder why the'Otter Tail Power Co. don't turn on the electric lights, so you won't fall into the Red river that has at this time of writing over-flowed its banks. The locals have pre pared for this cloud of dust by putting automatic oil sprayers in their trapways so when they s.neeze the oil will settle the dust and the man will be caught nap ping off from first flfs lie won't lie able to see the ball cumins*. The first baseman is going to have a set of strings, one from each player, and when they throw the ball, the player will yank Ihe'cord and First Baseman Boll will catch it and put it on the runner. That it will be a great game there is no doubt and the Mag nates of War on both sides have fortified their forces to their very best ability, and the gun will roar and bayonet charges, with flags of truce to bury the dead. Mgr. Ward has departed for the east and the local forces will •now be generated by Lefty Faust, that Auburned haired hurler who has done the heaving for the loc als, for the past two weeks. Havana Tuesday Not Havana where Jack John son met his Waterloo, but Havana, North Dakota and many ball teams that have met that bunch acted worse than Jack did for they couldn't even stay 9 -rounds of fighting. They merely gave up the ghost when they started to limber up. Whether the B-W's will meet their Waterloo remains to be seen. We don't think they will but you can never tell. Havana plays Hankinson Sunday and Monday and then comes here on Tuesday. So be out there and help the boys by swinging a towel or giving them a rub-down when they come to their corner. At Hankinson on the 23rd Hankinson who has been the bone of contention of the local team for some time will disappear into the mysteries of Aladdin's lamp. How can she help it, when the rejuvenated B-W's appear on their diamond and pull their ear. nose and leg. Hankinson has got the opinion that all she needs is nine uien, whether they work on the section or out on the farm and put them in ball suits and defeat the locals. But in this her imaginations has wandered so far that when they imagine any thing more than once^they will (Continued on page 8) BENEFIT DAYS AT THE BEE HIVE Through the Courtesy off the Man agement of the Bee Hive Store EIGHT LOCAL SOCIETIES Have Taken the Privilege Thus Offered for the Benefit off Their Soeiety The management of .the Bee Hive Store has given over to the eight different societies benefit days. These days are for each one to receive a certain per cent of the profits of the goods sold. This shows the liberality of this store. In doing this, this store is not on ly aiding the different societies in cash money, but in getting the general public more interested in their work in the future. The Congregational Ladies' Aid held their day Tuesday and were more than pleased with the re 'sults. The Methodist Ladies' Aid held their day yesterday at which a large number of friends took ad vantage to help their society. The St. John's Ladies' Aid will hold their sale next Tuesday, June 22nd. The Women's Literary Society Day will be held on Wednesday, the 23rd of this month. The Trinity Oiuild of the Epis copal Church will hold their day on Thursday, June 24th. The Breckenridge Ladies' Aid' hold their sale on Friday, June 25th. On Tuesday, June 29th the Civ ic Improvement Society will hold their Benefit sale at this store. II seems an appropriate time to ask the people of Wahpeton to bear in mind that the purpose of this benefit is the improvement of the city—not a benefit for the com mittee. Every penny that has been Nl received is, and will be, accounted for. The ladies of the city, through their enthusiastic efforts in giv ing "Civic Teas" have enabled the committee to pay entirely for the wprk dpne*_at5vtji£ A^jnory. to fur nish $«edfta^ plants' to those who asked for them and to pay in part for the prizes to be given to the children. Mor^money is need ed, however, to carry on the work. The Library Society will have a benefit day on the 30th of this month, Wednesday. A HAPPY WEDDING ON SEYENTH STREET Ernest Corcoran and Miss Lillian Robinson Are United For Life NOW ON THEIR HONEYMOON Will Reside in Colfax, This State, Where the Groom Is a Real Estate Dealer 'Last Thursday, June 10th, at high noon, occurred the marriage of Miss Lillian Robinson and Mr. Ernest Corcoran at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson, 521 Seventh St. Rev. Father Beautala of Kent. Minn., officiating. Before the ceremony Mrs. Wal ter Reed, cousin of the bride, sang Love's Rhapsody, accompanied by Miss Marion Potter. At twelve the bridal party descended the stair way to the strains of Mendels sohn's Wedding March, played by Miss Marian Potter. Two small boys dressed in white, advanced to a beautiful arch of ferns and woodbine and banked with red peonies, carrying white ribbons, which formed an aisle. Immed iately after, the groom attended by his brother, Byron Corcoran of Prescott. Wis., came, followed by (Continued on page 4) iiiilll'.lllllil WANT Awnings for Your Windows OR Shades for Your Porch Porch Shades Why build an extra room? Equip your porch with Vudor Porch Shades— then eat and sleep in it. Let in air and light, yet keep your porch cool and private. Meals will mean hunger. The air, the great nerve-doctor, bringa deep, unbroken sleep, which soothes nerves and bathes them to health. Call our attention and we shall be glad to give you estimates. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. FWL ECKES & WORNER FURNITURE /Ifirr vrcr/ 99 iwr Number 16 THE FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT Which Is To Be Held In Thlii City Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday WILL BRINGIANY VISITORS To This City and the Local Fire Men Are Doing Great Things For Their Entertainment The Hook ajid Ladder Boys and the Hose men from all over North Dakota will be here to participata in the thirty-second annual con vention of tiie North Dakota Fire men's Association which is being held in this city June 22, 23, and 2 4. This means a big time for you as well as themselves. The local boys should merit your sup port liberally, for they are going to a large expense for their en tertainment. If you haven't con tributed anything to this fund, do so at once. These boys turn out in rain, snow, cold, warm and in any kind of weather, no matter what time it is. They might be in their best clothes on a Sunday afternoon or evening in church or at an entertainment, or at home with their family, always ready to do their best at any cost. This local fire department is not a paid company, but a volunteer one and you should more than ever take this time to show your apprecia tion of their services. They often take the risk of their own lives in their hands to save yours when the occasion arises or your rela tives and friends. See that your place of business or your home is decorated iu honor of them. The volunteer fire departments of this state should be to us as the statute of Liberty in New York harbor is to all the American citizens. The official program for this convention is as follows: (Continued on page 8) \v