Advertisement* under this head will be
Inserted at the rate or ss cents per week
for 80 words or less. We cannot afford
to open an account for such a small amount
and cash must accompany all orders where
we do not already have a running account.
WANTED—A girl for general
housework. Apply to Mrs. E. S.
pert bookkeeper and stenograph
er. References: write M. Storeim
Y. W. C. A., Fargo.
FOR SALE—5 room house on
8th street.—H. W. Rife. tf
FOR SALE—About 12 acres of
land near Horseshoe* Park. Inquire
of O. C. Farnsworth. 4-22tf.
FOR SALE— 2 fresh milch
cows, by W. J. Mikesch, 1 mile
south of Farmington. 2tpd
FOR SALE—About 300 ash and
elm trees, right size for trans
planting. Inquire of E. R. Marsh,
of the People's State Bank. 4-15tf
threshing outfit. 25 H. P. Peer
less engine, 36x62, Minneapolis
separator, 2 tanks, wagon, cook
car. All in fine condition ready
for work. F. Rakow. Inquire
at 1st National Bank, Brecken
ridge, Minn. 3t pd.
LOST—A pair of spectacles in
case, marked J. C. Kohler, Minn.
These lenses were lost either on
my lawn, corner of 1
st and Bridge
or on Dakota ave., between 1st
and 2nd street. Finder kindly
leave at this office for reward—
A. F. Weniger. tf
Personal Points
Location—Dr. Fitzgerafd Den
tist. Stern Block. il-15tf
A. Gebhardt left for Tyler Mon
day morning.
Albert, Barber of Colfax was in
town Monday.
Ole Ekre of Abercrombie was
in, town Monday.
J. O. Hoff of Abercrombie was
in the city Monday.
Charles Chaplin tonight "In the
Park". First show at 7:15.
Clifford E. Miller left for "Jim
town" the first of the week.
Misses Alice and Minnie Nickel
left for a two weeks trip to Min
Remember the Civic benefit at
the Bee Hive Store, Tuesday, June
E. C. Whiting-, went to Fargo on
Monday morning, returning the
same evening an business.
Mrs. John Keene and children
left for St. Paul Monday morning.
They will be gone about a week.
Over Dietz & Murray's
Phone 302
Fr. Meyer of Fairmount, pass
ed through this city from Milnor
to his home, Monday morning.
Miss Bessie Nord of Walcott
spent Sunday in this city with her
brother Oscar and other friends.
Mrs. James Purdon left for
Minneapolis Monday morning,
where she will be gone for about!
a week.
Frances Partell of Fairmount,
who spent Sunday in this city
with friends, returned home Mon
day morning.
Miss Ella Cleary of Fairmount,
who spent Sunday with Miss Ma
belle Quinn left for Lambert, S.
D., Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole J. Johnson
and family of Abercrimbie passed
through the city Monday morn
ing on their way home.
Mrs. J. J. Hull left for Wallac
ViS,t with her son
Remember Up civic benefit at
29th —Adv
Sl0re' Tuesday'
A. Hodel went to Mooreton on
Monday morning to attend some
Interior Finishing and
DAHLQREN ft OLSON, Pr*pri*tara
Ottlc* Open Evening* 6th St. N.
PhuiM 32L, IN. 32L-2
Mary Pickford in "Cinderella"
will be at the Braun Theatre
Wednesday, June 30th. Matinee
and evening.
Instal a telephone now and
have your name appear in the
new telephone directory which
will be printed the first week in
July. 2t
L. A. Carlson of Colfax was in
town Monday. He came in to turn
over the assessor's books. Mr. L.
A. Carlson was the assessor for
that district.
The Ladies' Aid of the United
Lutheran chucrh will meet to
morrow (Friday) afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Chas. Hanson,
714 Sixth St. N.
Edith and Connie Ness return
ed Monday morning from the Ex
positions in California, where
they have spent some time in see
ing things of interest.
F. J. Hamerlik formerly of this
city, but who is now a delegate to
the Firemen's turnament in this
city this week. Mr. Hamerlik is
also spending a two week vaca
tion in this city.
In our paper last week we ne-f
glected to mention the fact that'
D. E. Hess was also elected a dele
gate to the M. B. A. convention
at Jamestown. So the delation
will be M. D. Keeney, D. E. Hess
and Anna Downey.
If $15.00 is your price
for a suit of clothes, you
want to get the best you
can for that money, don't
you? Oppie's Toggery
specialize at that prioe.
$15.00 no more and no less
in ready-to-wear suits for
men and young men. All
sizes 83 to 48.
You should see them.
3-4 3m
iiiBiiiiaiiiiaiaiiii IIIUBIIIIBIIH IIMB
Braun's Theatre!
Saturday, June the 26th
The Sign of the Cross**
Matinee at 3:00 Evening 7:45 and 0
Wednesday, June the 30
In a modern and original version of
Matinee et 3.00 Admission 8c and 10c
Two Shows: 7:48 and 9:00
be done in
three buildings at that place.^
Howard Baxter of Mooreton,
who is working at the Red River
Motor Co.'s garage, spent over
Sunday at his home.
Mrs. Wm. Wagner and Jean
returned last Tuesday evening
from Arthur where they were
visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanson au
toed to Christine Saturday even
ing and returned via the Milwau
kee passenger Sunday evening.
Miss Pauline Davis of Doran,
who has been visiting in this city
with her friend, Miss May Wright,
returned home Monday morning.
Mrs. J. A. Michels went to Mel
rose Minn«, Monday morning to
attend the wedding of her son
Leo. Mr. Michels is a telegraph
operator at that place.
Fred Barnes moved into the
Kidder home, and the Kidder fam
ily will go to Lake Clitherall and
stay in the A. E. Hill summer
cottage for some time
Vs* AT THE-"
Wahpaten, North Dak.
Jack Worner and family were
in Fergus Falls Friday.
Miss Don.na Forkner left last
week for the Exposition.
Gilbert Reeder and bride re
turned to this city Sunday even
A. H. Burnson went to Fergus
Falls Friday to get his car and
take in the ball game.
Nick Hohman the night chief
of police w^nt to Fergus Friday
to take in the ball game.
Gilbert Reeder went to Hixon
Monday morning to get their cat
which had been left at that place.
William Farnuin at the Braun
Theatre Saturday in "The Sign of
The Cross." Matinee and Evening.
Wahpeton lodge A. F. & A. M.
will attend services at the Epis
copal church next Sunday morn
ing at 10:30.
Mrs. McKee of White Rock, S.
IX, is in the city this week. While
here she is the guest of her aunt
Mrs. Frank Bennett.
Mrs. May of LaMoure who has
leen visiting with Mrs. Wherry,
went to Fargo Monday hefore re
turning to her home.
Charles Chaplin the funniest
man in the world will be at the
Braun Theatre tonight in "In The
Park." First show at 7:15.
Wm. Eckes, Harry Lieber and
Ervin Gilles directors of the
Wahpeton side of the ball team
went to Fergus Falls Friday to
take in the game.
William Farnum will be shown
in "The Sign of The Cross" at the
Braun Theatre,this week Satur
day. Matinee"at Three O'clock.
Evening 7:45 and 9:03.
Louie Christenson went to
Fergus Falls Friday to get his
car and also acted as umpire in
the ball game there that day be
tween B-W and Fergus.
Mrs. Anna Braun and her
daughter, Olivia Braun, went to
Fergus Falls, Monday to get their
car which they had left in stor
age there a week before on ac
count of bad weather.
Even Anderson, of Steele, N. D.,
was among the delegates at the
Tournament. Even is looking good
and says that it seems good to get
back to Wahpeton and shake
hands with his old friends.
Mrs. D. E. Hess .of 2nd street
south started for Glenwood, Minn.
Saturday last. She went via the
overland route with her horse and
buggy. She took thft two little
children with her and they expect
to be gone at least three weeks.
Of course D. E. is a lonesome
Died Mrs. Ingo Heim of
Dwight passed away from child
birth the first of the week. The
community around Dwight which
has her many friends is severely
shocked over the news, as she
was just in her prime of life.
Called For Budaok—The Na
tional bank of this city had to
transfer $2,500 in gold to the G.
N. Express office Monday morn
ing. So when the time arrived
they had Sheriff Frank Budack on
the job to do the transfer work.
A Sad Aocident—There occur
red Monday afternoon at about 2
o'clock 6 miles northwest a fatal
accident to Mrs. Peter Trapp and
a little child. An oil can nearby
them exploded and killing them
both. People all over this county
were shocked to hear of this sad
A Parcel Shower—Last Satur
day evening the Misses Ruth Bab
cock and Mae Wright gave at the
Wright home, a parcel shower
for Miss Hazel Ellis. Part of the
evening was spent hemming
luncheon napkins for the bride
to-be, after which a delightful
lunch was served. The guests
were Miss Hazel •.His, Miss Anna
Boll, Miss Winnifred McCarty,
Miss Marion Potter, Miss Mar
garet Geister, Miss Rosalie Dietz,
Mis Florence Purdon, Miss Jean
nette Kramer, Miss Pauline Davis
and Miss Esther Yates. Miss
Ellis is to be married this sum
We do pressing, clean
ing, altering and repairing
of men's and ladies' gar
mente. Our dry oleaning
plant is the best equipped
to bo found west of the
Twin Oitleo and the work
wo turn out is seoond to
Our charges are very
reasonablo, If your olothes
are dirty and greasy we can
make them look like new.
Hats oleaned and blook
Ladies' white short,
gloves oleaned. tOo. Olve
us a trial.
Mono Mo. 345, and wo
will oall and deliver.
omw Toaautv,
tf. Wahpeton, N. D.
Seed Voiles
Seed Voiles
J-sT Hji V- ?¥F
Bfltinrr &ne quality, plain,
i\auiiw white, pink and assort
ed stripes, regular 50c value, QQ.
now selling at
Flowered Crepes
Flowered Crepes
ely dainty patterns in assorted 1
colors, reg. 25c and 50c, goods
ely dainty patterns in assorted 1
colors, reg. 25c and 50c, goods
Pi/ia riA
iVlCe tlOlll
styles and of |Q iB *3
different widths
Building Materials
Urns, Csmsnt, Kslsomlns,
DeVoe Paints, Csmsnt
Building Blooks or
Malsttle: Coal
John Rlsehard
'J lie Civic Committee will serve
coffee on the affsTnoon of Tues
day, June 29t!i, at Mie Bee Hive
"Whore Your Dollar Does It's Duty".
James Purdon & Co.
Wahpeton, North Dakota
Several months ago we purchased a large
amount of White Dress Goods expecting by this timp of
the season to be all cleaned upj on them but owing
to the extremely cool and wet weather, we have a lot
of these goods left over, and we have got to sell them
at a sacnfic.
in different widths
and of the finest
iVlCe tlOlll
in different widths
and of the finest
35c and 50c
35c and 50c
1 Ol/C
styles and of |Q iB *3
different widths
1 Ol/C
Maurice Stener-
suti, formerly of this city and
Miss Constance Robertson of Chi
cago, were married on Thursday.
June 17th, at that city.
DON'T WAR about the comp
any you want to write your FIRE,
I represent 6 of the best compan
ies, 1 of Germany, 1 of England
and 4 of the United States. Which
company do you want me to write
your policy in? I can also bond
you. Will you or shail I call?
Phone 150.
5-13-4t T. B. Sehneiljr
Doing A Large Business—Geo.
Douglass the confectionery man
who bought out Linn Harris a
week ago Monday is doing his
share of the local confectionery
business if crowds in his place
of business partaking of his goods
records anything in this line. Mr.
Douglass is well-known to the
peopje of Wahpeton and vicinity
and is also known as a man that
produces the best grade of pro
ducts in his trade. He will also in
the near future make some im
provements in the appearances of
his place which will add greatly
to his large new business.
A novel attraction is the cur
rent feature at the Braun Thea
tre which .presents Mary Pickford
the idol of the screen, in a novel
and beautiful film version of the
age-old story "Cinderella," a Fo
mous Players-Paramount feature
in four parts. This tender story,
which gives screen immortality to
a' tale already inscribed on the
hearts of all the children of all
time, again proves that Mary
Pickford is unrivalled in versality
and artistic charm as an imper
sonator of screen characteriza
tions. At the Braun Theatre Wed
nesday, June 30th.
Everything mentioned in the above ad is of the
highest quality and latest spring patterns
and styles
The Civi: Committee will serve
coffee on the afternoon of Tues
day, June 29th, at the Bee Hive
Berlin, June 21.—Emperor
William, it is officially announced
by the German war department,
was present at the battle of Bes
kid for possession of the Grodek
line. 'Ij.ese are Russian positions
to the west of Lemberg, the Galic
ian capital.
*.7* T*
Plain and Splash Voiles
The very latest thing
28c, 35c and 50c
Zebra Striped Voiles
in blue and black stripes 36 in. OB_
wide, the latest fad
Lace Cloths
Lace Cloths
Plain and flowerer-
Plain and flowerer-
Plain and flowered, assorted colors 40c
Plain and flowered, assorted colors 40c
Zephyr Gingham
in assorted patterns and colors 25c
Services will be held in Trinity
Episcopal Church next Sunday:
(June 27th.i as follows:
Morning Prayer and sermon
10:30 a. in.
Sunday School 1 1:30 A. M.
All are cordially invited to at
tend these services.
Service^ will be held at the us
ual hours next Sunday. The sub
ject of the morning sermon will
be: "The Secret of Strength and
Courage." Sunday .School and Ep
worth League at the regular
Th.' hour of the prayer meet
ing lias been changed to 7 :S0,
Thursday evening. Last Thursday
Evening there was a good attend
ance at the meeting. This also
gives more time for choir prac
tice after the prayer service.
It is greatly desired that both
old and young- make it a point to
attend the evening service.
The Ladies' Aid met in the
church parlors Wednesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. This was
the last meeting before the sum
mer vacation.
Morning service at 10:30.
Sunday School at noon.
Christian Endeavor 7:00 P. M.
Prayer Meeting on Thursday
evening at 8:00 o'ciock.
Next Sunday the pastor will
speak on the subject of "Patri
Subject for the evening serv
vice will be The Welcome Guest.
There will .be special music at
both services.
There will be a meeting of the
Sunday School Board Thursday
evening at 8:30. All teachers and
officers are requested to be pres
qb aa
qb aa
ed, latest patterns OV, OC
ed, latest patterns OV, OC
Twenty-flve Carloads of Equip
ment and Performers Nero
All Week
The biggest Carnival iompany
that travels here for all week, and
the big midway, was overirowded
to overflowing at all times since
coming here. James Patterson,
the man who made it possible to
transport a "Gay Coney Island"
from city to city, is here with his
shows, and a call at his modern
office on wheels found him smiling
ing- and well pleased with the
opening here. Patterson's Train
ed Wild Animal show gives a
wonderful performance where
beautiful Arabian horses, Shet
land ponies, funny donkeys and
performing dogs vie with fierce
Nubian lions, Bengal tigers, bears
and elephants for public favor,
and they all perform wonderful
stunts. The Roberta Lady Min
strels with its galaxy of pretty
girls and talented performers
pleased large crowds last night.
The mamoth Autodrome is the
acme of all sensational shows
there dare-devil racers chase
each other up and down and
around on an inclined track built
at an angle of 75 degrees. Patter
son Annex is one of tin* popular
attractions on the midway. is a
long circus side show anil visitors
see all of the eight attractions for
one price. Lovers of Animal life
find all thai their hearts desire i'i
Jungleland. and those who enjoy
a hearty laugh found it at Joy
land and The Road to Tipperary.
The atmosphere of the far east
prevails at the Stambooi Theatre
or The Garden of Allah, and for
delvers in the realms of the my
sterious The Royal Mystic Tem
ple was especially created and
King, the mysterious King, was
imported direct from the Pana
ma-Pacific Exposition. The Island
of Mirth carries its patrons
quickly from the Mdiculous to the
sublime and offers a variety of
attractions well worth while. The
regulation Ferris Wheel carries
you high above the crowds, and
the finest portable Merry-Go
Round ever built makes the kid
dies happy as soon as they are in
the grounds. The Patterson folks
report rain every place this sea
son, and Wahpeton is the only
place where good weather so far
has come to them. This makes
the second trip of the Patterson
Carnival company to this city and
have received many requests af
ter last year's stay to come back
again. This is why they are here.