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Plain and \£q *?Z Daooratlva Painting i? N# -w^ H7 -•"t/.'H,3, 1 v* *y% «.»3 SIGN PAINTER WAHPETON, North Dakota QU8TAV SCHULER Lawyer PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS Probata Practice a Specialty EUGENE SCHULER Arohitoct Offices in Schuler Block WAHPETON,- NORTH DAKOTA. W. B. PURCELL A. 0. DIVET PUROELL, DIVET PERKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the courts or the state. Collections a specialty WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA. J. W. WORNER MRS. J. W. WORNER Licensed Embalmers and Funeral Dlrootors With Eckes-Worner Furniture Company Day Phone 123 Night Phones 326, 22SL and 231J WAHPETON, North Dakota For Your numbing NOT WATER HEATING WARM AIR FUNNACES For Your Tin and Galvanized it— Work no to win VVVIII A. HODEL SON Only Tin Shop In Wahpeton /. cNi. di§SS Optician Valley Boiler and Machine Shop BOILER MAKERS AND MACHINISTS .Plumbing and Heating ftATISFACTMY WORK 8UMURTEE0 J. F. Rlohtsr, Prop. -x'l a fp#§! ^K.% .J+ i^-r^., Phono •eekenridge 248-M Weismann & Company PAINTERS AND DECORATORS .. J£* UTIMTM CHEERFULLY FURNISHED OHM FORMAN •OX 48 BREOKCNRIDOK, MINN. 'V^C* ,Xv,'v** x/"I***' V-^V-^Sv Hard Wood Finishing Old Floors Espoelally •-...: CONSERVATORY NOTES On Saturday evening of June 5th'occurred the opening recital of the Conservatory for this year. A large and enthusiastic audience was present to enjoy it. The second recital occurred Tuesday evening, June 8th. This was the advanced recital. Several very interesting and well render ed vocal numbers were given. The violin selections showed the tal ents of the performers, and that the students had received excep tionally fine instruction. Miss Baker presented her advanced pi ano students. Their work showed that stress had been laid on tech nical details as well as interpre tation and artistic finish. The thrid recital was given in Breckenridge on June 10th. Following is the program given here on June 8th: Piano Duet, Valse de Concert, Mattel—Misses Rosa and Hen rietta Fligelman. Swiss Echo Song Eckert A Star Rogers A Spirit Flower -Campbell Tipton That's the World Tn June..Spross Miss Lia Eckes Polonaise in minor Chopin Miss Alice White Symphony for two Violins, Moret —Mr. Rushby Divet and Miss Tlielma Edelbrock. Traumerei Strauss Arabesque MacDowell Miss Mary Gilles Symphony for two Violins, Dan cia. First Violin—Miss Hazel Flint. From Oratorio "Elijah" Mendels shon Recit—Ye People, Rend Your Hearts. Air—If with All Your Hearts Air—Then shall the Righteous Shine Forth. E. O. Prather Piano Duet, Walzer-Finale, Bohm Misses Rittenhouse and Edel brock. Sonata for Piano and Violin—Al legro, Larghetto, Allegro Vivace —Miss Alice Wyvel land Mrs. Hobart. Sonata for fld-y shrdl Sonata Op. 13. Grave, Allegro—. Beethoven—Miss Olivia Edel brock. Vocal Duet Now Art Thou Own—Hildach Misere, "II Trovatore" ....Verdi Mr. Prather and Miss Eckes. Valse in A Flat Chopin Miss Marion Potter. Legende Bohm Miss Thelma Edelbrock. Aria—Ah, fore lui, "Traviata" Verdi Miss Lia Eckes. Andante und Variationen arr. for two pianos, Eilenborg Miss Marion Potter and Miss Hazel Van Arnam. Kingsbury Piano used. Kinld ness of Seifert & Burnson. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES The Ladies' Aid of the Wild Rice church will have theip an nilal Mission Festival Thursday, this week, at the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larsons' grove. Rev. Tan ner from Milnor will speak. Re freshments will be served. The festavel wi commence at 1 p. m. The Ladies' Aid of the United Norwegian Lutheran church wall peton will meet Friday this week with Mrs. Clias. Hanson 711 Gth St. No. There will be no services next Sunday as the Pastor will not be home. There will be no services next Sunday as the Pastor will not be home. A young peoples convention will be hdld at the Richland church next Saturday and Sun day. A large gathering is expeit ed. -WAHPETON MARBLEand GRANITE WORKS Manufacturer* of and Dealeriin Foreign and Domestio Marble and Granite Monumonta, Ooplng and Iron Panoaa Reference: Pint National Bank. BreckawMaa. Minn. Citizena National Bank, wahpeton, N.D H. J. KORF, Proprietor KAinmiuwu Or. Cbtrles Ptjrn, Rotid Trmlir, Coning Wild Oris- BOTH SLIDES ADD MOTIOt Of 8e«nea of Bewitching Beauty From the Moat Beautiful Lancia In the World—Motion Pictures of Interact ing 8eonea—Leeturo by a Globe Trot tar of Firet Magnitude. 4» Dr. Charles A. Payne has traveled the world over. His miles of travel equal Its entire railroad mileage. He has given years of his life to painstaking preparation that he might excel In the quality of his illustrated travelogue. In all countries visited and among all classes he made friends with the people and got their story. Dr. Payne will bring to Chautauqua his marvelous picture talk on beautiful Hawaii, which he declares to be the most beautiful country in all the world. He also carries an illustrated lecture on Mexico that is up to date and abounding in interest There Is no better equipped man In the world than Dr. Payne for the de livery of a real travelogue. TERROR TO THE CATALOGUE HOUSE NOM Appnl ly .g» THE WAHPETQN TIMES II Etptrt TIM Work Bitnu Ton Nd Ciutrj. COMMUNITY INTEREST TALK C. H. Plattenburg, an Authority on the Conservation of Community Life, Haa 'a Practical Meaaage of Vital Intaraat to Town and Country Folk. Nothing in recent years has aroused more intense enthusiasm in the rural districts than the doctrines of commu nity interests. Mr. G. H. Plattenburg is coming to Chautauqua this year to discuss th$ relation of the town and the country and the conservation of business and community life. Plattenburg Is the terror of the cata logue house business and shows in his masterful address the necessity for maintaining the town, with its sliops and stores and factories, its postoffiee C. H. PLATTENBURG. and its rami delivery. In order to main tain civilization at its highest flow and give the younger people who are bora and brought the community the beet poesible advantage. His lecture Is a brilliant contribution to the thought of the times and of vast In teract to the community* live wires. V"* A 4-Ti CLEVER ARTISTS' USICAL PROGRAM Musicians, mnm Recital «f Flm Variety. APPEAR THE FIRST DAY. Each Endowed With Plurality of Gifts In Entertainment Line—Many Choice Combinationa of Talenta In Program. Lovers of Muaieal and Literary En tertainment Will Be Delighted. The Lawson Trio is made up, as the name suggests, of three young women —Miss Lawson, Miss Cox and Miss Dahly. They will sing and play at Chautauqua. It would be difficult to find three young women of more versatile musi cal and literary gifts than these. Miss Lawson is an accomplished flutist and vocalist. Miss Cox is a master of the violin and also a pianist of fine accom plishments. Miss Dahly is one of the MISS ADELE LAWSON. most brilliant of pianists and a read er of great power These three ladles will combine their talents in entertainment offerings of wide variety. Vocal and instrumental duets, solos and trloc will be happily arranged throughout the program to the delight of all lovers of musical and literary entertainment. They are a strong company in spite of the fact that there are only three of them. They come to Chautauqua on. opening day. Everybody will be delighted with these gifted young ladies. "BOHEMIAN GIRL" TO BE SUNG HERE FtrXMauqui In SUMS Fran Fimous Clisslc. DONALD BOUCHIER HIMSELF To Appear With Company Each Scene Will Be Complete and Vocal Offeringe Up to Beat Standards—Big Chance For People to Hear High Grade Muaic. The Bouchier Grand Opera Company to going to appear at the Chautauqua and put ou favorite selections from that famous opera. "The Bohemian Girl." The grand opera has tioue uiure for music than any other agency, and, fur thermore, Donald Bouchier himself will DONALD BOUCHIER. be with the company. This is the same Donald Bouchier who has for three years past been appearing on the Red path-Vawter Chautauquas with such great success. The costumes, settings and scenes of these sketches from grand opera will be complete in every detail, and the people are promised a rousing musical treat when "The Bohemian Girl" cornea to town. The company will sing ora torio moate on Sunday. ^v -v mm Loans I am in a position to make you a loan on your farm at a reasonable rate of interest and if you are in need of money call or write Louis fligelman, Wahpeton, N. D. THE AVON SKETCH CLUB. 'lIS is a rollicking entertainment company coming to Chautauqua to regale the people with delightful scenes from plays and to do some short snappy sketches that have the real "punch" to them. They carry special costumes for each number and have arranged every detail of their work to get the best effects. There is an abundance of humor In what they do, and they propose to set a lively pace for the balance of the entertainers appearing on the program. NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE YOUR SEASON TICKETS. IP YOU WAIT UNTIL CHAUTAUQUA OPENS YOU WILL PAY 50 CENTS MORE A Hi»»i»i»»»»»»»»uu»iiimninimH»mi»mii»ummnnii»i»iinnnmmmm ConnollyBros. General Hardware Now Is the time to get an Incubator IF YOU INTEND TO RAISE CHICKENS We handle the De Moines Successful Incubators. Also Brood Coops, Baby Cheik Feed and other Poultry Supplies. Garden Seed, Lawn Seed and Field Seed Wo Pay tho Hlgheot Caoh Price for Timothy Seed Wo have the Maytag, Elootrio and Gao Engine Power and Hand Power Waohlng MacNnee Wringers, Tubs and Pails. Everything in Tin and Iron. Al so do all kinds of TinWare Roofing and Eavetrough Work. PLUMBING, HEATING AND SEWER WORK Estimates on Heating, Plumbing and Sewers free of charge Field Fence, Hog Fence, Poultry Fence, and Steel Posts, Stock Tanks, Pumps, Pump Supplies, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Steel Ceiling, Roofing. Steel Brick Siding and everything in the Builders Hardware. Tools of all kinds Our prices are right. Come in and get a square deal. Connolly Brothers Wahpeton, N. D. PHONE 261 I VALUABLE LOTS SFOR SALE! Wahpeton is a geographical point with three transcontinental lines of railroads, at the head of the Red River, the Nile of America, and with the progres sive development of the fertile land surrounding—the richest land in the JJnited States—is destined to have a large population and become the chief city of the Red River Valley. My remaining 71 lots fronting the Indian School in Park Side Addition are now offered at exceedingly low prices in twos, threes and fours with small cash payment and balance on three or five years time. See J. Q. BURBANK, My Agent HERIAH MAGOFFIN 4 1 SEVEN a 2 o- wi y^-vs.-- 'j~JueaS8C i,, Ja*. "I 1' & j- vH Aw IV Vi*-