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:»sr C01E TO THE *.. CAMEL PICNIC Good Time and Plenty of PfHzra Fop Everybody at Island Park, July 1Mb GOOD PROGRAM ARRANGED When Again the Camela Will Show Their Hospitality to This Community Twin-City Temple 27'P, Camels of the World, willgive an old fashioned picnic at the Island Park on Friday, July 16th. It is planned to have a gener ally good time and various fea tures have been planned for the! entertainment of all. Everybody is invited. In part the program follows: 12:10 A. M. Parade of Camels from K. P. hall to the Island. 1:30 P. M. "Championship" au to race. Cars entered in this event will be of the single cylinder type especially fitted for racing events. two entries have been made for this event, these being Dr. c. c. Sparrow and Wm. H. Wentworth. Mechanicians for each, are to be appointed during the coming week. 2 P. M. Motorcycle race. Free for all. 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. Tug-of-war, boys sack race, 100 yard dash free for all, 50 yard dash for boys under 42 years, fat men's race, ladies' race. 3:45 P. M. Baseball game be tween Fats and Leans. ED DARHHODY OF BRECKEN RIDQE SHOT AND IS NOW DEAD Ed. Darmody left the Twin City creamery shortly before 10 o' clock fruesday night, accompa nied by Mr. Wing, his employer. When about half way to Breck enridge, a short distance east of Blatz Beer house, a shot was fired and Ed. Darmody dropped to the ground ,and said lie was shot. Coming' toward them from Breck enridge was eight or ten men, ap parently hoboes, followed by night. Patrolman Matson, who was .evi dently driving the boes out of town. At the time ol' the shooting the hoes scattered, some crossing the tracks and others entering- the brush along the river Patrolman Matson admit It'll thai he did the shooting-, and it was evidently done with the intenlion of intim idating' tile hoes. Young Darmody was taken to the St. Francis hospital, where ,t was discovered that he was shot through the breast just below the heart and he died Wednesday .night at midnight. Patrolman Matson was taken in custody and locked up pending developments. STERN, WILLNOT TOLERATE LABOR WAR London, England, July 13. The government today took the most drastic step yet employed to speed up the manufacture of mu nition. In an official' proclama tion concerning- the south of Wales mining dispute, the gov ernment said it would not coun tenance lockouts that would in terfere with the production of munitions. NEARLY SHOCKED TO DEATH After the baseball game the Bow-' ^e sender had robbed him of it erv dance will becrin a ball game six years ago. Art says he had forgotten all about it but when his memory .was re freshed by the sight of the green backs and the letter accompany ing it. He also says that it will come in might handy just at the Loans on Real Estate Low Rate of Interest Money turned over as soon as papers are in shape and No Red Tape when you make your loan thru THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF Have You Ever Been Robbed and Thought That You Lost It Instead ART HODEL WAS THE VICTIM at A Ball Game 6 Years Ago in the Summer of the Year 1809 Has it ever occurred, to you. Would -you get weak and faint? Or would you take it just as Art Hodel, son of Councilman Hodel Tuesday received a letter with eleven dollars saying that present time and very very much obliged to the sender. The letter received is as follows: WAHPETON' CAPITAL SURPLUS $ 75.000 E R.GAMBLE,Ptus J.P.REEDER, CASHIER A Vice S.H.MUWBAYASST. Volume XXXIX* WAHPETON, RIOHLAND COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, JULY 1S, 1915 y°'J would drink a glass of ice To date water on a circus day, if you were robbed 6 years ago and have it returned to you now, after be lieving that you had lost it out of your pocket at a ball game. Conscience sometimes takes the necessary grip on a fallen fellow in our midst, and even though we know not whom he is or what he is suffering with, yet more than once it has been recorded where somebody sees a chance and takes a chance to get away with a few paltry withoutr eckoning the cost Breckenridge, Minn. July 13th, 1915. Mr. Art. Hodel, Wahpeton, N. D.: During the'year of 1909 I at tended a ball game on Island Park and a chance gave me to steal a pocket boon with $ I 1.50 and oth er papers corresponding to your name, which 1 haven't got. Beitm CIRCOS PARADE IS 1 in town the oilier day, I found your whereabouts and today 1 am sending the same amount to you. Respectfully, Thousands See Elephants, Be apangled .Rider and Hear Volee of CaMiope in Streets -1' OH TUESDAY, JULY 13tb Proved to Be Just As They Said It Was, A Grand Show for the Money With a few clouds in the «ky, likean azure "big top," (ttoef$ircuiii: pal'adre, blaring, glaring and len gthy, breasted its way through lines of Wahpeton and Brecken ridge people Tuesday. From the time it left Gollmar Bros.' tent city at the Circus grounds just south of the Grout Implement Co., wound through down town streets of the little twins until it returned over the same route to the grounds, the procession was flanked by crowds that in some places stood six deep. Spectators who hadn't seen anything more resplendant for weeks than traffic policemen and street barkers hung upon the pageant from the moment the gonfalon-bearing vanguard hove into sight until the last note of the steam calliope- was drowned out by the honking horns of au tomobiles following in the wake. S Huge Elephants March If a parade is judged by the number of elephants in it, as cir cus men aver, .this was a success, for 6 mammoth members of the tribe of Jumbo lumbered by. Old timers who used to drive down town in their rigs and saw on the reins when the mamals passed, absent-mindedly took firm grip of their auto steering wheels and spoke words of assurance to the hoods. Almost everybody turned out, apparently, if a census of human ity strung along the blocks was any indication. People of the resi dence district brought their youngsters to view the par ade as well as-the large tmmber from the coun'try districts. In office buildings, business was suspended while workers thrust their heads through front win dows or climbed out on lire es capes. There were all the features of a bang-up circus parade—bespan gled blonde and brunette beauties beslriding horses or perched un der gaudy canopies, bands pour ing forth their melodies from huge wagons tops, a clown pati wagon, wheeled cages with 1 i-n,S liners, leopards, hyenas, h^ars a hippopotamus, (aboil from 'our ends of (he ear!h and fi nally a steam calliope with 11 [•••gisler of a Mississippi river steamboat whistle. am he (NAME WITHHELD NORTH DAKOTA AND MINNESOTA LEAD It is the almost unanimous opinion of the agriculturalists gathered at Mandan in convention (hat Minnesota and North Dakota lead in the nation in farm pros perity. Arriving early Tuesday (lie circus went to work setting itself in order on the grounds. To th" whistle toot, and vocal orders of foremen, the crew set to work me thodically and in a few hours the big tent and side tents had been reared, the menagerie unloaded, and the final details of the stay in Wahpeton completed. There were hundreds of people on hand to watch the preparations. The first performance of the circus began at 2:30 p. m. and the evening performance at 7:30. PRIVATES ARRESTED AT RESORT Having Chautauqua right next door to the military camp, at Dev ils Lake, may be alright arid then again it may not. Monday it proved the undong of several young privates who were drawn by the concerts at the summer report, the hall game or the desire to be with the crowd, despite the fact they had been detailed for duty at camp. More than one trip was made through the grounds Monday by details from the com pany on guard, searching for men who fa'led to realize that a mili tary command is not be disobeyed. NOTICE The Wholesale Committee and the special committee appointed to act with them to investigate and report on the proposition of the Martin Produce Co., desiring U) locate in Wahpeton beg leave to report, that after considering the proposition as laid down by Mr. Martin, this committee does not recommend that the com mercial club endorse the propo sition. CARD OF THANKS Words could not express our appreciation, but nevertheless we .wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many kinds acts and floral offerings during the ill ness and after the death of our beloved wife and sister..—Mrs. Mike Wefts.tein and family and Mrs. Joe Wettstein. ALL NATIONS HERE FRIDAY Owing to the Fact That The Ca mels of the World Will Hold Their Picnic at Island Park S S S. GROUNDS TO BE USED And Those Who Wish to See the Team of National Stars Will Have to Journey There Since we have put the Dutch Cleanser on Fergus Falls and put old Hankinson's carcass on the block, they had to go out and get people from all over the world taking the stars from each and drilling them into a ball team. So they have called them the All Na tions. Now this team with a few different men defeated us last year by the score of 11 to 4. But this year we have a regular lea gue ball team that can field, hit and run and that's what makes them all go some. It will be a game worth seeing and if you don't, you will miss a treat, whe ther you are a real fan or not. So be there and don't say it was a great game when you were not there. There is enough people in this community to put 1,500 fans around the playing field and lets all get together and see if we can't beat that. The boys need the support. They are working their heads off for Wahpeton and Breckenridge, and let the people of the little twins work their heads off to support them. Msiiil W. B. Aspinwall, Chairman Robt. T. Barber O. A. Leach, W. A. 'Farnsworth D. D. Swank. NL: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiai^ B-W WIN FROM HANKIMSON10 TO 1 Its A Long Way Home When The Ball Team Goes Wrong Isn't It LYLE THERE WITH THE GOODS For He Got Fifteen Strikeouts Against Those Terrible Ball-Eaters Dog eat Dog! Or who gets the. bone. Well you know we aren't a bit hungry and therefore we must have growled the loudest. It was a good old bone too, for it had lots of marrow inside of it and that fresh meat on the outside was just simply palatable. You could n't beat it anywhere. Those nine butchers who swung their sledge hammers and cutting knife so handy soon put. the old carcass on the block and the only meat that was left was the fact that they got the bone and they wouldn't take it leaving it here until next Sun day when they will again try for it. A report came into this office that the Hankinson News whose war cry fairly raise the dust when the elements were pouring down on us, were getting out an extra, saying that Hankinson won, but that Jordan hit one so hard that it flew through the window, into the cylinders and "broke it up." Narum, whose delivery in the past made havoc among the local ranks, looked like a piece of cheese on a rat trap when the trap had been touched off. Green on third had the squivers so bad that i.n reaching for the fast ones that went so fast by him some thing was heard to snap and you guess what it was. Well we'll tell you. It was his nerve, for when he got up to bat he started for the bench as if shot out of a "42". (Continued on page 8) MHMXifflNiSffSKi SATURDAY ONLY 50 PIECES of Selected Goods in our window for $1.00 ECKE5 & WORNER FURNITURE approval 19 our Mm Pit ion \j/ Number 20 A FREE DEMONSTRATION Purdon & Co. will give a free demonstration at their store all day Saturday of the B. & R. fruit nectar and pineapple sherbert. A lady demonstrator direct from the firm's headquarters at Minneap olis will be here in charge on this day. DOLLAR DAY HUGE SUCCESS Is the Report Being Circulated From Mouth to Mouth on The Streets BARGAINS WERE NUMEROUS On the Counters of the Different Business Places of the City of Wahpeton That the people of this vicinity a.nd community know what Dollar Day means to their pocketbooks, was evidenced still further by their making Wahpeton's second Dollar Day a larger and bigger one in every respect. They also felt the hospitality of the busi ness men of this city who for their benefit put on the Dollar Day, by making themselves right at home just as they were wel comed to do. This means that the people of this community have begun to realize that when the merchants say a Dollar Day is coming, that they know that the festival of bargains will be large. They also have begun to realize that the merchants of this city are behind them in every enterprising indus try that they may form. Every im provement upon their property, every time, seeking to give them the best for the money. The Gollmar Bros.' circus was here and with the Dollar Day drew a large crowd and by ten o'clock (Continued on page 5) (7)