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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
-N "n, ... %s$f Volume XXXIX f« iiO ~f $\'d iVvjf $$$. *kJ,f COMPANY I IS' BACK FROM CAMP ment of Infantry N. D. N. Q., Arrived in Town Sunday NIGHT PROM DEVILS LAKE Where They have Spent Ten Days Encamped on the Militia Grounds of This State In a special car en the Great Northern railroad Company I uf this city arrived in the city Sun day night Afte* the review the governor visited tin- company street*. As usual the regimental band made a ixit and the people, of Lisbon can be congratulated on having in their midst such a splendid or ganization of musician.-. Local Company of the First Regi- ment It is hoped that every one will bear this- mind. A fuller account will be given, in next week's papers. 7 lu- hostesses f-»r the past wool were: Mesdames Quiiin and E'U'- ly, Gt li St. from ten days of good 1 instruction in camp at the Rock Island military reservation at Devils Lake. The local company was accompanied to Fargo by Co. Band the hospital corp. Officers an dnien alike say that the tour of duty at the Rock Is- Science School land reservation was one of the ipleasantest and most benelicial that the troops of this state have all feel that they are much better prepared for any eventuality that is likely to confront this country. Mueli time was spent by the of- The Local Boys Had a Day Off fleers in study of the 'features do veloped by the war in Europe and in working these problems out in the field with their troops. The review of the North Dakota' Losing a game 8 to 1 and only regiment by its cominander-in- alb-wed tlieoiher team live hits chief. Governor L. B. Hanna, was one of the most, impressive events of the encampment. Although held at an unusual hour there was a large number of people out. to'for witness the ceremony, anions them many distinguished visitors. Thursday afternoon the regi ment wnt, out on a long hike which was to terniinaie with a sham bal tie. Tlie reuimeut niarcli- 'i'y were naturally not ac ed twelve miles out to a high ''ustomed to the new pastures, camping ground without any while the All Nations have play speciai mishap, --nly two «.-f liiejed in a new pasture every -'ay. r00 men ••petering- out oil tln.'j 1 he box score is march. Pup lenfs were pitched B.-W S and supper serv 1 -.!. The next Jiiorninir Major Henry's and Ma-11 "'rma-nn. :trd .... jor's \Vriglits ballali'Mis si art"! J'-rdan, If out at 0:30 iI»-ck lo attack Ma- tired and hungry but delighted 1 mnahlson, cf withiio' experience, ^alurdav an- iJ'row. If other problem was worked out a.nd iMnham, Sunday morning (he regiment en-1 H-'iiry, ss, .. trained for li'-m". Hlalni-'r, 2nd .Jacobs. Miss Monna Forkner returned Tuesday evening from the we-i where she has been visiting. %4 •'v£?V£i v}.-'r^'- ^srvj ,~v 01 VIC IMPROVEMENT An entertainment by home tal ent will be given in the near fu ture at Braun's .theatre in con nection -with "the regular program for the benefit, of Civic Improve-. Donations: Mayor Fligelnian, $1.00 Mrs. Anlo Gilles, $1.00 Mrs. R. M. Lunday, $1.00 and Mrs. H. Oppenheimer, SI.00. MRS. H. S. PERKINS, Secretary. ALL NATIONS WIN IN LOOSE GAME Grounds From Breckenridge-Wahpeton Ball Team ,BY SCORE OF EIGHT TO OHE And Weren't Simply There As Usual speaks for itself a.nd with Boll's four critical errors on lirst Hi" boys would have made it lively them. The All Nations did not have an earned run and the run we got was earned. Faust on the mound for the locals pitched very good ball and had them swinging into the air most of the time. The chief cause for •this list less playing was the fact that they had to g-.i out on the S. S. S. grounds at the other end of Hi" lith. jor Hanley's battalion which wajl'au.-l entreuche,) somewhere iu I he hiils Mi-'i'va -nd .. and ai'ier a several in ur's engage- '-iH-'s ef .. ment Major Ha.nley's fon:e was l-yb' rf .... driven from its position, many B"li. 1^1 prisoners being- taken and a larv-' number •'.killed'' an-l "wound'.-d." totals .... After mess on a [dateau near an •old Indian mission aimt h-i All Nations er pr-'ldeni was woik-'d .ut and aila. .'ij'-l .. the cmpauies returned 1 1 camp.! '•.luiiiiai', 1st Russell rf •'tab Farmers! During the busy season that is coming pretty soon now, when you harvest that crop of yours, that Banking by Mail with us can be done very satisfactory, and that for all round service and absolute safety you will find the best at THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF WAHPETOI* CAPITAL SURPLUS $ 75.000 E.R.GAMBLE,PRES. J.P.REEDER,CASHIER A t. 'J.L STERN, VICE S.M MURRAYASST as follow A iV,!t _, Vs ®r*'n fs W uA & fWAHPETON, RICHLAND COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1915 E 0 0 ft 0 0 ft 0 I ft 1 1 ft 0 1 ft (1 1 ft ft ft 0 1 0 0 ft 1 A 11 E 1 .'j ft 1 1 0 0 ft ft 0 ft 1 (i 0 1 (t ft ft ft ft .) ft 8 5 1 I i, 1 4 #1 When That party of St. Paul Man ufacturers and Wholsaiers Visit This City ON TUESDAY, JULY 27th The First Minnesota State Band Is Also Accompanying Them On This Tour The party of St. Paul Whole salers and Manufacturers, which will tour a portion of Minnesota and North Dakota, July 20th to 31st, inclusive, over the lines of the (jreat Northern Railway, will travel in a special train, consist ing of one dynamo car, one bag gage car, two dining cars, seven standard sleepers, and one com partment observation car. The train is composed of the finest equipment that can be assembled. Officials of the ireat Northern Railway are accompanying the party during the entire trip, for the purpose of seeing that every possible detail is looked after in the most efficient manner. The party live upon their train the en tire week. The object of these trips is to give the heads of the important jobbing and manufacturing firms an opportunity to meet their cus tomers throughout the Northwest, hi Lhejr own places of business, 't he out of town merchants come to the wholesale market frequent ly, and the traveling men, repre senting the wholesale li-.-u-es, \re regularly calling upon the trade, but the heads of lb'.' houses have but iillle lirst hand knowledge of the conditions under which their customers transact their busi ness. To see their places wf bus iness, the town in which they are located, ami the territory sur ging it, always reuli in a er understanding, and a *on sequeiil. b-'iieiit i,...Lit. Trips such as Ibis provide that oppor tunity. These (rips have ., become regular feature of the work "I t!:e St. Paul Association- of Com merce. Every summer two trips of one week each, are taken. Ihix i- tin.- second 'rip arranged for this yar, Last month tin- party covered nil-- thousand miles in Southern Minnesota and North wesiern Wisconsin. One of the features of the trip is I hi' big parade, head"d by the Minn-vsoia Stale Jiand, mad-' bv the party at each stop. The moving' picnire operaio always on the alert catch s.,n typical si.'i'iie or *oiii"i l:i ,g wi -lisl inc11v local color which in- interesting io (lie people the moving picture re.d, C'-:i iiig- of the views taken in wii! ii I is very ii 'in aril iocai pic_ '•.VII, The 1 -if the et town, is snown lure theatre publicity resiiltiui: to ai towns from the moving is very large and of the siide characier. I. 11 is The commercial club wi-hes to ex!end a cordial i-m to lie tanners as well as uiher p-'.ipie t" turn out and hear 'his band also by turning mil y"i can lo-lp make this lour a more of suc cess I han ever. The baud concert will be in the evening and so will the free open air moving pictures. This parly arrives here «,• 5. Fets all try and give them (he glad hand and wish them back again as well a successful tour. METHODIST CHURCH I The regular monthly busines meeting of the Epw'-rth League was held Monday evening at tiie home of the Misses Parsons. The reports showed good interest in the work of I lie League. The So cial Department was authorized to plan a social evening some time-within the next Month. The Sunday School picnic will be held today, Thursday, at Island Park. Those who wish to go from the church will meet there at 10 o'clock A. .M. All friends of the church are invited. The subject of the sermon next Sunday morning will be, "The One-Sided Man."Sunday school at IM., F-pworth League at 7 P. M-. and evening preaching' at 8 P. M. Subject of the sermon: "Tin-.Se cret of True tleroisun." Prayer meeting' Thursday at 7::J0 P. M A cordial invitation to all these s.ervices. CHURCH i! (ierman service at 10:00 a. English service at 8:00 p. Cpr.JpUi St.,and Pembina ave ,.v jVafJfc -i l&si&tas*. A« 1 D. A. £a? ST/f:?:.^"'': i- rttA Jr'.A «jrtH-• "v~- M. D. Anderson of Fargo and Mr. Orant. Marsh of Bismarck were elected lo represent the so ciety iu the supreme convention. which is ibis year held in St. Lou is, Mo., Augst. ith. They organ ized a st a «t r1' t" ill ft- PftWVEMTTAM dining i'om, where a swell HI, HERE NEXT TIME The State Convention of This1 llUll I £lH 1 lull hanquet was waiting- them, and WAHPETON CONVENTION CITY SWlft .-. organization and elected the following- officers: President, M. C. Rust, Fargo. Vice-President, O. F. Perkins, Grand Forks. Secretary,. Miss Hilda Aaby, Jamestown. Treasurer, William RingueM. Jamestown. 1 ,e i|,. ..r of s--einu tlie prize di'ili ii"b.!"i-s will be o\ing for the •am. in the ranks ,,f Un M. i!. -i1 i--1 j.--ho game N, I). The i:• -x' I fin was is 1 i, &,K- *t they also listened ..during the different courses to the beautiful singing and speech making which lasted until a late hour. Then they 1 1 Lodge Will Convene Here 'J:-'after voting three .dieers Next Time I James town local b-dge of to their respective over the delegates fi'oni alipe- Z*W .. to" l"dge that, consisted of M. Is Evidenced Still Further by the Keenev," Anna Down-v and D. T'. Bringing o_f This Lodge With' Hess, who were Mie' m-ans of Others Already on Hand bring the next, stale M. B. A. con- Ivention to \Varpe(--n. The M. B. A. delegates from here that went to the Jamestown "State convention returned Thurs-i WIT 1^111^ UADnC •Jay evening, overcome with joy,j IllLL 1IIEl LUlLUtJ and reported that they were suc cessful in landing the next state convention for \Vahpeton. 1». BE ABLE TO FORD Our Straight Stream of Victories With Our New Base Ball Trucks at Island Park THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY Of Fargo Baseball Team Will Try to Demonstrate that They are the Best Machine o'ds have ram and The little old bled right along all season this base ball team, represi. this company at Fargo will pear before the sport loving of the two twins oil Island n-xi Sunday afternoon. When the delegates were seen by a reporter of this paper they spoke very highly of the way ihe •jameslnwii people treated the delegate*, and they ^ay they ha\e a i-reai bunch of M. 15. A. boost er- I here. The Jamestown lodge I lias a membership of Ko members fai and they are ail b"o-d.ers. After independ-'iii team of Ihe Dakota ihe ciinveutio11 bad aTijovirned! .Metropolis, I'hey have also ical they were taken jn autoes out lojen -on ,,f the jc'st teams I hat see the city a.nd it took two hours'inhabit (he near regions of the io cover the eiitiri- i.-ity. From "it• •(.!." Thi-y ai-'.' eftming loaded lo tiii-re (hey were ia.cen to the ha'.! the eyebrows and according to where they li-tened a very nice the advance reports and taking talk by Mr. Wiiiiam Hin^ui-H. o".e| their past record into ffmsidera i.f the city, ci'-unci!men. They had! ap a 11 Park This team has the record si-a-oi) .,f being- the i-m, ..f our tb'i'lers and in-|twins SATURDAY ONLY 50 PIECES of Selected Goods in our window for $1.00 Your Approval is our Ambition 7 ri&. -Jr. 5. W- H'«V)tsf 4# I 4 j&r,£ i/,s ^V) j*\ft. vJ. Number 21 HANK1NS0N WILL BE HERE FRIDAY With the Best Team That They Can Bring Along to Wipe Out Their Recent Defeat SO WILL VG BE HERE And Will Again Demonstrate that Our Straight Jacket Cannot Be Wiggled Out of That, old wrecking- crew with huge wrecking cranes and rail mud car trucks will steam up at Hankinson Friday noon and will arrive here about half past one or two o'clock. The last time they were here there was a large wreck on Island Park and some how every)bing went amiss with the necessary equipment and so they were allowed to put in the usual time but as to their work, pulling in the tinio is all that, could be said. Now this time fliey will come with some new material, by put ting in some new and stronger pieces where if was necessary for I hem to do. Just, where, we think thai it will be in (he hurling: springs mi the .Rig Hook". A change at first ami well she had heller get a -new ball team and be done with if good and for all time. The boys that represented her here last time, quit like a yel low dog chasing tlees round the house. Well here that. you .even give us a game at, least. My winning Ibis game the boys will make it two and two and therefore will no doubt have to play the rubber at some future j'ime. i.el |be people of Ihe two promenade riahl out to the ball park and see ibis ^am.e. if no Lei'- Ci'O. Tfev T-'.ov! ..liiilt.i.iUl IX A ...v v»- km $ $4