OCR Interpretation

The Wahpeton times. [volume] (Wahpeton, Richland County, Dakota [N.D.]) 1879-1919, July 22, 1915, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024779/1915-07-22/ed-1/seq-5/

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Advertisements under this head will be
Inserted at the rate of 95 cents per week
for SO words or less. We cannot afford
to open an account for such a small amount
and cash must accompany all orders where
we do not already have a running account.
Mina Johnson 373J or call at 1*5
1st St. S. 3tpd
FOR SALE—About 12 acres of
land near Horseshoe Park. Inquire
of 0. C. Farnsworth. 4-22tf.
mare weighing U'io pounds. 5
years old. Call at Paul & Oliver's.
FOR SALE—I am oft'erins- my
property on First Street South for
sale at a very low price.
threshing outfit. 23 H. P. Peer
less engine. 3(jv(i2, Minneapolis
separator. 2 tanks, wagon, cook!
car. Ail in fine condition readyj
for work. F. Rakow. Inquire
at 1st National Bank. BreAen
ridge, Minn. 3t pd.
and unfurnished ro"ins for reni.i
Inquire of Mrs. Herman Boetehec.
621. 1 st St. North.
Personal Points
Location—Dr. Fitzgerald Den
tist. Stern Block. ll-totf
Mrs. W. A. Baker is home t'r..m!
the lakes.
County Treasurer Warner and
family autoed to Gr«-at Bend.
Tuesday, I
Mrs. J. J. li"
11 and dauul.im- ['.
}'"a rgi» -pent las! week i' the.
It. 11. II au-ivoi i'amiiy.
Mrs. Lane's new bungaiow .«ii
Fifth st. will he one of the liie-.-L'
I i-.- iiS• i".i lit- ri'y.
Miss Beatrice Lauerinar.n
Miuncapuli.. i. a gue«t a! Mm
home of her grand-father, Mr.
B. Weling.
Caxlix Bauer. a former rc.-i-j
dent, of this i-ity. i.- one ft'
founders of a new hank a! Cidd
Ilarhor, this state..
Miss Fandel »f .Si. Ch.ud i-i
visiting at the. home. her l»r-
ther Vie Fandel and i~tej-. Mr-.i
Kindler in this city.
Irvin L. Streeter, the laud man,j
is back from lo\va. where he di--:
posed of a'-di.'cic of g^nds wiimhj
he had taken in a land trade. I
Building Materials
Urns, Cement, Kalsomine,
DeVoe Painte, Cement
Building Blocks or
Majestic Coal
John Rischard
The Summer School, with an
enrollment of just 100 teachers,
will el o.st* on I-'rid ay if this wL'ek,
following what appears to he a
very successful term.
The Wahpeton Timet office is
getting our, the new premiuPi i'st
for the County Fair Association
and will have it ready for distri
bution aboi the first of «t.
A. E. Adams of Mooreton came
to the county jj^.t one iy last
week to meet Mrs. Adams, who
returned that day from an ex
tended visit in Iowa.
Joe Khonke has. his fine new
bungalow on Ninth st. about com
pleted and he ana his family will
soon move in and live like all
good people ought to live.
Mrs. Ralph Darim who ha
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
and Mrs. W. Forkn'-r u]' thi
city, returned to lie home in Fas
go the latter part la.- I w.eek.
Aaron Stern is building a home
for his new Cadaliac car that will
correspond well with his fine new
clothing block. Mr. Stern thinks
so much of his car that it, will
be treated just like himself and
the clerks.
We do pressing, clean
ing, altering and repairing
of men's and ladies' gar
ments. Our dry eleaning
plant is the best equipped
to bis found west of the
Twin Cities and the work
we turn out is seoond to
Our charges are very
reasonable. If your elothes
are dirty and greasy we oan
make them look like new.
Hats oieaned and blook
Ladies' white short,
gloves oieaned, fOo. Give
us a trial.
Phone No. 34*. and we
wiil eail and deliver.
tf. Wahpeton, N, D.
•1? rf)
Tremendous Bargains in
Ladies9 Ready-to
Many items included wiil be
good style this fall. Better
come and see them.
Waists Lot 1 included all waists
that sold up to $1.25 for
Lot 2 includes all waists
that sold up to SI.75 for
E. R. Farrs has bought the
lirst barber shop on the other side
of the river. Thi's is a two chair
shop and Mr. Farrs will undoubt
edly build up a good business.
Pierr* Fandel of St. Paul stop
ped off here one day last week to
call on the Fandel and Kindler
families. He was on his way home
from the San Francisco Exposi
The Harry Wilson and Frank
Ujka families are entertaining
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keppler, of
Wadena, Minn. Mrs. Keppler is a
sister of the Mesdames Wilson
and Ujka.
President R. M. Black of the
State Normal and Industrial
School at Ellendale, has been in
the city for the past two or three
days delivering lectures before.
the summer school here.
Do all kind* of
Interior Finishing, Painting,
Paper Hanging, Etc.
Work Guaranteed
Dahlgren Olson, Prop.
Olfic* 0«n Evrainf• Sth St. If.
Rmbm 32L, Kra. 32L-3
While Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pear
son of Brushvale were autoing
near ihe Hans Myrha farm last
Saturday their machine skidded
on the slippery road, and broke
a front wheel. The occupants
were throw-n out and Mrs. Pearson
waS severely injured. Dr. O'Brien
was summoned and the lady is
said to ber ecovering from her in
juriea. _~
Lot 3 includes all waists
that sold up to $2.50 for
Lot 4 includes silk waists
up to 55.00 for
Wash Dresses this special includ
es dresses that sold up to $9.00 O O
Children's Dresses Our en
stock of Children's Dresses
that were left from last sea
son. All sizes, about 25
dresses in this lot O
choice UUC
Hats Only about a dozen
hats left, values were up
to $5.00 and .$6.00 Off
choice "vC
Wahpeton, North Dak.
Over Dietz & Murray's
Phone 302
lr. Durkee and Herbert
Jolfyison are two prominent
Dwight men that boarde.n the Mil
waukee train Wednesday morning
for Fargo.
carry so
ri-j'U'y sh'Thr
hu-ine-. call to 1 uvu
Mr. Oppenheimer returned the
last of last we.k from his eastern
business trip.
Mr. P. Meyers is attending the
Home Mission Bmud meeting in
Barney today.
Sheriff fiudack was transact ins:
business in Fairmount and Hank
inson the fore part of the week.
The Wahpeton
Candy Kitchen
Ice Cream Cones
Fancy Sundaes, Soda
and Soft Drinks. Also
Fresh Egg and Milk
Heine Sisters
Rudolph Vchulek leaves tiie last
of this week for Minot where he
expects to make his future home.
The Rickel Brothers have re-jr, A. Deans the contractor.
ceived a new Pulman automobile'
Ihe Pulman is a very tine popu-(
!relatives and take in the state'
Be reminded by this Ad
that no matter WHAT your
desires may be as they re
late to bridal gifts. The
Mew Jewelry Store is able
to meet them with the new
est and most desirable
goods there are.
Mrs* A. Stern returned
V*J HW ran 4*/
Friday, July 32rd—Saturday, July 24th
Two days of vast importance to the economical and thrifty shopper
Included are short lengths and odd pieces lett from our bisc spring and summer business,
to clear these out we are willing to sell them at a most remarkable low prices.
This is the largest and most important sale
of remnants we have ever inaugurated be
cause we have had a remarkable business
this past season. We urge you to take ad
vantage of these exceptional bargains.
Wash Goods Values that
Lot 1 Figured Batistes that were
12jjC values at per yard
Lot 2 Figured Lawns and Rice
Cloths 15c—20c values. ard
Lot 3 Embroidered Materials
that are 35c—45c values, yard
Lot 4 45 inch Embroidered Flouncings.
regular 50c to 60c
5 yards
While the quality is just as good as ever, it is impossible for us
cost in order to surely sell them at once.
••n mam- a
ht Wedne-.-' If
l»i''k pi.H'i'oli i,f H''!''ua. Mmit..
i. a guest of his brother, Senator
Puree!! this week.
.tendance a? the Imperial Council
in Seattle tiiis week.
Friday from a-visit to Houghtonj
and other points in Michigan. Mr.l
Stem returned Sunday from Chi
cago and ather eastern points.
Mrs. Hartwell leaves tonight for
Denver as a delegate to the Na
tional convention of the. Frater
nal Aid Union. The delegates af
ter meeting in Denver go by spec
ial train to San Francisco to the
big fair, and then return to Den
ver for the convention.
Henry Chezik. a NValipet' a far
mer. has been elected a director
of the state Equity Elevator As
sociation for the ensuing year.
The First National Bank of
Fairmount has reached the $187.
00J stage of resources, and keeps ihT o''
there is some money in the Red
River valley yet, if it does rain
nearly evei«y day.
Ole Riprud has sold the con
fectionery and bakery and the old
hall building in Fairmount to F.
McC nn nf thP Blg stJre
Mr aud
lar priced ear. part of the state. Mr. Lunday is
Mrs. Nellie Early and family the etYicien: manager for the
left Monday morning for Grand Leach
Forks by auto. They will visit
& Gamble wholesale groc- B'
Jne Kizer of Fargo was re-,
jnewing acquaintances here last
Sunday. Joe had not been in Wah
jpeton for over two years, and he
noted many improvements thai.
jhad been made during that time. |B
Two autos collided at the cross
.'roads near John Goolsbey's farm
buildings in the southern part of J|
the county recently. Both autos
were wrecked and ail the occu
pants thrown out. Carl Franz was'
MhadIv bruised but no bones were'®
o{ un car
odd lots, hence many have been cut to less
and Mr-. Ae ,j a.- Tteed^
raw ••ve.-j ini... th«ii- hunga-'
'W ,.n .-.-wi'sth ^tree".
Bu-hte»» at the t**i de Em
dack i.« pickina- uj-. Nine eru-.'.
breakfa-t' there T!
Mr-. J'•
111: Km-- and family
letroit. Mi:.n., ar-* the aur«
"f the former's 1W'tii
R. V. Michael jr. this
s. A. a:.a
Ben MTiis of \\"y[.duiere i
•f the Ei Za—e. sririr.ers in
S I '.u-qu'.t1'S wert* a littlv
:t a
anu m',.
r, ,. tii ii a P. Meyer home the fore par
pace with the growth of that hust-
ling little city.
The resources of Abercrombie's
two banks are id.OOO. Evidently
Lundav a:
^latives in the northern
waiters drove the
DON'T WAR about the coinp
anv you want to write your FIRE, fi
I represent 6 of the best compan
ies, 1 of Germany, 1 of England .B
and 4 of the United States. Which
company do you want me to write
your policy in? I can also bond,"
you. Will you or shall I call?
Phone 150.
5— i3—41 I
B. Schnell:rj•*
-a- %-^j.- -i *, ,, JH %.'
'•f trie Held are we!
Tne county comnnssioners
have just, finished Imlding their
longest, «e.«si-'-:i of the year last
week and tais. A large part of
their time lias been consumed as
the county board of equalization..
Prof. Heuer of Concordia Col
lege of St. Paul, was a guest at
a 1
nf tha nf Hafian
of the week. Prof. Heuer preached
at the Rev. Hinst's church. Great
Bend, at the Mission Festival, la-st
Sheriff Budaek, president, and
B. F. Lounsbury, secretary of the
County Fair Association, have al
ready been canvassing the county
to some extent in the interests of
t'ne approaching Fair, which they
expect to he the biggest and the
best one yet.
Beautiful silks, woolen and
cotton fabrics in desirable
lengths, can be found at a
cost insignificent when the
value received is considered.
I These short lengths are the balance of the most
successful Spring season that we have ever had
Wu know the reputation of our
Remnant Sale, "these 2"days
1-2 price
Underwear that sold for 25c per garment,
these two days 2 for 25c includes
separate garments. Union suits 2 for^ OC
Underwear that soid for 50c and 60c per
garment, going during this two BA^
days sale at 35c each or 2 for vUC
Corsets odd sizes in our best line
of corsets, values up to $6.00 for
Brassieres The same as in
corsets, odd sizes in our best
lines, values from
50c to Sl.SO.choiee O OC
Silk Gloves Both long and
short silk gloves, all colors
and sizes, values
to Sl.oO, choice... OvC
X:-- Mary n.'us of Lid^vr-' K'-v. E. rornieriy
-a iia- ies.v.1 :.eii hi an i-v.: Iia~~• .• n. has sold his Val
i.'ii the Pacisle coa-tJi-y Ciiy pap'-r and a» iaunehed
•\v in ^eitinj: around tai- year.i '-"-••uiny Citizen.
fi inaktr.c: up forj Weather slat ions rej.-.j-t that
ia- niMiith wa the c-ide?t and
eiu:.v.i. hungry ar.a lerociou-. |:L- \v.-t e- .June iu tit- hi.-tory of
are Staving idea! weather: l.»u.-iota. There was between
tSie maturing the grain crop, $ and 10 inche. of rainfall and
vn i- small and is making a! i'e average temperature f,.r the
nv gi wSii. hut ha-i a ao--d e«-ioi*i nionth was 59.
n'-w which he call- tiie
'1 he .pe'iai train -m
tne t. Paul \vhoieaiei-i and
manufacturt-i' is expected in
Wahpeton. Tuesday. .July 21 at
about 4 or 5 o'clock in the after
noon. accompanied by a part of
t'ne noted Minnesota State Band.
They will be entertained for a
short time by the Commercial
Club of this city.
If $15.00 is your price
for a suit of clothes, you
want to get the best you
can for that money, dont
you? Oppie's Toggery
specialize at that price.
$15.00 no more and no less
in ready-to-wear suits for
men and young men. All
sizes 33 to 48.
You should see them.
3-1 3m
Opera House Confectionery
FOR i.
Home Made Ice Cream
Ordors filled on Short Notice
Johnson's Chocolates in Boxes
Very Fine
Candles and Chewing Gum
Alwaye Freeh
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes
We have the Latest Magazines
Try Our Eleetric Cut Coffee—There le None Better
Phone 140J {Wahpeton, N. D.
If IflHiBiiflllfiTa—iililiiMiHlMiiiiBiiiaaiiMiiiiMhiiMiKiniMiiii^ii

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