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Plain and Decorative Painting ^«v 4 *v BOX MS X'iy sj 'V-&* r" *v *"N CHAS FORMAN SIGN PAINTER WAHPETON, North Dakota GUSTAV SCHULER Lawyer Probata Practica a Specialty •MttaBmaKVMnBaMnsMsuMMHUMtcsa EUGENE SCHULER Architect Offices in Schuler Block WAIirKTON, KORTII DAKOTA. WA1IPETOX, North Dakota For Yoisr Flurnbing H5T WATER HEATIHS WARM AiB FUNNA0ES For Your Tin and Gslvanfzsd Iron Work ga t3 PAINTERS AND DECORATORS ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS W. E. PUHCELL A. G. DIVE! PURCELL, DIVET it PERKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the courts or the state. Collections a specially WAHPETON. KOnTII DAKOTA. J. W. WORRIER I RIK3. J. W. WOHSER Liccnsod S Emba'msps and Tuneral I Directors 0 With Eckcs-Worner Furniture jj Cotnpany Ijay Phono liO ?CIgl)t Phones a•.»?, and 231J A. HODEL SON! Only Tin Shop in Wahpslcn J, cM. cHess Optician Onstad, Schmitt & Murphy Undertakers R. F. MURPHY, Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Day Pbane 138J Night Ph»n«200L-2801 WAHPETON. M. D. Pfcl tf ff^Siev 'Vi•1 •C'OSt- 4 "O ,+ -.-v#?. J* Directory: (. Phono Beokenridgo 248-M Hard Wood Finishing Old Floor* Especially BRECKENRIQE, MINN. SUMMONS DAKOTA. COUNTY OF dictol District. c* Iver Olson fourth Ju- sure, Plaintiff •VS- J. o. Johnson, John O. John soil, l.pna Johnson, oin Tide inan, Andrew J. liakken, Ma lie liakken. w. II. Kevnoll and all persons unknown claiming any estate or intiv jest in or lien or encumbrance upon the property described in Hie compliiinr, The Stale or North DakcM to lae -above deicnrlanls: Yw Defendants VH hereby summoned to r.n-wr the n, i!i,» above .n !.!.)l has peon ni ,i in tin- office i.t ti »-1 c.lerlc rr iho Pi?!iiet Court in tii'i i'.nirth PL-ion, in and r., r,:iri"v of Kichlaiicl anrl tfta'.o of Norm PaUola, ?iul t.-il s-.-rve a copy or your atisw.v to m.. faid' eoini'lain on 1!-.o suljserilt.j^s at theii' of Kc? in t!ie Ciiy of Vahjieton, in Crmnty and To the Above-named Defendants: The above entiiled action is brought to quiet title to the following described prop erty: East Hair E%). Section five (51, Township one hundred Thirtv-flve M35i North, Range I'oriy-nine (49) West. Rich land County, North Dakota and no per sonal claim is made against'you or any or you. rURCEIX. DIVET & PERKINS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and Post Or- Pce Address, Wahpeton, Richland Countv, North Dakota. July jith-fit VISIT California's Expositions THE Northern PaeSfie Coast and step over eh route st Yellowstano National Park Yon can make one trip and in fludc all two arrant cxp.'sitions lite wondot'l'ul Xui-t!i Paciiic Coast C'lunifv and S'ollowsliino Xaiiniial Park. bosidL'S niany "Ihi1!' -r.vno.s-indjviilua! fcatur os in lliotnsclv.vs and w.M'tliv of •not..1. You rn travel eitlier hy water or Shasta rail route from Portland to Snn l-'raneiseo or via Lite new c.iasi-wise sleam shirj line Great Northern Pacific Steamship Co. from Astoria, Oregon to San Francisco Meals and berth included. Write cr tion, etc. LOW FARE DAILY TO NOVEMBER 30th O. N. M08E8, Agent Wahpeton N. D. Northern Pacific Ry WATKIN8 REMEDIES I have the acrency for tlie Wat kin's liniments.^soices. extracts and toilet articles for the south half of Richland county, includ ing the city of Wahpeton. A full line of the above arti cles is kept at 21 Second street south. M. D. KEENEY, Aprent WAHPETON IARBLE and GRANITE WORKS Manufacturers or and Dealeraln Foreign and Domestlo Marble and Granite Monuments, Coping and Iron Feneee Reference: First National Bank, Breckenrtdge. -Minn. Citizens National BaAk, wahpetoq, N. H. J. K0RF, Proprlttor *Z «W 1 rf iv^ V3?-/" jat^^ss TREASURER'S REPORT *9r„. Antelope school uiairici, County oi Ricuiand, state Norm Dakota* tlie year ljU-lyla. Receipts Cash on band at beginning1 of school year, July l. lyit .|701.43 Total amount received during tue year trout the apportionment or uie Slate Tuition Fund .895.73 Total amount received during the year rrom tbe apportionment of tne Coumy Tuition Kuna 675.03 Amount received during tne year from Taxes levied by the l/istrict School Board, including outs tana Ing warrants redeemed or en dorsed in tbe collection or Taxes..S.G50.00 Amount received during the year front other sources 65.90 Total receipts Tor tbe year. Includ ing Casb on Hand July t, teu $1,087.73 Kipeadltures Amount paid during the year for School Houses, Sites and Furniture 9150.33 Amount paid during tbe year ror Teachers' Wages a®32.50 Amount paid during the year ror Services and Expenses or School Officers 103.50 Amount paid during the year Tor Interest on Bonds and warrants ....19.30 Amount paid during the year Tor Incidental Expenses 440.14 Total expenditures Tor the 5-ear ?3,8S3.73 Casli on hand Juno 30, Ai te-|: A. i:. All,'1111.-. within thirty days afwr the service of. tiiis summons upon you Clerk. in clusive of ilie day of such service', and in ease or your failure, to appear or answer, judgment will bo taken against yon iiv de fault for the relief demanded in the coin plaint. Dated this 0th day of Julv, 191.". PURCELI.. DIVET & PERKINS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and Post or nce address Wahpeton, Richland Coun I tv. North Dakota. Clerk's Statement of Im' cf l»!s li iet \V k:1o amount of Ronds Outstar. '.i!is June so, s::,o.oi Total ir/'ebieiincfs of District :n?. s.t, toir. r.o.T I A.tproved tli's 1.1th day of July A. I. r.lir.. l.y order cf the DislTie' pe'in^l lica"d: A. E. ADAMS, Clerk TREASURER'S Rtl'ORT For Ibsen Senool District. County of Rich jiul, Slate or North Dakota, tor tiiu year l'Jti-1915. Receipt Cash on hand at beginning of school year, July 1, Kin $ &3.C9 Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of Hie Stale Tuition I'und 533.31 Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of the County Tuition Fund 305.70 Amount received during the year from Taxes levied by the District School Hoard, including oulsiand ing warrants redeemed or en dorsed in the collection of Taxes l.iWj.oo Total receipts for the year, includ ing Cash on Hand July I,-101 S3.500.CJ Kxiieii.liloics Amount laid dining tin* year for Houses, sites and Furniture Amoiinl paid drritri' I he yea.' for Teacher:,' Wag' Amount said during the jear to Co. isv s:.i "'1 Teae'iers' i."... Fund A". .! lit ST r'i:' j11 I'le ':u' 1. !-•". lr- nt .• I. J-.a'ar.rc nil Atii'-unl an--! f*$ 4 ^tV'i f" *r S vW t, A^ -. ~ir$ THE WAHPETON TIMES 1015 t.ioi.oi Grand Total, Expenditures and Cash on Hand, to balance above Total Receipts ?i,037.73 Kelatiiifi In Sinking Fund Amount or Sinking i'und in Treas ury July 1, mil §000.03 Amount received into and transfer red to liio Sinking Fund during tlia year 7:,.no Total is,-,7:,.-i.i I'alancc in Sinking Fund .Tune 30. p.d". Or.N'.A.N MeKINN. i.N. Treasurer or Antelnpe •idstrlet Apiiroved tills pith day ..f July. A. IX loir,. Hy order the hiM.'i.M s.•! 1 ... 1 Iti.ard: .)«JI.V .•lei'Ot1 Ai.i.. J'i'esulent Cr-'i r.v To::,! I., it I ..'CHEAT 1 ..i:.!,\ «u:! Kxpen.^'S Vf School i"i t'ri-n.v on Hi-:nN A.: Ir.cid' T- bnn»l .J" M-* I it.'a-I: Titi:AL'iu:i F.'T 1'i!11ei I 1 H11 j-i 0 i". il j'ie i. .:.: 11 A" 'if l"l:c*:- lar.l. S'atc- of North I'akola, for the Itecc.ti's e.-i-ii on hand at i.-ea-ln'nn? o!' f-I.• •'•1 year., .loi1" I. 111'.: I lal anV''Uil rec.-ive:l flnrtna- tlv VfllC i's'diil 111" 'liO'1". or I he Si.-,:e T.iith.n Foul l/*d."i T-• 1 ill amount Oe-I drrieu- the year rr.111 the ao -c• rllenment of il." I'fiiiniy To ii ."ii I ii n-1 1 .-JO .Vo-'Uii! re. ..neit itiirit'? »ln yar II :•!)j lev i"o lr li t'i.-lrlrl school I'.oard. IiHitflinir oni-!atil- inif wa! va:i'- i-el:*"ie.'it .e* '".i (l.i'rsed ill (lie e!!ec!ion uf 'laser veeeivet! dtirinir tl'.' year from oilier Snnree.- 3". .-- Ti.lal rrrAip's f'.r tile v.'-rir. ii f': I in Cash on l'.and -i"I• l. I'.'ii ... i:\iiimiiiiime- Ammtnt pat during Hie year 'i"r| IPvisrs. Si-e= and Furni'm A'eirnt paid during the- year rr Apra-a'us. I'ixiur.?.?. Ft." A.'n•ici-'i .-aid rliivip.^* Use year lor Tor.c'iers' Wages or phone for detailed rates inlorma- .v—i ie nut iiuring iho j-ear to •r-o««!:fri' on nee.i'mi of Toa'her ne'i'-er.i0rit Fund Amount raid durin fl.i Attest: \vm. nelle. clerk. Clerk's Statement of Indebtedness or Dis trict Whnl* nnovnt Of Wn-rantS Ollt s'aidlntr June 30. mi5 None Whole amor"t or Bonds Outstand ing so. None AITlol•T• of inK»rioisor pSt warrants Out- June 30, 1015 None Total Indebtedness or District June jn. 101% None By order or the District Sr,-"'1 Hoard: \VM. GELLE, Clerk. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that tbe Board of edwinl'd- of Wahpeton N. D. will uiitil .F»• Iy 15, at 7 o'clock P. M. j.cceive bids for the painting of «.il of the wood work and e.i!so :iijjing of ai! i.f the plastered walls on the upper or second floor, and the painting of the roof and gutters, of the graded school building of Wah peton, N. D. Two coats of calso mining and paint is required. Bids must be in writing and mailed or delivered to the under signed on or before the time and date'—mentioned and the Board reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated July 14, 1915. By the order of the Board of Education. 2t. M. PESCHEL, cierk. Geo. Worner Sr. is having his house painted. He expects to do the same with the store buildings. Miss Perchbacker from Breok enridge is spending a few days at the Geo. Worner home. There was quite a gathering at the Richard Bolm home Sunday and the afternoon was spent play ing horse shoe by which Rich Bohn'and Louie Bolm won the championship. The farmers are busy hayiny but from the last rains water pre vents very much the drying- oi the hay, so it will not be liuishod ai early as in other years. Mr. u. ]•'. Worner and wife made a trip 11 (he county seat, on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. \Y. Weiss andiH Jili'. and His. Sam Cran.Jall !•.• [turned home Tuesday after aj€ three weeks outing at lake Stew-lb! art and lake Clilherall in Minne sota. The commercial club has been busy lately i.n regard to the train scryice here and it, i~ rumored that we will hav.' trains three a week as follows: on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Quite a few are spending the, afternoon at the Boi de Sioux riv er angling for the L.uU heads. W. J. Koppclman i.« at the county .seat, at lending the county coinmifsiunors toeei inc. A few of uttr lo'.vs flug up their old band instruments, and polish ed theni over so they could pro duce a sound fr.m them. And they are now giving us .vine hualc spiels. A bouncing baliy boy arrived a! the home of Paul Seluved '-o.i Stiinluy 1 I go!, the Ys'c f, |i pital.. O' Ti .. J, :u t-'.:-.'va i. q,: w. l.l.OYP A. i.A!:- cieri 1 ^4 1O"-1 J. r^ifcw***,*: BEND- ',.."-... Kfr. F. Hammermeistcr from Center township was in town on Monday with his new Dodge car, and reports that the crop condi tions out his way are very favor able. Mr. E. H. Bolm is goinp to build a large barn soon. It will be 36.x 70. Herman Mitzels new house is well under way, and is nearing completion. •iilly l. i'aul l! wiin'f. r.'vwni^ ii 1 i• t]* -M •1 li •\aiitH-i t.-n m: tna 'e g:ad S V. \it:j ". t.'l'V, V. .I i-ic \i ti. a :mm or !r--m here Of!on k:-i. S'.indav Si.tll ::ne lit '.ween \Y saw li jie!o,i I'll J'orpus Rev. T. Hii'ek al.scni fr i'ew day.' leaving Tues lay inu- for Slrr-ete -, li.vk. Tlir l.uflj^ran noiyrrgali' w.tii h'dd ii missi.-n f.vl r.t Hie L.itiici ij..h11 i.i'.oe "ii Sunday. July iSili.i Pi-.'tfi'S-i'l' GALOHUTT I' III:- fa I IP 0 ....3.r-n the year for Services and Expenses of School Officers Amorni. i-atd tJiirfnt" 11.e year for In cir'en'al rxpen"ss Amount paid durin? the year for purposes not liefore mentioned Total rTrrn''|.,lre3 f0* )|lf, Cash cn l'.and June. 30, iota t.tos.oi .PP.1")"*! Grand Total, expenditures and Ca«lT on Hand, to balance above Total Receipts *5.570.33 a 1 FRAMC J. SCHMITT. Treasurer of Summit School District, Approved this 13th day of Ji'ly A. I., 1915. Bv order llic District School Rnard: LORENCE ZEN'TORAF. Presidant 11":' ll .if 1 IV," I Mrs. Atidi'i-x Ulson is in ll-ee: jrunii^'' h.ispilal wiiiM'i' she un derwent an operation. V,'e impe ii• Mii'it will lie well again. There was a la rue attendance Mlson's wr Min re.-e last Monday evening (U'i.'luiil opera hmi'-e. The Galehuli !'"arm^r.-. !"!•%. Co., received a car of iiismai-ck Binder twine the first of 'he week. The rains of the Quite a number of tanners from here went to Wahpeton to see tlie circus and the big ele phant on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lentz and child ren left Tuesday for Forbes, N. D.. where Mr. Lentz is going to work at. blacksmilhing. Erik Peterson, our vcnerabla road overseer, is looking high and low for the lever to the floodgate so he could stop the overflow and be going ahead with his road work. Murray Brothers and Ward of Minneapolis, were here looking over the country with prospects of selling real estate. They were favorable impressed with the looks of the country and the crop outlook around here. J. M. Ivilgore, manager of the Galcliutt Farmers' Live Stock shipping ass'if. is going to load a car of stock Saturday, July 17tb. Neil McEwen of Moorhead was in our town today and bought tbe blacksmith shop and will perma nently locate here. McEwen will be ready to the shop on j-^Qrur-oi.x.Mner'i Monday, July 19th. Bring work and keep him busy. Mrs. E. T. Martin and and Martha leaves tonight month's visit at her parents in Blandinville, Illinois. Coming to Wahpeton Dr. Mellenthln S«1EO!flL5ST C:*o i" L.i -O vj i:. CM.^TIG! Dr. "'ieiiero I I O a I •. iiou iiiio mil a-nos s. I I'ii'i it II I' fliim Si. 1': i! will1 de 1 tiie -i-rnion. J-'.\. •y 111 il.v I'i'nJll .1. C.\ If. l-'osier came up jliliimis last Wedm'.-day |. I..on Uf! ott'ers to a eonsuifaii a'lviee fn if Ipedieii, I his Ii i1:1 1121 «.1X O asked in I iv Painting Kalsoming Interior Work Paperhanging Now is the time to paint before fly season F1RS7 CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Phone or Send Phono Treats Chrsnlc Wiihcul cr^ iv:: Bo i'.J'i'O KC-'i At.'i.L'ST lil t.iA V, :v iloase 10 While (raveling, the dt, lime is mostly d'-vMed to eases of stomach, bowels. liver.' . blood, skin, nerves, hear!, kidney. bladder rheumatism. eye, ear, nose and throat, ealnarh. weak asthma, bed wel ling. piles, appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goitre and ele. Remember right .now is the fav orable season for quick results and if you expect to get well yon will have to make tbe effort. p| mi.. jt^.i lungs, adnoid IclI. few days is a hardship to the farmers who are pulling up hay and cultivat ing corn. O. Sartdvig a«d N. A. (iranquist autoed to Abercrombie Wednes day morning. Ob, my, such roads. Speed limit 5 miles an hour. Married ladies must be accom panied by their husbands and mi nors with their parents. llt'J Kill I vs- a.Q'i'^V' Y* 155J A'o. "Prompt Efficient Service" is Our Moilo li io your! TRAVEL TO CALIFORNIA THROUGH A MAZE OF 8CENIO Helen! WONDERS for a home -the R. ,.v. 11 IS 11 t. it ,. 1 i11 s.'rvie.-s is I hill, e\e,'y ^ersiin I'val.'d win .-(ale lite true t*. 11L (.Maine.1 in their friends audj: thai I hey may km-w j1 thai his [peatmen! is r.-as.utaitlyI sure ami cerlain in ii eff.'cl. I ea I ,1.0! i' 11 i'aui VALUABLE LOTS IFOR SALE Wahpeton is a geographical point with three transcontinental lines of railroads, at the head of the Red River, the Nile of America, and with the progres sive development of the fertile land, surrounding—the richest land in the United States—is destined to have a large population and become the chief city of the Red River Valley. My remaining 71 lots fronting tlie Indian School in Park Side Addition are now offered at exceedingly low prices in twos, threes and fours with small cash payment and balance on three or five years time. See J. Q. BURBANK, My Agent BERIAH MAGOFFIN iii»» ,eiiiieaeiei)iiei*ieiiieiiei*ii*eiii ^fti»*««r%«s»ijyi«* S J» ix *1. "4 A SEVETV •i-'S A ffl E3 .-33 The enjoyment of sight-seeing is the main reason why you are going West this year—therefore you will want to select a route that will provide to utmost in scenery and service. The cool northern route of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to tlie Pacific North Coast pre-eminently the route of Jliril.iii iin»tt:.iaiu views. It pern.Lrates t!i• lf'art of thive great rar.res—tin- Roekie-. l.litlei -l1. tl i.i'.' S 1! i' \'i 'Flt.S i':•" 1'\ •••ades ii-y k-v. t. mile une t. i' 1 tiie "f from 1 1 'r ..f si. in' *1 a. uieiiio ana c who eail on ii. exaFii :.-.-' .•\eep! the| -Ml thai js -il-v.I IVt'L '•H'no\' l,]:.w-'." i' Ji'li. d.'.Vi'ii no a-'i.'wy" St, •]...• un'. wif:'.' tie: "M i\V:i il'.'-e" is i- an i'.\eiusi\ .ill'.'. and Tai'iima y..ii vtv the liainier- ••••mill I'll 1c ii I fni si in", io a mem.' S litis •'f a ,1: 1 -it!:.' Mn t.vavi a Ii a. I.os i' i:iH.- -.•.piijme 1 "U I lie I.iuiif cd" nf the I •. t1' fare- y.jtt n! the wmi ii at I '•M.i e.ii'i f'ir "'lure and full iii 11..• a :i. Mihvau' & .luly 22n(J 'h ca ihva.v. IVELL DftcLLING See me before y.. contract for a new well. I make a specialty of repairing old wells. C. C. Kccncy, 315 "rd st. S. Wahpeton i!!! Bi :iflE:.::s:i:iHi!iB ta !3 I vC) -mi 'oi iff*. -K