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VOL. XL. KEEPING TUG SEED by JiII* the gam" on other run. A HOLD UP \\uhii 1 sis I I I The Crop of Victories That the ijoll's United And Hankinson was Nicely Shoved 'he Billings Gazette will corro. And Put Thru the Separator bate his statement: at the Rate of 3 to 2 I The Billings Daily Gazette. Hankinson started scoring by the bandits. He was very right off the reel and Put across busy yesterday.shaking hands with one score. In the third hits by his old friends. Mr. Fisher Jordan, Gilles, a walk for Ervin leaves this morning for Lewis and an error by McKcilar, Hankin town but will r"U.rn later.*' son's first sacker, was the result "To the I imes reporter he sta! of two runs. ed that his title used to lie the There wasn't much doing in Human Locomotive and to prove the way of anything then until the that, lie is still in trim and holds first half of Hie eighth when hits the till'' lha! was given by the hy I'eiifoJd. and a two hit police (lazeile lie will give an e\_ by Kent tied her up. Then hits hibition of bis smoking here in Jones and Ervin put Wahpeton next week. by scaring an- a a ign for the erection of a wagon E. Smith ol the Library tables from Dressers from WORLD'S CHAMPION CIGAR SMOKER HERE W E A I I A W W iv O is S ok in llllljiil VjLJjnll Exhibitions in Wahpeton Al Fisher. agent of the Camp- Shows, Little Twins are Now city claims that ho is tlio world'.? Reaping Show fastest cigar smoker as he sisiok ed 9G cigars in 15 hours in J3il- A MOST SPLENDID YIELD ftSirSfd who is in the The following- was taken from Wednesday, May :41st It was one of the best games of "A1 Fisher. wit- several year the season for the fans of the ago gained considerable notoriety Little Twins the game Sunday in by smoking 00 Nabob cigars in which Hankinson was defeated 15 hours was in the city yester 3 to 4 was a beaner. Heaiaches'day. gloom looking faces, mingled with "He is advance agent for the laughter and genuine pleasure Cambell's United Shows which stood out at different parts of the will be in Wahpeton next week, game. If a person had been' "Mr. Fisher is direct from the blind their ears would have told border and was with the show them which way the game was go- when it had to guard its horses ing, to keep them from being stolen SENTINEL BUTTE MAN ELECTED PRESIDENT Ed Wralstad and a granger when in one of our stores. night last w°ek learned thai the proprietor had a few bottles ot beer on baud and induced him' to let'them have a bottle each. meeting ol tne Craighead Commissioner of Edu cation at Salary of $5,000 Year The sii-ana-er claiming lo be a state board of regents, required \b:u K« th'-eatoned law to be held jn HismarcK, ad have Mi-1 merchant arriested for journed today. ,, .selliiiK lii11oj* without a license. H. Crawtord, Sentinel Butt •, unless lie would come across. was elected president: 1- rank rash and acheck for $50 was se-lWhite. Valley C«y, vice presi cured. When is was learned that dent and Charles JJrewe.i iti u, he was being held up, payment secretary. was stopped on the check and the' I"'- Craighead ot Montana merchant is out on-.y the $5 The was elected commissioner _ol_ edu sirar.ger has lisappepi. and no cation to begin Aug. 1, with a al arri. sts hav b—n made. ary ot «o 0flp per .!iss Don a Forkn.-r is homoj Report Not Comp eted fi-.n her at Glei Uilen.! Tlie report otllie educational which .lid not cose until late in survey has not yet Mandan Launches National Wide details. 'N,e Campaign pleted and ready loi pubin.diion Aug. 1st. Directors of the Commercial President Ladd ot the Agricu club have started action towards tural college. launching a nation wide bridge over the Missouri river of Science, and Present Ml. between Mandan and Bismarck, of the Ellendale noniia), app a The Northern Pacific railrod ed betore the boan.L M" a "ard Officers of the National Parks There will be but one, E. J. Bah Hiehwav association, the Bed cock. Trail and various automobile 'be board adjourned nn clubs' will be interested on the Monday at largo to inspect tin. rinite from New York to Seattle. Agricultural college where sever- BUY YOUR NEXT FURNITURE FROM The U. S. Nev & Second Hand Fnrnitnre Go. I ISand save from 20 to 28 per cent cashSSS jj BARGAINS IN NEW FURNITURE 10 year guaranteed Mattress sells elsewhere for $15 for 25 yr. guaranteed V. S. Spring sells elsewhere for $7.50 for $5 Kitchen Cabinet sells elsewhere for $25, for $18.75 Buffets, fumed or golden oak sells elsewhere $28.50 for We buy your second hand furniture and pay cash for it, or take it in exchange for new. We have many bargains in our store of second hand furni lure articles. J. LEONARD, Manager Across Street from Steam Laundry. Wahpeton, N. D. 1 been complet- a a .| a temi'lated. uiftpnii RRIDAE OVER Commissioner ot Kduea MISSOURl PLANNED t"" ges are con- Ulaxton. has passed on the |tj i!l jn ill'* t'liil li. i'Jif !l"i. 'Ml ill'? the state uimei .|iooi The cost of the bridge is p, o- al faculty changes are made mare'r.'kli? offTce^ ledieve u'.at -Mrs. Mary Shaw andI children of "he plan that resulted in the '.ablwell. Idaho arrived he city "Bridge that Boost Built" over the fore part of the week for a the Little Missouri at Medora. visit with her mothei. Mi.. L. A. can be used on a nation wide Kean and other relatives and scale. friends. N N 1 S 1 $9.60 jjj jj $18.50 g| $8.00 to $18.00 jj $8.50 to $16.50 |j jj jj THE WAHPETON TIMES WAHPETON, RICHLAND COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THUR8DAY JULY 13th, 1916. The Milnor team lias disbanded and several of the players of thai am are imw with l-'ergus. UNITED STATES TROOPS OF ALMOST ALL COLORS We've Got 'em While, Red and Brown Breckenridge Firemen Welcome You to the Kid-Summer Festival and Carnival All Next Week THE OLD HOODOO !ROGERS SATURDAY HAS VANISHED Qaze in Awe When small squads of red men in khaki, native Americans from lb" Fort Sill reservation, began guiding white men and black men thru your tortuous passes. Guer rero province gazed in awe. Uul our hand is not The Little Twins Ball Team Take Two of the Fastest Teams in the Miinor Into Camp by the Northwest Will be Here Score of 10 to 2 Saturday and Sunday HAHKINS0NDEFEATED3T02 GIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT At the Science Scool Crouds and For the Management Needs all the It Was Exciting Game for the Fans Above all !lie surprises ol the season was the drubbing given to Miinor, Friday by the little twins when they journeyed to Milnor, and defeated the fast team of t.'iul piace by the score of 10 to J. Kin nan, the man who beat the little twins a few weeks ago I to 0 was on the mound for the Sargent County players and the way the old guard hit the pill was a cau tion. I-'aust was on the mound for the :little twins and lie kei'l what few h:is lliey gathered off !i pretty well saeatered and they wer- only abb lo gather two runs off him. We wtyv not present at the game but Hie fans who were there :said I he local boys played, gill edge ball and lio-y more than ,made up for that onelo unfiling game. Black, 11' yon must ii::hl t'.iiil.ed Slates soldiers. Carran/.a, what color will you have.' We've got 'em white, black, .'''d and bl own—and some of I hem can talk SPanish lingo just as well as any of your rurales When oceans and oceans of while men in khaki began over run ni it ir northern Chihuahua in search of the elusive Villa, your peons and banditti were visibly impressed. When Inng lines nf black men in khaki began following up lb" trail and guarding the communi cation from Paloinas lake to Cas as Grandes, Chihuahua cowered in dread. yet played Carranza. If you insist, we can briny over some brown men in khaki, from the far-off Philip pines—dusky Macahebes denizens of your desert sure will think and other civilized -tribes-—ami then the world has turned against them! There are six thousand of these .little brown men. Carran/.a—and well they know the style of fight ing in which your half-indian war riors excel One Filipino The privates, (he non-commis sioned officers all are Filipinos only the holders of commissions are white. And some of the brown brothers are workinu up lo officers' commissions one is now fa caPtain. They have done great service "in putting down the savage Moros iand in quelling other Philippine :internal disturbances. They speak Spanish, as do most of the civilized Philippine tribes 'Many of them are part Spanish. ,Their officers say the Philippine scouts will acquit themselves well if perniflted fa Participate in actual warfare, and if Uncle Sam has to pacify Mexico as Help It Can Get At Present Time he pacified the Philippines the scout are just the kind of soldiers do it. THE WILD RICE ON A RAMPAGE The Wild Rice river is higher than it has been in many years. There are but few places in the county where it can be safely 'crossed. In places it is a couple of miles wide and still rising. The cause of this exceedingly high water is said to be the blow ing out of a dam at Skunk lake in Sargent county. Mrs. Wm. Wagner and Miss Jean are visiting friends and rel atives at Arthur and Hunter of this stale. The I'll** fans ,.f -this city have done nobly, but your (inancial help just now means (he very life of the base ball season. The back ward weather has put a crimp in to the li nances of the team and atliough the fans have given a splendid help on the second sub scription list, that made its rounds I nevertheless you should all there Saturday and Sunday, 1 oi now on .] til" I'emaind er o'' the season teams wiii have J.e gollen :•!i Pll'tliC" d'S tance away as some of the teams near here have disbanded, and .this means further trouble finan cially for the management to meet. We hi I ll i? year ilandv team and everybody is anxious to see the boys remain here .but 'his cannot |te done unless you give all the .-tipporl. you can. Uring a friend with you to the game, male or female, and this will give 'file management it 11 the courag: in the world. .'Sogers who will lie here Sat urday lias one of Hie stl'Ollge.-i iteains in Ibis slate and from the remit of this game il can be told how strong our boys are. Leahy will no doubl 1 the mound 'ay lie hits a score lo settle. II Mii' i.i•: remembered (hat. Leahy pitched for llankiuson in the last, game of the season last year mid be was beaten by I list( hit of J.yle's. Sunday, Cogswell will be here ami those that saw (tie otliei game between the little iwins and .Cogswell will sure be on baud. I ANOTHER PIONEER CALLED Mrs. James I'urdon died al Ihe family home last Thursday nigh!, •after an illness of Jong duration. She had been a palicnl sufl'crer, wailing and-ready for Ihe sum mons calling her home. She leaves a husband, two sons and four daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Purdon are real pioneers of Wah peon, having lived here for more than Miirfy-six years. They were active participants ill devel oping a new country. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Sewrey in tin Congregational church, Sunday afternoon. In terment at Riverside cemetery. .Mrs. James Pwnl n, formerly Miss Aunetla Anderson, who was born in Norway in 1852, came to this country with her parents, when about three years of age. .The family taking up their resi dence in Milwaukee, Wis., where her mother died about a mouth 'after their arrival. Shortly afler ..this the family moved to Stephens Point, Wis., living there until she came to Alexandria, Minn., about 1875 or 0. Two years from this date, on the 7th day of May, she became the wife of our esteemed citizen, Mr. James Purdon, and in 111 spring of ISSO I hey came to •Wahpeton, where she resided un flii her death, last Thursday night, uly •itb. I Mrs. purdon has been an invalid for some years, but during the past year has suffered from acute •heart trouble and nervous break down. Al tin early age she was con •I'lined in the Norweigan Lutheran 'church and all I best years has 1-een interested in the work of Ichristain charily, and a most de iVoted wife and mother. I Kiglil children were born into ..this home: four boys and four 'j-irls. six of whom are si ill living, Mrs. Myrtle Bennelt of Wahpeton, Dr. Cleve Purdon of Lisbon, Capt. Frank Purdon of West Point, Clara, Florence and Edyth who are at home, Mrs. W. G. Crocker of Lisbon and Mrs. Andrew Pur don of Alexandria were here for he funeral. Mrs. Florence Dada of Forman visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jamieson. CLIFTON-KELLEY CARNIVAL I SHOWS AT BRECKENRIDGE Popuar Company Visited the City For a Week Last Summer From Mjo liead Daily New:— Wi.h bands playing, bally-hoo 'men shouting their iouudest, Un great Clifloii-Kelly shows will op en oil the reguar grounds next' Monday night, July 1 *tii for onei week's stay. This company wa here ia*t .July and the people ol Mrerkcnridge ail next weet I ADVERTISED LETTERS 'in (he Wahpeion. N. I.. Post Of lice. .1 (llV I 21 h, l'.HC) 1 Moohead and Fargo need no re- And He Claims That Somebody 'minders of the ^leanest of IJ i' *, Tried to Schoot Him Not Seen comes cleaner up of! shows. The company here bigger, belter and than last year. Tin' iii the shows curried atv sssippi Cab real Minstrels, 'lie 'fan himself just under the heart, go Maids. May Jo the Child Wond- Such was the information (bat er. Spidoia. the spider iirl. The reached this office. Neighbors Deep Sea Monster, The Zeno Con- who found him notified the sher grcss of Wonders. The ioid ill's office and they nuickly re Nugget Hance Hall or Days of i'l spoiided. Upon entering his Clark's Trained Dog and Poiy bedroom -they found him lying in slmw: Triii to Mai nr I lie Work"- bed with a wound in his breast 'ing World: sio.oil l.ale Parker jus I under his heart and with a 'Carry t's All and Jackson's Ker-.-'-'- riHe elulclietl lo his side, lis Wh el with Prof. 'ScfiulUl They hurried him (n(be liospj- and not an unrefined or immoral show on the grounds. !.. C. Kelley's rub- is earned out each day in regard lo thai respect. Al- Liny w.lli ihe ir to All-American band of 15 high la I and quickly summoned a doc tor who gave him first ai dto the injured. II, is thought I hat lie class musicians. Th" Clifton-Kelly Shows prid' themselves on the refined iiow will pull through. they give and well fhey may. lor! ii 11 the shows thiil I hey had herej las year were dean and high .-hiss it week •ild and opporl visit after noon or night. 1 iieiug free from the nij.ier' ton- LA1UF.S Alshaug. Miss Malla Jones, Miss Margaret Jansen, Mrs. I5en 'Leiner, May Murphy, Mrs. W. J. Olson, Mrs. John A. Olson, Miss Mary W Ruskeit, Mrs. John Leincre Mrs. U. SKNTI.KM FN Drown, Jo-. Itanham. Morn Grover. Ira 'Hotel lieilcvue .Ilameiliar, Kids. liackensini: ii, A. 14. jHovy, Mar! in illickey, Adolpli ,Morrison, K. J. lMcogg, I. 5. Ross, J. iSscwitrk. Albeit iVosburgh. drove iViiigum, Klmer (2 When calling for the abov please say advertised and date of list. Respectfully funeral C. It. Ril!enhouse, P. M.luteals lo keep clear iBARNEY LENERTZ DROWNS Jn| |.-(.e.-h pure water, two or three RED RIVER quarts a day. will make that brave Word reached this city satui- jm,, machine, your heart, rejoice iday morning thai Marney excellent Number 20 SHOOTS HIMSELF IN BREAST the Supposition of the Accident of John Schluka, Who Was in Bed .22 RIFLE BY HIS SIDE Since Friday Noon Word was passed down the The Mis- street lliaI. John Schluka had shot JOHN D.'S DOCTOR LAYS t%s clean is ihe molto. company comes her for all'! I lie people .if Mooi Fargo may again have the opp.iri- Today John I). Itockefeller, the unity of paying the (euie,l city a a ge. Prof. Scliu 11 z's concert band of ,,,• e excellent musicians will turni.-ii html, woh has been llockefelnr's coiicerls on th" streets at noon physician for 2ii years, says the eacii day, assisted by Ihe l.ilin 1 Voice, who iieal Ihe '.iand. 11 li able which fealure many carnival Hjggar and the physician gie.-, compai.nes have. the Clitlon- ( rules in Ihe following art Kelly shows should find in Moor- Jo: head patrons a warm welcome._ gy Dr ||. F. Biggar, Sr The Huron lltirnnite says 'I in*! The average span of life ahs Cliflon-Kelly shows are the clean imglhened. Three hundred years est and best carnival company 'v-' OOWN RULES Improvements in Code Lengthen Span of The Will Exisence W orld's riches man was 77 years famous oi magnate will live lo be 100 y« ill's of age Hocket'eller Is following the rules of ving lid down bv IVr. a er played here. jlcss I ban 20 years. Today it is This company furnishes ill al- more than -40. :lracfions for the Firemen's Mid-j And if the men, women and iSummer Festival and ''.arnival ill children of loday continue lo im- fffi I lie average period of lie, was prove certain habits of life the span of life should lie lengthened to 100 or even more To attain age without being ag ed you must, follow certain rules. I Don't Worry I First of all, don'l worry. Iiaily worrying for no ^ond rer. 'son weakens body and mind. Then when the real cause comes for worry, the reserve force of Ihe tody has all been used up. We hear much of diet these 'days. The chief thing lo re neniher is this. I»o no! acquire overweight if -on'would acquire length of years Underweights live longer than overweights. Kscrtping coiisuinp lion in early life, the underweight is fairly safe while the overweight, seldom attains old age. He usual ly succumbs lo some disease of ,the heart, brain or stomach, or lo diabetes. Man Should Weigh 150 The aecepf|d standard of ^weight of man al io is tno pounds, and his heigh I is five feel six inches. For every inch give above this height add per cent of the weight. l)rink e.nough water b.clweeti of eye and l.encrtz! having good, clean fluid to •lit year old son of Ins w-ido\Ve«i mother had drowned in the Red, (River at thai place. It seems I that Harney had lmiiic swimmingi Regular Exercise with some olliep boys at that I F.xercise make if possible for place, afler working at his trade, muscle lo I brow off its waste, carpentry, all day utulVr a hoi 'Exercising in bed, if practised sun and although an swimmer was seized with cramps, of golf on a Saturday and a ,jt is also reported to this office swivel chair the rest of flit! week, ithat Mr. Lenertz just before go-! More energy is stored up in ling down for the third and last 'time said to his companions conditions of sleep have improv "Well boys, I am gone." ed. It is customary now lo The everyday, is better than holes sleep than iri any other way. The was held Monday. sleep with fresh air, whereas a century ago only supposed freaks CARD OF THAHR5 risked exposing themselves to We wish to publicly thank the jgj,t a many friends and relatives andj There is something in !b.e :td jalso the Catholic Order of Forest- about beauty sleeP. 'ers and Elks who so kindly assistj Sleep after sundown i':-r.T'.es jed us during our sad bereave- 0 ment and for the many floral gifts,night. Mrs. Ben H. Fink and Children Early retiring, however, makes and Father, brothers and sisters, for an even-tempered mind. farther than sleep after mid- 4