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The plied Wahpeton, HARVEST FESTIVAL BEING PLANNED One Day SERVICE' FINANCES ARE SOLlb severest test possible—WAR—was ap our federal reserve system before il was even on a matured basis but such was tbe public confidence in it that if ahs reached its full strength in the midst of peril and is now invulnerable. No panic can ensue. We are a National Bank and as such, a member of the Federal Reserve Association. Remember this when you are choosing a de pository for your fall crop returns. Tjhe Rational ffiank Of Itfahpeton munity on which our business sign of the work of TO BRECKENRIDQE riknut lab A Editor Ants a Life in^52 Flltt" I Am Prepared .North Dakota dispelled until we weije out of enridge. Local Business Men Will bo Hosts |er. Gentle waves of the road crowd. A big dance at lhe bow of Farmer Patrons for turned in breakers. We had left ery interested scores of young Plans are being made by the better road than the one which the second day, Wednesday, visitors and their families, free ed high above the surrounding mere has a parade, they have a Merchandise bargains will be tact with the top braces. At the port.unity to effect a big money among the fields. We say fields'protection is Our Ambition." a Ch of High Life on the Flats iqui to take Contracts for Dwellings and other Buildings and will furnish estimates for new work or repairing. 4 no wa at business men of Hankinson for a fate had thrust upon us, but no the weather man was in better ,, „„. .. monster harvest festival to be one knew where that road might humor than the day previous and a usand people given the latter part of July, be, so we were content to be tos- the sun shone brightly all day.' miles of Hankinson to attend. it implanted. After what seem- being the product of the County The plan has not been worked sed madly about by jumbled ruts The program opened at 10:00 in ents which took place. The out in detail but we hope to 'JU and humps. Just as we had be_ the morning with music bv Elz- Special trains which conveyed able to give the date and com- come accustomed to this style of nic's band after which the stage Bismarck and Mandan i.. plete program next week. road bed we were confronted by was set for the big industrial Manda. people to Subject to such changes as another. This was a piled mass parade. Now, when it conies lo f!" may be deemed advisabe, the of mellow clay taken from the the matter of parades, let it be Parade was on, thou Plan includes a free hot lunch for depths of a drainage ditch, mass- understood that when Wynd- street attractions in the way of prairie. While the road was parade and no ifs and amis. In !,' |»«autitul parad inspiring races and athletic contests, pro- high the ruts were low, and even point of attractiveness it was offered by practically every busi- sides of the roads mallards were the commercial club. The tire- afternoons and evenings, and ness place in the city, and the op- stirred to flight, from their nests 'men's banner reading, "Your saving will in itself be sufficient advisedly. A casual observer|was of more than passing notice. remain un111 the Liiiit inducement for every farmer would say that it was about fifty .The intinerary included comical within a radius of twenty-live fifty field and slough, much of'rigs and make-ups, one unique ,°^k The people of Hankinson ap- ed ages, we emerged from this Line"boys consisting of a vehicle otneers in command are extend preciate fully the patronage and ridge of muck to a short piece of [composed of a shaft driven "V* visitors every courtesy and good will of the larming com- really good road. Here the first ithrough an (empty) beer a meif are dependent for their sue- ,was seen. Uncertain as to what steed they could scare up out 'j11',1"5 ,!i' cess, and the forthcoming car- way we should go, we inquired. nival is intended hs a tribute of ^'St raight East," said a man, point appreciation and to encourage ing towards the setting sun. "Fol closer relations between city and low this road until you pass a country that rebound to the ad- bridge, then turn across the field.* vantage of all concerned, both in We cast our eyes toward tbe set a business and social way. The ting sun until the bridge appear prograni in view will be new and ed. Then we closed both eyes people made their way to III novel in many ways and we hope and put her into low. When wejball grounds where ll.e Milnor to be able to give full details in dared look once more we were'and Wyndmere teams clashed i,i these columns next week.—Hank- hugging the edge of a narrow la hard fought ball game, wihci inson#News. ridge solid ground, with an'resulted in a final score of 8 to 'abyss of slough on each side. It in favor of Milnor. The gam'* |was better than it looked, and a became intensely interesting in THE CURIOUS ROAD short time later we emerged in!o the eighth when the score was town which we had nev'a lie uf five lo live. Milnor, liow 'er seen before. We entered it.''ever, gained a lead later ami Touch inquired the way. fully fifty per'maintained it until the ninth. cent of our time was spent in in- owing to lhe saturated ,.ing the way, and in leaving'dition trip be made recently to this city, 'ing out. the percherons. It wasjeiitries were made and after an thence Hreckenridge and home shortly after this that we met ajexciling run the vvinning riders He reached that city safely and real monster of machinery and j,, ihcjr order were Will Slari.ns, the story goes on as follows: 'that which was for the time an'Martin Fluto and A. L. Walter.* The beauty of the day grew on obstacle, will he lhe means of.This event was not completed us and the smooln streets made' making good roads for the futur.-. I until six o'clock and conscquent suhtle suggestion that the coun- This ojislacle was a large dreda«.' .|y .supper was the next most vi try roads were equally good. This of the shovel lype.—(Irani Couniy tal subjeel before the p.-opi-. suggestion was not. thoroughly (Minn. Herald. A bandConcert in 'f'.illowed by a confetti carnival jon main street, and a big dance ill lhe bowery closed lhe two day celebration and sent, the bug' crowd home possessed of th• idea that. Wyndmere that knows how Estimates for concrete and mason work M. PARSONS Farm Loans I am in a position to make you a loan on your farm at a reasonable rate of interest and if you are in need of money call or write Louis Fligelman, Wahpeton, N. D. THE WAHPKTON TIMES .-ng our city their objective thai .ot the road. At it Old Sol j.nuk the hills behind. Everything was people and was the closing event D*Y flat, plain, smooth except the on the program f.«r the day. AT FT. LINCOLN roads. Undoubtly there was a point bably a ball game in the early at the moderate speed of three to gorgeous and composed about. Iv.,., ... evening, ending with a big dance six miles an hour on low, our 35 floats, representing business' 'rain since the regiment al night. heads were soon sore from con-ihnuses in all lines and civic bodies „r BIG DOINQ8 AT WYNDNIERE races were called off, also a few A veritable cloudburst early '"'nor sports. the mornning of the Fourth was J'u* program was. opened with iI,., muni was anything but encourag- |et jag and (beautiful) gray clouds Inhered dangerously near. Hun- Knllowing ,.Ire,Is who bad planned on mak- llial lh.. merry-go-round Hanked out. on the committee at the last. minute. Facing this handicap, entertain the crowd which was large j.n spite ol the weather. 1 he, CrnnH ,, ,M1 ,l, )uU ,V. a iI ', ,s ,() ... a band concert, followed by an !m iil I Putting a damper excelled address bv Hen. Van than one sence^o™ U?e'word'"for Edwa^I ot^S' "T h''!* 0 on niore ot a pleasant expres' on and 1r..„, then on every- |„. jihing aboxe ground was high and dry I lie tari that the roads were j, almost impassable, the Kindred was base ball team was prevented i.i. fro». c.,mhjg as was ,lu- ,kc fu he committees worked good ,MnV(l tel ows to 1 11 in grap, and to ra n's 7 ,, |1 walcoll to Th(1 or,s was ,ac and they kept things going I «'W«' ''ace, learn all home feeling that greased pole and the like A tug-:,| SUM such as the and road drag'which was hitched the bigges* W-W- o.,', of In,!!!! it s(il a ...... baiu la Xuliimal ir the prog, a ,,^ came ()f s(.!„,.? para Vbildren |, (.\,miadc rn«'er "b'ip®d to remain at children pulled a carriage de 01 .| account of he corulition e,,rated will. !he iu whi( sl( National colors ,, iu ,, (i ,, ss liaild lli( ind it was in- deed a beautiful scene. Abcrerombie ball team unable to get her.- so the am played a team com- in ia ot_war, which one bystander said spent jas being between the Norweigans ,• r^sbiering everything, it was V'* "W'W'ng to that music. 'they assisted thruout, the day, Conditions, they were ne- rt cessitated postponing all the the picnic would not have been nex '^y. Fergus Falls on our way to Breck fireworks display in Gate- operation is the secret to success, nu way Park in the evening aws Walcott. ReDorter lhe roads grew rough magnificent and drew a large way Park in the the day bad been well (II1 of iclassihcation. was won by the brations ever held in this village Dutch. Klznic band which Hits aM( year is better than ever, kept lakes (bis method „f thanking things enlivened with patriotic mir rkaV uias a ... _.w Second Day, July 5th I Visitors thronged to Fort Lin- co i., Sundav afternoon ww, Iu re fo wa 1 P'.',0av au,umo,l,1 81 keg to ls, ,lf their way and carrying a banner «..jns«„|d »,,, j«, o., "Jitney Bust,." In all, we say contiratulalion on thai, parade. I A. G. Divet gave a stirring partri-."'•"Pf""' otic address from th» grand stand'« '^"'g "la ,a At 2:00 in the afternoon Hon. the race track the run- ,, !gof stuck just off the main street. \„i„g ,-ace was staged on the ie border, h- h. it ah HI^g », Tile Grant County Herald man We backed up and made a run for road leading from Grant NnJph's shoi t. stay, el mini in al I I. gives a vivacious account of, and got through without call- in the Mc(iann resideiuv. Six VVVV '"i VI" f| 'Ueninu. (1 ll( tra fr0M tnn fun is th(l sj was ,.stimated that. there ere over „ue thousand people aM(l as as W an ,lie most successful cele- u,(. eommitlee in charge country friends for the way ,alizinu that without their aid as successful as it proved. Co- and ,ns,, burden. it is l,K interesting ev- l'Vw,k',, and 'W P'0Pk' witnessed °. ,tt and was a 111 lo a 8 llch ot I 1 ', °11' there both »iles al f* seen coming 8'onig every imnute ol the day (!|'IS,,,K VP B'aU's at I0:(t(.l at ,,,«uni- 1,1,8IIM ai,,J »arck people as well "'"'J1 as po- cl 1,1 sla! 0 members of the com- J'" .was when a kmw 1 a following wheih the majority of .«•* member there I he magazines people made their way lo Mi- rf'« .,"81': lal a! 1 most ^.eresting and the iioys in camp feel most grateful toward the giv er of such good reading mailer. I Auoliter feature which was es pecially "njoyabb1 "or the lutys was a line dinner. All the cour tesies extended the boys at thi time are greatly appreciated by fhcm. ntuJ hearts feel more than words or looks can convey. Tend er emotions arise which will ling I hem during their stay W FT. LINCOLN ITEMS All members of the militia have passed through lhe first incolua l.ion process. The •'shot in the arm" will b'* given to them two more limes with a period of a bout seven day- between doses. Sargent Haig'enl of the regular army is making preparations to lake a thumb print of every man ill still the city the regiment. The same to be used in identification purposes. Orders have been issued thai a drinking water must be boiled to celcbrale. jji.fore being used. 'Ibis reduces More favorable weather condi di(. chances of disease from this :lions would have meant a eelebra source to a minimum. !tion with more entertainment The Hospital Corps has been features, but in the face of such ]|jghly commended by the regular 'a handicap, we fen that the var- officer in charge for their splen ious committees did well |o lake ,jj(| NVU1 jthe situation iu hand and mak" They inncoulated oiie man (?very lhe best, of it. Come again. .JQ seconds. jWyndmere Pioneer. The mail and express men are kept busy these days as pretty ,4th OF JULY PICNIC nearly every man in tin regiment .k during innoeulation. BIG SUCCESS )ias received something from In spile of the heavy rain Tucs- home in the way of "eats." .day morning, the ith of July pic- Sunday morning appropriate re |nic given in this village proved! itsj,,,ls S( rVices were held on the •a big success in all respects. parade grounds. |{ev Locklin The Kindred band arrive short- delivered his farewell sermon to ly after dinner, after a strenuous the boys and the regimental band trip thru mud and wal|tr, and played several airs. was soon entertaining the large, Sunday morning the entire re^i crowd assembled with excellent nient took their position on tbe mu. ic. Kindred has one of the parade grounds and a photograph {finest bands in th.« stale, and tin* picture was taken. Al the same jboys were'nt a bit stingey with.time a looking piclrue concern •their music. was busy with a machine and lhe II was impossible to carry out actions of the boys in camp will the program as'arranged on ac- be produced for display on the count of lhe morning's rain. The screen. 1 Uaconl*. I BALL TEAM ON THE ROAD I Sunday on lhe grounds with tile Kargo Cubs was can Icelled owing to the heavey rains. I Tomorrw the team goes lo Wyndmere for a game and on Sunday will play lhe Wahpeton- Jimmy doesn't waste any word*. Be was driving a visitor across tbe com nson a few evenings ago when they °ft'*'red his services to Governor saw a cart lying among the gorse with $ ,,M' a broken shaft. The visitor asked him ^'"oop from Roberts County, the what had happened to it. troop be composed of Indians "Met another one," he replied. VJ" l,w|,"y "Oh, but'"-- lis a call for volunteers for service "Saturday night!" he interrupted.- Mexico. In case such a call ilanchestcr Guardian. jis made, there would undoubtly be a response from this county that won Id more than till the demands Overwillmg. l'or one troop. !•'. I'. Ml a.ldon of "Do you think she will ever marry itlrow l.Ireek Agency is about to anybody?" "Anybody ."—J udge. Mreckenridge aggregation at Is land Park. Next week the learn will par Iii ipate in a stale tournament alia county drainage ditch to re j«ratid Forks, This is the big lieve the distressing water con 'baseball event of the year in the ditions. A dilch from the vicin semi-professional circles of the ily of Sonora north lo the Wild jstate and big money has been Rice river would relieve much of jdonated by the Grand Forks the lowlands of the water that fans for the winning teams. (now lloods j| and has practically The team will be strengthened ruined all prspects for a 1916 |for the Grand Forks series by crop. There are some good lields jthe addition of Rusness, Leahy of grain but the fowlands is a .and Narutn to the line-up. The I lake al. present. The township showing of lhe team next week board of Waldo has held several is awaited with great interest as I meetings lo discuss the matter I hey will be pitied against some and sentiment seems to favor of the fastest, aggregations in'the construction of the drain the state.—Hankinson News. with all possible speed. mt& This Summer THREB AN INDIAN REGIMENT Ex-Sheriff John S. Swanson has H'e organization of a of Indians, in case there .organize a troop of Indians, and jKlmer Hunt, of Kadoka is asking iautbority to do lite sann- in Pinu Ridge and Rosebud Agencies. A. 'troop is also to lie raised from ia Slantling Rock and Cheyenne Play at Wyndmere Tomorrow, at Wahpeton Sunaay, then at the State Tournament ntim of Hit* ^ovdrnnr Agencies in case of hostilities. he plan is receiving lhe consider ami in caso it is favorably aMul upon, tin? jliwlians of Soulli Dakota will bo In* Kamt1 sc.ioriUn'd for last united in om squatlron, and with liuliltr Mt I I Kk II ,tl\l ..... I olll,.i. I ll.Jt..<p></p>Indians .. P.,,.... .. .v.. ..I 1 other from other parts of the United States will make up a regiment composed entirely of Indians. WANT A COUrfTY DRAIN Residents of Waldo township are considering the matter of uldCIGr National Park Glacier Park in the Montana Rockies —it's established now as America's vacation paradise—this summer make "Glacier" your vacation-place. On a Glacier Park vacation you'll enjoy to the full the fascination of the Rocky Mountains. You'll get into the "big woods." You'll paddle mile-high mir ror-lakes, along racing mountain rivers hook the mountain trout. By auto-stage you'll motor deep ainonp flie Rockies. You'll "saddle up" and horsc-back up and onto the Rockies cross the Continental Divide. You'll enjoy out-of-doors-land hotels where giant trees are pillars, where there ar« camplires indoors. Very low (arcs to Glacier Park and back are in effect. Pacific Northwest Summer Round Trip tickets routed "Great Northern" permit stopover at the Park. Nnv Glacier Park hwkle!s f'-r iQii5 are out now—ask for them, and jar detailed Park information. AGENT Great Northern Railway Wahpeton, N. D. C. E. STONE, Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Paul, Minn. City Property If you have a house for sale If you have a lot for sale If you have a house for rent If you want to buy a house If you want to buy a lot If you want to rent a house SEE E. S. Cameron 6**?, IK",