Newspaper Page Text
JAQUES MFC. CO* CHICAGO FOR SALE—A good seven room house on eighth street. Inquire of W. A. Baker. FOR SALE—House on 6th St. Gall at Albeit Chizek. tf FOR SALE—0 room house, partly modern. Inquire of H. *. Staton, 707 9th St. X. 7-13-it FOR SALE—Kurtzman piano. Good as new. Inquire at this of fice. FOR SALE—One oak dining suite, buffet, china closet and six chairs.—Mrs. J. F. Shea, 718 4th St. North. Phone 359\V. FOR SALE—Singer sewing' ma chine and hard coal self feedar heater. Mrs. Bench, over Boecli shoe repair shop. FOR EXCHANGE—We have several ini[troved. Eddy county. North Dakota farms to exchange for Wilkin county, Minnesota or Richland county. North Dakota land. See us. King: Land & Laon Co., Brockeftridgo, Minn. 2t ESTRAYEI)—Hog. Came to my place about June 28th. Owner can have same by identifying property and paying for this notice. Frank Kub, R. F." I). No. 2, Wahpeton 3t Location—Dr. Fitzgerald Den tist. Stern Block. il-15tf Mrs. Charles Meyers is visiting a brother at Lake City, Minn. •The M. E. Ladies bake sale has been postponed until Satur day, July 22nd. Attorney Korsvick of Abercrom bie was transacting business in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Shepherd of Ender lin, this state visited at the A. J. Ross home in this city the latter part of last week. C. E. Lounsbury has disposed of his lake cottage on Stewart Lake, near Vinning, Minn., to A. H. Burnson of this city. Why don't you build for the future? The Mankato Com mercial College will be your arch itect, and will charge nothing for their plans and specifications. Without such plans you are not to be a failure. Send for their plans today. They are free. 6-29-4 C. E. Lounsbury and Nicholas Hohman of this city have pur chased th'.' billboards of the lit tle twins, that belonged to Mrs. Beatty and will from now on hande the sign advertising of this city. Nick who is an "Id poster of "note" says it seems good to get back in handling the paste. Our Telephone I Number I is 34 Union Transfer 1 Company How it looks wlion illustrated "Well sir. I put it up to and he fell for it." For light, wholesome cakes, biscuits and pastry, use BAKING POWDER Alwayssafeand reliable. If it isn't all we claim your grocer will refund your money. .Mr and Mrs. C. J. KachelhoHer made a business trip to Fargo last week. OR. PFISTER, DENTIST over Dietz & Murray's Phone 302 l'eter Falhland of Kindred was a business caller in the city last week. Mrs. Thorton and children are 'guests at the Stolirer home this week. I County treasurer Worner and family autoed to Great Bend last Sunday. Mr. M. Mayers has been visiting at Kent. Minn., for a few days with jhis daughter, Mrs. Lot'zer. Gilbert (iilles, the movie mag nate of Wheafon. Minn., visited with home folks over Sunday. I Mr and Mrs. .John Dorn and Mr. and Mrs. Droal Lowe spend Sunday at Battle Lake and report a very nice time. DR. M. W. KREUZIQER VETERINARIAN I" Office in Briggs Bldg. j* Phone No. 117 Calls Promptly Attended Day op Night German Spoken A. H. Burnson and family left Wednesday by auto for their col tagc at Lake Stewart, for a cou ple of weeks outing. Rev. W. Baumhoefener of Lester Prairie, Minn., his wife, sister and cousin autoed to Wehpeton Mon day. visiting his brother, Victor Baumhoefener and the Paul Mey er family. Mr.and Mrs. Ward Robinson an,d son of this city left Mnoday' morning for White Rock. S. D.. to spend a week. Mr. Ward is the popular night motor man for the street railway company. J. W. WORNER UNDERTAKING Licensed Embalmer Always at your Service Best parlors in the North west with Chapel WAHPETON, N. D. Rev. Paul E. Meyer and wife of Lewiston, Montana, are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul M^yer. Rev. Meyer will preach the English sermon at the Luth eran church, cor 5th st.. Sunday. Miss L. C. Briggs has begun excavating for a fine new resi dence and store on 5th street, just north of Stern's store. She and her mother are occupying rooms: in the basement of the Stern store at present. Pres. Smith of the State School of Science autoed to Fargo last Thursday and home aaain Sat urday night and it. took him a bouf all night to make it. It was just one d——tfiing (mud hole after another, all the way home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kressly. new lyweds are no their honey moon and si'fnf a few days lasi week in Wahpeon. being the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Korf. while en route to their home at i'ortai. N. I. The bride and Mrs. Ivorf are isters. WHEN YOU BUY BREAD From This Bakery you know it is fresh from our ituveits. rut! having been subjected to the wear and tear of various transfers and deliveries before reaching' your table. This Alone Should Make You Our Customer HAWES BAKERY THK WAHPETON TIMES Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller are the proud parents of a fine baby boy. Dr. Gilbertson has moved his family i.nto Prof. Todd's house on seventh street. Rev. Paul Meyer and family of Lewiston. Mont., are visiting at the Meyer home in this city. The foundation is all completed for Roland Canham's new resid ence on upper seventh street. The Olympia Candy Kitchen has put up an electrical sign in front of their place of business. Mrs. Barber and daughters re turned last week from a visit to tl'.e old home in Alexandria, Minn. A number of our principle streets have been unpassable for auto train during the past week. The Carnival Company will give a free band concert in Brecken rideg, Sunday evening at 7 o'eock. Mr. John Dorn returned last i'l'uesday from a business trip up •to International Falls and Ottowa Canada. R. H. DEVINE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office in Residence, 515 5th St Phone 39 Dr. Meckstroth's former Residence Mrs. Warren of Herman, Minn., is the guest at the home of her son, Prof, and Mrs. Hubert War ren. Rey. Sewrey returned to Rargo Monday morning, after conduct ing the services at Mrs. James Purdon's funeral, Sunday. The St. John's Ladies Aid Soc iety will have a food sale at the Otter Tail Power Company's of fice, Saturday. July loth. The Ladies of the United Luth eran church will meet Friday af Iternoon, July 14th with Mrs. 'Lovst uen. Miss L. C. Briggs Millinery can ibe found in the rear rooms over the Variety store She is pre pared to serve her customers as usual. Valley Wright is collecting freight bills and other bills for A. E. McMichael. She is leaving very little for the rest of the col lectors. DR. T. O'BRIEN Office in Schuler Block Residence 815 Sixth St. Culls in the county promptly attended to Mrs. I. Weinemau, sister of Mrs H. Oppenheiiner and Miss Jean ette Hanauer, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheiiner, arrived here Thursday evening from Chicago, for a two month visit Mrs. and Mrs. H. Opl'e.nheimer gave a threatre party to 30 young people in honor of their niece, Miss Jeanette Hancuer from Chi cago, who is visiting them, last Tuesday evening Mr. L. N. Abbott autoed up from Fail-mount last Monday Horace and Veria Feerks of Ortonville, Minn, were the guests of friends in this city the fore- ou,.s' \f of a part of the week. I A. Hodel & Sun. Manufacturer:-!'M*® appreciate of all kind of (in work, have sent' "'u tired bam root ventilators ao Funeral Director and Licens ed Embalmer In charge of Sell mitt & Ol son's Undertaking Dept. Day and Night Calls Answer ed Promptly Ladv Assistant Day call N. W. 135J Night N. W. 206W and 410J Breck 278C of J. Jtinioul lives at Simpson, Sask.. Mose checked himself, but too late. ,f 11'I will soon he leaving lor his L'rged to tell what he wondered at, he foreign home. I admitted that Sue inl^lit have left the A Powerful Stimulant By The Oiler Tail Power Company flowers, and when asked who Sue was has begun el ection of new pow- er plant in Wahpeton. When the who was tnkinR care of the children, new building is completed, a I'erbaps it was Mose's evident desire 'large turbin engine will be in_U° keep something back. At any rate. |stalled. This company is yelling mother took She raised her to be meat institution. Tliev *eif are furnishing light and power in :RrlD" sickness will occur. Some of tin neighboring towns are now ef fected with disease thru this nal ure. phone 402. Board of Health. Notice to Rural Telephone Sub' scribers In caso of telephone or wire'that moment and a week later was trouble, during my absence, call OSCAR COX "Miss Brown, ef yo' don' mind I like to have yo' come take keer o* de chil len. Ma wife's powerful weak and can't do notliin' at all. She's goin* to de bospittle dis arteruoon." Miss Brown, a colored girl twenty years of age, said she wouldn't mind obliging Mr. Joues. it occurred to her that If Mrs. Joues should die she might be Mrs. Joues herself. Jones was well to do darky on the shady side of forty and had three pickaninnies. Miss Brown supported herself by washing and Ironing and thought that If she could permanently change her occupa tion to taking care of a family it would be an advantage. "When do yo' want me to come, Mr. Jones?" she inquired. "Ma wife's gwine to de hosplttle about 4 o'clock. Iteckon yo' mought come round about half past 4." "All right. Mr. Joues I'll be dar." Mrs. Jones was removed In the hos pital ambulance on time, and half an hour later Miss Brown, who was com monly called Sue bJfcer employers, settled herself down nAier place. The children were playing la the street, and Sue did not disturb them. She was taking an eye inventory of the premises and making a mental rear rangement of the furniture when MI The attendant took the flowers and was turning uway when Sue asked "Mrs. Jones mighty sick?" "She's very low." "Not long to lib, I reckon?" "Not long." 'Bout how long she gwine to las'?" "The doctor doesn't expect her to live the week out" Sue took her departure, greatly com I forted. The attendant took the posy to Mrs. Jones with the message. Mrs. name Wyndmere and Barney, also three ^hereupon Mrs. Jones asked for a de large cisterns to toxhome. scription of her and was told that she was a trim colored girl about twenty years old. L. E LESTER ......... ., I thank de cull'd gal fo" de flowers she I. Rmtoul a brothel-in-lii\ j,rung me de udder day." Hull of !his city is nw "Wha'cull'd gal?" visiting at the Hull home alt''!'! "Dunno. She said she was a frlen' 'spending two months at .f de family." hospital in Rochester, Minn. Mr.' "i woud'r"— I 1 I I I Mrs. Jones would be removed from the pital to the cemetery. Mr. Jones, whose name, stripped of euphony, was simply Mose, returned from conveying hi* wife with a solemn countenance to And that Sue had prepared a cup of tea for him and bad it set out on the table with a piece of com (tone. thought yo'd come home needier •omepin to brace yo' up, Mr. Jones," said the girl. Her thoughtfutness braced up Most as much as the refreshments. "How did yo* leave ytf po' wife7" she asked. "Porely." "Is she gwine to pull through?' "Don* know she's powerful sick." Mrs. Jones lost Instead of gainefl. She was worried about her children, and Mose found It necessary to tell her that he had secured the services of some one to take care of them. He did not tell her that he had got a young woman, for be had seen evidences al ready that she was expecting to step Into his wife's shoes, and he knew that this would worry her. Perhaps It would have gone well With Sue had she curbed her Impa tience. Though Mrs. Jones was report ed getting weaker every day, she hong on in a very aggravating way. Sue got tired asking Mose after his visits to the hospital how he had found his wlfa, hearing only the repetition, "Porely, very porely she's gwine down hill pow erful fast." So it occurred to the girl to go to the hospital and ask questions on her own account. She bought a five cent posy and, appearing at the hospi tal door, was received by an attendant. "Tell Mrs. Jones," she said, offering the posy, "dat a frlen' ob de family brought her de flowers and hopes she's gettin' better." hos|3UR the th kind fJ 4 »ad not yet deserted her, and she asked nlty ,f the friend t'url08'ty of the family had left a That night a hurry call was sent for Mose to come to the hospital to see his wife before she died. Mose obeyed tho summons and found the Invalid in a state of collapse. When told that her husband was there she rallied, and Mose went to her bedside. "Mose," she said, "tak* good care ob de chillen when I'm dald." "Sartin." "Gib all my Men's my lub, and he admitted that she wns the woman witl about cities and towns. nurse and her husband got the story. including some admissions from the r.verybody in the city f«re to keep (heir lots clean (if garbage. as there is some danger, on ac count of the intense heat, t!i tL marvelous strength consid- her, ro,)(ll,iori n"(l ''ctween the tatter as to Sue's kind solicitude In his behalf. "Yo" Mose," she said, "yo" waltin' fo' me to die to marry it gal!" "I hain't no seeh thins." "I)e gal's waltin' fo' me to die to marry yo'. Yo' s'pose I gwine to turn my chillen ober to a jral like dat? So, sab. I's gwine to tret well. Call de ambulance. I's gwine home right off." She was not permitted to carry out her assertion, but she milled from haclc in was A. H. Burnson ber own domicile. Miss Brown wafned tnd by Mose of her coming departed in time to avoid a scene. SPECIAL SALE! ON I Hand Painted China I Saturday, July 15th Many articles that are on sale are worth up to 65c each, your 1A I choice for only vC I SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY METHODIST CHURCH Last, Sunday evening Professor Hricker, professor of Agricultur al in the Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, spoke in the church on 111" A cordial invitation is extended lo all lo attend the services of this church. Services nexl Sunday at the regular hours. CARD OF THANKS We take this way to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us the ar^hl l' our accident, and si nee that time during nud stay in th.*' hospital. We are getting well and expect to he home weeks. We have just received big fine of Glassware 1 1 That we have on display and tie prices are very .reasoable. 1 PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST. 1 The way to save money to buy things for less, ilace to buy things for less is it our store Lundquist Variety Store 1 Wahpeton, North Dakota "THE HONE OF BARGAINS'* needs and the op portunities of rural Methodism. Professor Hricker has made ag riculture a study and has pub lished a hook dealing with the rural church problem. His ad dress was informing and helpful. (Mi Thursday, July I3th, there will he held a missionary rally at the church. Th. re wil he two meetings, one at 3:00 P. M. and another at 8:00 P. M. In me ai ternon Dr. Waters of Far go and Dr. H. A. Musscr of India will speak. In the evening D. Mus ser and Dr Jones will be the sneakers. Dr. Walters is pastor of First Church in l-'argo Dr. Musser has spent nine years as a missionary in India, and is some times called "Th Jungle Mission ary." He has some thrilling ex periences to tell. Dr. Jones has also spent, about the same time in missionary work in India, and has a fund of information con cerning that land that is exceed ing interesting to us in the home land. Please do ont mi*s this this opportunity to hear these men on those great, themes. within two or th Mr. and Mrs. MNBSI (ieo. Miai MR. FARMER Do you believe in preparedness? Then bring your Fur Coat to us now and let us reline and repair it. Don't wait until the last min ute. You can spare it now and we have more time. Call and let's talk it ever anyhow. OPPIE'S TOGGERY i.— VANILLA, STRAWBERRY and CARAMEL ICECREAM DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 35c per Quart Opera Confectionery J. E. FURY, Prop. Rhone Your Order Now 140J S A The •man NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES Services at the Wild Kiee curuh Dwight nexl Sunday forenoon at 10:30 Services at Wahpeon corner of Pembina Ave.t and 2nd st. next Sunday afternoon at 3:00. Ser vices will be conducted in the Norwegian language. The Yung Peoples Society of the Wild Kice church will meet next Sunday evening at 8:00. I W. H. DA HI, Pastor Braun Theatre THURSDAY—TONIGHT The World Famous ANNA HELD in "MADAME LA PRESIDENTS" FRIDAY, JULY 14th Theodore Roberts In a Picturization of Mark Twain's PUDD'N HEAD WILScN SATURDAY, JULY 15th Cleo Hidgcly and Wallace lleid "THE GOLDEN CHANCE" MONDAY, JULY 17th Kdmiind M.-ee-ie in "The Lure of Hearts Desire" TUESDAY, JULY 19th William Farnum in "THE BONDMAN" WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th Fannie Ward it: TENNESSEES' PARTNER Evening Prices 1.i and 15c