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CIQHT INDIGESTION II' you're troubled witti indiges tion, dyspepsia, or other stomach or livoi* complaint* GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER will help you. SI rengliliens the digestive organs and gives prompt, relief. Sold by Henry Miller and Co. Trial bottle 26c. Full Size, 75e I Get the Right Ranker From the Telephene Directory Whenever a wrong number is given to the telephone operator, your time is wasted, your service is delayed and its value decreased, and the party called is uselessly annoyed. Quite often a personal telephone list, not kept up-to-date, furnishes a wrong number, or a hasty glance at the directory results in a call for the number on the line below or above the one wanted. The largest number of errors result from de pendence upon memory. Frequently 4-5-6 is called for when 5-4-6 is wanted. If you are in doubt about a telephone number, please look it up in the directory. Please Speak distinctly Not talking directly into the transmitter, not speaking clearly, or calling your number too rapidly, frequently causes the operator to mis understand. If you acknowledge the operator's repetition of the number and correct her if she repeats it incorrectly, many misdirected calls will be pre vented. If you speak in an ordinary tone of voice, giving the desired number slowly and distinctly, after looking it up in the directory, you may be surprised how it will improve your telephone service. MNIMESTEM TELEPHONE EXCIUME COMPANY NOTICE TO MAKE WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS lo the owner* and occupants of the respective premises herein after described. 1AKK NO 1 ICE, That the City Council deems it necessary that each ol the following described premises should be connected witli both the water main and the sewer systems now laid tinder SEY F.N1H street, between the Great Xorlhern Railway Company's De pot and ashiiiglou Avenue, prior to (hv* laying of a permanent, loundalion tor paving and curbing over and above said wafer main and sewer system on said street between said points, to-wil: Description of Specific Lots and Blocks to be Connected Lot No. Block Addil ion Kind of Connections 7 It. S. Tylers Sewer and Walet 8 li it. S. Tylers Sewer and Water ti It. S. Tylers Sewer and W :let 10 (j It. S. Tylers Sewer and Water 7 and 8 1 1 It. S. Tylers Sewei- and Water 8 and «.) 1 1 It. S. Tylers Sewer and Water 10 and 11 1 1 It. S. 'Tylers Sewer and Water 11 and 12 1 1 It. S. Tylers Sewer and Water and have authorized and directed the City Auditor to notify you. and each of you, as provided by law, to make, install and connect such water main and sewer connection from the water main and sewer system now laid under said street, respectively, to a point two feet, v.ithin the curl) lines ot said street, at your own cost and expanse, within thirty days after the first publication of this notice, in ac cordance with the ordTnances of said city applicable thereto, and strictly in accordance witlli the plans and specifications, therefor, which will he 011 On Sunday forenoon. April 2'J, I'. .1. Peterson will speak at the Lutheran Brclheran's church. The evening services will lie conduct ed by I'rof l.illehei. On |,|ie fol lowing .Monday evening at 8 P. M. a sacred concert will be given at their church. \.. o. I.assj son of Madison, Minnesota in charge. file in the office of the City Auditor. NOW THEREFORE, you and each of you are hereby notified to forthwith and within thirty (3ft) days alter the first, publicati of this notice make, install and connect such water main and sewer connections and, if you fail to make,-install and connect tilie same within the time and'in the manner aforesaid, such connections will be made and installed by the contractor employed by the City for that purpose, and the cost thereof will he assessed against teh aforesaid premises. Dated at Wahpeton, N. D.. April 17th, 1017. (SEAL) S. H. MURRAY. City Auditoi .1 Nagging Wife a Handicap. "I have seen more men fail in bust* ness through the uttitude taken by their wives in their younger days than from ull the vices put together. A nagging wife, or one who is not in sympathy with a man's Kprk, who ex pects impossible things of him, and is incapable of taking a general intelli gent interest in his work, is one of the worst handicaps he could have. If a man works with his mind clogged by domestic troubles he is of no use to bilnself, his employer or the world at large."—Charles M. Schwab. Angularity Must Be Rubbed Off. The pebble in the brook grows rounc and smooth because it is constantly rubbing against the rock and sand* nnd others of its kind. So it is with life. Most of us have that which must be rubbed off. We are angulur Ir Ideas as well as conduct. Taking the tingles off is a humiliating process, anc most people rebel before it rightly be tfins. To bring out the luster of th diamoi'1 ir has to he cut. That, too, is a tedious process. And so must it b( with you if you are to be sym metrical. The best way is to go right tiftor it. The sooner the corners ar« rubbed off the sooner the polish comes —Exchange. TEST OF THE "WELL READ" One Qualifying for This Title Is Net Necessarily of the Book worm Type. Persons who like to think that they are entitled to be classified as "well read" ought to check up on themselves every once in a while, because the re quirements are constantly increasing, and the well-read man of a few years ago is the back number of today. Once there was a time when a fair degree of intimacy with Shakespeare and the Bible was the only requirement, but that is not the case any more. For checking up purposes an admir able document is the examination for prospective library workers given in this city recently, says the Spokane Review. Anybody who can answer correctly all the questions in that ex amination would be indisputably well read. A few errors might be allowed, but not many, for it is a fair exami nation and a comprehensive one. One is supposed to know at least one name, of author or work, from tiie great lit eratures froin the Hindu to modern times. One name from each period ought to stick to the least retentive memory. One ought aiso to be able to name the authors of a selected list ol familiar works, even though the list takes in representatives from "Gul liver's Travels" to "Man and Super man." To drive home the Idea that the well read mind is not necessarily the book worm type the literary examination reaches into the field of general infor mation and takes in vers libre, femi nism, watchful waiting, the city man ager plan, "somewhere in France," di rect primaries, Colonia Dublan. single tax, aviation, Verdun, submarine war fare, genre painting and Steptoe butte. How many of the "well read" could pass the examination? The percent age of failures probably would be SUP prising, even to the particivant«. Statement of the Ownership, Man agement, Circulation, Etc., Required by the Act of Congress of August 24th, 1917 Of Wahpeton limes publishes* weekly at Wahpeton. N. |. for Ap ril. MM 7. Sale of North Dakota. Coun'y of Richland, ss. Before tne. a Notary Public in and for the State and county a loresaid, personally appeared K. S. Cameron, who having been duly sworn according to law. deposes and says thai lie is I he publisher of Hie Witilipelon Times and that, the following is. |o the liesl of his knowledge and belief. a THE WAHPETON TIMES ime state ment o| I lie ownership, manage ment. etc.. ol the aforesaid pub lication lor the dale shown in the date shown in the above caption required by the Act of August 2i, I ill 2. embodied in section Postal Laws and Herniations, printed on tihe reverse of I his form lo-wit: 1. That I lie nain-s nnd address es ol the |iii!il In11', editor, manag ing editor, and business managers are: Publisher. I'.. S. Cameron. Wah peton. N. D. Kdilor Mrs. P. C. Olson. Wahpe ton. N. D. Managing Kdilor, K. S. Camer on. Wahpeton. N. I). Business Manager. K. S. Cam eron. Wahpeton. N. D. 2. That the owner is K. S. Cameron. Wahpeton. 3. /That t'lie known bonliolders. mortgages and oilier secun.y holders owning or holdinu per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other sec urities are: None. K. S. CAMKItOX. Sworn lo and subscribed before me this 7lh day of .Vn-il IJJI7. P. A. PKSCHKI,. Notary Public for Richland County North Dakota. My Coiniiiis sion Expires Jan. 22nd. I'.HO. WHAT PEOPLE IN TOWN CAN DO Commercial Clubs, or other leaders who desires to aid in get ting- gardens started in villages, towns and cities and to interest the above mentioned residents in poultry should lose no time in starting action. Line up all of the vacant lots ami do not use those with poor soil or that are poorly drain-id. Estimate the number needed by canvassing the situation and plow, harrow and put lots into shape for the gard eners collectively or wholesale and as cheaply as possible. Locate suitable seed and buy it right in point of .kind, quality and price. Use ingenuity and business judg ment for them, guide them as much as you can and begin now. Spring is here and gardens are being planted. Interest them in poultry. The towns and villages of North Dak ota can nearly supply themselves with poultry products if ihey will try. Arrange lo supply them with day old chicks. Chicks will cost from $12.00 to $25.00 pet hundred laid down at your ex press office, the price varying ae cording to the breed and quality. Have them get. a broody hen for each twenty chicks. by this lime of year broody hens are plentiful. They can easily he boiiahl from farm folks with whom they are more or less 10 a nusiance. You will lose time and they will make many fail ures if they try to start in chick ens by hatching eggs or using artificial brooders. Feed is ex pensive and the childr-n should be encouraged to make full use of table scraps from their own homes and from any others that do not keep poultry. It is not too early to think a bout what disposition will be made of the crop produced in the garden. Canning dubs to put up the excess vegetables, so that they can be used in the winter, will be an excellent added feat ure. Directions can be had by applying to the Apr. Ex. Dept. of the Agr. College and probably an expert can be secured to show those interested how to success fully can vegetables. It has been suggested to me that these local canned products may he handled and sold from grocery stores and (litis release the com mercial canned goods for the army. Information on what to plant and how to plant it can be obtained from the Agricultural Extension Department of Agr. College. North Dakota.—J. H. Shepperd, N. D. Ex. Station. MONEY WE SPEND BUT NEVER SEE The recent declaration by Sec. of Agriculture Houston that Am erica wastes $700,000,(100 an nually in the kitchen has hrot a sudden shock to thos of us who have looked upon the work of the statistician tolerantly as the harmless but sadly misguid ed labor of the crank. Yet there is considerable food for in the assertion. What is North Dakota's share. Having pro pounded the question, let us sit back, dear reader, and weighing Ihi» facts, find the answer. Immediately enter a never labyrinth of facts and conditions in which the kitchen waste, ofi which, according to population. 1 North Dakota share is over' $'#.000,000. is a bagatelle. The' Trunk highway of the state, 5 to lo per cent of the tolai mil eage but carrying at least 75 to 1 90 per cent of the total traffic cost North Dakota iu poor roadi tax, according to recent, survey, over $5,000,00(1. I The weed tax is another little' luxury we as North Dakotans seem unable to do with out. It costs us an average of nearly $50,000 per county, or a total of: approximately $2,.'{00,000. to pamper this little foible. fungous diseases of grains formerly demanded a tribute! each year of $2.00(1.noil to $lt',._ 000.000, according to the viru-i lency of the epidemic. In later I years the Loid has gifted us with a reasonable degree of business 1 acumen, so that this total has been appreciably decreased by preventative measures. With the present valuation placed on mi bushel of wheal, a little slip from the path of Grace will cost North Dakota this year. from figures based on average smut, attacks iu the past, the paltry sum of $23,000,000. Probably the greatest drain 011 North Dakl ota comes from single croppage, whic'tf is a polite name for soil robbery: cultivation absolute watauc of items uliliz ed by old country agriculturists neglect in livestock expansion as an agricultural asset, and a combination of all four. Let 11s begin to use North Dakota soil, air and sunshine, and above all. a liberal applica tion of North Dakota brains, af ter the fashion intended by Nat ure and using them, build to further security North Dakota's prestige as the Bread Basket of America. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Lillian Mirick was a Wad ena visitor over Saturday and Sunday. Sllie had a very enjoy able visit with her sister, Grace Ronald Ha/.cn of Larimore was a guest at the Lauder Uiome over Sunday. It will be of interest, to know that Ronald has joined the aviation corps and has gone to St. Louis to take up his new .iuties. (2an we help your eyes. We eertainly can if they need helping. It matters not, what the defect may be it it is amenaible lo ac curately adjusted glasses we can correct if for you. Its your duty lo present yourself at our opt ical department for treatment .It's your duty to do this at once. The New Jewelry Store, H. S. Kried ler. registered optometrist. DR. NICHOLAS J. SHIELDS Physician and Surgeon Office in Stern Block WAHPETON, N. DAK. We have a mmiiier of second band Sewing Machines in good order at reasonable prices. Ivrause & Son. The Ladies' Auxiliary Club met Inst Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eckes with Miss Ada Jenson and Miss Maud Eagle as hostesses. During the buiness meeting four new mem bers were admitted to the Club, namely Olivia Braun and Mesd ames Lieher, Falley and Diet/. This gives a full membership of twenty-rive to this popular club. The literary program was as fol lows: Paper. Moral decorations in the home by Miss Johnson. Paper, Principles of interior decorations by Miss Kuster. The IIIUSUMI number consisted of patriotic songs sung by the club. Mrs. Plister playing the piano accomp animent. Mrs. Babcock from the Woman's Literary Club was pre sent as a representative of liliat club asking the cooperation and financial aid of the Auxiliary Club for the Library Benefit to be giv en at the Orplheum Theatre on May 1st. Delicious refresh ments were served during the so cial hour. MYSTERIOUS PAINS AND ACHES Make Life Hard to Bear for Many Wanpeton Woman Too many women mistake their pains and aches for troubles pe culiar lo the sex. More often disordered kidneys are causing aching back, di/zy spells, head aches and bladder trouble. Kid ney weakness becomes dangerous if neglected. Use a time-tried kidney remedy—Doan's Kidney Pills. Hosfs of people lesify to their merit. Read this Wahpe ton case: Mrs. B. Brand, 108 Seco id Ave. stays: was taken with a sud den catch in tilie small of my back fcmd lal'-r I was so lame that I couldn't stoop. A steady dml ache settled across my loins and at night I could not rest well. 1 iicrose in the morning feeling sick and uiirefreshfd! 1 also ha severe headaches.and dizzy spells. Alter taking various remedies without benefit I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills. A short lime after using I hem. tilie pains became less severe and I was fin ally cured." Price 50c at all dealer*. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that cured Mrs. Brand. Fos Icr-Milhurn Co., Props., Buffalo. X. Y. 7 1 WORDS OF WISE MEN The world Is a wheel, and It will conie round all right. Covetousness and love of quar reling are dangerous dispositions even in children, and deadly dis positions in men and nations. Never let your mirth, jubila tion or pleasures dull your sym pathy for the sorrow, suffering, sickness of indigence of other people. You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Some people are so much oc cupied in going about doing good to others that they have no time to become good themselves. WONDtwUL Co., Druggists. trouble* ONE DOSE WILL CONVIKlp Gall Stones, Cancel and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines. Auto Intoxiction, Yellow Jaundice, Ap pendicitis and other fatal ail ments result from Stomach Trou ble. Thousands of Stomach Suff erers owe their complete recovery Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Un like any other for Stomach Ail ments. For sale by H. Miller A Spring Colds Are the Worst They lead to catarrh end pneumonia. They weaken the entire system and leave it un able to resist the sudden changes. They interfere with your digestion and lessen your act ivity. Neglected they soon become that dread disease known as sys temic catarrh. Don't neglect thpm, It's costly as well as dangerous, |i PERUNA Will Safeguard You Have box of Peruna Tab lets with you for the sudden cold or exposure. Tone your sys tem up with a regular course of the liquid Peruna, fortify it against colds, get your digestion up to nor mal, take care of yourself, and avoid danger. If you are suffering now be gin the treatment at once. Give Nature the help she needs to throw off the catarrhal inflammation, and again become weiL Peruna has been helping people for 44 years. Thousands of homes rely on it for coughs, cold and indi gestion. It's a good tonic for the weak, as well The Peruna Company, Columbia, Ohio HIQH SCHOOL NOJES Tin? Seniors selected their in vitations at a meeting held last Monday. Some of Hie Seniors seem lo lie much busier since they rvceie their report cards last lime. Charles from Lariinoro visited school witlli his cousin. Hae l.auder. the first of the wee]-. Walter Holthusen is back lit school after a "big" sickness. Anyway Wall said his face was "awful big." Theodore Kolhoff went to his home in Great Bend last Friday and was taken down with typhoid fever. English History Class: "M. B. Rushby says the Germans in America are drilling. Teacher: "Oh! but. they all «ay thai." M. B. "Why yes, drilling for spring seeding." We wonder! "What the Tailor Club is. Why H. W. waits for Saturday night. Why F. B. dosent bring a mirror to Eng. IV class. ,The Seniors seemed so fussed Ihey can't read right at play practice. M. S. "Yes. it is a made quite pig." A. G. "I will go to Sand wiclli. I.yle l.unday has returned to Eng. history. HORSE PRODUCTION IN N. D. Horse pi-duction in North Dak ota is 1 he title of bulletin No. S just issued by the Agr. Ex. Dept. of the X. 1). Agr. College. It takes up feed, and care of the work horse, the market, for horses, laising of horses and the breeds of liors 's. COMING TO Wahpeton Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST FOR HIS SIXTH YEAR IN NORTH DAKOTA DOES NOT USE SURGERY Will be at MERCHANT'S HOTEL Wednesday, May 2 Office Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. One Day Only NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in Medicine and Surgery and is licensed by the State of North Dakota. He visits proles sionallv the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip consultation and examination free, except the expense of treatment when desir ed. According to ljis method of treatment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or ad enoids. He has to his credit many won derful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rhe umatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get anv belter do not fail to call, as im proper measures rather than dis ease are vsiy often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that ex amination of this trip will be free and that his treatment is differ ent. German spoken. Address: 336 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. 3-1-8-15