Newspaper Page Text
SIX IS •NHlBl'IBiiV ABSTRACT Or STATBMKNT. IW the Year Eidlif Daces her If you have a house for sale If you have a lot for sale If you have a house for rent If you want to buy a house President, F. D. Bennett. Vice President, A. D. Baker. Secretary. B. Hewett. Principal OHiue, Capital National Bank Bide., Allegan St West, Lansing, Michigan. Attorney for Service of Process in the State of North Dakota: Name, Commissioner of Insurance Location, Bismarck, N. D. Organized or Incorporated, Decem ber 7, 1904. Commenced business, January 1, 1SSI. CAPITAL Amount of Capital Stock paid up In full 400,000.09 ASSETS Value of Real Eatate Owned by the Company $ 13.8UZ.OI Loans on Bonds, Mort gages and Collateral Security 134,655.SO Stocks and Bonds 90,460.00 Cash on hand and in Bank 112.682.0S Interest due and accrued 16,945.49 Premiums in course of collection and trans mission 109.894.47 All other sums due to the Company 1,630.62 Unadmitted Assets Losses $147,230.9( Deduct Re-In surance and a a 1 a claims there— on IS.S4S.SS Not amount of unpaid All other Liabilities.... 'l'liooios Total Inabilities 1 SM.8lt.tS RBCBIPTS-«• Premiums received dur- Ing the year In Cash. I ttt.tlt.6t Interest. Rents and Divi dends receives during the year 46.lt7.41 Amount received from all other sources L7S4.M Total Receipts 9 DISBURSEMENTS Losses paid duWng the yey ................. 9 2S6.024.t0 Dividends, Commissions and Brokerage paid during the year Paid for Salaries. Fees. Tases and other charges Total Disbursements.. 578,571 4t NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Total risks taken during the year $ 293,665.00 Total Premiums received during the year 3.573.78 Total Losses incurred during the year 2.655.44 Total amount of Losses paid during the year. 2.629.9S STATE OP NORTH DAKOTA. Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, S. A. Olsness, Commissioner of In surance of the State or North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true abstract of the original state ment now on file in this oflice. In testimony whereof, I have here unto sot iny hand ami aflixcd tlie seal of this Office at Hismarck the 1st day Of April, A. D. 1917. (SEAL) S. A. OLSNESS. If you want to buy a lot If you want to rent a house SEE E. S. Cameron SI, A. D. Ml*. Of the condition and affairs of The Michigan Commercial Insurance Com pany. of Lansing, Michigan, organised under the laws of the State of Mlchl an, made to the Commissioner of nsurance of the State of North Da kota, In pursuance of the laws of said State. 1,180.059.81 1.453.77 Total Assets 6 1.178, LIABILITIES Oross 1 a 8 una djusted, adjusted and unpaid I131.86C.M Losses resisted by the Com pany 15,3(4.94 Total gross amount of a Losses $ St.lSS.fS Amount of unearned Pre miums on all outstand ing risks Due for unpaid Divi dends, Commissions and Brokerage 900.M Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OP NOItTH DAKOTA, •Office of Commissioner of Insurance. COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. Whereas,, The Michigan Commercial Insurance Company, a corporation or ganized under the laws of Michigan, has filed in this office a sworn state ment exhibiting its condition and busi ness for the year ending December 31, 1916, conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state, regulating the business of Insurance, and. Whereas. The said Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of Its charter with certificate of organiza tion In compliance with the require ments of the Insurance laws aforesaid. Now. therefore, I. S. A. Olsness, Com missioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provi sions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Company Is tally empowered, through Its authorised agents, to transact Its appropriate business of Authorised Insurance In this state according to the laws there of, until the 91st day of March. A. D. 1918. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal at Bis marck. this 1st day of April, A. n. in?. (SEAL) 8. A. OLSNESS. Commissioner of Insurance. Book your orders for Woolen Goods for next Winter now and yu will be prteoted in further raise in price. Carl Jacobsen and Leo Snyder. tf ABSTRACT OT frATBMRlT*. tha Yea* Bails* December SI* A. D. ISIS. Of the condition and affairs of The Maryland Casualty Company, of Balti more, Maryland, organised under the laws of the State of Maryland, mad* to the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, in punuanoe of the laws of said 8tate. President, John T. 8tone. Vice President, F. Highlands Buraa. Secretary. John A. Hartman. Principal Office, Baltimore. Md. Attorney for Service of Process la the State of North Dakota: Name, Commissioner ot Insurance: Location. Bismarck, N. D. ^Organised or Incorporated. February Commenoed business, March 1. 1191. CAPITAL •mount of Capital Btock paid up-In full 1.800.000.00 ASSETS Value of Real Estate Owned by the Company 1,464.6*6.11 Loans on Bonds and Mortgages 54,401.11 Stocks and Bonds •,842,529.41 Cash on hand and In Bank 421.268.87 Premiums In course of collection and trans mission 1,408,220.92 Rents due and accrued.. 61.469.4S All other sums due to the Company 66.022.12 Unadmitted Assets, es eluded above 229,970.10 Total Assets flO .6ll.S7l.4a LIABILITIES Oross claims a justed and adjusted r-1 unpaid t2.10Mtl.T1 Lr :-s resisted L.. the Com pany 392,066.97 a a a Losses $2,702,047.74 Deduct Re-In surance and a a claims there on 74,177.61 tret amount of unpaid Losses 1 1 2 7 1 7 0 1 1 Amount of unearned Pre miums on all outstand- Ing risks MSI.919.91 Due for unpaid Divi dends. Commissions •ad Brokerage 919.9tT.99 .. tl„ 9 AH other Liabilities .... 999.799.09 Total Liabilities 7,997,409.91 RBCBIPTS Premiums received dut» Ing the rear In Cash.. 9 M74.994.00 Interest aad Dividends received Sarins Mo mi*ST u,mM other sources llt.SIB.99 Total Receipts 9 t.9St.S47.9t DISBURSEMENTS Losses paid during the 9 9 4 9 4 9 0 4 0 9 Dividends. Commissions and Brokerage paid _d«r'n* 9.ttl.4tl.St Paid for Salaries, Taxes, Fees and other chargM 126.611.61 Amount ot all other Dis bursements 1.261,151.94 Total Disbursements.. 7,788,169.64 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Total Premiums received during the year 36,441.17 Total amount of Losses paid during the year.. 14.90t.4l STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I. S. A. Olsness, Commissioner of In surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original state ment now on file in this office. In testimony whereof. I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck, the 1st day of April. A. I. 1917 (SEAL) S. A. OLSNESS. Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OP NORTH DAKOTA. Ollice of Commissioner of Insurance. COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. Y.'liereas. The Maryland Casualty Company, a corporation organized un der the laws of Maryland, has filed in this office a sworn statement exhibiting Its condition and business for the vear ending December SI. 1916. conformable to the requirements of the laws ot this state, regulating the business of In surance, and. Whereas, The said Company has filed In this office a duly certified copy of Its charter with certificate of organisa tion in compliance with the require ments of the Insurance laws aforesaid. Now. therefore. I, S. A. OtSness, Com missioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provi sions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Company Is fully empowered, through Its authorised agents, to transact Its appropriate business of Authorised Insurance la this state according to the laws there in d"1911 ,U( d*r of March. la'testimony whereof, 1 have here. SM? iU? ?y Bismarck, toy of April. A. D. 1117. (UAL) SI A. OL8NE8S, Commissioner of Insuraao* Sacrifice Unrecognized. "Some of our greatest sacrifices bring as Uttle credit" "That's right," replied Senator Sor ghum. "When I suppress my natural Inclination to arise and waste time tni speechmaklng nobody ever takes me by the hand and congratulates me." NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORE CLOSURE SALE DEFAULT has been made in that certain mortgage containing a power of sale, dated May 10th, 1915, execut ed by Oscar T. Vaala and Anna Vaala, mortgagors, to J. H. Allen & Co., a corporation, mortgagee, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Richland bounty, North Dakota, on the 1st day of June, 1916, at 9:80 o'clock A. M., in Book 80 Notice is, therefore, hereby givsn that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the land therein snd hereinafter described, which sals will be msde by the Sheriff of Rfdiland County, North Dskota, or his deputy, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Wshpeton, in said Coun ty snd Stste, st two o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, ths 16th day of June, 1917, to sstisfy the amount then due on said mortgage debt snd the costs and expenses of said sals, including legal attorneys fees. The premises described in said mortgage and so to be sold are sit uated in Richland County, North Da kota, and known as the Northwest quarter of section 24, in township 136, North, of range 62, West. There will be due on said mortgage debt at the date of said sale $1182.83. No proceeding at law or otherwise has been had for the collection of said debt. Wolfe & Schneller, lawyers, at Wahpeton, North Dakota, are in pos session of a duly executed power of attorney to foreclose said mortgage. Dated April 27th, 1917. J. H. Allen & Co., a Corporation, Mortgagee. Wolfe & Schneller, Attorneys for Mortgagee, Wahpeton, North Dakota 6t First Publication May 3, 1917. SUMMONS State of North Dakota, County of Richland, ss. In District Court, Fourth Judicial District. Jennie Petoski, Plaintiff, vs. Martin PetoskI, Defendant. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and In case of your failure to appear and answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demand ed In the complaint. Dated May 8th, 1917. C. J. KACHELHOFFER, Plaintiff's Attorney Residence and postoffice: Wahpeton North Dakota. To the above named defendant: Take notice that the complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Dis trict Court of the Fourth Judicial Dis trict in and for said Richland Coun ty, at Wahpeton, North Dakota, on tike 8th day of May, 1817. NOTICE OF MORTGAGES FORECLOS URE! SALES NOTICES IS HEREBY GIVEN. That that certain mortgage executed and delivered by Sebastian Mack and Mag gie Mack, his wife, Mortgagors, to Pauline Schuler as mortgagee, dated the Srd. day of September 1919 and filed for record In the office of the Register ot Deeds of Richland Couatjr, North Dakota, on the tnd day of Oct ober 1912, and there recorded In Book "99" of Mortgages at page "990", will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises mentioned la said mortgage aad here inafter described, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Wahpeton, in said Richland County, North Dakota at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday the 23rd day of June, 1B17, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day ot sale, according to the terms and conditions thereof, the said mortgag ors being in default by reason of their failure to pay Interest due thereon In the sum of Forty-Dollars, and said mortgagors being further In default, by their failure to pay the taxes levied against said premises for the year 1916, in the sum of Elefen Dol lars and Ninety-eight cents (911.98) with penalty and interest, amounting to Twelve Dollars and fifty eight cents, (112.58) which said mortgagee has paid, and that by reason of said defaults, the said Mortgagee pursuant to the provisions of said mortgage has elect ed to declare and does hereby declare the whole amount secured by said mort gage to be now due and payable. The premises described in said mort gage, which will be sold to satisfy the same, are described as follows, to-wit: The East one half (E»A) of the Northwest quarter (NW«4)"of Section Number Twelve (12), in Township Number One Hundred and Thirty-three (133), North of Ran» Fiftv two (52), West of the Fifth P. M. Situate, lying and being in Kichland County, North Dakota. There will be due on said mortgage including the principal sum of Five hundred Hollars, hereby declared to be due and payable, at the time of sale, the sum of Five Hundred, ninety two and 54-100, (9592.54) besides the costs and expenses of these foreclosure proceedings, including an attorney's fee as provided by law. Dated this 30th lay of April, 1917. PAULINE SCHULER, Mortgagee GUSTAV SCHULER, Attorney for Mortgagee, P. O. Address: Wahpeton, North Dakota. First Publication May 10th 1917. State of North Dakota, County of Richland, ss: In District Court, Fourth Judicial District. In the Matter of Changing the Name of Oscar Rudolph Olson: To Whom it May Concern: Please take notice, that at the open Ing of Court, at the next regular term thereof, beginning In the Court House. In the City of Wahpeton, County of Richland and State of North Dakota, oil the 6th day ot June. 1917. or as soon thereafter as petitioner may be heard, the undersigned petitioner will apply to the above named Court for an order of said Court changing the name of the undersigned petitioner from "Oscar Rudolph Olson" to "Oscar Rudolph Belvln." MP»ted^at^ THK WAHPKTON TIMES of Mortgages at Page 262, which default consists in the non-payment of $1080.80 of the debt secured thereby, with intmist thereon, which became due October 1st, 1916, by which default, said pow er of sale has become operative. C. J. KachelhofTer, Plaintiff's Attorney, Wahpeton, N. D. Wahpeton. North Dakota, A ARRUDOLPH OLSON C. J. KACHELHOFFER, Attorney for Petitioner, Wahpeton, North Dakota. AMERICA FIRST There are places I know where I'd love to go. T%en are things that 1 long to do. There are times when my heart, with a longing to start, WUI acha, but I flght It through.. On the distant shores, when the irsaana rotra. Perchance I mar long to be. Sat rn take my eland la finiiims America first far ate. There are wateld la the world ot the aad daifc events, uafOid tilt my bleed Aad my very eoul resents Aad I bow my head for the As I pray Msss eaeh grave by him -who gave America first to me. Ihrangh the darkest night It was fNO dom's light That showed mo the way to so: I followed aear and It led aw hare To the fairest laad I know. Bo I leave behind all ties that Mad To those beyond the sea, Aad ril take my stand la Liberty's laad, America first for me. -C J. Byrne, la American Home Weekly. FAVORITE OF FILMD0M Jane Gail. Comely actress who has won wide popularity among followers of th silent drama. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS To each of the owners and occupants of the respective premises here and after described: WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Wahpeton, North Dakota, deem It necessary that sidewalks be con structed in front of or along each of the following described premises as herein set forth to-wlt: Side Lt. blk. Adda. No. West 9 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add. 9 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 10 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 11 9 Hubbard and Tylers Add 12 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 44 It 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 14 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 15 2 Hubbard aad Tylers Add 19 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 17 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add IS 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 19 2 Hubbard and Tylers Add 14 10 Hubbard and Tylers Add IS 10 Hubbard and Tylers Add 19 10 Hubbard and Tylers Add 17 10 Hubbard and Tylers Add All the above situated in the city of Wahpeton, State of North Dakota. On the east side of sixth Street on the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company in the City of Wah peton, North Dakota, from the South west corner of Block No. 10, In Hub bard and Tylers Addition of the City ot Wahpeton, North Dakota, to the Northern Pacific Railway Depot. Now therefore you and each of you are hereby notified and required to install, construct complete and main tain at your own expense such side walk in front of or along, as above set forth, the premises herein before de scribed, which are owned by you the same to be installed and constructed strictly in accordance with the speci fications adopted by the citv council and contained in j^ction five (5) of title four (4) of ormnance No. one (1) of said city, and subject to the ap proval of the Street Commissioner, within fifteen days after the date of this notice. And, if you fail to so construct the same within the time and according to the ordinance above mentioned, such sidewalk will be constructed by the contractor employed by the city for that purpose, and the expense thereof, including labor and materials, will be assessed against said premises as pro vided by statute. Dated at Wahpeton, North Dakota tbis 23rd day of May, 1917. By order of the City Council, S. H. MURRAY, City Auditor NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of North Dakota, County of Richland. In County Court, before Hon. George Van Arnam, Judge. In the Matter of the Estate of Julia Anderson, Deceased. Lottie Larson, Petitioner, vs. Alvln C. Anderson, Respondent. Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned Lewis O. Larson. Administra tor ot the Estate of Julia Anderson late of the Township of Dwight in the Coun ty of Richland and State of North Da kota deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims against said decedent to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice. f° Administrator at his residence in the Township of Dwight In said Richland County, North Dakota. Dated May 2tnd, 1917. LEWIS O. LARSON, WOLFE SCHNELLER, AdnUrt,*rat Attorneys for Administrator. Wahpeton, N. D. May 24-4t ,r HOW TQ CLEAN PLATE GLASS Efficacy of Newspapers for This Pint pose Attributed to Msterlals Ussd in Making Ink. To clean a looking glass take a news*, paper, or part of one, according to ths slse of ths glass. Fold lt small and dip It Into a basta of dean, cold water. When thoroughly wetted, souses* It oat la your hand as yea would a sponge aad thai rub it baid all over the face of the glass, taldaa cars that lt Is not so wet that tha moisture will stream down the glasa Also If say drops get beneath ths frame and behind ths glass they wUl remain thsre la bubblss aad cannot be dislodged without removlngtbe board at ths back. There ts no dangsr of any such accidents if ths nswspapsr Is merely moistened or dampened through, without being so wet as to drip. After the glass has been well rubbed with the damp paper let It rest a min ute. Then go over lt with afresh news* paper, folded small In your hand, till lt looks clear and bright, which It will almost Immedlstely. Finish with a fresh piece of newspaper, thoroughly dry. This method, simple ss lt Is, will be found on trial the best and most ex peditions way of cleaning mirrors or any plate glass, giving a clearness and polish that cannot be soon produced by any other process. The Inside of win dow panes may be cleaned in this man ner, the windows having been first washed on the outside. Also the glass of spectacles. The glass globe of a lamp may thus be cleaned with news papers. The efficacy Is attributed to the ma terials used in making the printing Ink, GONE FOR GOOD "I think It's Just horrid of you that you won't advance 10 on my next week's house money." "Well, didn't I tell you I'm not mak lag any permanent investments T" Flo and Nut Tarts. One-half pound tigs, one-half cupful chopped nut meats, and one and one half cupfuls watsr, one teaspoonful lemon extract, two sggs, three tabte spoonfuis sugar, pastry. Wash the figs and cut than late smsll pieces simmer In the water for 40 minutes than add MIS tablespooo ful of sugar and cook tor sight min utes longer. Remove from the lire and cool, add the nut meats, lemon extract aad beaten yolks of eggs. Line tart let tins with pastry, divide ths fig mix ture Into them and bake la a hot oven until ready. Beat up the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, then add the re maining sugar. $ SOME REMARKS 3 On the other hand, most of the millionaires are merely men who concedes knowledge to others. The pleasantest tasks in the day are locking the front door and putting the milk bottle out. $ Not knowing what Is wrong 5 $ with the engine and trying to fix it Is the surest way to have mo tor troubles. Butter Bean Cutlets. Ingredients—Butter beans, butter or oil, one egg, pepper, salt, one Spanish ionlon. Soak the beans overnight (one pint makes six cutlets) snd boll the 'next day until tender. Be careful not .to add the salt until they are nearly done, as this tends to harden them^ Strain and mash In an enameled bowl, add the oil, egg, pepper and onion boiled and chopped Has. Beat together aad roll out on a floured pasteboard. Shape Into cutlets about one lach, aad fry on both sldas a golden bnwa. Tha fSt for frying should be absolutely boiling. Bsrve with tomato or parstsf Soak Gelatin. Oelatln should always be first soakad te cold water. FRYING IS MADE WHOLESOME Excess of Fsts Can Bs Avoided If Time Allowed for Cooking and Temperature Are Regulated. Fats form an Important part of diet, because they furnish much of the en ergy required by the body. Fried food Is by ths nature of its preparation rich la fats and It must aoibs allowed, to become too rich by abaotbtag to* much grease, for such an eccoss eC fat. not only lowers the qaaBty of tha food, hot gl*«s rise to digestive dls» tuibancea. Many psopls never sat fried food of aay sort, bsesnse they are convinced that lt Is uawholsoons aad will surely give them ladlgestlsa. Sad experience has confirmed thsss la this bellsf, bat they were unfortuaato la their cooks. Frisd food ased not bo unwholesome. It Is all matter of the proper temperature of the fat aad ths length of tliao ths foot Is allowsd to cook. Scientists hava dlscovsred that there Is a certain temperature at which food absorbs the smallest quai*lty of fat. This Is sbout 850 degrees Fahrenheit for lard, 860 degrees Fahrenheit for beef drippings and about 390 degrees Fahrenheit for vegetable flits, cotton seed, peanut oil, etc. •xperlments hava shown that If these temperatures were lowered 20 degrees for animal fats and 40 degrees for vegetable, tha amount of fat absorbed was Increased one-fourth. thermometer which will register ss high as 420 degrees Fahrenheit Is useful for measuring the temperature In deep frying. In pan-frying, or what the French sail sautelng, where the feod Is sim ply cooked In a layer of fat, there Is less dsnger of the food soak ing the fat, but much more of Its burn ing. The housewife who knows her busi ness does not present the butcher with all the fat that comes off the roast or a steak when he trim* It for the table. This Is always weighed In with the meat, and as she Is obliged to pay for it at the same sate as the meat, she Is entitled to It She should always order the trimmings sent homo with the meat Plea in Avoidance. There lives in a small town In Vir ginia a darky known to everyone of its Inhabitants by the name of Chris, He is of medium size and is perhaps about thirty-three years old, but might pass for twenty. Bis duties are vari ous. He 1s janitor for two of the bankt and several stores, messenger for the post office for the sending of special delivery letters, has a monopoly as a distributer of newspapers, and at the same time conducts sn Itinerant shoe shining business. He Is shrewd and witty to a degree and ts allowsd many liberties. Not long since ho approached tha Judge of the circuit court a fine old gentlomaa of the rider school, sad favely pcessutsd him with a calsn dar. "Jedge," ho said, *Tm glvtag yea twelve moatha, hat I hops yen alal twine to return the compliment" A BIG JOB "When I came home last night a man tried to hold me up." Usually when you come home in that condition it takes two to hold you up." Feather Beds. Housewives will be interested to know that feather beds are coming back. Now that lt Is the fashion to sleep with the windows open, the beds must be warm, and, while electric pads and so on are useful, they do not take the place 6t the feather bed at '°afft those wise in the matter of such beds assert If feather pillows are im* they ask why feather beds may no! also bo ased. Taking It literally. Aunt Helen waa Inclined to bo what picturesque In her langmgt was telling about her troubles, declar ing that a shadow was always over her. "My shadow always goes on In front of me," said little llamle, who waai listening to tha conversation.