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Mr. V. P. Bennett left for the lakes Monday. Miss Dower of Wadena is here visiting with Miss Helene Thomas. Mr. Kindler is spending the week end with relatives at St. Cloud. j-. Mrs. Canty has been ill for the' past week suffering from an ul cerated tooth. Miss Keen of the Bive Hive force is enjoying a two weeks vacation at Butte, Montana. The O. G. G. club was delight fully entertained Tuesday after noon by Mrs. Dan Oslund. Myron McCarty who took a week's vacation is back again to work for the N. W. Telephone Co. /Clarence Miller and Mart Voves left Tuesdav for Clitheral wb» they will fish and swim until Sat urday. The J. J. "Wolfe family accom panied by Miss Cleary autoed to Kent for an all day outing last Sunday. Miss Catherine Murray is home for vacation after a year's diligent work in St. Mary's academy at Winona, Minn. After finishing successfully her stenographic course in St. Paul, Miss Marion Potter is back at home in this city. Mr. John Weimer formerly of this city has returned to Montana cfter visiting friends and trans acting business here. The Post and twenty Corps la dies attended the convention at Casselton last week and they all report a splendid time. Book your orders for Woolen Goods for next Winter now and yu will be prtected in furthei raise in price. Carl Jacobsen and Leo Snyder. tf Rev. Hobbs is away on a three weeks vacation trip. His presents whereabouts are unknown and some of his friends suspect that he will not return alone. Miss Irene Kuster returned Fri day from Chisholm, Minn., where she has been teaching the past year. Miss Kuster and Miss Bentzin will conduct a private kindergarten this summer. The furniture and pianos be longing to the Conservatory are be ing stored at the Science School during summer vacation. The man agement is undecided as to where the studioes will be next year. GEO. O. JAOOBS, M. D. Piiyslolan and Surg son Office Over Boston Store Local and Personal Phone 84 Wahpeton, North Dakota E. E. Bassett, Allen Voves, Joe Dietz and Walter Fiero autoed to Lake McDonald near Perham, Min nesota on Thursday. The trip proved to be such a pleasant one that they remained until Sunday rfternoon. Theodore Fredrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fredrick of this city, who has been in Chicago the past two years, has enlisted in the 7th Infantry of the U. S. Army as an auto mechanic. He is now at Gettysburg, Pa. Miss Bertha Simonson returned home last week from LaMoure where she has been engaged as teacher in the city schools for the past three years. Mrs. Hutchinson of that city came with Miss Si monson for a fortnight's visit at Wahpeton. Miss Muriel Babcock called on friends and school fellows ^v' home over Sunday. Muriel is one of our enterprising young people and her friends are sorry she has ne from among them. She is now employed by the Acme Harvester Co. at Fargo. Get out into the world the new days are waiting for you but don't go unprepared. A commer cial training will put armor on you to iflght life's battles, and the Mankato Commercial College should be your recruiting station. Send for our catalog.—Adv. 4t 4. W. WORNER UNDERTAKING UHnwJ Embalmer Always at your Service Best parlors in the North west with Chapel WAHPETON, N.D. Miss Bennett has accepted a po sition with the Cash Supply Store. Rev. Edwards of Christine was a Wahpeton visitor last week. Albert Hanson of Galchutt was in our town on Monday enroute to Fergus. Mrs. Harry Lieber is making an e.\tended visit at her former home in Fayette, Iowa. Mrs. G. A. R. Nickle and Mrs. Maty Miner were Fergus Falls visitors on Friday last. Harry Nelson of Fargo stopped over between trains to visit with his cousin, Mrs. Olsen. Prof. Morehart has accepted a position in Mr. Purcell's office dur ing the vacation months. Miss Martha Fulton will leave this week for Washta, Iowa, where she will visit with relatives for a few weeks. Thorwald Rustad, assistant cash ier of the Dwight State Bank left Tuesday for a business trip to Montana. Miss Alvina Geister is home from the N. D. university, after a year of strenuous work in that in stitution. H. Pederson of Galchutt stoo ped over at Wahpeton Sunday and Monday. He was on his way to Montana. A load of real Sioux Indians drove through town last week. Their attire attracted a great deal of attention. Mr. Nicholas Klein returned this week from Northfield, Minn., where he has been visiting for the past two weeks. It. H. DEVINE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 39 Dr. Meckstroth's former Residence C. H. Johnson has disposed of his interests here and will leave for Montana in a few days where he will look up anew location. Mrs. Johnson and Clyde have gone to the lakes for the summer. DR. NICHOLAS J. SHIELDS Physician and Surgeon Office in Stern Block WAHPETON, N. DAK. The Jamieson family arrived home from Mora, Minn., Sunday. The trip was made by auto and proved a delightful experience, On their return trip two delightful days were enjoyed at Lake Clither al. Miss Birkhoffer of Alexandria, Minn., has been a guest at the Gil les home for several weeks past. Miss Birkhoffer left for her home last Friday and Miss Mary Gilles accompanied her home for a re turn visit. DR. T. O'BRIEN Office and Residence on 6th St. 3rd house north of P. O. Calls in the county promptly attended to Miss Marion McCullough wil! leave Saturday evening for Lid gerwood where she will visit for several days with friends. The McCullough family use to live at Lidgerwood and Miss Marion will renew old acquaintances. Mr. Blumie who lias been en gaged as principal of the Wahpe ton high school for the coming year stopped over at Wahpeton ov er Saturday on his way to Oakes where he went to visit with his bro ther, Supt. Blumie of the Oakes schools. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Olson, Mrs. Anna Braun and Mr. Carl Schmitt went to Cold Springs, Monday morning to attend the wedding of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ol son will visit at Mr. Olson's old home at Vining, Minn., before re turning home. L. E- LESTER Funeral Director and Lleens ed Bmbalmer In eharge of Schmitt ft 0! son's Undertaking Dept. Day and RIsM Dalle Answer ed promptly Lady Assistant Day eall R. W. 1SSJ Night R. W. SSSW and 41SJ Break The Thos. Claussen family were Fargo visitors yesterday. Mrs. Shea and her daughter Helen were in Fargo yesterday., Mrs. Baumhoefner will arrive here from Rochester, Minn., this week. Mrs. Wm. Blumer and daughter of Walcott spent Monday and Tuesday at Wahneton. Mr. W. A. Baker of Amenia, spent the fore part of the week attending to business here. Mrs. Andrew Quamme and her son, Alvin Quamme, autoed in from Dwight to shop at Wahpeton on Saturday. Frank Henderson, Atty. Wolfe, and Co. Treas. Frank Budack left the first of the week for Crosby on Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wherry have purchased the Walter Worner home in this city and take posses sion the first of the month. Big Scarifice Sale on at the Elite Millinery at Breckenridge. All trimmed hats are going at one half price. Mrs. Bertha Wells, proprietor.—Adv. It. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oliver left Tuesday morning for Lake Clith eral where they will enjoy a few days outing at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Shields, and Mrs. Shields' sister, George Fisch er and Harry Lieber autoed over to Lidgerwood Sunday evening. They returned home later in the evening. Private Kindergarten will be conducted in the grade school by Miss Kuster and Miss Bentzin from June 20tli to August 1st. Phone for particulars 182W or 265.—Adv It. pd. Mrs. M. E. Dugar will hold a sale at her store beginning Satur day, June 23rd. You can buy goods there for less than one-half of what you have to pay elsewhere. Come early and get in on the bargains.— I have a .number ol parties who want to buy land iu Richland Co. If you have a farm for sale leave your price and terms at the Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Wahpeton, N. D. or see H. P. McCusker. adv. Billy Burke Jr., arrived at the W. B. Woodford home in Iireck enridge, Thursday, .Tune 14th, 11 a. m. on Flag Day. W. gave him an invitation to make his home with them, and from his actions, he has decided to stay. Mrs. Mary LaMay died Tuesday morning at the St. Francis hos pital. Breckenridge. She had been sick for about ten days. Her death was due to dropsy. She was taken to Mantador Wednesday evening when she will be buried today. Frost the latter part of last week caused considerable damage to the war gardens in this section. Beans, tomatoes and other veget ables of the tender sort were llx ones hit the hardest, while a W fields of corn and potatoes suffer ed a little. The Ladies Guild of the Flniscn- pal church will hold an Top rospn social on Satwdav the 23»*d at 3 o'clock on Mrs. Walson'« inst la urn. corner of sixth street and W sin Ave., the old Douglas rpsidem— across the avenue from the Ann- !ory. DR. e. H. JOHNSON Veternlery Sura son Offie« jn Babcock Buildinar Residence 518, 8th St. N. Wahpeton, N. D. Residence Phone 2I0W-2 Office Phone 219W Math Brann of the Star Rol ler Mills went on a trip down through the eastern part of South Dakota as far as Roholt and then to Hankinson and then back to Wahpeton, looking over the crop situation. He reports that the need of rain is felt badly in this sec tion and only came across a sec tion of about five miles in width that had sufficient rainfall for some time. The firm of Krause & Son have recently closed out their business in the old Miksche building stand and are now nicely located in the Purdon building, formerly the home of the Molloy Furniture Co. The interior of the building is neatly arranged for the comfort and convenience of the trade. In addition tc carrying an extensive line of house furnishing goods they have made a special feature of their shoe department and have added many new and up-to-date lines. The window display is wor- Big sale on at Mrs. Dugar's be ginning Saturday, June 23rd. Adv. Mrs. Losthoff of Forman was at Wahpeton last week on a business trip. Mrs. P. C. Olsen left for Oakes Wednesday evening to visit -for some time. The W. R. C. circle will meet with Mrs. Van Arnam, jFriday, June 22nd. Miss Mabel Chelgren, one of the S. S. S. graduates left last Friday for her home at Rosholt, S. D. Prof, and Mrs. Prather and their three boys spent a few days at Lake Stewart at Camp Nervana. Mrs. W. W. Thomas is visiting at Wadena. She was the guest at a wedding at that place last week. The St. Adelbert's choir went to Milnor Saturday evening to sing for the special services there on Sunday. The Misses Marion and Doris Harber returned home Saturday from Alexandria where they have been visiting. Mrs. the Pahl of Lidgerwood who' lias been visiting for the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Eekes, returned to her home on Monday. Miss Mae Benedict of Minneapo lis, is a guest of Mrs. Victor Fan del this week. Miss Benedict is a member of the Science School Alumni. Miss Clara Olson of Underwood, -Minn., who has been a student at Science School for the past school year returned to her home last. Saturday. Clerk-Carrier Exam The U. S. Civil Service Commis sioii announces an open competitive examination for tlxe position clerk 1., Ji: (male or female) and carrier in the Postoffice at Wahpeton, A. on July 14th, 191)17, commenc ing at 1) o'clock a. m. Applications for this exainim lion must be made on the prescrib ed l'oriu, which, with necessary in structions, may be obtained i'roi,: llic local secretary at the Post Of ike. Each applicant will be rcquir 1 to submit to the examiner on th day of examination a photograph til' himself taken within two years. No application will be accepted unless .properlv executed and filed with the district secretary in time for him to arrange for the exami nation. Applications will not be accept ed from employees of the Govern ment or of firms or corporations engaged in carrying out contracts for the Government or its allies un less by the written assent of the head of the office, firm, or corpora tion under which the applicant is employed to his appointment in case he should pass the examina tion. JOS. VOVES, Local Secretary. Hsspllal Notes Admitted— June 12, Florence Henderson, White Rock, S. 1)., Surgical. June 13, Alvida Iiolmvick, Minn.. Surgical. June 13, Albert Johnson, Fair mount, X. D., Medical. nut: 15, Ilans Anderson, Cal cliutt, Medical. June 17, Mrs. Zigleinau, Great Bend, Medical. June 18, Miss Rebecca Stoltenow Dwight, Surgical. June 18, 0. R. Tverdall, Aber cioinbie, Medical. June 18, Mrs. K. Gunness, Aber crombie, Medical. June 18, Allen Egger, Kent. Surgical. Discharged— Miss Ida Griiiger. Miss Rose Nelson Mrs. Chas. Miller. Miss Alvida Holmvick. MTS. Andrew ©rdal Mr. John Haugen. Hans Anderson. NORWEGIAN LUTH. CHURCH Services next Sunday forenoon at 10:30 at the Wild Rice church, Dwight. Services at Wahpeton at the Lutheran church, cor. of 8th st. and Michigan Ave. next Sunday after noon at 3. Services will be con ducted in the Norwegian language. The Young Peoples Society of the Wild. Rice church will give a program next Sunday evening com mencing at S. The Young Peoples Society of the Bethany church will meet next Sunday evening at the usual hour. W. B. Dahl, Pastor. Krause & Son (In the Purdon Building) FURNITURE AND SHOES Our Shoe Department After disposing of our stock in the old Miksche bulling we have made a special feature of our Shoe Department in our present quarters, having installed an up-to-date line for young and grown-ups which are money-savers for the con servative buyer. It will be well worth your time to pay us a call before buying. Our guarantee with every pair. Our Furniture Department NEW OR SECOND HAND A most complete and extensive line of New and Second Hand Furniture at prices that are remarkable. Each and every piece of furniture that we sell is backed by our guar antee to be exactly as represented. In buying of us you are sure of a square deal, courteous treatment and satisfaction in every purchase you make. Krause & Son (In Molloy's Old Stand) 40 GRADUATES AT THE S. S. S. Wahpeton N.Dakota The annual commencement exer cises of the State Science School1 were held in the gymnasium last Friday P. M. June 15. The attend ance was very good. The picnic dinner proved a splendid success and as the day was ideal, the out ing was thoroughly enjoyed by all whow ere present. The peopfe of Wahpeton, however, defaulted to such an extent that if it had not! been for the large numbers of out! of town visitors, the picnic would1 have been much less of an event. The band concert at the noon hour was a fine treat. Prof. Warren1 has the happy faculty of keeping his men together until the last call is over, and this proved no excep tion. The forty-piece band that as sembled last Friday was as good' as could be had anywhere in the state. At two o'clock the graduating exercises began with two splendid numbers by the orchestra. Rev. W, Walton then pronounced the invo cation. his was followed by two very fine orations "Verdun" by Miss Florence Wright, and a "Democratic Education," by Miss Maria Broen. The Science School sextette, then sung one of their songs for which they are so famous. Miss Iiuth Walter then gave a demonstration in Home 'Nursing which proved to be a very timelv and interesting piece of work. Ii was exceedingly well received. So ph us Bolmc next gave a "wireless demonstration anil this, too, was well received and enjoyed by all. Tiie sextette followed with a very pleasing selection. The song was followed bv a "demonstrate in chemical phenomena" by Mis? Anna Braun. This is always a pon ular subject and was splendidly handled by Miss Braun. Pres. Smith then made the pres entation speech and gave the diplo-' mas to the forty members of the class. We feel that this was a com ittenoesmffit of very unusual quali ties and we wish to congratulate those who were fortunate enough to hear it, as well as to thank them for their interest in our efforts. The faculty members will spend the summer in a diversity of ways. President Smith, Profs. E. H.' Jones, E. O. Prather, Arthur Neu mann and Miss Mirick will teach in the summer school. Prof. Riley will work for the city doing surveying. Prof. Murphy will go to Madison, Wisconsin. Prof. Todd has gone to Kansas to visit his people Prof. Ward to New York State to spend the sum mer at Chautauqua summer re sort. Prof. Warren will lead a large FIVE band on the lledpath Chautauqua circuit and has left for points in Iowa, where he began the tour at Sioux City, Misses Miles, Zuill ami Oistad will spend the summer at their respective homes in Wiscon sin. Miss Jamieson will remain in Wahpeton at her home. Miss John son has gone to Tacoma, Washing ton Prof. McMahon has gone to Boston for the summer. Prof. G. C. Morehart will work for Attorney W. E. 1'ureel 1 in the law offices of the latter, which will mean that Prof, and Mrs. Morehart spend the summer in Wahpeton. Brown the Tailor, is now in his new home, having last week pur chased the stock and business of Wm. Hess. He moved in Monday morning and is now getting this in shape as fast as possible while at the some time taking carc of the trade. Hollls to Lsoturs Mr. A. P. IIollis of the Exten sion Department connected with our Agricultural college represent ing the state educational depart ment for the summer school this year will deliver two lectures at I I'e Science School next Saturday. The first one will be given at 10 a. m., during assembly and the subject will be Rural Schools pro gress by Evolution—standardiza tion will be emphasized. Al 8 p. m. at tin? Science School gymnasium tlie second lecture by Prof. Ilollii will be Progress by Revolution. oii.solidation will be strongly em phasized. Mr. Hollis has had val uable experience in elementary school work. He knows the rural school problems and their solution* The teachers in training will re ceive much information as well as inspiration from these lectures on Saturday June 23rd. Taking Cathartics Evsry Day far Wssks Don't Curs Stomach Troubla They do not eliminate the pois onous Bile Accretions from th»» system, so declares a leading Chi cago* Stomach Specialist. Often Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Ap pendicitis and other dangerous ail ments are the consequences. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is the ideal prescription for Stomach, .Liver and Intestinal ailments. It has re stored millions. One dose will prove that it will help you. Mayr's Won derful Remedy is for sale by Hen ry Miller ft Co., Druggists.—Adv.