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A COMMUNICATION. Last week's Times published from good authorities reasons why men should not use tobacco es pecially in the ciragette form, and often has been deplored the habit of sending tobacco and eigamts to France. No one will deny the injurious effects of tobacco, especially on the younger classes, and to some extent on the olde ones, but noth ing lias been done to eliminate to bacco from our American soldiers while they were in training here and now that they are across in the midst of excitements and dangers why should we league ©urselves together against sending them the one thing which they want most, and about the only thing which they ask for. Foot ball and basket ball play ers are not allowed to use tobacco and the rules governing this are very imperative. They must dis continue one or the other, and this is as it should be, but it leaves no alternative for the soldier, for if they do not see that they can dis continue the use of tobacco amidst the hardships of war they ought not be forced to do it through the whims of "objectors" who do not understand the good which the boys get from the stimulation of a (few puffs of cigarette or pipe. Let the reform begin in the home with the young children, in the baby room in school and in Sun day schools, and maybe when they must cro and fight the Hun It will not fall to their relatives an.l friends to raise tobacco funds for them: but lot us not inflict more hardships on our soldiers than they already have. In* wifhholdiwr from them tobaeeo whieli wns nor withheld from them at (he proper time in life. rXHTIATvEX TESTTMOXY the lest of truth. Doan's Kidney Pills lituv stood the iosf iri Wahiielon. Xo Wnhr-t dent who ^uffr novum' urinary 'Ml vo- iek:!che. or mi- ills' in remain uit- W. E. PURCELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice all the courts or the state. Collections a specialty WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA. QUSTAV 8CHULER Lawyer PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS Probat* Practice a Speeialty ISSl IP *AKlH* Absolutely Pure Hade from Cream ef Tartar NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE n, & Ne BEN N INGS&N, VT. convinced by this twice-told testi mony. Jos. Simard, 105 Wisconsin Ave., Wahpeton, says: "I was in misery day and night. I could hardly eat or sleep and couldn't be comfortable in any way. There was a steady, dull, grinding pain through the small of my back. Life §eemed .discouraging. ivly Kidneys acted very irregularly and that wjas bothersome. At times, I was very dizzy and black spots flashed before my eyes 1 was advised to use Doan's Kidney Pills and got some at Keen's Phar macy. They helped me right away, removed the backaches and put new life into me. I think Doan's are the best kidney medi cine obtainable." (Statement given August 12, 1907.) On November 12, 1917, Mr. Simard said: "I am always glad to recommeud Doan's Kidney Pills, and never nms a chance to tell others how good they are. The occasional use of them keeps my kidneys in good condition." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Simard had. Fos ter-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. August Iloefs, county commis sioner from Hankinson, was in the city last week attending a meet ing of the board of county com missioners and found time to pay a friendly visit to the Times. .Me. Iloefs is a pleasant gentleman to meet. lie stated that he located in Richland county in 1S7-1, before there was a railroad and before 1here were any buildings in what is now the city of "Wahpeton. lie! was a former farmer, later pur chasinr an interest in the Far mi rs and Men-hants Hank at Han kinson, later selling his stock, lie is now a stockholder in 1he Win perman Hardware Co. in tint city. Mr. Iloefs stated that 1m had been a county commission''!' Tor twelve years, and had been elected by the people of his dis trict four terms, and that he is getting old now. and will not he a candidate for re-election and will retire from active polities and give someone else a chance. GItKKVS AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that ai-c caused by a disordered stomach and in active liver, such as sick headache, consti pation, sour stomach* nervous indiges tion, rcrmentaUon of food, palpitation or heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regu lates digestion both in stomach and intes tines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities rrom the I Mood. Sold by Henry Miller & Co., Druggist. 42-tf if/, ui ,u y...r LxW* ifl (H cally f!!9 the Skin BR)N0 IN S A rc »Huraa-! w'io'C- house com fortsMy, liupenilably, cleanly arid economi frosn one register. ©Split Fits Like &L Exactly same con- ctruciion as the old rc-1 h*uclicr ii but without ptpes »r flui- I.kvil for old or new noiucs aisti buildings with small or partial •'slUrs. Saves 35% in fuel. Burns as:,I Heavy underwear time is just around the corner. Are you prepared for it? All sLrvcr.lor..- J! chert armc.'.d leg lengths,ur.basuitsandsep arate .wcrs. Particular attention paid to fitting* You will v.ll prepared to supply your needs in shirts, neckwear, ho-.. ..- -, cl *. The Ifoes are new and frcch. Visit our store—make it your men's furnishing headquarters. of loit coal, co'te or wood. Mide of solid cast iron, has triple jacket, substantial firepot a:id radiator, best type '/rate. Designed ri^ht, !uilt right. 60 years of experience and t!,e Mueller Guarantee behind it. Cam? in and let nhaw you i» what .noderata #xp«nif you can enjoy the comforts of furnace hvtti. We have chosen a well-selected line of fall and winter weights, headed by the famous Cooper "Spring Needle",Un derwear which comes from the Cooper I.lill3 c.t Bcnningtop, Vt. It hns tha right "give" to it £:id springs back into shape a^ain no matter wh^t it is subject ed to. Fits like the sHn. THE WAHPETON TIMES IMPROVED UH1F0BM INTERNATIONAL LESSON fBy E. O. SKLL.ERS, Acting Director ol the Sunday School Course of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.) (Copyright. 191*. Westi-rn Newspaper Union.) ail LESSON FOR MARCH 3 JESUS BRINGING PEACE. LESSON TEXT-Mark 4:35-6:29. G01-.OEN' TEXT—Jehovah hath dona great things for us whereof we are glad. —Ps. 120 ::3. DEVOTIONAL READING-Ps. 147:1-5, 14-18. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. FOR TEACHERS-Matt. 8:23-34 Luke 8:22-39 Matt. 14:22-33: Luke 9:37-43A. PRIMARY LESSON MATERIAL—Mark 4:36-41. MEMORY VERSE—Even the wind and the sea obey him.—Mark 4:41. INTERMEDIATE TOPIC-Telllng the good news about the Prlnee of Peace. MEMORY VERSE-Mark 6:19. This lesson Is a most dramatic one. Surprise and revelation, rebuke and encouragement are rapidly Inter changed. Leaving the multitude to whom he had been preaching, Jesus asks the disciples to pass over with htm to the other side of the lake (v. 35). let us pass over Jesus never asks his disciples to go where he will not go. How vivid is the touch in v. 36: "They took him as he was." He was tired and weary, he whose Invita tion is to "all who are weary and heavy laden." He who "had not where to lay his heart," is carried by loving hands into the boat, and is soon lost in restful slumber. Both Master and friends are soon tn meet a'grent sin ner but first they must encountered a I great storm. I. The Great Sterm. The M:tster of iVuvos sloops ciilmiy on. Why not? Who olse cnuHl :\tTonl to be so appar ently IndifferentNot FO those (lis- oipU'S. They have yot to know him iiorfcctly. :\ml hence it is natural that in their alarm (hey should awaken him as they view the rabidly fillins hoat, and exclaim. "Master, carest thou not that we pori -li?" .Woury and un concerned its he appears to have been, he arose and relinked the wind and the waves. Wind and waves are matt' rial things and therefore not suscep- ililile to rebuke. .Testis fronted the in- I tangible cause he rebuked the devil who was responsible for tills turbul ence and the calm was commensurate with the storm. The Psalmist says, "Great peace have they that love thy law." Individuals and nations are now in the midst of a "great storm," a day of crime, stress, distress and tragedy struggle, temptation, grief and loss, and the cry "Lord save us!" Is growing louder and more insistent. Some of us look fer the early return of the king, but all should llSten for his words "Peace be still" for It Is the peace which he alone can give that has power to calm the growing turbulence of this age. II. The Great Sinner. Reaching the other side, they entered the land of Gadara and there met a demoniac who Is, we believe, a type of the great sin ner, for he was. (a) without restraint "no man could bind him" (v. 3) (b) he was injuring himself, "cutting," etc. (v. 5) (c) he was separated from his friends* "dwelt among the tombs" (v. 3) (d) he was "unclean" (v. 2). There was also evidence of the futility of human resolutions and the vainness of attempt at control or reformation (v. 4). "No man had the strength to tame him." Note the tor ment of his life (v. 7). As he healed this man, the people saw their illegal gain interfered with, and hence the selfish request that Jesus should "de part out of their coasts" (v. 17), and this even in the face of what had been done for the stricken one. Selfishness knows no law. The Jews could not eat pork but they were raising It to sell to the (rontiles of the bind, which amounted to an insult to their God, and an evasion of their law. Jesus "permitted" tbe demons to enter the swine thereby rebuking the avarice of the people and conclusively showing that they had left the demoniac. Luke tells us (8:37) that the Cadarenes were "taken with a great fear." Pear of what? Surely no fear of the Gall lean teacher, but rather of the effect of the restored man's testimony on their material prosperity. Big busi ness will have many sins to account for in the face of greed for gain while Ignoring the cry of the afflicted amid unsuitable and unsanitary living con ditions. Church members have no right to condemn the liquor traffic, while they rent stores to carry on this destructive business. A suggested outline for this lesson would be as follows: I. A Great Storm—Ch. 4:35-41. The command of Jesus—v. 35. The weariness of Jesus—v. 36. The alarm of the disciples—v. 38. The indifference of Jesus—v. 38. The great calm—v. 39. II. A Glorious Cure—Ch. 5:1-20. The Gadarene a type of the sin ner—vv. 1-5. (Unclean, separated, no re-' straint, self injury). The Gadarene cleansed—vv. 6-15. (He recognized purity—desired communion—was assigned to service). III. The Great Mission—vv. 16-20. An improper request (v. 17). A proper request (v. 18). A hitr-i request (v. 10). A great result (see Luke The mons of passion, Mrs. Wm. S. Hurley left Sat urday morning on the Great Northern by way of Davenport ifor !Xa Moure, where she has been en gaged, as choir instructor in a three-week's .series of religious meetings which began there last Sunday evening. She has had many years' experience in this work at lu runner home in Den ver, Colo. The meetings are un der the direction of Elmer E. Du den, at one time pastor of thg Foss Mel hoi list Episcopal church in this city, ably assisted by the Rev. A. L. Shute, former pastor of the Bisiinnvk M. E. church ai Edgeley, Moure county. The Xr,h Dakota Association of Optimetrists will hold its an nual meeting in connection with tbe State Wetail Jewel el's' associa tion in Fargo, June 27-28-29. A charter lias been granted by the state to tiie Electric Service Company ai Lidgerwood. The KeepingYourse/f Well DRIVING OUT CATARRH If people knew how the prcpenea of catarrh is a constant menace, they would have none of tt. It infests some part of the ddlcately adjusted Iwwjy and makes It useless, thus throwing on the other organs more than their share of work. It affords a carefully prepared seed bed for the germs of colds, grip, tuberculosis and pneumonia. It so disarranges Nature's delicate plans as to tM.ike possible asthma, hay fever aint other respiratory dis orders. it spreads until it becomes systemic, thus involving many or gans :tr.l debilitating the entire eystfni with serious results. Catarrh is easily lieslectcd, and It rarely trets well of itself. It needs proper medicinal correction. For half a century many thousan have found help in Pe runa. :. .luatJo tonic with sveclal cflicae in 1 1 1 8:40). nations are in storm. The de hate and lust of pow er are loosed in the world let us "be seech him" "peae*" to return that he may speak catarrhal conrtttions. Tile a to elean out waste mat !'-l the catarrhal intlam tone up the whole sys users willingly testify (Inno nil this and even ::tarrhal sufferers. What i.e is the best proof of ill do. You may rely on matiui.. tern. that mor what l'eru form it is pleasant ic easy to administer. an a 11 take Tablet* it re id a laxative and Hver tonic. havo n-o until'-ai' a and do not l'orm a h:i!» it I'k'. WCr The Co O, Trim capital stock of the new incorpo ration. is given at $25,000. The incorporators are, A. W. Rosen krans, B. O. Norton, J. W. Mo vius, all of Lidgerwood. Rev. James Anderson, presiding elder of the Fai'jro district of M. E. C'liui'clits, 1 \KTIt^N we announced Bevo recently, our hopes were high. We knew that we had the most unusual soft drink that had ever been offered: A beverage combining the nutri tive extracts of wholesome ce reals, the zest of Saazer Hops, a flavor all its own and abso lute purity. We knew this be cause, true to our own ideals, we had experimented for years before we were satisfied to say, "We offer you Bevo it is a different soft drink it's good and it is good for you." High as were our hopes for its reception, we have realized them far and beyond our expectations.. Bevo today is an estab lished popular success. Ev erywhere the same question is asked:—"Have you tried Bevo?" was a pleasant visitor at the Times office, last Saturday. lleury E. Berg and Walter B. Ki'iekson of Brenkeuridge, and Peter Riley of l')oran, Wilkin county, joined the aviation sec tion of the army last. Friday and left for Aberdeen, S. I)., where they will be assigned to their re spective camps. If you are sick call Phone 12.'}, or see Dr. Bloeher, your Chiro practor. 43tf. III '."SsgSsJw Ha'/. id. A *». Bevo— the alj-year-'round soft drink Bevo is sold in bottles only, and is bottled exclusively by ANHEUSER-BUSCH—ST. Wholesale Dealers I'ARCO. SEETHAT(JOWN3earsTHISTox^EJ)5M® fAUTION SEE*THATTHIS SEAL IS INTACT THREE CHAS FORNIAN WON PAINTER WAHPETON, North Dakota «5i vV.C i. Enormous Army of Stomach Sufferers Led to Health Bj Single Oose. Protect and Safeguard Your Household From the standpoint of safety alone, you need an evEREADV Flashlight Think of the horror of fire and of maimed children. Take no chances! Do away with treacherousmatehes! Ar Ere ready will safeguard your home and your children from the dangers that lurk in matches. Better get an Evereudj/ today. We have: many attractive styles tc choose from. %.J? mfrlftr Wow, one f.nnl word. V/e prom- 'M 1 ise you that, in accord with the known principles of Anheuser Euseh and all its product DCVJ not only will forever maintain its present high standard of quality, but as time gcci or.r greet endeavor shall be to make this soft drink even more per feet in every detail of its good ness. •t You will find Bevo at inns, res taurants, groceries, department and drug stores, picnic grounds,. baseball parks, soda fountains, dining cars and other places where refreshing beverages are sold. Guard against substitutes. Have the bottle opened in front of you, first seeing that the seal is unbroken and that the crown beers the Fox. Louis WARD-OWSLEY CO.