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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
I 0. P. NIOE, M. D. I WAHPETON, M. D. Have you paid your subscrip-, Woo to the Times? If not, kindly do so, as wo need the money. The North Dakota Association1 of Optometrists will hold its an nual meeting in connection with the State Deitz S Murray Grooetles and Fruits Where the Cash Counts SPECIALS HERE'S A LIST THAT EVERY HOUSE-WIFE SHOULD READ IN •ETA1L—IT OFFERS THE MOST KSIRABLE GROCERIES AT PRICES GREATLY TO YOUR AD VANTAGE. DON'T OVERLOOK AN ITEM. 3 packages Macaroni, Rich alelu Brand, 3 lor 18c 3 packages Spaghetti, I Richelelu Brand, 3 for 19c 3 packages Crsamettes 3 lor 10c 3 oans Merrlson Brand Asparagus, 3 tor 58o 3 cans Richelelu Brand No. 2 Tomatoes, 3 for 42o 3 eans Richelelu Brand Corn, no better packed, 3 cans for 53e 3 Jars Strawberry Rasp berry Jam, 3 Jars 89c 3 pounds good coffee, 3 pounds 49c 3 cans good Strawborrles In Syrup, 3 for 62o Half gallon |ar Apple But ter, Heme Brand 44c Creamery Butter, pound 48c 10 lbs. Rutabagee, 10 lbs. 10c (ST SATURDAY, FEB. 23, WE WILL HAVE A DEMONSTRATION ON MAZOLA OIL. Deitz A Murray The Cash and Carry Money Saving Store We will close Friday afternoon Feb. 22nd DR. N. J. SHIELDS and DR. J. CROSS Stern Block OFFICE PHONE 75 RES. PHONE 18 Bits of Local Information Ow fW' SwfcftM rrmgnss to H« CMRQT onrf R«Mb Retail Jewelers' associa tion iu Fargo, June 27-28-29. A charter has been granted by the state to the Electric Service Company at Lidgerwood. The capital stock of the new iucorpi ration is given at $35,000. The incorporators are, A. W. Rosen krans, B. O. Norton, J. W. Mo vims, all of Lidgerwood. GRAND THEATRE The drive of the Lutheran War Work fund is being organized this week by M. G. Myhra of Walcott, who is the county chairman. The amount apportioned to be raised in Richland county is $25,000, of which Wahpeton's share would be approximately *1,800. Mr. Meier, of the Wahpeton Steam Laundry, was offered the position of chair man of the Wahpeton committee, hut having so many other duties to perform, declined the honor. he informed the writer the first of the week. E. S. Cameron was an in the city Sunday morning and reported he had been out at Mo bridge and Aberdeen, S. I)., and Bowman, this state, serving sub poenaes. He reported stopping at a rancher's house in the western part of the state, which was a rough looking place and hanging his trousers on a Avail in one side of the house (which consisted of one room) and sleeping on the other side, that in the night he heard Strang** ivis*s md was sure someone was picking his poekels and going through his grip, rifling the contents. After spending very restless and nervouk night he awake the next morning to find his nspicions groundless and the people in that part of the state just as honest as in Richland county. lie loft Monday for Fargo. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 22-23 Westcott Film Corporation Presents "THE WARRIOR" (Not a war picture) With Maciste, Giant Hero of "Cabiria" A magnificent screen spectacle abounding in tnniis, laughs and absorbing human interest. Four weeks at Chterian Theatre, New York to packed houses. Seven reels of thrills. Seven parts packed with marvelous, Herculean exploits. En dorsed by New York newspapers. It don't cost any more to ha v.* your clothes made to order just the way you want them, than ready to wear. Only you must leave your measure ten days be fore you want them. Easter comes early this year. March 31. Leave your measure Friday and have them ready on time. 43t3 Oppie's. The St. John's Ladjes' Aid will be entertained this alfternoon by Mesdames Anton Gilles, Wiii. Hess. A. Siefert and N. Crump at St. John's parlors. The Ladies' Aid of the Congre gational ejjurch was entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Bar ber and Mrs. Fee at Mrs. Barbells residence. The examination of Class 1 men is now in progress at the court house. A big meeting of our citizens was held at the citv hall on Tues day evening for the purpose of aiding and creating more interest in the Boy Scout movement in this city. There was a fine pro gram. including speaking and special music. I)ont' forget the Red Cross .sale at the Armory hall—tomorrow— Washington's birthday. There will also be entertainment galore including a band concert, short talks, moving pictures. And if you live in the country, hitch up Sally, the old grey mare, get your best girl and attend the big Red Cross benefit dance in the even ing. The confirmation class of the Wahpeton Norwegian Lutheran church met last Saturday after noon with Rev. W. B. Dahl, the pastor in charge. G. M. Evans, a comrade of Sum ner Post, No. 7, was buried last Sunday. Over Diets & Hnrrar'i Phone *0* If you are sick call Phone 123, or see Dr. Blocher, your Chiro practor. 43tf. Rev. James Anderson, presiding elder of the Fargo district of M. E. churches, was a pleasant visitor at the Times office last Saturday. DR. J. P. SCHWINGHAMMEU Dentist Phone 75 Nonpartisan League caucuses will be held at all townships in the county tomorrow. Men always love to see a girl With a healthy clear complexion. Rocky Mountain Tea's the stuff, That gives it to perfection.—II. Miller & Co. 41-t4 The Saturday and Sunday special sales at Wagner's are drawing big crowds. Mr., Wag ner's place is fixed up beautifully and he is enjoying an excellent patronage. It. H. OCVINC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 39 Dr. Meckstroth's former Residence Henry E. Berg and Walter B. Erickson of Breckenridge, and Peter Riley rif Doran, Wilkin county, joined the aviation sec tion of the army last Friday and left for Aberdeen, S. P., where they will be assigned to their re spective camps. a a DR. T. O'BRIEN Office and Residence on 6th St. 3rd house north of P. O. '^alls in the county promptly attended to J. C. Brun has resigned as pas tor of the Wahpeton Lutheran Bretheren church to take effect March 1. Mr. Brun will take up a charge at Malta. Mont. His many Wahpeton friends will re gret his departure, but will send best wishes with him to his new location. His successor at Wahpeton has not yet been named. L. E LESTER Funeral Director and Lloens ed Embalmer In charge of Schmitt & 01 son's Undertaking Dept. Day and Night Calls Answer ed Promptly Lady Assistant Day eall N. W. 135J Night N. W. 206W and 41OJ Brack 2780 We show a complete line of black and blue Woolens. Made up first class and a perfect fit is an ideal wedding suit. We have all the necessary furnishings to go with it. Pleased to have you look through. Drop in any time. 43tf. Oppie's. I. C. J. WHO Physician & Surgeon Office: Briggs Bldg. The Wahpeton Times is a boost er for every worthy cause, but when there is boosting to be done it is generally free gratis, while the Globe-Gazette is paid so much per. We have been publishing Red Cros dope handed in to us each week but when there is any page adv. or any paid matter i'o be given out it is handed to the Globe-Gazette. Why not 1e lair in such matters and divide the patronage? We are not sore, but we believe in a square deal and fair play. GEO. O. JACOBS, M. D. Piysielan and Surgeon Office 0\er Boston Store Phone 84 Wahpeton, North Dakota For the good of the Times I and in order to build up the busi-1 ness and push it on to success from D. Hendershott, a first-clas-i. to-date operator, and all 'rom-l printer. Mr. Hendershott MS been in the business for upwards oif twenty years and hails fV"i/i Warrenton and Kansas City. M. and we have no hesitancy in 1 the run down condition we found! on taking hold of same, and for) other reasons which we consul unbecoming of a gentleman, v. discharged from our employ i! Saturday morning, S. W. Gila.i 1 who has been with the paper several years, and have hire! Don't wait until your blood is impoverished and Metro you are sick and ailing take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea now, it will drive out the germs of Winter, purify the stomach, regulate the bowels— Henry Miller & C'o. 41t4 Braun Theatre Thursday, Feb. 21. 1'l STiN rARNUM —in— XOR Ti I OF FIFTY-THREE'' a story of the great Northwest. Friday, February 22. FRANCIS BUSHMAN AND BEVERLY PAYXE a Super Feature—Special Matinee p. m. Saturday, February 23. SEsSUE HAYAKAWA —in— -HIDDEN PEARLS" a Pin mount—Matinee 3 p. m. Monday, February 25, MLS IE FERGUSON —in— "T11E SONG OF SONGS" an Art era ft picture—Matinee at 3 p. m. Tuesday February 20, TOM MIX —in— I'PID'S ROUND UP" Tax I'mduetion-and Hearst-Pahte News. Wednesdav, (iKORGE BEBAN —in— "ON'K MORE AMERICAN" a I'iifamount—Matinee 3 p. m. Coining—Douglas Fairbanks in "IIEADIN" SOUTH" 0ncxrt9 1 r- ing that any and all work luni-d out by him and the Times oflfiee in the future will be only firs class. Mr. Hendeshott is a jren tleman in every respect, a man of clean personal life. He is a benedict and has six children. lie expects to move his family to Wahpeton in the spring. The Times wants your business—your job printing—and we will guaran tee only first-class work by peo ple who "know how" to do it in good shape. Give us a tr'a!. Sratth (Ckitbra Chiropractor in Sehuler Block. 43tf. Prof. E. M. Bioen and T. J. Peterson went to Mooreton Sun day, where they assisted in the Lutheran services and welcome 1 the incoming pastor, Rev. J. Kluk ken, who made his initial appear You will be surprised when you see the new Ideas In Spring Clothes Furnishings Save money by buying your Spring Clothes at FARMERS AIVi) MASTER GROWERS A hungry world demands "more food!" Your generous re sponse implies "fair profits to pro ducers." This bank unites the interests of farmer and financier. The fed eral reserve stands back of our depositors. Your account here entitles you to counsel and assistance—help ful deeds as well as dollars. Start the account and—let is start you! THE CLOTHING COMPANY. WAHPE,UON, N.DT NTH BUM Wahpeton, N. D. You will like the new styles because they are so different —they appeal to you because they are classy. It will pay you to buy clothes made by the best houses, you feel sure of being dressed right in style at the best prices. Look them over. Kew Spring Hats and Shoes They are here waiting for your inspection. The best qualities at prices which are reasonable. It will mean real economy when you purchase one of Sterns Hats or a pair of Florsheim or Packard shoes. New Spring Shirts You will admire the new patterns, they will appeal to you because the designs are the newest. a ance there Sunday. The string band music at the Lutheran Bretheren church which is held eveVy Sunday evening draws great audiences. The sing ing there is both in English and Norwegian and the preaching is always in the foreign tongue.