OCR Interpretation

The Wahpeton times. [volume] (Wahpeton, Richland County, Dakota [N.D.]) 1879-1919, December 19, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024779/1918-12-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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orai CITY
J. E. Morris, fuel for Mrs. Drew
Piatt Whitney, poor relief,....
Statistics tor the distribution of ur.
ban and rural populations In the
United States, including In the "nrban
class" towns of 2,500 or more popula
tion, show
1880, 29.5 per cent of the population
of the United States was urban.
1880, 70 5 per cent ot the population
of the United States was rural.
1910, 46.3 per cent of the population
of the United States was urban.
1910, 53.7 per cent of the population
of the United States was rural.
„Vt A'
V, -v 1'^i ..4
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Regular Meeting of the Wahpeton, North Dakota, City Couocil, held Monday
evening, December 2,1918.
Members Present: Raitor, Simonsen, Feiehel, Wolfe, Harris and Early.
Meeting called to order and presided over by Mayor Connolly.
Adnntea of the last regular meeting were read and, on motion duly carried,
ordered approved.
Petitioi from the Boy dcouts wUng for the use of one of the
rooms In the City Hall tor the purpose of holding their meetings, such room
to be heated, was read. It was moved and seconded that the room aafced for,
frying the one occupied by the firemen of the city, that we permit the Boy
Scouts to use and occupy the same, provided there is no objection on the part
of the firemen, who have a prior right thereto. Motion Carried.
Reports of the Police Magistrate, City Treasurer and Superintendent of Wa
terworks were read and, on motions duly carried, were each accepted and or
derer filed.
Moved and seconded that the Purchasing Committee of the City Council M|
authorised and empowered to purchase a steam boiler for the purpose of thaw
Ing the Inlets to sewer and catch-basins. A roll-call vote was taken on the
motion which wars as follows: Raitor, yes Wolfe, yes Simonsen, yes Pee
ehel, yes Harris, yes Early, yes Aldermen Hodel and Frasler were absent
and did not vote.
Moved and seconded that the City Engineer be Instructed to make an esti
mate of the coat of Installing a sewer on First Street, extending south from
Dakota Avenue to such joint or points so that nil dwellings on said First
St as well as any avenue that should connect with a sewer on «i»H First
Stieet may be connected. A roll-call vote waft taken on the same and was as
follows: Pallor, yea Wolfe, yea Simonsen, yes Peschel, yes Harrla, yes
Early, yes Aldermen Hcdel and Frasler were absent and did not vote.
The followtng bills were audita^ and read:
Joseph Kennedy, salary as Patrolman.... $ 3M3
A. J. Connolly, salary as Mayor, 21&S0
A. Hodel, salary as Alderman......... MM
Philip Raitor, salary as Aldenaaa, 24.00
P. Simonsen, salary as Alfennan 21:00
M. Peschel, salary as Alderman,. 24.00
J. J. Wolfe, salary as Aldempn, 24.00
A. D. trailer, salary a|§ Alderman, 14.00
O. L. Harris, salary as Alderman 24.00
J. R. Sarly, salary as Alderman (0.00
O. M. Olson. Treasurer's salary 25.00
F. B. SchneHer, Police Magistrate's salary,.. 25.00
C. J. Kachelhoffer, Auditor's and Attorney's salary,. 70.00
J. E. Powrle, Chief Police aftd Street CommisMoner's salary T10.00
V. McMichael, Patrolman's salary ilg.17
MAtt Hemerllck, Teamster^ salary, 7040
John Mnresh, City Hall and Park Custodian 40.00
H. E. Rice, services HO.OO
H. E. Rice, money advanced for hay, 28.70
Thomas McCaffery, labor on streets, 38.40
Globe-Gazette Printing Co., supplies, 4 ,2j gg
Maseppa Hook & Ladder Co., fire attendance, 20
Otter Tai! Power Co., Street, City Hall and barn lights,.......!
W. D. Murphy, Mdse
Leach & Gamble, Mdse.,
J. J. Wolfe, Mdse.
Wahpeton Times, city printing,
Northwest Sheet ft Iron Works. Mdse
W. Forkner, Superintendent's salary
J. E. Myers, Engineer's salary,....
Joieph Voves, Engineer's salary,
John Shebeck, labor,
Otter Tali Power Co, power and current
Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co.. Mdse
It is to be noted that there is a posi.
tive tendency of the people of the
United States to concentrate into ur
ban communities with a consequent
decrease in the per capica production
of staple food products.
Per capita production of wheat in
the United States is ind ented in tha
table that follows:
Year, 1876-1884, Population 50.156.000,
Average Annual Wheat Production.
426, 922,000 bushels, Annual Per Capi
ta Production, 8.5 buskei:
Year, 1906-1914. Population. 91 !t 2.000
Average Annual Wneat Production,
712, 474,000 bushels Annual Per Capi
ta Production, 7.7 bushels.
It is to lie noted that this table has
reference to tendencies and to facts
that were operative before the Great
War. It is one of the major tasks of
the U. S. Boys' Working Reserve to
set in motion forces that will check
Moved and seconded that the bills a« audited and Tead be allow
ed and ordered paid. A roll-call vote was taken on the motion and was as fol
lows: Raitor, yqg Wolfe,'yes Slmosoen, yes Pescfhel, yes Harris, yes
Sferly, yes. Aldermen Hodel and Frasler were absent and did not vote.
Motion owde, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
C- J. KACHELHOFFER, Clty Autttor.
..V .-R
'f. ^'••t .-' V.
4.80'. .7.
195 40
..7.. .77..!..
the tendency noted in the table and so
profoundly to affect the food supply
of the United States and of the world.
The Food Conservatiea Program,
held at the City Hall under the aus
pices of the women's clubs of the city,
was a decided success. The enthu
siasm shown by the great number
present was an unmistakable indica
tion of the interest of the Wahpeton
women to the problems of the home
and nation.
Miss Mirick, chairman of the Fort
nightly Club, presided at the meet
ing. The opening number was a let
ter from Commissioner Ladd, seating
the object of the meeting. A vocal
solo by Miss Florence Carter and
community singing of Christmas
Carols was enjoyed. The main feat
ure of^the program was an address
by Miss Fulton, in which conserva
tion was ably discussed. The exist
ing food pledges were unanimously
/In a head on collision Tuesday be
tween Great Northern passenger train
No. 13 and a freight train at Howard
Lake, Minn., Engineer Alike Cava
naugh of the passenger train was
killed. Mr. Cavanaugh's home was
in Breckenridge.
Have we any "quitters" in Wahpe
The showing we make in the Red
Cross roll call is going to answer
that question.
While the war was .on, and every
one was thrilled by the glorious deeds
of the expeditionary forces, we had no
trouble making our endta in any ot the
war fund drives.
Now somes the dirty, tedious, tire
some task of "mopping up." We here
at home «ee none of it, but all the in
spiration has gone cut of the "game"
for the men In Europe and the men In
the camps In this country, to say
nothing «t the hospitals. It is just
stern, hard, thankless duty that faces
them. But they are "carrying on."
and here at home we mustn't "quit"
The man tr woman who says: "the
wafs over, I guess the Red Cross
doesn't need my dollar"
both Ignor­
ant and a "quitter." He Is riifffflnc
on to somebody else %ls share ot the
unpleasant and tremendous task of
cleaning up after the fighting has
Spt course there are not many of the
"quitters" here In Wahpeton. but
overcoming inertia always requires a
tremendous amount ot Energy. Ev
ery name short of the 100 per cent
mark on the Christmas Red Cross
Roll Call ought to be considered a
black mark on Wahpeton's war rec
ord. The Red Cross Is catling for
per cent enrollment That's enough
for us. Let's give it.
Peder J. Wold was born in Norway
January 11th, 1837, where he grew to
manhood. He immigrated to America
hi 1868 and resided in Dunn County.
Wis., until 1870 when he again turner!
his face westward and came to Dako
ta. He drove a team for the IT. S.
Government for some time betwf-on
Forts Abercrombie and Pembina. In
1883 he took up his former profession
that of brickmaker, and started
brickyard about
of this village.
the clay is still visible, on the Char..
Hanson land, on the west side of the
railroad track. He found the clay of
poor quality here and moved his plant
to Abercrombie in the fall of the same
year, where he operated it success
fully for a number of years.
JHe passed quietly away at the home
of his daughter. Mrs. John Borgan, on
Monday, December 2nd, of old age
and general /lebility.—Walcott Re
-v .. -v ," •p.tt •'.
®fie IMjpeton Cimes^i
"Our point of view has now been dunged (rm a *at
nocessity to humanitarian appeal, in all food
effort*," Mid Federal Food Adniniatrator E. F. Ladd, who*
asked regarding the future work of the Food Admiaietretiett
a cable Neeattr rstoirod from Mr. Hotter hy the Foot
officials he stated that the pressing taunt for feed to
Europe frees one of tho worst axaiBe disosUrs of kfcUry fa
obvious h«t4h* Matte ptegraai must avail Author
'"When the Aaorfean peopie fully rsalixe the predkament ef
nOUeae of people la Earapa, when jtyie pfcture is preeeated t*
then in all ita atartMag nsallilju there1 will he a spsitsnsees aid
inataataneoue deasend ea the part of the Americas public for
their relief. Sense agetey pust carrion that relief work. Ji
what wiH he dene and how it will be tme is yet to he worked
out hat the work that la now placed btfas the Food Administer
Hon workers is to acquaint the public with the facta of Euiwpe'a
needs and to prepare them for voluntary co-operation in saving
east numbers from starvation, as distinguished from the enfeieoi
regulations which wove necessary as a war measure, but wil aa
longer bring about the desired ends."
The packing company has a paid up
capital of over $900,000. The plant
construction is estimated at $450,000.
A large modern residence section
is being erected by the company in
the vicinity of the plant. Twenty
four foundations have been laid and
18 houses are almost completed. The
houses will cost from $2,500 to $3,000
each. They are modern and well
equipped and offer Splendid living
conditions for the workmen of the
The plant and residences will have
its own water system and filtering
plant, of approximately a halt mil
lion gallons capacity per day.
The officials of the Equity Co-Oper
ative- Packing Co. regret very much
being unable to commence opera
tions this fall, owing to the skilled
labor shortage and delay in arrival of
equipment due to war conditions.
However, the plant will be In opera
tion early this coming spring.
The proposal to increase the capi
tal stock of the company from $1,000,.
000 to $3,000,000 will be decided at
the January meeting, the purpose of
the increase being to provide greater
capital for the company. It Is point
ed out that the increased costs of
livestock makes a greater working
capital essential.
Mrs. Gilbert Toppen passed away at
the home of her mother. Monday
evening after an illness extending
over a period of ten weeks, she hav-
one-half mile south ing been confined to her bed since
The excavation for October 4th, when she gave birth to
twin babies. Shortly after this she
was taken sick with influenza which
developed into a very severe attack
of pneumonia. She bravely with
stood this attack and was doing very
nicely when sciatica rheumatism de
veloped. This attack was just about
over when conjestion of the lungs sat
in and being weakened from the other
attacks, she was not able to over
come the great handicap and quietly
passed away.—Walcott Reporter.
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Fargo is planning an Auto Show
for February 5th to 8th.
The Society of Equity will have a
big three day meeting January 14th
15th and 16th. Three dlrectoes will
be elected and the officers will give
their annual reports. The annual
election of officers of the Equity
Packing Plant will also be held.
The Ladies Auxiliary ot Company I
have prepared Christmaa boxes tor
all ot the boji ot the company who
were wounded In battle and are con
valescing in the United States.
Christmaa cards and copies of the lo
cal papers will also be sent to them.
We print below a list ot the names of
these boys—the boys who have sacri
ficed so much for their country:
Corp. Frank LeQuler, Ward 7, Co.
26th Int., Ft Des Moines, Iowa.
Joe Lockwood, Ward 12* Co. 26th
Int, Ft Des Moines, Iowa.
Corp. Roy Trebll, Ward A, War De
monstration Hospital, 64th Ave., A. N.
Pvt. Donald B. Freese, Base Hospi
tal No. 2, Cape May, New Jersey.
Nick Hermes, Ft Snelllng, Minn.
It 1b hoped that the dtlsens of Wah
peton will remember these boys and
in some way show their appreciation
at Christmas time. These boys offer,
ed their all for their country, and
some of them may be crippled for
lite. Some ot ue can surely part
with a little of our money ^or them.
On Tuesday evening, December 24th
a Christmas program will he given in
the Congregational church at, Dwlght
aa tollspfs:
tjhe spirit ot the Chriatmaa Tide, la
Bop, Word and Picture, with whits
t^»IW''tke Ki^f, by the Sunday,
ftaioot Classes.
4* illustrated story, Ben Hur,
Taftb ot The Christ, with illustrated
songs ot the season, will torn tha
entertainment, and at arranged later
vals,4he separate Class gifts, will be
laid on the altar.
Special eong In pantonine, with a
token ot the Christmas time to each ot
the children.
This evening will be an entertain
ing and impressive one with a fine
educational feature on the Spirit ot
the Christmas Time. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all.
Program commences promptly at
eight o'clock.
REV. J. E. CADWELL, Pastor.
Services next Sunday forenoon at
the Wild Rice church, Dwigbt, com
mencing at 10:45 o'clock.
'Services at Mooreton next Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services will
be conducted in the Norwegian lan
Services will be held on Christmas
Day as follows:
Wild Rice church, Dwlght, in the
forenoon at 10:45 o'clock.
Wahpeton Norwegian/ Lutheran
church, Cor. of Michigan Ave. and 8th
St., in the afternoon at 3 o'clock.
W. B. DAHL, Pastor.
The Sunday School Christmas tree
will be at the church at 7:30 o'clock
Monday evening, December 23rd.
Christmas Carols and Hymns will be
sung. Parente and friends are in
vited to be present.
Holy Communion and Sermon at 0
A. M. All Communicants are urKc-1
to be present.
The young ladles auxiliary club met
on Monday evening with Mrs. John
Diets and MISB Gertrude Smith at the
home of the former.
After the business meeting, little
MIUB Isabelle Olsen violinist accom
panied by Miss Arntzen on the piano
played two selections which were well
An article on "Chicago the Chic," by
Miss Gorgena Baker, a paper on the
"Era of Reconstruction" was given by
Miss Winona Dahl. Two beautiful vo
cal solos was given by Miss Boswortb.
Dainty refreshments were served
at the close of a delightful evening.
N. B. Langseth, one of Antelope's
prominent farmers, was transacting
business at the county seat Wednes
day. Mr. Langseth is treasurer of
Anteiope school district. This town
ship has a consolidated school, a fine
four room building, modern in its ap
pointments, a fine cottage for the
janitor, who boards the teachers.
This school is located in the center of
the townehip and is, perhaps, the
finest of its kind in the state. The
pupils living at a distance from the
school are brought to and from the
school each day in busses. The en
rollment haB reached as high as 140
,• "i -1
JUK cm
William Hoffman died last Satur
day night at his farm home south ot
town. He was another victim ot the
dreadful scourge that is passing over
the country. He contracted the dto
ease about two weeks before his
death. He was not considered to he
in any great danger until nearly ,the
end, when he contracted pneumonia.
William Hoffman was the son ot
John Hoffman, and was born in Sum
mit township, thto county, January
22nd, 1888, and would have been 31
years old the 22nd of next month. On
the lth of November, 1916, he was
married to
Rose Hunhoff, and to
this union one child wa^born.
William Hoffman had a fine home
and everything that helps to make
life desirable. Death is no respecter
of persons.
The funeral was conducted at St.
John's Catholic church Tuesday
morning, Rev. Ridder officiating,
JBesldes his wife and little daugh
ter, h« leaves a father, mother, one
brother and three sisters to mourn
his loss.
The Times Joins the many friends
in extending sympathy to the bereav
ed family.
Mr. Carl A. Rustvang and Miss
Helma Rosella Gunness were united
in bonds ot Holy wedlock Wednesday
afternoon, December 18th.. The .cere
mony was performed' at the homis ot
the bride'a parents in Abercrombie.
There were several dosen Invited
guests present This young couple
are well aad favorably known and
they start out on life's Journey togeth.
er with the most favorable prospects.
The groom la one ot Abercromble'a
prosperous farmers. They will make
their home on the farm.
In order to complete our quota in
the War Savings Stamp campaign In
Richland County, we have $100,000.00
yet to raise.and ..only jwti.1 Decepber
3lst to raise it. All thcSe who have
pledged to purchase stamps should
do so before December 31st.
Uuleas every individual in Rich
land County does his or her full duty
durlng the few days remaining, Rich
land County will be among the lag
Are you going to do your part?*
Don't forget to do it now.
A clean-up committee appointed by
the chairman of the Red
Mrs. W. S. Lauder will canvass the
town, on Saturday* afternoon Tbt*
object of this committee is to give
everyone an opportunity to Join the
Red Cross. Wear your 1919 Red Cross
Button and you will not be molested
by this committee. This committee
Is composed of the following high
school girls: Georgiga Kuster, Ha
*el and Adelaide Burnson. Loretta Mc.
Ci^sker, Gertrude Burton and Dona
Henry S. Gelle, the eighteen years
old »on of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gelle,
died Monday at tbe home of his par
ents in Summit township. JfHe fun
eral was conducted by Rev. E. Meier
at the Summit township church.
This esteemable young man was
born and grew to man's estate in this
county. Besides his parents he is
survived by tbree brothers and a sis
ter to mourn his untimely death.
Miss Minnie Nielson, State Super
intendent of Public Instruction, has
named four of her assistants to go
into office with her the first of the
I year. They are:
Deputy Superintendent—H. J. Arns
dorf. Valley City.
Assistant Superintendent—Geo. A.
McKarland, Valley City.
Clerk—J. W. Riley, Fargo.
Primary Work—Miss Bertha Palmer,
It was reported here Tuesday that
Dr. L. U. Iverson, of Christine, had
committed suicide by shooting him
self with a rifle. We have been un
able to secure any details of the sad
affair, but Dr. Iverson has been ailing
for some time and it is presumed that
he committed the rash act in a mom
ent of despondency. He was staying
at the home of his wife's father. Rev.
Wisnes, where the act was commit
ted.—Walcott Reporter.

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