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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
''A' •M cfc.V v'. 8 .*. srst#* #c ':f •*«•. v^naivi.... :., siy*: !'Si.V« .- *V3*u.i •-.••.-»•*• ..»'• —*«W HILDBEN enjoy music instinc tively. jNote bow they cluster about a hurdy-gurdy. Long before the beauties ot art and literature are unfolded to their budding minds they feel an intense pleasure from music. And yet many people have found that as they grew older their pleasure in music lessened. Why? Because they failed to cultivate this inborn resource For your children's sake as well as your own you want The NEW EDISON Winkle's Jewelry Store "The Phonograph with a Soul" II will foster their love for music develop it into a lasting source of happiness. This marvelous instrument brings the world's finest music right into your home. Tou can hear the voices ot the great stars of Grand Opera re created with such fidelity that a lis tener would swear that the artists were your guests. The Edison tone tests to which the living artists sang in direct comparison with their Re creations proved that no human ear could distinguish artist from instru ment. You want your children to have every advantage. .Tou want them to culti vate their taste for music. Call for a demonstration and bring tbe children with you. BBECKENBIDGE, MINNESOTA New Footwear Creations DISTINCTIVE STILES FOB CABEFUL DBESSEB8 FBOM A HOST BEEIABIiB •ins ITHthe setting back ot the clock and the unmistakable feeling of Fall In the air, one is reminded that boots are again a necessity. Tour most particular wants are conserved in this reliable line. Brown boots—cruiser gray boots—black boots—and com binations. Every price is consistent with the reputation ot this store for good merchandise and honorable dealing. These "Utx 6 Dunn" styles are in the window this week. THE FAMILY SHOE STORE Munzer & Mayer BBECKENBIDGE, MINN. For a Loan O/Va• Git Proper)} or Farm Lands CALL OA 7HE Peoples State Bank Wahpeton, North Dakota ,u .\ S ««•. ftUfl OF -IAMB NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN, That under authority of an Order of Sale granted by the Honorable George Van Arnam, Judge of the County Court ot the County of Richland, in the State of North Dakota, dated the 24th. day ot June A. D. 1918, the undersigned, as the Administrator of the Estate of Ole B. Sletten late ot the Township of Garborg in the County of Riphland and gtate. ot.tjjpirth will j&llmt jrWite sale to thehighj bidder, for cash or Its Equivalent sub ject to confirmation by the Judge ot said County Court, the following de scribed lands, to-wit: The South halt ot the Northwest Quarter and Lots three (3) and Four (4), in Section Number Four (4) and also the Southeast Quarter1 ot the Southeast Quarter of "Section Five (5), all in Township 134 North, of Range Number Fifty One, West of the 5th. P. M., in Richland County, North Dakota. The sale will be made on or after the 21st. day ot December, A. D. 1918 All bids must be in writing, and may be left at The Residence of the undersigned In Viking Township, Richland County North Dakota, whose Post Ofllce Address, is Homestead Richland County, NortSr tidkity, or filed with the Judge of salj^1"1 Court, or delivered to tbe ^ndejsigned personally. Dated November ZSrd, 1918. M. O. STANDT, Administrator of the Estate of Ole B. Sletten, Deceased. NOTICE OF MOBTGAGE FORE CLOSUBE SALE Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage made, executed, ac knowledged and delivered by Herman Boldt and Emille Boldt, bis wife, mortgagors, to Jacob B. Willrett, Mortgagee, dated March 1, IMS, filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds In and for Richland County, North Dakota, at 3:45 o'clock P. M. on March 8,1915,. and thereafter duly re. corded in Book 80 of Mortgages, on page 235, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Wahpeton, County of Richland and State of North Dakota, at the hour of ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, on the 11th day of January, 1919, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day ot sale, Including costs and expenses of sale. The premises described in such mortgage, and which wilt" be sold to satisfy the same, are described as follows, to-wlt: The Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-four (24), and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter tf Section Twenty-five (25), all in Township One Hundred Thirty (130) North, of Range Fifty (50), West of the Fifth Principal Merldan, in said Richland County, North Dakota. That there will be due on such mortgage on the date of sale the sum of Bight Thousand Thirty-Eight and 86-100 Dollars, together with the costs and expenses of sale, Including lawful attorney's fees. That said mortgage contains, among other things, a provision that, if default be made in the payment of the notes thereby secured, or the in terest thereon, or any part thereof that then and in that case, the mort gagee may declare the full amount secured by said mortgage, both prin cipal and Interest, immediately due and payable and, pursuant to the aforesaid provision, the undersigned mortgagee, because of defaults hav ing been made by said mortgagors in the terms and conditions of said mortgagee, has elected to declare and does hereby declare the whole amount secured by said mortgage, including the interest thereon, due and payable. Dated at Wahpeton, North Dakota. December 2,1918. JACOB B. WILLRETT, Mortgagee. C. J. Kachefhoffer, Attorney for Mortgagee, Wahpeton, North Dakota. (First Publication Dec. 5th. 1918.) 6» FABMEBS CASH MARKET TOP PRICES paid overy day for Geese, Turkeys, Cream, Dressed Calves, Hogs, Mutton, Wool, Cat ••tie. Hides, Horse Hides, Pelts, Furs, Muskrat, Skunk, Beans, Rabbits. Get our price list before selling. Make more money by shipping here. Wrl« us now for quotations, tags, and how to ship. The BJE.C0BB CO, St Paul, Minn. Licensed by U. S. Government Scrub yourself daily, yon are not clean Inside. This means clean stom ach, bowels, blood, liver. Tou clean your hands each day—It's more im portant to cleanse the stomach and bowels. Moral: Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea—a thoro clean ser—purifier. Henry Miller 6 Co.— Advertisement. Some- Tatm ..... 'v- Buy FURNITURE PEDESTALS FLOOR LAMPS LADIES DESKS CEDAB CHESTS SMOKING STANDS ELECTBIC VACUUM CLEANEBS SC Hl'LEK BLOCK THE CHRISTMAS CANDY SHOP -if. S'i'iliTi1: Shop Now and Give Useful Gifts PRACTICAL GIFTS is the spirit of the coming CHRISTMAS' Any gift coming from this store will be appreciated, will be practical, will add to the cheer of the home, BUFFETS DAVENPOBTS DINING TABLES LIBBABY LAMPS LIBBABT TABLES LEATHEB BOCKEBS Vertin Furniture Co. BRECKENR1DGE, MINNESOTA. Wagner Confectionery Christmas Candy Christmas without Candy? It can't be done! Peace brings us the Sweets of Victory—the Sugar we have so long been without. Let us enjoy this Christmas the pleasures that our sons have won for us in France. TO MAKE THE E&JOL'MENT UNIVERSAL WE ABE OFFEBING THESE Christmas Candy Specials MIXED CANDY, PEB POUND .7 WE CHOCOLATES, PEB POUND ... S&E (Not More Than 5 lbs. to a Customer) Christmas Bon Bons THE IDEAL CHBISTMAS GIFT FOR MOTHER, WIFE, SISTER OB BEST GIBL. FANCY CHBISTMAS BOXES, FILLED WITH A GBEAT VABIETY OF THE FINEST CANDIES AND CREAMS, HALF POUND TO 8 POUNDS BON BON SPECIAL, 1 pound box 50c CANDIES AND NUTS OF EYEBY SOBT AND VABIETY AT SEASONABLE PBICES. AS FINE A STOCK AS YOU CAN FIND ICE CREAM In Bulk and Brick Also Sherbert Christmas Candles TO DECOBATE YOUR TREE-TO GIVE THE HOUSE THAT WABM CHRIST. MAS GLOW THAT ONLY CANDLES CAN. A GOOD VARIETY OF SIZES FOB EVERY NEED Christmas Cigars WITHOUT QUESTION ONE OF THE BEST STOCKS IN THE TWO TOWNS. YOU WILL FIND HEBE "HIS" FAVORITE SMOKE, WITH THE PROPER CHRISTMAS BOX IN WHICH TO PBESENT IT. THESE CHRISTMAS CI. GAR BOXES COME TO HOLD FBOM 10 TO 2a CIGABS. WE HAVE ONLY A FEW ON HAND, SO SUGGEST THAT YOU CALL EABLY. Wagner Confectionery COUNTY AGENTS GLEANINGS •B0B8I P. WOLF, Cent? Afsat During the past four weeks a series of these meetings were called off on of agricultural meetings were held in account ot influensa, peroral were every community ia the ooaaty. Twe poorly attended and all the ethers Buy for mas PRESENTS PIANOS MIBBOBS DINNER CHINA CHINA CLOSETS FBAMED PICTURES SECTIONAL BOOK CASES PATHE MUSIC MACHINES WAHPETON, N. D. WAHPETON, N. D. were very satisfactory, indeed. The purpose of these meetings is to pro mote good healthy growth along agri cultural lines. As your County Agent I am more than-pleased to state in the course of one year it has been possible to get a small group of men and women In nearly every commun ity in th« county interested in doing (Continued ea Page 2) Si •Mm I A