iiiiCMDa raws
Irene Olson who has been
music at Madison, Minn., Is
to spend her feoliday vacation
Wtth^her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sandvig have
been aide with Influenza during tbe
Mias Esther Monsoa of Fargo is
The Seasons Greetings
Filled to overflowing with unpurall^d
achievements, with heroic deeds and meas
ureless sacrifice, the Old Year passes. The
roar of guns is heard no more. The red tide
of battle ebbs and dies away, the sacrificial
war is over.
"The Tumult and. The Shouting Dies
The Captains and the Kings Depart."
Clothed with strange significance and
fraught with new meaning for mankind,
comes again that eternal message—Peace
on Earth Good Will Towards Men.
With unspeakable gratitude, a war-worn
world receives the glad tidings Out of The
Shadow We Come at last into the Glorious
Sunlight of a new Day. A universal joy
abides within the heart* of men.
Greetings and sincere good wishes to you
in the New Tear and may the fruits and
blessings of Peace be shared in unstinted
measure with you and yours
Voves Grocery
Hawes Bakery
With full appreciation of the Many Coarte*
sles shown as during the past year
we extend our best wishes
for a Happy and Prosperous New. Year
We Have a Few Used Cars for Sale
at Bargain Prices
Two Overlands
One Flanders
One Ford Roadster
These cars are all good buys
Light Regulator for Ford Cars
The Ford Lighting Problem Solved
at last. Four times the light at very
low speed and no danger of shooting
your bulbs at high speed. A pure
white light at all times.
Limousine Body for Ford Cars
Making a fine Winter or Summer Closed Car
made out of your old car with this body.
We have just a few left.
her Christmas vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mem
Miss Alma Nypen who has 'been very
ill with the flu during vacation is slow
ly improving in health.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strand were
guests at the J. C. Holkestad home
Franklin D. Tonne Sundajwd with
friends at Fargo
Rev. V. L. Peterson has been very
ill with influenza during tbe holiday.
Christinas services were Indefinitely
postponed. At this writing however,
Mr. Peterson is slowly improving.
Mrs. L. Boudiette of Fargo is spend
ing the holidays with her daughter,
Mrs. C. C. Sandvig.
Among those very dangerously ill
with influenza this past Christmas
week are Mrs. A. K. Tweto, Misses
Alma, Sylpba and Gurl Tweto. At this
writing they are slowly recovering.
Miss Minnie Wold who is attending
normal at Mayville, N. D., is spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. liars Wold.
Mrs. J. C. Holkestad who bas been
dangerously ill with pneumonia after
an attack with pneumonia after an at
tack of influenza is able to be about
Oscar Tweto and Amund Erickson
have spent the holidays battling with
the flu.
Miss Anna Hatlie spent a few days
visiting her sister, Mrs. P. E. Johnson.
Miss Laura Wold who is teaching
at Oak Grove at aFrgo is with the
home folks for the holidays.
Philip aud Ole Sletmoe are home
for a short holiday furlough with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Sletmoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Wold enter
tained the Lars Wold and "P. B. Slet
moe families Sunday.
Christmas tree services were held at
the Emmanuel church Sunday evening.
The Sunday school gave a very inter
eating program after which a collec
tion was taken for the mission and
Christmas boxes were distributed to
all the children present.
Thos. J. Dowling transacted business
In our town Monday. Mr. Dowling is a
live wire when it comes to writing in
surance. He staudB a good chance in
winning the December contest amongst
all tbe Minnesota Mutual stents.
January 6th to Jan
The following families were* enter
tained at the Mike Casper home here
Christmas day: L. G. Finlayson, Al
fred Casper' and Win. Lins of Breck
enridge, Jake Casper and Wm. Hutte
meier of Kent.
Mrs. P. C. Dahl and Mrs. Spanfelner
visited Mrs. P. J. Lotzer Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Abel and the Ar
thur Picotte family were guests at the
Frank Abel home Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert left Sat
urday for Freeport, Minn., where they
attended the funeral of Mrs. Elilert's
Gerhard Ehlert was the host at a
birthday party given at his home Sun
day afternoon. Five guests were pres
ent. The occasion was his sixth birth
Miss Fannie Hastings spent the holi
days at her home in Minneapolis.
Mrs. George Huttemeier left Satur
day morning for Richville where she
attended the funeral of her grandfath
er. Mr. Robinson. He is very well
known in this community. He was in
Michigan at the time of his death,
December 24th. The most heartfelt
sympathy of all is extended to the be
reaved family.
Miss Olivia Ehlert spent Christmas
week with relatives in Breckenrldge.
Leo Arnholt is the first young man
from Kent, to get his discharge from
the army. He was at Camp Forrest,
Ga.. and he arrived here Sunday mim
The Ijouis Prady family visited rela
tives at Romney Christmas day and
Frank and Arthur Picotte autoed to
Breckenrldge Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Olson entertained
the letter's parents, Mr. and Mis.
Stearns of Detroit, Minn., Christmas
Our County Agent, Mr. G. P. Wolf, has made
arrangements for several meetings for the Farmers
this coming week and he expects a large attendance.
He should have it-because he puts his heart and
soul into his work.
The business men of Wahpeton have offered to
entertain them evenings during that week, as you
will notice by the program.
We invite you to call at our store
self at home during your visit in our city and if there
is anything we can do ro help to make your visit
a pleasant one, we will be only to glad to do it.
Tailoring, Furnishings,
Dry Cleaning
John^n. *7®
atrthrinn!iU y*111^011
make your
°rthaus left last Tuesday Saturday in Kent
after a vIslt
Gallager of Abercrombie spent Cross home at Childs,
Mrs. Harry Cross left the first of the
week to spend New Tears day at the
First National Bank
The Federal Reserve Banking
System was created largely to pro
banfietefit those engaged
in industtj, oommeree and agri
culture—both employers »nd em
ployees. Its mam purpose is to
help those who borrow
vide currency more responsive
to business needs.
We are members of this system
and you can secure its benefits and
add to its strength by becoming
one of our depositors.
8top in and let us see just how
we can meet your particular needs.
First National Bank