OCR Interpretation

Great Falls daily tribune. [volume] (Great Falls, Mont.) 1895-1921, December 30, 1920, Image 5

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024808/1920-12-30/ed-1/seq-5/

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House Committee Recommends Bill for Irrigation
in Cascade, Teton and Lewis and
Clark Counties.
land now under dry farming. Fourteen
thousand acres now irrigated are in Cas
An appropriation for $787,000 for de
velopment of the Sun river project, em
bracing 125,000 acres of irrigable land in
Cascade, Lewis and Clark and Teton
counties, was recommended Wednesday
by the house appropriations committee
at Washington, according to word re
ceived by Scott Leavitt, secretary of the
Commercial club. from Congressman
John M. Evans of Missoula, a member of
(he committee. Forty thousand acres
in the project are already under irriga
tion and the passage of the appropria
tion will give water to 85,000 acres of
cade county.
"I am confident that the appropria
tion will pass congress," declared Con
gressman Evans in the telegram to Mr.
New Dam Planned
According to George Sanford. mana
ger of the Sun River project for the
Fnited States reclamation service, the
appropriation if passed will be used to
construct the proposed Beaver Creek
dam on Sun River about 80 miles west
of Great Falls at the junction of Sun
River and Beaver creek in Lewis and,.
("lark county. The proposed dam will
hold approximately 103,000 acre feet of
It will require three seasons to con
struct the proposed Beaver Creek dam.
according to Mr. Sanford. As soon as
the dam is constructed and additional
money provided lateral systems will have
to be rrfade to water the S3,0(H) acres
of irrigable land in the project now
Farmers of State Meet Today at
Havre to Discuss Needed
F. E. MacSpadden, agricultural agent,
for Cascade county, will today (Thurs
day) attend a meeting at Havre to dis
cuss with farmers from over the state
recommendations to be made to the next
legislative assembly concerning jfiroposed
laws for a continuation of the fight
against the gopher. Mr. MeSpadden's
attendance at the meeting was decided
upon Wednesday at a meeting of the
Cascade county "farm bureau, in the bu-j
reau's office in the federal building.
The Havre meeting «ill discuss at
length the gopher situation as affected
by the attitude of the state game ward
en's office towards the scattering of poi
son. Warden J. L. DeHart recently ob
jected to methods previously used on the
ground that the poison caused the death
of numerous birds.
The annual budget for the bureau s
maintenance was compiled at Wednes
" " " * ' ' ' 1
day's meeting and will be presented to
the board of county commissioners be
fore January 1. Estimates call for an
outlay by the county of $5,000, which
will cover the county's share of the agri
cultural and home demonstration agents'
salaries and office and traveling ex
penses. The bureau is maintained jointly
by theeounty, state and federal govern
Present at the meeting were President
Clark Bumgarner and directors, Mrs. J.
It. Moorhead, Lcland Davies. Mrs. C. F.
(ireen, K. M. Linn a.n(l Fred Joy. A pro
gm m of contemplated activities for the
corning year will bo worked out at a
meeting to be hold later m the winder
Mrs. C. Oswald of Inverness, was in
Great Falls Wednesday, shopping.
Nellie It- Hammond came in from
Choteau Wednesday to visit friends.
Robert L. Tofer of Cut Bank, spent
Wednesday in Great Falls on business
V. ; lliam Archer
of Augusta was reg
istered at the Park hotel Wednesday,
J II. Patterson, a rancher of High
>od, was in Great Falls Wednesday on j
rancher of Big
Arthur Swanson,
Sandy, was in Great
J. T. Blase a stockman of Fort Ben
ton, was in Great Falls on business |
on business !
O «O
When walks are wet, and
streets all mud,
It's easy to catch cold,
That's why I put my rubbers
Thout waiting to be to'd.
It costs money to say "I would
n't wear 'em," and then ruin a
pair of high priced shoes when
rubbers at a tenth their value
would absolutely protect them.
You might add "health protection,
too, if your health means any
thing to you."
Flaherty & Perra
12'Third Street South
ereek dam is built it will necesst.ate
widening the canal for -miles west
of Fairfield to carry the additional water,
The Sun River project has been under
way since The diversion dam at
[the eastern boundary of the Lewis and
Clark forest reserve on Sun River was
under dry farming,
acres are irrigated by
Fort; thousand
the water from
Sun River taken at the diversion dam
about 70 miles west of Great Falls, and
from the Pishkun and Willow Creek
reservoirs 00 miles west, storing 24,000
acre feet of water together.
The main canal from the diversion
darn has already been completed to Fair
field in Teton county but if the Reaver
house appropriations committee,
*\ un , River project, _
completed in 1015, giving the present
capacity of the project. There is no
storage provision at this dam which only
diverts the water from the river into
the main canal. The only storage fa
cilities at present are at the Pishkun
and Willow creek reservoirs.
Special to The Daily Tribune.
Washington, Dec. 20.—Appropriations
for reclamation projects in Montana were
described as ''very satisfactory" by Rep
rcsentative Evans today, following re
port on the Sundry Civil Bill by the.
0 t
nothing last year, will receive $787.000
if the new biil is made law as reported.
The Iluntby project, gets $198,0"0,
.Milk River project .<1.017.000 and the
lower Yellowstone $340,000.
Reclamation projects generally this
year get double the amount allowed last
R. R. SMITH, 76,
_ T ~ .. , , d j •
Native of Switzerland Served in
Civil Wir anil in Indian
CUH war ana in inaidn
l ighting in Montana.
In home at 3625 Third avenue
north, where he had insisted on living
alone since the death of his wife five,
* j • , , ,,
or:l , of t he civil war and a resident of
Montana for .»O years died early Wed
nos- 1 ty morning.
*"»*■> was « native of Switzerland
and came to this country in 1804. He at
first secured employment in a colony
of people who spoke his own tongue
at Sheldon Falls. Mass.. but in .Time,
1864. he enlisted and was assigned to
the Sixtieth Massachusetts regiment.
Iiis first service was in Baltimore and
later in Indianapolis, where he guarded
prisoners, lie was mustered out and!
s gnt back to Massachusetts again wh°re
after working fur a short time, he again
enlisted in the 101st New York infantry.
with which he stayed until the end of
t)je re b 0 nj otl
Came to State in Regular Army
After the civil war Mr. Smith enlisted
in the regular army and, after several
months at eastern posts, was sent to
Nebraska and later into Montana, where
he took part in Indian fighting and .vas!
stationed at Fort Ellis, where Lewis
town now is.
Prior to his coming to the west he
had married, on April 2. 1 N(i<>, at Sack!
Mary Eliza
came west with
Harbor, on Lake Ontario.
beth Fitzpatriek. who cam
hini. traveling with the wives of other)
soldiers in the ambulances that accom-j
panied the marching train. M
panied the marching
He was mustered out of the army in
1878 and lived for a year at Fort Bcn
ton until he took up a homestead on
Shonkin creek. Mr. Smith was then •'<■">
years old and his wife was The
present town of Shonkin marks the place
where the two pioneers made their home
for 20 years
Came to City Nine Years Ago
After selling their ranch on the Shon
kin Mr. and Mrs. Smith went again to
Fort Benton arid were there seven years
"ntil they bought a ranch at Ilighwood
where they lived until they removed to
[Great Falls nine years ago.
After Mrs. Smith's death in the Col
" m bus hospital last July Mr. Smith re
fused to leave their home, although b
'had a daughter, Mrs. M. Briggs, and
three grandchildren living at Ilighwood,
and two grandchildren in Great Falls.
llis surviving relatives are bis daugh
ter. Mrs. Briggs; three grandsons.
\ i ■ j i I » ■ j j ■ » » T- , 11
f Tl i ! T'} y , r ; r ; aIh
of 1 Iighwood; and two grand daughters.
t m .. .,, .. ,
north, and Mrs. L. L. I unk. -'SOD 1 srst
W. Theisen Fourth aventu
Ud Mr* II ' 1
avenue north
Mr. Smith's body is at the O'Connor
undertaking rooms and arrangements for
the funeral will lie made today.
Great Falls Ad Club Fathers Pro
posed Measure Against Mis
leading Publicity.
The Great, Falls Ad club will father,
before the state legislature, a law
against fradulent and misleading adver
tising which has been approved by the
Associated Ad Clubs of the World, of
which it is a member, and which is now
operating in 22 states of the union.
The form of the law will be consid
ered at a meeting of the directors of the
club at the Hotel Rainbow this (Thurs
day) morning at 11:30 o'clock. It will
be presented to the legislature by Har
vey Blomquist. secretary of the club,
and member of the legislature.
"The work of the law is constructive
and for the best interests of legitimate
advertisers." said Charles R. Hansen,
president of the Ad club. ''We expect
to have the indorsement of the Commer
cial club, the Great Falls Merchants' as
soeiation. the State Merchants' associa
tion, and other bodies, and we intend tu
present an ordinance similar to the state
law to the city council."
The Mavflv never takes food after
it emerges from the larvae state.
Conversion Into Cash of Mon
tana's Immense Tonnage of
Feed Sought.
Immediate conversion into r-asli of
Montana's immense tonnage of surplus
hay is the ultimate objective of a move
ment now under way with the Cascade
County Farm Bureau and the. Great
Falls Commercial club for a ."i<> per cent
commodity rate on hay from all stations
in the state to points west of the moun
tains and in the middle west. Removal
of one-half the present freight charges
would make it possible to place Montana
hay in the big market centers at prices
insuring reasonable returns to the grow
j er aiu ] jf request fd>r a reduced tariff
i ; s granted the resulting increase in the
immediate cash value of the 1020 crop
will be important, according to Secretary
Scott Leavitt of the Commercial club and
' Agent F. E. MacSpadden of the farm
: is made of the tonnage of surplus hay in
the state, but Agent MacSpadden states
: that the amount is extremely large and
; that the influence of the cash proceeds
on financial conditions would be marked.
j "Conditions affecting hay and live
' stock are closely related in Montana,"
said Agent MacSpadden Wednesday, "and
both departments are peculiarly situated
this year. The result is that with the
Petition for Reduction Filed.
The bureau and the club have filed wth
General Traffic Agent .T. F. Pewters of
the Great Northern railway a petition
for the desired reduced rate and the mat
ter is now under consideration at St.
Paul with headquarters officials. A de
cision on the request is expected in time
to permit the loading of hay early in Jan
uary if the rate is allowed. Xo estimate
present range of prices and freight rates,
there are now in the state huge stores of
potential wealth in the form of hay, but
which will not be moved to a,ny extent
unless a way is found to make it more
valuable. If half the freight charges can
be cut off, I believe that tens of thou
sands of tons of Montana hay would be
at once converted into money.
Hay Market Needed.
"There have been and will be no sales
of hay or livestock within the state this
winter. Farmers with cattle have enough
hay to see them through, and others
with hay but no cattle will not invest in
livestock so long as market conditions
and money conditions remain as now.
, This leaves all of the surplus hay seeking
j an outside market, and there is demand
enough for it both to the east and the
W est if it can be delivered there at a
j figure to permit the Montana grower to
I compete with the grower from other
Farmers Are Optimistic.
"A pronounced note of optimism is
prevalent among farmers throughout the
state, despite the slump in the wheat
. .
! market and the price of livestock. 1 lure
j 'the'fameVTare
s ; tt j ns; tight, hitting the ball as hard as
{ they can and laving plans for extensive
j operations in the spring. I find there is
( a general belief that adverse conditions
| now obtaining will be .of short duration,
j and certainly there is no indication that
j the farmers intend to curtail their aci-v
j ities next year.'
] Agent MacSpadden stated that the
i best hay market is now fo iid at Kansas
j ' i f . v > hu' that dentan I is good at
other mid-western points and in \\as.i
ington state. Some inquiries have been
i'ived from immediately west of the
mountains and there are indications that
other markets would develop once the
movement of hay is begun.
Bodv of Soldier Killed in
, t ¥T v
| Mr
Brought Home for
Special to the Daily Trib
Helena. Dec. 20. Kn
for Lieutenant Harold H.
and Mrs. George J.
city, will be held in the
cathedral here at 10 <
morning with a solemn L
qui em. The body of
T\ rf'S
will arrive
>yce, s«n .it
iv-co of this
r. Helena
■ ck Friday
mass of re
jicutenant Joyce
from France on
on Thürs
I Northern Pacific tarin N<
j day.
j The cortege will proceed to the
, dral, where the body will lie in
until the funeral services.
Lieutenant Joyce went overseas with
the old Second Montana infantry. He
! was later-transferred to I ( oinpany,
I 12Sth infantry, "2nd divisi
is ion.
! in action while leading Iiis eom
l! an - v '%; at ! J 'W } lv " snJ ii ? Z™'*' ""
;V , 1 ltUK °r„i J, Vn m., 'T
; ( o 1 o n e 1 A. •»- (t«ilen o t 1 ! < i • n > i, AI § *. • j
G L. Sheridan of Bozeman. Lieutenant
J Willar( , j.- Olson of t Falls, Law
I re n ce Vidal of Gaieji. J. C. Murphy of
| Missoula. Lieutenant K.-k Mosby of Mis
>ula. Waiter Grimes and James T.
Ml except < 'olonel
i Galen and Walter Crimes were members
of the Second Montana infantry.
| i >vnf '.j', (> f Helena,
j Galen and Walter Gr
Five Townships Would Join Cas
cade, Commissioners Are
Residents of five Chouteau county
townships which adjoin Cascade county
on the northeast will attempt to have
their territory annexed to Cascade conn
ty by legislative enactment, according to
information furnished the board of coun
ty commissioners Wednesday by Dan Mc
Kay. Mr. McKay has been retained by
interested parties to represent them at
Helena and a legal description of the
land involved is now being prepared. The
towns of Ilighwood and Walt ham would
be moved into Cascade county if the
lines are changed as proposed.
Twenty-six townships located farther
north in Chouteau county at first joined
iii the movement for annexation to Cas
cade, according to .Mr. McKay, but owing
to the development of opposition these
were dropped out. Townships which
propose to come in are 20 north of
ranges 8 and it east: -2 north of ranges
7 and 8 east; portions of 21 north of
ranges Ö, T and 8 east, a>nd a portion
of 22, north of range 6 east. None of
this territory would be included in the
proposed Banner county, the couimis
sionçrs are informed.
Defer Accident Case
for Interpretation
of City Traffic Law
• «
The case of John Novetny and Sam
Muyer. (barged with reckless driving by
J. G. Pierce, proprietor of a second hand
store at 109 Third street south, was
postponed Wednesday by Police Judge
Kalian until this (Thursday) afternoon
at 3 o'clock to permit City Attorney La
Rue Smith to be present at the triai to
interpret the city traffic ordinance.
Judge Raban says that there is no pro
vision in the present city traffic ordi
nance to cover the case. One of the
men was coming out of an alley when
the two cars crashed and broke a win
dow in Pierce's store. There is. accord
ing to Judge Raban, no provision in the
ordinance stating which car has the right
of way when one is coming from an alley.
Pierce charges that the plate glass
window broken by the auto crash wir
worth about $100 and asks damages, but
before the ease can go to justice court
to permit him to get damages it must
first be tried in police court to see if
the me« were guilty of reckless driving.
Hundred and Fifty Families
Christmas Beneficiaries of
Empty Stocking Club.
One hundred and fifty families in
Great Falls and surrounding territory,
including 4S9 children, were given a
Christmas by the work of the Rotary
Empty Stocking eiub, Frank. S. Brown,
chairman, reported to the weekly meet
ing of the Rotary eiub Wednesday. This
is an increase ;n scope of over 100 per
cent over last year, and plans are being
shaped to make this an annual feature
of club work.
A vote of thanks was extended by the
Rotary club to Frank Brown, chairman;
Miss Bertha Steege. Mrs. George Bog
ers, Mrs. J. C. Dow, Mrs. Hiram John
son of the Delphian club. Miss Esther
I'cwers of the Business Women's club.
O. I. DeShon, the nurses of the Deacon
ess hospital, the girls in the offices of
the Royal Milling company and the Wells
Dicky company, and to the Great Fslls
Tribune and Leader for their special
services in making the Empty Stocking
$50 to Armenian Relief
A donation of .$.10 was voted by the
Rotary club to Armenian relief work.
President .T. £1. Reid informed the club
that the scheduled v^sit of Dr. Charles
Barker to make three addresses in
Great Fails on January 19 had been can
A tribute to the work and influence
of the late Paris Gibson was expressed
in the resolutions reported by the spe
cial committee composed of Scott Lea
vitt, Shirley S. Ford and W.' S. Frary.
Sportsmen's Secretary Talks
Removal of the office of the st'lte
game warden from politics by placing '.he
appointment of the man and supervision
of the work in the hands of a five-man
commission was declared to be part of
the program of the Montana SportsmenV
assoeiation by its secretary, M. S. Car
penter of Belgrade, addressing the Ro
tarians. Mr. Carpenter's talk reviewed
the history of the state organization Of
sportsmen and its policy for the pres
ervation and propagation of the wild
life of Montana for the enjoyment of
future generations.
Game in Peril of Exhaustion
If each of the 00,000 holders of hir.it
iti£ and fishing licenses in Montana w.-re
to take their limit, the game birds and
animals and the fish in the streams of
Montana would be exterminated within
a week, Mr. Carpenter said in advocat
ing on behalf of the association stricter
regulations of hunters and fishermen,
One important part of the work of t he
! ssociation. he explained, is to educate
the sportsmen to the point that tli^ pot
hunter and limit-breaker would find no
sympathy and protection among them.
Xew York, Dec. 29.—Alexander J.
Hemphill, chairman of the board of di
rectors of the Guaranty Trust Co.. died
at his home here today of heart dis
6 B ell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost bub a few cents-—Larger packages.
© #
Jtxrrui MjL
Aspirin if tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetleacldegtcr of S&UcyHcaelt!
When in the City, Eat at the
Gerald Cafe
A First-Class Restaurant With First
Class Meals. Private Boxes for Ladies
217 CbJtral Ave., Great Falls, Mont
35 U. S. CASES
Federal Grand Jury Term Set;
Session Just Ended Collected
$4000 Fines.
j The annual session of the federal
I grand jury in Great Falls will be con
vened February 15, for the consideration
of cases now [lending, it was stated Wcd
i.csday by District Attorney (J. F. Sliel
!on at the conclusion of the trial term
1 which began three weeks ago. Thirty
five cases are now awaiting action by the
i grand jury and this number will be in
creased to over 110, it is expected, be
fore the jury is impaneled. At the con
elusion of the grand jury's session a trial
term will begin, but its length will de
pend upon the number of indictments re
Fines Aggregate $4 C00.
The court was occupied with little ex
I cept liquor cases during tlio trial trrni
I just closed. Fourteen nuisance and
! transporting cases were tried, the juries
I bringing in only one verdict of acquittal,
Two or three men who were with a
i group of defendants were found not
i guilty, but their co-defendants were
! convicted, leaving only one acquittal on
j an alleged violation of the national pro
1 hibition law. There was also one ac
! quittai of a defendant charged under the
I old law with having introduced liquor in
j Indian country. In addition to the liquor
' defendants convicted, 15 pleaded guilty,
i Fines for the term aggregated about
Two Matters Under Advisement.
Judge George M. Bourquin did not de
liver opinions on the two important
matters taken under advisement. One
! of these was the habeas corpus hearing
I held to determine whether Alfred Ofte
; dal, federal prohibition enforcement of
! ficer, for the state, should be detained
by Sheriff Matt McLain of 11 ill countj
i to answer to an assault charge preferred
j v •, • (Shorty ) \ oung of Havre I he
j court s ruling in this case is looked for
; ward to as a precedent defining the cir
: cumstances under which a federal offi
i cial can be prosecuted in a state court
] for a state offense. The other matter
j under advisement with Judge Bourquin
! is the contempt charge preferred against
I Sheriff McLain because of his release of
|a federal prisoner from the Hill county)
j jail. Evidence in the contempt case
, was taken at Butte.
; The hearing called for Wednesday
I morning on an automobile seizure in the
! Showen-Gallagher case was continued
I and the equity action brought by the
i Bateman-Sweitzer company to recover
j $1,680 from the internal revenue depart
: ment was dismissed without prejudice,
Weeds Will Be Burned
i on South Side Tonight
In the fire department's weed burning
I campaign two more sections were burned
; Wednesday night. They were section
j two, bounded by Central avenue and
Second avenue south and Ninth and
j Eighteenth streets; and section four,
j bounded by Second avenue south and
Fourth avenue south and Second and
• Ninth streets.
) This (Thursday) evening sections eight
and nine will be cleared of weeds. Sec
i tion eight is bounded by Sixth avenue
' south and Eighth avenue south and First
and Ninth streets. Section nine is bound
, cd by Sixth avenue south and Eighth ave
: nue south and Ninth and Eighteenth
! streets.
The Falkland Islands, held by Great
Britain, were f or years claimed by the
Argentine Republic.
Why you need
Resino! Ointment
The same soothing, healing, antisep
tic properties that make Resinol Oint
ment so effective for skin eruptions,
ai»o make it the ideal household
remedy for
S< &kta
Bo fis
And a score of other troubles which
constantly arise in every home, espe
cially where there are children. That
is why Besinol Ointment »hould be on
your medicine shelf, ready for imme
diate use.
^arnnU £?•****• Voor draggist »ells
■sample iree. iti but , or generous
sample and a miniature cake of Resinol
So«p, write to lV;:t. ISN, Resinol Chemical
Co., Baltimore, Md.
#age .
417 Central Ave.
Pre-Inventory Sale
Dec. 27 to Jan. 1
; Men and women who receive board
: and lodging as partial consideration for
; their services will be required to submit
j them to the collector of income taxes
: as a portion of their annual income, ac
J cording to John A. Simon, deputy col
i of internal revenue Tsitli the
j Great ialls office. It does not occur to
i ronnj people that their boaid and odg
mg. even when these items comprise a
P^rt of their pay, represents a deta.l of
their income, Mr. Simon states, but the
internal revenue department takes the
position that they should be assessed
the same as cash remuneration.
"We find many people who benefit to
the extent of SI,200 a year by receiving
their board and lodging from assessable
sources, and where such facts are dis
closed a tax is levied under the same
head as cash incomes. Some people
consider it a hardship, but the depart
merit has made a final ruling and the
point will be observed this year in col
lecting income taxes,"' said Mr. Simon.
The supply of blanks for the next
fax collecting period is expected to ar
rive early in January, but their receipt
may be delayed until the middle of the!
E'.onth, Mr. Simon said. Xo plans have
■ 5 )e en laid as yet for conducting the col-j
lections after the fashion of a drive, but
I an organization. will be formed immedi
; ;l tely after the first of the vear. One or
j "
' iiyut ' rliy
- IN -
Inventory and Transfer
Check up now and see what you are going to need in your
office by January 1st, 1921.
Inventory Sheets
Desk Calendars
Transfer Cases
Transfer Binders and
Diaries From 25c to $2.50 Each
Chas. E. Morris Co.
Phone Us Your Orders—9410
"If It's Used in the Office We Supply It."
—Start the year 1921 with
and Service throughout your
—An Electric Range will
reduce your expenses and
increase your convenience.
, more representatives of the department
j will be in Great Falls to assist taxpay
ers in preparing their blanks. The per
sonnel for the force has not been an
Collections will begin as soon as the
blanks are received and will continue un
til March 15. after which date unpaid in
come taxes will become delinquent.
Persons assessed will be permitted, as
heretofore, to remit their taxes in four
quarterly payments, the first one to ac
company the statement. Separate forms
are furnished for different sized incomes
and detailed instructions will be issued
j when the blanks arrive.
j l\/j: c „ Rlar»r*k*» Ronlrtn
j l»««« DldllCnc DculOn
Bride of C. A. Pratt
Miss Blanche A. Benton and Charles
A. Pratt, both of Great Falls, were
married Wednesday evening in the
Methodist parsonage by the Rev. Alex
ander G. Bennett. They were attended
by Mrs. Jennie Mathews, mother of
j the bride, and Edmund Garrison. Ibey
will make their home in Minneapolis,
i Minn., after e. short wedding journey,
Mr. Pratt served in France in the
] Fortv-first infantry.

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