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4 FORRELIABLE DRY GOODS Withquality and Economy Blended as one GOTO SANDSBROS CO. Helena'sOldests Dry Goods House ofthe Organisation will permit of his doing so and he shall be em^^powered to examine the books and workings of any Union, or organi-^for the purpose of determining whether or not the Union, or Organi^^zation, of the Industrial Workers of the World, when able to do so,^ration, is complying with the General Constitution. Heshall be empowered to employ such clerical help as may be neces^^sary to conduct the affairs of his office. The remuneration for^clerical help employed by the General President shall be fixed by the^General Executive Board. Heshall be held liable for all official acts or documents em^^anating from his office, whether done personally or by a clerk or^stenographer. He shall sign all vouchers drawn by the Secretary-^Treasurer and countersign all checks before any monies are drawn^from the treasury. He shall devote his entire time to the affairs of^the Organization and shall receive as compensation such sum, or sums,^as the Convention or General Executive Board may determine. DUTIESOF THE GENERAL SECRETARY-TREASURER. Sec.4. The duties of the General Secretary-Treasurer shall be to^take charge of all books, papers and effects of the office. He shall^be nominated and elected as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 2, and shall^hold office until 1 a successor is duly elected, qualified and installed,^except in case he shall be removed from office, when his place shall^be filled as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 3, under the ^Duties of Gen^^eral President. Heshall conduct the correspondence pertaining to his office; he^shall be the custodian of the Seal of the Organization and shall attach^the same to all official documents over his official signature; he shall^provide such stationery and office supplies as are necessary for the^conducting of affairs of the Organization; he shall act as Secretary at^all meetings of the General Executive Board and all conventions and^furnish the Committee on Credentials at each Convention a statement^of the financial standing of each International Industrial Depart^^ment, Industrial Council and Local Union. TheGeneral Secretary-Treasurer shall close his accounts for the^fiscal year on the last day of February for each year. He shall make^a monthly financial report to the General Executive Board and I^quarterly financial report to the general membership, through the^General Executive Board, and he shall make a complete itemized re^^port of the financial and other affairs of his office to each Annual^Convention. Heshall attest the signature of the General President to all of^^ficial documents and shall prepare and sign all charters issued by the^General Executive Board. He shall receive all monies for charters,^dues, assessments and supplies from International Industrial Depart^^ments. Industrial Councils, Loeji I Cnions and Members-at-Large; he^shall receipt for same and care for and deposit all monies as instructed^to do by the General Executive Board in some solvent bank, or banks,^which shall be drawn out only to pay indebtedness arising out of the^due conducting of the husiness of the Organization, and then, only^after hill shall have been first duly presented by the creditor when, in^payment thereof, a check shall be drawn and signed by him, after^which, he shall present it. together with the bill, to the President for^his counter-signature. Forthe honest and faithful discharge of his duties he shall give^a bond in such sum, or sums, as may be fixed by the Convention or^General Executive Board, the bond so given to be approved by the^General Executive Board and kept in their custody. Heshall devote his entire time to the affairs of the Organization^and shall at all times be under the supervision of the General Presi^^dent and the General Executive Board and shall receive for his^services such remuneration as may be fixed by the Convention or the^General Executive Board, which shall be paid out of the funds of the^Organization in the same manner as is provided for in the payment^of other bills and indebtedness. Heshall, with the approval of the General Executive Board, em^^ploy such assistance as is necessary to conduct the affairs of his of^^fice. Remuneration for such employes shall be fixed by the General^Executive Board and paid as other bills and indebtedness, as herein^^before provided for; he shall convene the General Excutive Board as^hereinafter provided for in Art. II, Sec. 5. DUTIESOF THE GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD. Sec5. The General Executive Board shall be composed of the^General President, the General Secretary-Treasurer and one member^from each International Industrial Department, as provided for in Art.^IT, Sec. L The General President shall be elected as provided for in^Art. II, Sec. 2, except in case of vacancy, which shall be hereinafter^provided for. The General Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected as^provided for in Art. II, Sec. 2, except in case of vacancy, when he^shall he elected as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 3. The other mem^^bers of the General Executive Board shall be elected by their re^^spective International Industrial Departments, in accordance with^their prescribed rules, except in case of a vacancy, when such vacancy^shall be filled as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 3, all of whom shall hold^their office for one year, or until their successors are duly elected,^qualified and installed. Immediatelyupon adjournment of each Convention, the General^Executive Board shall convene and designate some one of their mem^^bers, other than the Secretary-Treasurer, as President pro tem, who^shall, in case of emergency, assume the duties of General President^until such a time as the General Executive Board can be convened to^fill the vacancy in the office of President. Anymember of the General Executive Board may, if in his judg^^ment he finds the official action of the President detrimental to the^best interests of the Organization, file a complaint in writing, setting^forth such charges. If said complaint is signed hy two or more mem^^bers of the General Executive Board, it shall be filed with the General^Secretary-Treasurer, who shall, within ten (10) days after serving a^copy of such charges on the I/resident, convene the General Executive^Board to hear the case. If the charges are sustained by a majority^vote of the General Executive Board, they may suspend or expel the^General President from his office, provided that, before the suspen^^sion or expulsion of the President he permanent, the question shall be^suhmitted to the entire meinhership of the Organization and their de^^cision thereon shall be binding and final. .The General Executive Board shall have full power to conduct^the affairs of the Organization hetween conventions and their de^^cision on all matters pertaining to the Organization. or any sub^^ordinate part thereof, shall be hinding, suhject to an appeal'to the^next convention, or to the entire membership of the Organization, pro^vided that, in case of a referendum vole of the membership is de^^manded by any subordinate, or sub doportssOUt, part of the Organiza^^tion, the expense of submitting the matter to referendum shall be borneby the Organization taking the appeal, except wherein the de^^cision of the General Executive Board shall be reversed by a vote of^the membership; then, the expense shall be borne by the General^Organization. TheGeneral Executive Board shall have full power to issue char^^ters to International Industrial Departments, Industrial Councils and^Local Unions, as provided for in Art. I, Sees. 2 (a), 2 (b), and 2 (c). r^They shall also have power to charter and classify unions, or organi^^zations, not herein provided for. Incase the members of any subordinate organization of the In^^dustrial Workers of the World are involved in strike, regularly^ordered by the Organization, or General Executive Board, or in^^volved in a lockout, if in the opinion of the President and General^Executive Board it becomes necessary to call out any other union,^or unions, or organization, they shall have full power to do so. Anyagreement entered into between the members of any Local^Union, or organization, and their employers, as a final settlement of^any difficulty or trouble which may occur between them, shall not be^considered valid or binding until the same shall have the approval^of the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the^World. TheGeneral Executive Board shall meet twice within a fiscal^year to audit the books of the General Secretary-Treasurer and^transact such other business as may come before them. TheGeneral Executive Board shall, by a two thirds vote, have^power to levy a special assessment when subordinate parts of the^organization are involved in strikes and the condition of the treasury^makes such action necessary, but no special assessment shall exceed^50 cents per member in any one month, nor more than six (6) such^assessments in any one year, unless the same shall have been approved^by a referendum vote of the entire membership, provided that, in ease^special assessment be levied, the same shall be paid from the treasury^of the Local Unions and International Industrial Unions chartered^by the Industrial Workers of the World, and provided that, when^special assessments are levied for the benefit of Unions, or Organiza^^tions, the members directly involved in strike shall be exempt from^such assessment. TheGeneral Executive Board shall have full power and authority^over the Official Organ and guide its policy. They shall, by a ma^^jority vote, elect an Editor, who shall receive such compensation as^in the judgment of the General Executive Board is just and proper. TheEditor shall hold his office at the pleasure of the General^Executive Board and shall at all times recognize the authority of^the General Executive Board over him as Editor of the Official^Organ. The Editor may, with the approval of the General Executive^Board, employ such help as is necessary to conduct the affairs of^his office. ARTICLEIII. SectionL The Revenue of the Organization shall be derived^as follows: Charter fees for International Industrial Departments^shall be $25.00. Charter fees for District Councils and Local Unions^shall be $10.00. Sec.2. International Industrial Departments shall pay as gen^^eral dues into the treasury of the Industrial Workers of the World^the rate of 8 1-3 cents per month per member; Industrial Councils^shall pay a flat rate of .$1.00 per month for the Organization; Local^Unions shall pay 25 cents per member per month, together with such^assessments as may be levied as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 4. Sec.3. Individual members may be admitted to membership-at-^large in the Ortrani/ation as provided for in Art. I, Sec. 2 (d), on^payment of $2.00 initiation fee and 50 cents per month dues, together^with such assessments as may be levied by the General Executive^Board as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 4, all of which shall be paid^to the General Secretary-Treasurer, provided Members-at-large shall^remain such so long as they are outside the jurisdiction of a Local^Union subordinate to the General Organization ; but on moving within^the jurisdiction of a Local Union of the Industrial Workers of the^World, or any of its subordinate organizations, they shall transfer^their membership from the union-at-large to the Local Union in whose^jurisdiction they are employed. Theinitiation fee for members of Local Unions, as provided for^in Art. I, Sec. 2 (c) and Art. II, Sec. 5, shall be $2.00. The monthly^dues shall be 50 cents per month, together with such assessments as^may be levied as provided for in Art. II. Sec. 5, provided no part of^the initiation fee or dues above mentioned shall be used as a sick or^death benefit, but shall be held in the treasury as a general fund to^defray the legitimate expenses of the Union. AllInternational Industrial Unions, subordinate to the Industrial^Workers of the World, shall charge for initiation fee in their re^^spective Unions not less than $1.50 nor more than $5.00, as in their^judgment the conditions will justify. AllInternational Industrial Departments, subordinate to the In^^dustrial Workers of the World, shall collect from the membership of^their organization a per capita tax at the rate of 25 cents per mem^^ber per month, provided that no part of the above mentioned monies^shall be used for sick, accident or death fund, but shall be held in the^treasury of International Industrial Departments for the purpose of^paying the legitimate expenses of maintaining the organizations. ARTICLEIV. DEFENSEFUND AND HOW MAINTAINED. SectionL The dues received by the General Organization shall^be divided as follows: 2 1-3 cents of the 8 1-3 cents per month per^member received from International Industrial Departments shall be^placed into a defense fund, the remaining 6 cents to be placed into the^general fund. Sec.2. Five cents of the 25 cents per member per month re^^ceived from Local Unions paying directly to headquarters will be^placed into the defense fund, the balance to be placed into the gen^^eral fund. Sec.3. Individual members receiving membership cards direct^from the General Organization shall pay to headquarters 50 cents per^month, all of which is to be placed into the defense fund. ARTICLEV.^PAYMENT FROM DEFENSE FUND. Section1. Whenever a strike has been duly and legally entered^upon, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, the^General Executive Board shall have power to order payments from^the defense fund, for the purpose of conducting the same and sup^^porting those involved, until such strike has been duly and legally^declared off by the (Jeneral Executive Board; but no payments shall^be made from the defense fund as donations or contributions, or for^any other purpose, except to conduct strikes or lockouts and pay^benefits in cases where strikes or lockouts have been duly and legally^approved by the (Jeneral Executive Board. Sec.2. Strike Pay and Rates Of. Strike pay shall not be al^^lowed to strikers until they have, in each separate case, been out on^a legalized strike, or are being locked out, for a period exceeding^seven (7) consecutive days and the strike allowance after seven con^^secutive days shall be stipulated and regulated by the General Ex^^ecutive Board and shall be paid only to those who were actually .work^^ing when the strike or lockout began and who were called out, or^their lockout caused by such procedures as are in conformity with the^provisions of this Constitution\ providing, however, that the General^Executive Board may make provisions for those who were not work^^ing at the time when the conflict started. This authority may be^used to a very limited extent in extraordinary cases only. Sec.,'{. Unions When Suspended.^All Industrial Departments,^Local Unions and individual members of the Industrial Workers of^the World that are in arrears for dues and assessments for sixty (60)^days, counting from the last day of the month for which reports and^remittances are due, shall not be considered in good standing and^shall not be entitled to any of the benefits or payments from any^liinds of this Organization. ARTICLEVI.^CONVENTION. Section1. The Annual Convention of the Industrial Workers of^the World shall be held on the first Monday in May of each year at^such place as may be determined by previous convention. Sec.2. Delegates to the Annual Convention shall be as herein^^after provided for. The General President, the General Secretary-^Treasurer and other members of the General Excutive Board shall be^delegates-aMarge with one vote each, but shall not be accredited dele^^gates nor carry the vote of any union or organization. See.3. Industrial Departments shall have one delegate for the^first 4,000, or less, of its members; for more than 4,000 and up to 7,000^members they shall have two delegates; for more than 7,000 and less^than 20,0(K) they shall have three delegates, for more than 20.000^and less than 40,000 members they shall have four dele^^gates; for more than 40,000 members and less than 80,000 members^they shall have five delegates; for more than 80,000 and less than^160,000 members they shall have six delegates, and for more than^160,000 members they shall have seven delegates. Sec.4. Local Unions, chartered directly by the Industrial Work^^ers of the World, shall have one delegate for 200 members, or less, and^one additional delegate for each additional 200, or major fraction^thereof. Sec.5. When two or more delegates are representing any Local^Union, or International Industrial Union or Industrial Department^in the Convention, the vote of their respective organization shall be^equally divided between such delegates. Sec6. Representation in the Convention shall be based on the^National Dues paid to the General Organization for the last six months^of each fiscal year and each union and organization entitled to rep^^resentation in the Convention shall be entitled to one vote for the first^fifty (50), of its members and one additional vote for each additional^fifty (50) of its members, or major fraction thereof. Sec.7. On or before the 10th day of March of each year the Gen^^eral Secretary-Treasurer shall send to each Local Union and In^^dustrial Department credentials in duplicate for the number of dele^^gates they are entitled to in the Convention, based on the national^dues for the last six months. TheUnions and International Industrial Departments shall prop^^erly fill out the blank credentials received from the General Secre^^tary-Treasurer and return one copy to the General Office not later^than April 1st. The other copy shall be presented by the delegate to^the Committee on Credentials when the Convention assembles. Sec.8. Delegates to the Convention from Local Unions must^have been members in good standing of their Local Union at least^six months prior to the assembling of the Convention; provided, their^Local Union has been organized that length of time. Delegatesfrom Industrial Departments, to have a seat in the^Convention, must have been members of their Local Union at least^six months and of their International Union at least one year; pro^^vided it has been organized that length of time. Theexpense of delegates attending the Convention shall be borne^by their respective organizations. Sec.9. Two or more Local Unions in the same locality, with a^total membership of 500, or less, may jointly send a delegate to the^Convention and the vote of said delegate shall be based on the rep^^resentation hereinbefore provided for. Sec10. There must be a Universal Label for the entire Organi^^zation. All unions, departments and individual members must pro^^cure supplies, such as membership books, official buttons, labels,^badges and stamps from the (Jeneral Secretary-Treasurer, all of which^shall be of uniform design. Sec.11. There shall be a free interchange of cards between all^organizations subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World,^and nny Local Union, or International Industrial Union, or Industrial^Departments shall accept, in lieu of initiation fee, the paid-up mem^^bership card of any recognized labor union or organization. ARTICLEVII. Section1. The General Executive Board, or not less than ten^(10) locals in at least three (3) industries, may initiate a referendum^on any subject to be submitted to the Convention. Sec.2. A majority vote cast shall rule in the General Organiza^^tion and its subordinate parts, except as otherwise provided for in this^Constitution. Sec.3. None but actual wage workers shall be admitted as mem^^bers-at-large. Sec.4. So soon as there are ten (10) Local Unions with not less^than 3,000 members in any one industry the General Executive Board^shall immediately proceed to call a Convention of that industry and^proceed to organize them as an International Industrial Department^of the Industrial Workers of the World. =EDI50N FAMILYTHEATRE 13-17South Main St^t FiveShows Daily Open Year Around Forgeneral upholstering mat*^tress, spring, and feather ren^^ovating see; J. D. Felthousen 422^North Maine Phone' 557 B. FORSALE Small second hand^business. 426 N. Main St., Adam^Stephan. 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