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News From Milwaukee Still the Milwaukee Anut-Socialist are worrying over last Sunday's big mass meeting. How did the Social ists do it? flow did they secure the subscription of $8,000 to the bonds of the Socialist daily In about ninety minutes? Li an off year-when there was no cam paign, no excitement, no political fire. works--why. should 7,000 men an I woman n meet just for the privilege of paying their money and starting a So.lalist daily paper? That is the puzzle which is bothering our capital ist politicians. Never before, perhaps, did the Mil waukee Socialist movement show its real strength as clearly as at tt.s meeting last Sunday, since the enthus iasm with a well-planned and deliber ate purpose behind it is far ahead of the hurrL.h excitement of a poditical campaigr. The big hall in the Auditorium was filled to the roof The speakers waen Mayor Seldel, Congressman Bergel, Presidtnt-elect Johnston of the Ma chinists, and Carl D. Thompson. All presented the necesity of a Soclailst daily in Milwaukee. The applause and more especially the financial response, showed that they caried with them the hearts of the audience. Besides the $8,000 subscribed for the daily bonds, a col lection of nearly $300 was taken to deray the expense of the meeting A party which can do that in an off-year Is not going to be defeated at the polls next spring! Here is an interesting fact for trade unionists. The Socialist supervisors of Milwaukee are starting an Agricul tural Academy in this city-an in stitutlion, by the way, which will be of solid beneft to our farming com munity on this side of the state. Now this new building will employ a great many men and a goood many trades. But every part of the work will be done by union labor, in all trades where union labor can be obtained. This Is the first time In Milwaukee that a building of this size has been constructed under unon labor con ditions. The trade unionists of Mil waukee are realizing the benefits of a working class organisation. Compare with this the recent action of the Milwaukee School Board. There are only two Socialists on this board. The quesuon of appointing non union teachers in Milwaukee Trades School came before the school board last week. The two Socialist mem bers fought against these appoint ments, justly contending that in a trades school only trades unionists shou'd be p(ermitted to teach and train the future wage-workers of Mil waukee. The Socialists, however, were voted down. Non-union teach ers were supported by these school directors who were elected on the so called Anti-Socialists ticket. It will be remembered that these Anti-Social 1st tickets were distributed in the churches of Milwaukee, that the priet. brought women in carriages to the polls with instructions to vote this ticket, and these women were told that it would be a "mortal sin" not to vote for the Anti-Socialist candl dates! The workingmen are begin ning to find out who are their true frig nds and who are their real en emies. E. IH THOMAS. WORIIK AMONG WOMEN. There are a number of reasons why the Socialist party should carry on special propaganda among women Among them are the following: Woman is disfranchised. The So clalisat party demands equal suffrage for all. regardless of sex, color .,, race Woman's disfranchisement Is a greta factor in holding her in economic s;avery. Woman's position In industry is of a much lower status than man's. She seldom receives equal wages for the same grade of work. Woman has become a very large part of the industrial world. She is the most formidable competitor man has In the industries. Woman is the mother of the race. She needs ,education that she may Intelligently point the way to fr, edom to her chlldren. Woman is one-half of the race. Without her support we cannot bring In the 'o-operative ('ommoiawealth. As Franklin Wentworth has said. "We must never for a moment neglect the propaganda work we can do with. In the warls of our homes; for until women enter heart and soul into our councils and all our efforts, I can not bring myself to have great hopes for Socialism, and I know that capitalism will have small fears of It." Make money and all the world will conspire to call you a gentleman NEW CASTLE FREE PRESI WINS SEDITIOUS LIBEL CASE By Jack Brltt Oearlty. "Not guilty" was the verdict of the jury in the celebrated seditious llbel case at New Castle. Thus victory crowns the struggle of the famous fighting Socialist week ly, the FreIe Press, after a hitter bat tle of eighteen months duration. The four comrades, IHartman, McCarty, McKeever and White. being acquitted Saturday. September 23. But three of them. White haying been dropped for lack of evidence, must pay one half the costs of prosecuting the case against themsti'ves. Indictment against the four com rades was found in March. 1910. The case was tried at June term of court that year, and jury agreed to acquittal of defendents, but could not agree on placing costs. Under the law of Pennsylvania a jury may find a man not guilty, but charge the whole of the costs or part of them against him or upon the prosecutor, or divide them between defendent and prose cutor. After the trial last year attorneys for the Free Press argued for the quashing of Indictment, but Judge Porter did not hand down his opinion until too late for September or I)e cember term of court, and nothing was heard of the matter until March of this year. The comrades here thought the case would never be heard of. When they heard of he Intention of the officials of the Free Press published a series of caustic comments on the attempt of the ser vile Steel Trust tools to force a con viction on the charge of seditious libel. These comments stung local officials, especially Judge Porter, with the result that a new charge-that of constructive contempt of court-was made against them. The June grand jury this year in dicted them. The district attorney then attempted to try the contempt case first. The defendents carried the case to the Superior Court, but lost the fight there. Meanwhile the seditious libel case, the first of its kind In more than a century, was ad journed to September court At the September term of court just closed at this writing, both cases were tried, the contempt case coming first Conviction was obtained In that case, under old English law, but an appeal has been taken to the higher court. Immediately after the close of the contempt trial the prosecution put on the seditious libel cae,. hoping to use conviction in the first ease as a club for conviction in the blgger case. The legal battle lusted tour days. and the jury wan out fifteen hers before reaching agreement The decideon In the seditious Abel case It the most important decision handed down In any labor struggle In recent years. The action against the Free Press for seditious libel was tried under old English common law also, and a verdict of guilty would have menaced the Socialist press in every state in which the common law is unabridged. Local Socialists are Jubilant over their triumph, as it asu sure freedom of the press. The fight has dragged along for eighteen long months, and has cost several thousand dollars. The local Socialists have given to the limit of the4r resources, the Free Press is in financial straits as a result ,of thc' heavy expense It heas been under, as well as from the crippling of Its plant during the trials. Outside aid I eom ing very slowly. The real prosecutor ie undoubtedly the Steel Trust. Chief of Police Gil more being a mere figurehead. Un less help is forthooming from socia: lets all over the country the Trust may win, and the Free Press silenced The fight against the little weekly paper grew out of its loyalty to the tin mill workers during their strike in 190) and 1910 against the Steel Trust. That strike lasted sixteen months, and the workers were defeated and forced to re'urn to the mils on the Trust's terms. The workers are lining up behind the Socialist Party in large numbers, their eyes having been opened by the strike and the attack on the Free Press, and unless all signs fall New O.stle will be in the hands of the Socialists after November 7th. So the victory of the Socialist Party will undoubtedly be a twofold victory TIHE ONLY WAY. "Why did he leave all his money to the black sheep of the famlry?" "lie said the other children were too good to go to Jail." "Well ?" "And he wanted to fix it so the black sheep would be too rich " TIED AND UNTIED. Said IHe-8o your friend found, marriage a failure, did she? Said she-No, indeed! The jury was kind and granted her $50,000 alimony BOOTI.RW' COLVsMN. Comrade Johnson fltrle mends ia $1.00 for ba. Good Work for so clallam. Comrade I1enry Wlokbmrt seams $13.60 for subs. Wickworst a mome scout for the "lied Flag" A fighter in flutte sends na $ subs Your are in the right direction and with a llttle lr.&ctI w you will be per feet. The N. P. boys in lliena are send Ing us about 20 to 25 subs per month the last Ilat is 1fr 20. How Is that lor hustling? Comrade Brow sn tnda 9 by wlrelehs. That's heading ItO rascals off. Comrade Hall of .tlssoua takes two dozen copies of "The United States Constltution and Socialim." He knows good propaganda matter when he sees it. The Coal Mlinrs give us lots oft oh work this weLk. .000 letterheads and 4.000 enwvldpea. Comrade Sorheim Is workllg hard for the News. The News is working hard for him A warm hearted hot air artist in Kansas says that he would die for the working clam: Why so sad? Live anmI t~ useful Hiustlel for subs for the Montana News. A comrade sgned "Machintst" sends ln 1e50 for ammunition and wants to get the price on bundles of the News One coat per copy Pard, and we would 4ke to msed you just such a bomb every week. Dad Itaish sends In SI1.0 for sube and buys 6 sub cards at the same time. Dad was a switchman and knows the tactics of the capitalists Evideatly he knowu just what kind of taeltce for he workers to use. The circulation of the News this week to walking right along. this is because the worwers of this state are with us in all we do. The workers of teh state are wak ing up very asut, that is because the News is with them in all they do. rlin Pean buyu five copite of the United States Constitution and so clalism. Tommy Devore takes three of the same. Price 10 oents per copy at this offlee. Sociallsts of Uncoln county asuore us that they will elect a Soclalist to the lesldature In 1112. The News Is helping them. IS TILE BOY SCOLDT MOVEGNT OP A MIIATARY NATURE? R. A. Dague Recently there has been so much public criticism of the Boy Seout Movement, that its promoters are be glnning to deny that the organihation is of a Military Character. Mr. C. de Vidal Hundt, Commander of Boy Scouts, of Southern California, In a pubnahed article In the "Los Angeles Examiner," denies the military nature of the movement. As quoted by the "Santa Paula Chronicle" he says: "The Boy Scouts are not a military organisatlon. Our military drills are given for the purpose of disclpline and order and with the object In view to produce an erect carriage and develop the boys' breathing apparatus and muscles. "The Boys Scouts are peace scouts. At one of 'he recent scout encamp. ments a young lady who had been watching the boys said that it she ever married she would try to get a boy scout, because boy scouts can cook their own meals and sew on their own buttons. Which only goes to pr,,\v. that the scouts will be fully prepared to avoid wars, domeotic or otherwise." Now the movement in California may be that Innocent sort as to have for its sole object the development of the boys physically, and to teah them to cook and sew on buttons, but it is very certain that Its organ. Isers had, and still have In view, quite a different object. Let us now briefly allude to the history of the movement. The Associated Press ways that the Czar of Russia, about two years ago. gave orders that the 3,500,000 boys between the ages of twelve and fifteen years, in the elementary schools, should receive military training. Gen. Baben-Powell induced the Czar to change his plans, and adopt the "Roy Scout Plan," as laid down in Oen Baben-Pwell's book. Army officers therefore rogantsed, the put year, a great many thusands of the peasant boys. The Assodatd Press of Sept. 14th. gives an aooount of a brilliant review of these scouts by the Emper. or, recently at St. Peterbtoe. The account say: 'The emperor ad several of the grand dukes olu3adlg Miohas Alea androvioh, formerly heir preammptlve to the throne, with a brilMant suite of general, all on hormback, rode down the tour lines of troops, the emperor getting the regukar slute from each company. replyiag to it. and getting In reponse as enthuniastec respoam of youthful hrramb. A thrillng sight were the loaes of the youngersters as they marched peat their emperor with eyes keen oe carrying away a good picture of him. and a note of contagous enthuisaam was carried to the thousands of sect ators in their parting salute: We are eager to ezeed, your Imperial maj csty'." The Emperor and his cabinet are so pleased with reeults so far. that steps are being taken to enlarge the movement. The despatch further Isays: "These Juvenile regiments are to be under lnstructions of regular army otffiers so that the boys will be taught the rudiments of warfare as practiced in in this 2Sth century. "First end foremost, it Is thought that the military training provided in the schools will awaken interest in the army at an early age and thus tend to faclllate the tranaformation of raw recruits Into perfect human fighting machlaes. Hopes are also entertain ed that the early awakening of en thuelam for the army wlf operate against the spread of seditious So ciaMsm among the youth of Russia." Despatches from Berlin, last July, stated that Emperor William and mil itary men of Germany. have taken steps to inaugurate the Bob Scout Movement in that country. They are quoted as saying that "Germany's fighting effficiency can thus be aug mented greatly, and the war spirit strengthened." The Socialists through out Europe as well as non-socialists who oppose war.are strenuously con tending against this Boy Scout scheme It would seem that no one in Europe questions the object of the movement as being to develop the war spirit in the bys. Some of the more cautious mon archists have raised warning voices "to remind the government that the Juvenile militia thus created may, un less proper precautions be taken, do. velop into a revolutionary army, so that. Instead of being a national sat, the boy soldiers would become a seri ous danger to the safety of the em pire." In the face of these well known facte, published in Europe and America. It would seem that Com mander C. deVidal Hundt. and others are presuming much on the gross Ignorance of their readers, when they claim that the Boy Scouts are organ ised to make a little fun for the youths and to teach boys how to cook, sew buttons on their garments, and to ex cite the admiration of their girl friends. The solemn truth is that Gen Baben Powell, the monarchs .f Europe, anad the plutocrats el America, invented and are promoting the Scout organi sation or the purpose of defeating the world-wide movement for peace and for Internatlonal courts of abritration and to raise up an army with which to suppress all efforts oppressed peoples, who may make a struggle to improve their conditions of living. The scheme was adrolty planned, and its real ob ject hidden, while the supposed ad vantages acruing to the youths are painted in brilliant colors. The lads are told about the bright uniforms, the grand picnics, the fun and good times, but they will be taught to im plicitly obey the orders of their of ticers. Little do they suspect that they are to have the killing anstinct In their hearts cultivatel and strength. ened until they can go forth with torch and gun and bayonet, and mer oilemly wound and murder their fel lowmen, whom they do not know and wto have done them no harm, and who, like themselves, are deluded victims and slaves of desiglning, am bltlous tyrants, or selfish millonaires, who care nothing for the common soldier except to use him to burn, destroy and murder. The Boy Scout Movement was ua vented by a professional mankiller. It is wicked and unchristian, and I hope that no boy who reads this will Join the cunningly devised plan to convert innocent boys into "fighting machiner". Gen. Sherman said. "War is bell". My advice to boys is to think good thoughts, do kindly deeds, speak friendly words, stand up manfully for peace and good fellowship, and if the Kings and Nabobs of Europe, and the graftinl monopolists of America want to get up kihling bees and wars, sad thus "raise hell" by wholesale mumrder, let them do the killing themselves, gLUTMION DAY II COMING? Polttiean: Well. I'm back again! How are you? Voter: Oh, no use kicking. . TYou know, I thought I'd drop Monlana News Prospectus, The Montana News will be Issued hereafter by the UNION PRIQ'IUgQ and PUBLISHING COMPANY. from its offices at Helena, Montana. The laid company I. incorporated under the laws of the State of Montana. Authorlsed Capital Stock.$10.000 Shares $6500 each Object of Corporation. To print and publish at the City of Helena, Montana. a weekly news paper to be devoted to the Interest of the working class of the State of Montana and the Northwestern States, and for the porpuse of transact. Inr. carrying on and conducting a printing and publishing business in all Its branches Need of Local Paper. The working class movement must have a powerful .ocal press be fore it can hope to Influence the government or the state as a party. Such a press can be a power in the Northwest as the expression of a working class remarkably aggressive and devoted to freedom and just ice. Without a paper of protest against the horrors of a system of pro fit and plunder it would have been impossible to expose the Donohue Militia bill passed by the late legislature! There is tendency to reaction in the state at present. Franchelses are being given away lavishly to the exploiters of the working casse-etreet cars, electric lines, electric lighting, and gas- with no provisions to allow the public to own these necessities in the future; whereas, ten and twenty years ago such franchises contained specifications for the transfer of such property to the commonwealth. Blows at Labor. The last legislature in Montana nppropriated $10.000 for the purpose of bringing in labor to compete with the laborers arteady here. Montana employers are even advertising in Europe for men to work in the state, while we are already overloaded with Idle men Little Revolutionary Reading. Thlre are only 0,000 subaslbers. to Socialist papers in Montana. We must have at least 50.000 persons reading Socialist papers before the spirit of protest can be aroused or the workers make their Impress upon the state and municipal governments. There are 80.000 voters in Montana, and a population of about O75, 000. Cold figures tead the tale of work to be done JI posr The News will fight the battles of the workingclass through all pres ent evils and obstacles of exploita-tion. It wilt point out the emancipation from exploitation in the abolition of the private ownership of the industrial machinery. It will direct the workers to co-operate production. It will expose the outrages of capitalism which we encounter at our door. It will enter the arean and struggle with strong and self.lntereqted opponents to construct better laws. Institutions, and opportunities. It will at all times inform the populace of malicious laws passed and enforced by our law making bodies. It will also be a center from which the Initiative and Referendum will circuate. Plans oS Operaton. The News will henceforth be 1 Socialist party paper, but not a party-owned paper. It will be handled exclusivly by the Union Print ing and Publishing Company. This company will own its own machin ery, equipment, linotype, moters, and presses, and is pleasantly and com modiously situated at 1i Park Avenue, Helena, Montana. It makes a specialty of union job work, bills constitutions, by-laws, Ieterheads, and whatever organised labor may require in the way of printing. We sup port you; you support us. Labor withdraws its support from its enem ies and co-operates with Its friends. It will; ssue special editions dealing with the local issues In any town or community at the minimum cost, so that any such point may have all the advantages of a local paper, and scatter it by the thousands. Avesrteag. The News will carry a special line of high class advertising, covering a widespread territory. It has applications from dand companies, book firms, library associations and other enterprises of a general character to advertise on a large scale, and will give special attention to this valuable feature in the future. The News is an unusually able medium as a publicity organ because of its extended circulation, enter ing almost every state and territory in the United States, crossing the borders of Canada and Mexico, and going also to many foreign countries It is read by the buyers, the chief consumers, the workers, who are 90 per cent of the population. Polkcy and Progrsm. The News will stand for the constructive program of Soclalism. It will work for the industrial revolution through the conquest of political power by a new class, the workers. It will take an aggressive part in all political and municipal activities. It will encourage and serve in every way the organization of the workers both Politically and Indus trially. It will be first to s, eve the unions in time of trouble and to reprove them for errors that obstruct their progress. It will be labors staunchest friend when in trouble no mater what the cause. It will be the fearless advocate and labor leader of the Northwest, and the rally. Ing center for the activities of the Socialist movement. Flancial Support. If you want to help in this grand world movement of labor you want to put some money into it and be a part of it You want to take several shares of stock and get your union and neighbors to take some. You can pay $6. down for each share of stock or you can pay $1.00 a month for five months, or for as long as you please, and every $5.00 you pay will give you an additional share of stock. This method is a sure winner so far as a solid support for Socialist enterprises is concerned. It is what has made the success of the Kerr Publishing Company, The Social Democratic Herald, and the Chicago Daily Socialist. Everybody's business is nobody's business, but defln. its system will make a paper in the west as successful as those in the east. The News is 50 cents a year, one cent each in bidlee. Further information can be had by writing G. A. Brown, Box 1132, Helt a, Montana, and send all money for stock to the above address. All subscrlptiesn for the News and orders for printing should be addressed to Montasn News, Heless, Moetaau. around to see you about your vote. V: Yes? P: Of course, you know I made a lot of promises last year V: Sure I do. P: Well, I want to tell you that I haven't n.ade the sig.htest effort to keep any of them. I've been graftlng just as much as I could and I'd like to keep It up. Will you help me? V: I sure will. You cJn count on my vote. P: That's good. I was afrald you might switch over to those greasy sloealists. V: No danger, old man. they don't stand a chance of gIting my vote-It'd be thrown away. P. Ta! Tal Bome years ago I got a job on a city drectiory. I did aplendididly until about four o'clock when I met my Waterloo. "What Is your name?" I asked a strumpy-looking chap. He told me "What do you doT" "Nothing," "Don't you work?" "Haven't you a trade?" "Nope." I was putled. "How do you etrn your lHving?" "Don't earn any." Well then, how do you Iiet?" "I get a check every three months." When I returned to (%4 6fice I told the manager of my dlftflcuttles. "Oh." said he, "We mark them guys down au Ientlemen."