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BISDEE DAILY REVIEW. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1903. I HI v II VVAm4taWMOf'4W J. Martin Jones Son J EL PASO, Tex. Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Wooden Ware IT PLEASES US TO QUOTE RRICES AND SEND SAMPLES... MtuwrnemmmKummiims 11 ttf Mtfriji ,. IIIIWll igfiBfi -aW4-xwa-4-4-W4Uau-a-aw-:Wauv& C. R. Moorhead, President Joseph Magoffin, Vice-President J. C. Lackland, Cashier. J. II. Russell, Asst. Cashier. The State National Bank of EL PASO, TEXAS Transacts a General Banking Business Solicits the accounts ot Banks, Corporations, firms and Individuals. The H. Lresinskzy Company INCORPORATED WHOLESALE GROCERS EI Paso, Texas Quick. service to points In southeastern Arizona and Sonora. Mail orders have the best attention. We sell to dealers only. M"l I M-H- t t : BI i I crime B. L. Berkcy Machinery Co. Well Drilling Machinery Portable and Standard Can be operated with Horse, Gasoline or Steam Power We carry alto a large stock of galvanized tanks, knocked down ready for shipment. Send for Catalogue. El Paso, Texas :- 'Hi"H"tl -H M i W. G. WALZ COMPANY ' EsfabiIshed'In'El"Pas'o"l881 Incorporated s Paid Up Capital $50,000. Wholesale and Retail Dealers Handle strictly high grade pianos and organs. Write for catalogue aad prices on ail kinds of 'musical" ft Btruments. INTH MINING FIELD Operations of Interest Throughout the County of Cochise, Arizona and Sonora qjiag mtMW THE OUTLOOK GOOD. Notwithstanding the Warren dis trict has been tho scene of unusual ac tivity during the past year everything now developed will points to more extended development sixty tons per day. tmtm have a body of ore that runs 20 per or the Mltchel could scarcely be bet cent In copper. They have twenty- ter, but the district Is a new one, four, claims in all. The property as hence it is desired to sink below tin produce fifty to present depth of 150 feet, and prove W. W. Robinson the territory at considerable doDth. JcANANEA, YAQUI RIVER & PA ' CIFIC RAILROAD ! G-'neral Notice Effective January 15, 1903, following will be daily schedule of passenger 'rains: , leave Naco 9:30 a.m. I Leave Cananea 2:00 p.m., ; Arrive Cananea 11:30 a.m.' Arrive Naco.. ... ... ... 4:00 p.m. E. A. McFarland, Asst. General Manager. Naco. Sonora, January 15, 1903. P3seng.r Time Table, E. P. &. 8. W. Ar. from Douglas 7:07 . m. Lv. for Naco 7:17 a. m. Ar.ifrom Benson, 8:50 a. m. Lv. for El Paso and Dougla. 9:00 . m. i Ar. from Naco 12:38 p. m. Lv. for acu 1 p. m. Ar. from El Faso 4:42 p. m. work during the remainder of 1903. Is manager. Lake people are also heavily interest- There will not be as many new loca- The Catalina Copper Mining com- ed in mining lands In tho CMricaluia tions to record from this district as pany. operating the Catalina group of Mountains of Arizona, whore mining during the past eight months, for the mines in the Catalina mountains, will work is to be undertaken this season reason, to use the expression of En- put in a pump, hoist and drills; also j HORACE J. STEVENS. glneer George Clark, "hardly a frac- Intend erecting a smelter. They re- o Hon could be found In the Warren port having 75,000 tons of sulphide ore NOTICE If you want to buy a district, on which to erect a monu- blocked out, averaging 7 per cent cop- J cheap wagon or horse, call at the O. ment." Many of the development per, $2 in gold and $2 in silver; have EC stables, Naco, Arizona. 5-2-tf propositions now in hand wjll re- 4000 feet of development work on the j quire several months of continuous property. There are fifteen claims work to reach the points whore lm- In the group. F. M. Hartman Is portant ore bodies are expected to bo manager. encountered. It is not to be expected The Gould group, 12 miles vest nf that all tho hopes and expectations In , Tucson, have one shaft on No. 5, 60 the Warren district will be realized, feet deep, all in low grade ore; No. 1, but it Is safe to predict that before 50 feel deep., tho last 30 feet in ore the end of 1903 productions of copper running 15 per cent copper; one tun In this district will be increased on riel in C5 feet, the breast sampling 16 ore bodies uncovered and pierced to per cent copper. $l.a0 gold, four insure a marked increase for 1904, jounces silver. S. H. Gould is mana- Tne connaence in our uisuii-i is uui . alone in Bisbee. but wherever there are mlnmir men who are acquainted COST OF COPPER- SMELTING with this section, enthusiastic praise Is heard and extravagant predictions are made concerning the future wealth to be extracted from the- ores of this vicinity. Lake Superior copper investors arc now paying more attention McCOY'S Employment Agency Female Help a Specialty Stenography and Typewriting Main Street Opp. Angius Hotel MRS. PETE McCOY. Manager Swim Saloon . . LOWELL. . . KEG BEER ON DRAUGHT. Furnished Rooms Upstairs None But The Best Goods Handled. gmimiimmmmfflminniiwninHHmminniminnimma I SN You Don,t Make a Mistake Foj Pianos. Organs riusical Instruments Of. all Kinds Sheet flusic Etc, write - W.G.Dunn&Co. V Exclusive :ulclleus El Paso - Texas FOR: Call on Watches, Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry A. H. RICHARDS TUB (JEWELER 103 EI Paso Street, El Paso Grand Central Block Prompt attention given to mall orders and repairing. Remarkable Results Obtained iy ths Tennesee Copper Company. Some of the results recently ob tained at the smelters of Ihe Tenne see Copper company are i-emarkable. to Wac-.jNot only has the capacity ot the fur- ren district copper prospects than to naces been exceedingly high, but the the home mines. Shares of the new- costs have been lower than any sta er flotations are "quickly oversub- tlstics of smelting yet published. Two scribed, and sell at a large premium furnaces in 2S days smelted 30,095 before allotment of stock, comments tons of ore, not Including coke. The the Boston News Bureau. It Is pos- average was 537 tons per day per fur sible the" Arizona copper 'craze at nace of ore alone. The total cost was Lake Superior is a factor contributing J1.05 par ton for the entire year. 1902. to the dullness of the local market. and during the present year, notwith- (standing coke has increased in cost, ; COPPER. I the smelting "costs have been reduced The lat Issue of Engineering and below this point. The actual tonage Milling Journal thus speaks of the ot ore smelted for each employee is copper market: ,an average of aEout 20 tons of ore Copper remains very qujet, with, per day an exceedingly good record quotations, rather, nominaj. and. in even compared -with what have been fact, the! iile of occasional lots has considered more simple metallurgical practically made the' market for the operations. As a matter ot fact. time being.' ' At the same time, the there is lftle metallurgical work more 4. large .producers, who are generally simple than copper-matte smelting. j well sold up to the'eni Qt June,, are particularly where, as at the mines of 1 not taokinit business, at lower rates, the Tennesee copper company, mere . r but are, as a" rule, declining to. make is an excess of iron, requiring an ad-1 sales. Spot metal is scarce and ditlon ot quartz, 'i'ms does not worse sales are limited, as. we hava said, to to disadvantage. it is always more occasional lots. There are no socka difficult to obtain basic iron flux than to speak of in sellers' hands. Large alllcious mixtures. The Mountain consumers who provided for their copper company, ot tms state, can May requirements some, of, them for cot show any such record, but. on the June also are not upon th.e market other hand, the wages paid here are at present, "but consumption contln- much higher than in Tennecee, where tne majority 01 laoorers are negroes-, and where coke is much more easily obtainable. This result, however, constitutes a record, we believe, in copper-smelting, both as to capacity of the furnace and the cheapness of working Mining Gazette When you buy a Hail's Safe. They are made for service, as their use for overS sixty yeans will testify. The best made. We nuke a specialty ot BankcS Vaults and bank equipments. Corre-CSS spondence solicited. . E El Paso Safe and Specialty Co., ei Paso, Texas iiumuimuiiiuiiaiiimuuiuiuuiaiu'aiiuiaiiiiiuiiiiiiiii ! HH---W-H"M ues at a high rate, and they will doubtless be forced to come into th market again for supplies before very long. In London the market for standard has been somewhat weak, and bear speculators had the best of the situation for a few days. A re covery is recorded, however, just as the week closes. Actual business abroad has been on a somewhat lim ited scale, as consumers are not buy ing until the market la more settled. The lower quotations have been most ly for -tandard copper, best selcsted remaining steady. SHANNON CONCENTRATOR. X . . ., blilUUOilUrf, JiU. X X X X !t X X X X X X X X Jt X X X X X X X X X El Paso, Texas. raKaaer, zor ? Moye Hardware, Ranch and Mining Supplies, Pipe and Pipe Fittings Paints, Oil and Glass Agents for Canton Steel, Iola Cement, Bain Wagons, Miller Ranges, Atlas Powder, Samson Windmills, etc. P. 0. Box 15 300 El Paso St., El Pfisojex. S Jno. Brunner ". MERCMALoR,.,a r And Dealer in Gent's Furnishing- Goods First-Class Fit Guaranteed. 104 El Pmo Street, El ' so, Texas SOFT DRINKS Of all, inclosing soda, ginger ale, Irou bretr, saraparUU. etc and manufactured by ARCHIBALD & CUNNINGHAM wfeo are prepared to unpplr U trarte nt Conaaea. Naco, Dncurtu, UT-bce, Tombstone and Eeruon. A ajrcnU tor .Holer A Zolc-iem terr. Assaers and Chemists HERMAN &NEWITT, Bisbee. Ariz., P. 0. Box 1187,8! upper Main St. We make a specialty '' tho chemical treatment of ore, Mr. Herman Is the cheir lit who nnotheredtherniseJHiat Jerome. Complete quaiJatlTOsnairMSiJn)i Strrt tf .a roar fork. MafffeeoroeaTelopetonapplicaf jo QIS3EE DISTRICT IN HOUGHTON. Houghton, Mich., May 9 (Special) Easily the most Important Arizona flotation of the year is the Higgins Development company, organized a week ago, with a capital ot J50Q.O00, tto take dver the well-known Higgins 'claims, adjoining the Copper Queen 'mlaes,at Bisbee, Arizona. these j 'claims have long been regarded yal-: uable, but the owner, who isa ut Company Is Now Reducing 453 Tons of of & mlwnthrono ul wouU Xct sell Ore Dal'.y, or About 15 Tons Copper, to the Coppei Queen people, Ind his The following official circular ha? price, was too high for other purch been issued by the Shannon-company asors,. The claims are held uner to its stockholders. bond and lease at $ 675,000, on which "Our president, George C. Gil!, has the first payment has b&n made. Just returned from a si weeks visit The stock was oversubscribed by to our properties at Clifton, Arizona, noon of the day of Issue, without a Whilst he -was there, the first 250-ton line of advertising, whlh shows that section of our new COO-ton concentra the absorbing capacity ' o fthe Lake tor "was completed and started, and investors has cot yet been reached, our smelter blown In. Mr. Gill re- The Higgins company is alsrf notable malned at Clifton . until everything for the fact that it brings new blood was running smoothly, and until he into the Arizona game, as several was personally satisfied of the final prominent Investors in Detroit and success ot our operations. We are Boston are heavily Interested. The now reducing 450 tons of ore', produc- Detroit people have lrct? small hold ing fiom 15 to IS tons of fin? copper lngs in Arizona mines, and Boston every 24 hours, and are shipping east has held aloof entirely until recently, at the rate of 15 carloads of copper a but the continued contemplation ot a month. The machinery for the second copper stock boom in which the pro-250-ton section ot our concentrator fossionalj of the Hub had no part which will be installed soon, should was too much for the eastern men, increase our production to 25 tons of and from now on they may be ex fine copper a d ly. i pectcd to take a hand in the game "The forecast of a higher price for playing (cautlonsly at first, and for the metal, which I made in my letter high stakes later on, as is the habit to you of January 20 has been fully of the Boston Investor, who prides verified, and copper is now selling himself on his conservatism, yet will a round 15 cents a pound. One cent a go the limit when wanned up. pound on the price of copper increases our receipts, on our present produc tion, $10,000 a month. Wte are riow on a paying basis, as we are making a handsome profit over and above a'l expenses,, sinking fund and fixed charjres. It is a matter of deep coc- The World's Fair group of 12 claims on -the flank of Sacramento Hill, not far from tho Copper Queen and Calumet & Arizona mines, Bis bee, is to be organized upon by a lo cal company, the preliminary organi zation of which 13 being effected. pratulation to our stockholders that, though a title has not been chosen having weathered the storms InefSent- yet The fl'st payment of $20,006 on a! -to thfr inauguration of all new oa-e bond of ?200,000 will probably be terprises, our success Is no? a- made on Monday next, and the com- ?urcd.T' pany fully organized next week. Local promoters are arraaging to PIMA COUNTY. organize upon claims in the Huachuca (Special Correspondence.) The Mountains, -peat of J3l3bee. Arizona. Tucson S. & R. company has bought The Hitctl Development company tho Copper King group of mine's, 14 already haojalm 'undergoing devel- mlles southwest of Ticson in Tucson opmeat iajKtio Huachucas, but Is tor prices - mountains. They will erect, a smelts hampered by delay In-receipt ot need ier. In one of the main tunncl3 they ed machinery. The' surface showing HOTEL SONORA! CANANEA, SONORA, MEXICO FirstjClass Modern Hotel 2 Bar, Barber Shop, Good Service, Lighted by Gas, Location Central P. TAGGART, - - - Proprietor BEST HOTEL IN SOWDRfl . . ... ... T STAGE LINE LIVERY STABLE u B b HAUK STAND Vi1.".3 mwt oU .V."'"5 and "nel with our sUko for all mines on the mountain Saddle horsei abet livery to all parts of the country. Terms reasonable. Kerwrtto stable any exhorbitant charges or negligence internee. Give uj atrial and bo ram. vincodtto mean all e say. "" Phone 12 1-2 0. K. Stable. F. ANDREWS, Manager CANANEA, SONORA, MEXICO. Pumps Assay Supplies he Mine and Smelter Supply Co, EI Paso, Texas Machinery & Mining Supplies Hoisting Engines C. N. TIBBJTS, Local Hgr. JJp4t .-. !i,.;!.tii ii - foiy &. rKwsur 'jr-r V TOfif Wg&f&LJt A" JSk - gfc&3&&&! -imT.s-z Itv v. --r? ?:i- 5 ry yjJW - i Vf v- SOLD BY KOfllBERG, BROS EL PASO. TEXAS Double Daily Train Service -- Betveen - -r-s San Francisco & New Orleans S. P COMMENCING NOV. 15tb. double train service will be inaugurated between Can Francisco and New Orleans, on the following schedules: EAST BOUND No. 10 SUNSBT LIMITED, over Coast Division. Lv. Sac Francisco 7:0Cp. m.; Ben son 8:60 a.m., arriving at New Orleans. 1M5 p. m. This train carries Diner, Observation, Compartment and Drawing Room sleepers through to New York, Chicago and New Orleans, also Tourist sleepers to Washington, Cincinnati, Chicago. Memphis, St- Paul, St. Louis. No. 8 CKESCENT CITY EXPRESS. Pakersfild route. Lv. San Francisco 10:00 a. m., Benson 2:56 a. m. and arrives at New Crleau S;55 a. m. Tata train carries Drawing room sleepers to New Orleans, alio tourist car to St. Louis, St. Paul and Chicago. WEST BOUND No. 9. SUNSET LIMITED, Bakersfleld route. Leaves New Orleans 11:45 a. m., Benson 3:40 p. m.. arriving at San Francisco 8:25 a. m. with four hours and forty minutes lay over In Los An geles. This train carries same equipment as No. 10. No. 7. PACIFIC EXPRESS. Coas t Division. . Leaves New Orleans 9:t0 p. m.. BBnson 11:25 p. m., and arrives at San Francisco 1:30 p. m. This train carries same equipment as V'- 8 and In addition diner and chair car Los Angeles tr San Francisco. Trains 9 and 10 Carry Free reclining Chair Cars For further information, call on or addre.m C. M. Burkhalter, Carl Bo"k, . " T. H. Goodman. D, F. & p. A., Tuccon Agent Bcaion. G. P. A, Sail FrancUo h Ej :i T hi 1 '1 J5r 4 ''. ...JtWfcfe. ty M l m- P " affSr Sfc