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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
- I.-- n BI8BEE DAILY REVIEW. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1903. page: TintEH - m Al f i I i & i i r . Pill m Ti 1 8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Frederick A. Sweet, de ceased. Notice is hereby giTen by tfco un doxslgiied administrator of tho ctato of Frederick A. Sweet, deceased, to tho creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with tho necessary Touchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator at Naco, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of business of said estate, In-said county of Cochase. B. A. PACKARD, Administrator of the estate of Fred erick A. Sweot, deceased. Dated Bisbee, this 8th day of May, 1903. First publication. May 12th, 1903. RESOLUTION NO. 9. SCARCITY OF CITY WATER At this season of the year the pres ent abundant supply of city -water can only be maintained providing, the ut most care Is taken to prevent unneces sary waste, caused by defective pipes or leaky faucets. All customers of the Bisbee Water and Fuel company, are warned not to use water ether than for the purposes paid for. Under no con dition will Irrigating be tolerated. Where a violation of the above provis ion Is found to exist the. company -will shut off the water without notice and will sot turn it on again during the season, except upon payment of' an ad vanced rate. E. B. Mason, Manager April 21, 1303. 4-25-lm Resalutlon providing for a special election of Clt; Alderman in the F'rst aad Second Wards of the city of Bisbee, to fill vacancies. Bo it resolved, by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of BUbee that a special election chall be held in the First Ward and in tho Second Ward, respectively, at fire houso in said First Ward, and at Library hall In 6aid Second Ward, on tho 19th day I of May, A. D. 1903. at which said elec tion there shall be elected a city alder man for said First Ward and a city al derman for said Second Ward, in the city of Bisbee, to fill vacancies now existing in the city council by and on account of the resignation of the office of city alderman by John J. Bowen, late one of the alderman of the city of Bisbee for said Second Ward, and by and on account of the resignation of the office of city alderman by A. W. Kindred, late one of the aldermen of the city of Bisbee for the said First Ward. Passed and adopted the 5th day of May, A. D. 1903. J. J. MUIRHEAD. Mayor. W. D. KINSEY, City Clerk. 5-8-8t C. .M HENKEL, McCOVS Employment Agency Femile Help a Specialty Stenography and Typewriting Main Street 1pp. Angius Hotel MRS. PETE McCOY. Manager A. BAUER, BUTCHER SHOP Corner 0. H. Street and Railroad Avenue. , THE OLD RELIABLE BUTCHER SHOP ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS 1 be onlr batcher (hop in Bisbee which kreps the year 'round nothing but the finest $ Veal. Mntton. PorK anrl Ton PhnnliRf Imnnrtpil 9nnu'i nfal Mnili VEGETABLES IN SEASON 23 The Zoo Saloon, Brewe.Q.S0h: TK E BEST OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGRRS Fresh Draught Beer Alwajs on Hand. Best attention to all AGU1RRE.& CORELLA. XftTTttVtTTTtTttT T V T "I ? Tt ' ttftT tttttttttt THE NEW ENGLAND f i t i t t BISBEE, ARIZ. I 4Hfr4i, .;.$..; w.'wfl"l-lr"l--' !' !! I !! 'i"l- t T i t KITCHEN! That's The Place To Eat" Boston & Brown. Props. DRINK WALDORF CLURRYE and you drink the very best BANNER DISTILLING CO. Cincinnati. Ohio 111 (rc'trarlcrs fcr HAY AND GRAIN We haTe in stock: Kansas Oats, Whole White Corn, Whole Yel low Corn, Corn Chop, Bran, No. 1 Clean Wheat, Ban Joaquin Flaked Barley, clean and bright; first class old cutting second crop Alfalla Hay. New crop Alfalfa and fancy Grain Hay due here May 20th. Let ns figure on your next order. Special prices in. car lots and pi large quanuueo. ALEJANDRO GARCIA AGENTE ADUANALY COMISIONISTA Custom House Broker and Commission Ageil Naco, Sonora. ITexico Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler BISBEE. ARIZONA. Bisbee Candy Kitchen Candies PROFESSIONAL CARDS F. J. HART, M. D. Central Lodging House OCce Hours' j Jo 10 a. m. ( 4 to 6 p. m. Phone 149 Night and Day ..- A. K. MICKEY, Attorney-at-Law. Special attention given to Mln- lng Business BISBEE, ARIZONA. v 4 FOR FRESH A good assortment made dally Price reasonable Ice Cream and Cold Drinks. CHEAP CASH STORE ' CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, i Freak fruits of all kinds received dally WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Goods delivered free. MEDIGOVICH & NOBLE. JOHN McGOWAN, ATTO R N EY-AT-L A W Dubacher Building. BISBEE. ARIZONA. DR. G. E. lindstrand; 494 Tombstone Canyon, VETERINARY SURGEON. Calls answered rt all hours. M. D. JOHNSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1 Phone ICE. Postofflce Bldg. BICYCLES, TYPE-WRITERS, SEWING MACHINES, CASH REGISTERS & GUNS REPAIRED. SAW FILING & KEY flTTING. J. C. RAUB JOHNSON BLOCK Mcdonald & kinsey Real Estate Dealers Money Loan ed, and Conveyancers. Office Dubacher Building, Brewery Gulch. Telephone 133 FOR SALE 3-room frame house and 4 room frame house in Tombstone onyon. FOR SALE 1 room frame house and 3 rcom frame bouse. Opera hill. o FOR SALE t houses for $1.500 00. These houses rent for $48 per month. FOR SALE Two-room house near opera house. Lot lOOxlEO. o FOR SALE 2-room house and 4 lots 3 graded. A BARGAIN 5-room frame house ccntrall located. c. a. Mcdonald, j. p. W. D. KINSEY. City ClerlV 'rank E. Hereford Seth E. Hazzard HEREFORD A HAZZARD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW TUCSON, ARIZONA. 4enta fer Land Script 3R. H. A. 8CHELL. Eye Specialist 46 K. Stone avenue. Next visit to Bisbee, Naco and Deiglas in June O. J. Omstead, Architect, Bank of Douglas building. 562 Tenth st. I. M. O' Connell, NTTORNEY-AT-LAW Offle Room No. 2, Bank Building BISBEE, ARIZONA. F. A. 8weet, M. D. E. W. Baum, M. D. Louis Dysart, M. D. D. E. Broderlck. M. D. PHYSICIANS AM) SURGEON'S DR. W. E. HANKIN- DENTIST. Rooms 2, 3 and 4, OTer Postoffice Phone 68. 44 44444444 44 J-falf Way House... NacoL Isbee CHARLES HULL, Proprietor. 1 Choice goods constantly in stock Case goods on demand. SUNNY BROOK WHISKEY ICE COLD BEER. E. A. Tovrea Ben F. Sneed E. P. Williams E. A. TOVREA & CO. (Successors to Tovrea & Mossman) Wholesale and Retail Butchers Cold Air Storage Market All Meats Re frlgerated seven days before cutting We are successfully filling a Meld of o ur own creation. We acknlwledat no competitors. Ph one 14. The SULLIVAN FTOST MOTION HOlSTS DIAMOND DRILLS Standard C0?PS!iBS OF THE WORLD auu xmji.41. Are We Carry a complete line of SocK Drills Repairs also Compressors and Diamond Drills at our BRANCH HOUSE, EL PASO, TEX. the SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO TJ2 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Post Office Building. .o. MOSHER, Proa ...J. B. ANGIUS & CO... GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MAIN STREET. BISBEE, ARIZ. JlfcEI Hmnw Bowen & Henderson Palace Livery, Feed and Hack Stable Mason's Old Stand. Upper Main 8treeL Hack at all hours. Good rigs and Careful Driver ' Telephone 23 Special Attention Given to Boarding of Horan J J Dowi-s 1 r, g TELEPHONE 16 P. 0. BOX 507 I L. C. SHATTUCK "5 Dealer In mT II that of leaker, Sath, Doors. tc Eittajtet oa slate freetr sad MHI work furaUsed m asfllcatloa. 5i Wboluale Trada. led Mining Tloiber, w in Carload Lots a Specialty BISBEE, ARIZONA !E 5?- .WWAWW ATTENTION! Having purchased tie entire stock of tae 51sbee Trading Co. at less than manufacturing cost, consisting of granite and tinware, miners' an4 bachelors' cooking utensils, I offer sa me at lower prices than any Urge concern can do anywhere in this county. Call at our place and be con vlnced- M. 8TEIN & 8TOGHILL Sf C0ND HAND AND NEW STOVES AND FURNITURE. L. J. OVERLOOK, Manager. Telephone No. b. J Bisbee Mercantile Co. CHOICE FAHILY GROCERIES V We buy In car load lots and meet all Competitors. Goods delivered 5 HAY AND GRAIN to all parts of the City Ranchers' and Miners' Cupp!U iV4AAAAAAAW4--4 Ed. Fletohes A V. Woou O. K. Livery Feed and Sale Stables FLETCHER &. WOOD. successors to F. Graham & Co lO K Livery and Sale Stables) First class driving and saddle horses. Horses bearded by the day or month. P& i'&r? Vi5 HARTLEY & ERICKSON O. X. STREET. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. ATS Cleaned and Blocked. Alail orders given special altention. We are still headquarters for Mexi can souvenirs, rare drawn work, feath er cards, filagree Jewelry, carved leath er specalties, Guadalajara earthenware Mexican Zarapes, carved cents, opals, Mexican baskets, Mexican beta, perfumery. In the selection of drawnwork we bare paid particular attention to the beauty of design and workmanship, u well as to the purity of material HEX I AN DRAWN WORK Balsa Hermanos, Valle Naclonal, La Favonta La Violeta Cigars Other Novelties too numerous to mention Our stock of Mexican cigars is com plete, we are in constant receipt of cigars, thus assuring a fresh smok Just across the Line i.-i Mexico Agufrre Mercantile Company Naco, - - Sonora Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage arid Mutton always on hand. Meat delivered to all parts of the Citv THE TURF Main Street SHIPP.& TATE, Props. riUSICAL. ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLY WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Keg Beer on Draught M. J. Brown JUSTICE OF THE PEACE N0TAR PUBLIC Bonds, contracts, agreements, article of Incorporation deeds powers ' attorney, mortgages, bills of sale and all other documents drawn In accord ance with the laws governing the same All ork Jon at reasonable rates that are consistent with accura cy and good service Pnat nffl bnr B;fi TVlpnlinn tin n NO 29 MAIN STREP"" O.K. STAGE LINE LIVERY STABLE HACK STAND lTnrLs mpft nil triiii. an 3 connect witli our ttace for i minei on tho monntam Saddle horesafjd hrery U all iwrts of, tho country Terms rcatonahlA. Heport t stable any exhorhitintchirscor negligence in erviro. (Iitp in a trial and bo con vinced v.e mean all we ay . 'Phone 12 1-2 O. K. Stable. F. ANDREWS, Manager CANANEA, SONORA, MEXICO. Respectable class of trade only solicited THE BEER GARDEN a position Down the Canyon A nice cool place to spend a warm day. Now in to take in boarders and have some nice rooms. Short Orders at Hours V.H. ICO. Prop. EZverytHf ng firstcl&9 THE ORIENT MAIN STREET fINEST RESORT IN THE TERRITORY MUSICAL ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLY The Maze Upper riain Street HANINGER BROS PROPRIETORS Bisbee Arizom We solicit yonr patronag e with a new stocK of Staple and Fancy Groceries ANDERSON & CULL At the Johnson Block janimmm!mntni!!tmnnimammimnn.imH?H,iin,mi Ithe ANHEUSER BEER HALL,a BOSTON & DROWN B KEG BEERONDRArOHT 1 fREE LMCI1 1! A. M. TO 3 P. M I nAIN STREET iiiiiiiiiiiaiiiuiiiiiiuuiitiaiiiigauiiiiiMiiiiiUUimiiuhiiiiiiii i si ! ' I tltntHtfiswy 'JgKWL-MMeUl jsm mmmmmamumm. gggAMBBa, d i in .y. j