Newspaper Page Text
"r" BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1903. PAGE SEVEN 3, V M WHITE HOUSF, J0E awEEw. Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars All kinds of games Music. lOtfl St. Come and get acquainted. R. L. HOGUE, CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying, maos, reports, and examinations. Work in Sonora, Mexico, a specialty. Box 254, Douglas, Arizona, Phone 50 Geo. Mitchell, PreMnt. L. C. Hanks, Cashier. Directors Geo. Mitchell, W. S. DIxson, E. A. Von Arnlm, L. C. Hanka The First National Bank Capital DOUGLAS, BEN GOLDMAN. Complete Doiieia Groceries and Tinware, Hay and Free nd quick delivery to all town trade BRADY-LEVIN COMMISSION CO. H. IVOR THnnAS, Manager Douglas Branch. Cattle, Ranches, Real Estate, Mines. Insurance, Collec tions. Manufacturers Agents CUSTOM 'HOUSE BROKERS. Branches at Los Angelas, Cal.; Tucson and Nogales, Ariz.; El Paso, Texas, and Nooales. Sonora. HOTEL QUEEN Modern Equipment THroughout Centrally Located American and European Plan Corner 12tK and Railroad Avenue Do Yon Realize That Douglas has assumed the proportions of a city? ad that in consequence real estate values ar on the advance la .ill parts of the Smelter City Thrrearo soma opportunities in the way of business and reMdenco lots left. These are for ?ale by the International Land and Improvement Company, the original vendors of the townsite property. List your property for sale or rental with them. A general correspondence solicited The International Land and Improvement Company, DOUGLAS, ARIZONA Walter Cbesser John Sp Dewdrop C hoiceWines Liquors aad Cigars rint St. opposite passenger depot The Bank of Douglas OfEcors : W. H. Brophj, President J. S. Douglas, Vice Pre;, C. O. Hlis, Cashier Diee T s W. U.BrophT.J.S. -las,M.J.Ca:micg ham,S.F. - . C.O. Ellis EiuJpped with ample capita!, we are now prepared to do a general banking business and solicit the accounts of mer chants, corporations and indi viduals. Hotel Ord Corner Tenth and Q Street FiBST Class Accomjiodatioss Sample Room for Drummers H. C. STILLMAN. Proprietor. E. A. Von Arnim Real Estate and Cattle Broker . . . Agent lor Non-Wesldents C. E. Rhone DENTIST Crown, Bridge and Porcelain Work a specialty. Gas ad ministered. Douglas. ARIZONA For Sale by H. C. HERRICK. REAL ESTATE BROKER. DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. Three-room house, furnished, good location; only $1,100.00. Good renting property, brings $50.00 monthly; $1,000.00. I can Mil your property , . . 'hU.L.' Taylor, ' . . ..'. . - : , ..LAWYETR Dougla, Arizona.' -' Bank of Doiglas Bld'g. " $50,000 ARIZONA. GEO. B. RE AY. s Commercial CO, line of Grain. parts of the city, solicited. Out of FIRST CLASS in Every Respect Call on TIM MALONEY THE ABBEY For a Good Drink. .0th Street. - - Douglas Attention Public... lfC Cl'HUADT? r- jvj. jvu rynrvii., riu)i. All Work Guaranteed. Best plumbing Is conducive to gooc kealth; poor plumbing 13 certain death I t trAM vim n flip T r e 1 ten tim rr aail 1 ..!.. n. ,.. i .,, ,k , tt-,,. " iib ..ulna, DOUGLAS, ARIZ. 13th STREET Pioneer Transfer Co. and HOTEL BUSS LINE Nothing to Precious fcr us to Haul I. T. Pierce The only authorized Transfer Agent to exchange checks with the E. P. & 3. W. R. R. C. at Douglas Arizona. If You Are Dry CALL AT Duncan L. Horton's Union Cafe DOUGLAS. - ARIZ. Hotel Roy Onl- First Cls European Hole! In Douglas. V ? All modern conveniences. Porter meets all trains J. A. RASBACH. Prop. Our Monthly Publication pill keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to the , ADVERTISING1 MAN of any responsible house, j NEWS FROM the SMELTER CITY THE REVIEW BRANCH OFFICE HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM THE ROY BUILDING TO THE POST OFFICE. ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BOX 395, DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. ADVERTIilNS RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION MIDWAY SHOWS FOR THE FOURTH SPECiAL ATTRACTIONS FOR JULY CARNIVAL Lady Riders of Smelter City May Have Chance to Show Horsemanship in the Celeoration Races. (Special to Reiew.) Douglas, May 28. Tho midway at tractions for the Fourth of July cele bration promise to be very interesting. A houchy kouchy troup has been en gaged and a regular little Egypt will be here In all her glory. Yesterday morning Mr. Case went to HI Paso to make arrangements for a big Ferris wheel and a big up to date steam merry-go-round, to be brought to Douglas. This celebration, with all of its at tractions, is bound to be far ahead of any other celebration la Arizona. Yesterday afternoon tho Fourth of July committee held a meeUng for the purpose of discussing some of the details cf the big celebration The race track locaUon como up for se rious discussion Mr. C. A Taylor, who is circulating the subscripUon for the Hand stand money, is having splendid success as the Douglas people are taking right hold of the proposition and are -willing to help it along with their money. Already several bids to build a 14 foot stand have been received and one bid for a 20-foot stand. It is be lieved that a 20-foot stand will be built There ma be a horse race run by horses ndden by women during the big celebration in Douglas. There is a number of lady riders In the city and some of them are experts in handling a horee. Such a race would bo very interesting and would make quVe an attraction. DOUGLAS DOINGS j Redrr.en Elect Officers (Special to Reiew ) I Douglas, May 28. Tuesday night the tteamen met for tho election of offi cers There were eighty members of the lodge present Next month tho initiation will take place and a number I of the uniform rank of the order from BIsbee will be present to help the proceedings along. A special car will be chartered for the Bisbee people tc come to Douglas in. It is expected that there will be a grand time at the Joint meeting of the two lodges Ice Plant Will Start Owing to unavoidable circumstances I the new Ice plant will not be in oper ation until next week. Their plant is thoroughly up to date and when in of BIsbee, ara at tho Ord hotel for a operation will have the capacity to! few days. meet the demands in Douglas for ice, I Ward Stiles, who for soma time for a long time to come, figurf-g the ' 'was, an engineer on tho El Paso and population of Douglas to increase at Southwestern, left yesterday for EI its present rate. jPaso. The White House saloon has placed ! Lewis Brown, ot Bisbee, was in an elegant new sien over the i is walk in front of the. place Prospector Nimrods James White and Henry Aston, in company with a couple of other Doug- i;is Peo?!& went out yesterday to ex- a line a copper property about 15 m -js east of this city. They brought bac - a number of samples of high grac ore carrying copper and silver. The were much pleased with what they . aw of the property. They took their runs along and brought back- some SLiall game as a rsward for theli trouble Social Gathering The Th'-teen club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. Masters on Tlhrtenta street. The Mandolin club furnish.. 1 entertainment for the evening. Refreshments were served and a most enoyable time was report ed by those who were present at the Utile informal party. Race Track Selected Thf location of the race track was decided upon Wednesday. The com mittee went out to find a suitable course and decided upon a location a short distance west of town. The L lAfWU. AUG I ,winl ..-Ill tie. ZS. rt n ! ann over thirty feet wide. The ground for atn. Every modern convenience, the track Is perfectly level and it beanUftil new furniture piano, sewing will be without doubt one of the best machine etc. Lot is 50x1 42 Most race tracks in the west. The ground sold Immedhtely. at a real sacrl is very hard and when the brush Is . flce- I' '. ,,. Tpnth B, ll.MJ Mnrnr, 4rA TTllr tpr-'fYVITrt MA very fasL FOR SALE Complete modern as say outfit. Any reasonable offer ac cepted. H. G. Laux, Ord Hotel, Doug las, Arizona. o DOUGLAS STREET RAILWAY TIME TABLE In effect Sunday. May 10th, 1903. Douglas Terminal E. P. &. S. W. Passenger Station (Temporarily) Leave Douglas, Leave Calumet C:40 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 2:40 p. m. 5:10 p. m. 10:40 p. m. 7:05 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 10:50 a. m. .12:00 a. m. 1:45 p. m. 3:05 p. m. 5:35 p. m. 11:05 p. m. PERSONALS I J F. McNally, the superintendent of . the San Marclal division of the Santa j Fo railroad, Is in Douglas on busi ness, j E. D. DeGolyer and ion are In Doug las for a day or so. They are from Durango, Mexico, and are here on mining business. They aro Interested in Sonora and have been visiting their property for a few days. The steel door for the vault in the Bank of Douglas was taken to the bank yesterday and will be put in place at once Tho door is locked by a system of extra heavy bolts con trolled by a combination lock of the latest pattern and a wedging device. N. W. Chase, of tho Atlas Mining and exploration company;, returned , yesterday from the Pavo Rico mine i In Sonora. I Mr Eland, a ranch owner from So nora, came into Douglas on business yesterday. On Decoration day. May 30th, the postotOco will be closed all day up to 5 o'clock In the afternoon, when it will open until 7 o'clock, giving two hours delivery service. Decoration day is a legal holiday, which is the reason for closing the postofflce. Sam Suplce, who is working a pros pect In Sonora, was in town yesterday buying supplies. He says that the 3haft on the property is going down rapidly Ben Sneed and Henry Aston aro Interested in the property Dr Sayons, the famous French jour nalist and mining man, is expected to arrive in Douglas within a few days. He is now in Chihuahua. There is a number of letters and telegrams wait ing for him at the Atlas Mining Bu reau. Dr. Sayons comes directly from Paris, France Mr. Baker, the collector of customs for Arizona, is expected to arrive in Douglas within a few days. Mr. Pulitzer, of the Douglas Com mercial company, i3 reported to have taken unto himself a wife. He denies tho report, but his friends say that the young couple were married Wed naday. J. A. Rice, the Sonora mining man, went to BIsbee yesterday. He has been in Douglas eeveral days. L. A. Hohstadt, of the Providencia Gold and Silver Mining company, left yesterday for the property to examine the new strike on which was recently reported. He will be gone several days. The new body of ore is said to bo very extensive. Jhe Douglas Drug and Trading com pany will soon be occupying their elegant new store J. W. Hardy returned yesterday from the Clark groap of claims, where he has been doing some surveying for tho owners. He leaves for Arlzpe to morrow, where he is engaged in the mining business. Mrs. Lewis Luck and her son, Tom Douglas yesterday. Ho came down to see the city and was very much surprised to find such a big and sub stantially built place. A short time ago Mr. Brown sold the Ivanhoe group of claims near Bisbeo for $140,000, the first payment has been made and the purchasers expect to begin work soon upon the group. 0 320 acres choice copper property ad joining Copper Glance and Marqutte and Arizona. Located in Warren min ing district, Cochise county. For sale by GILLAND & STONE, Mining Brokers, Douglas, Arizona. Office, Ord Hotel. 0 Charles Peverly has. taken. the agen cy for the Picneer Soda Water works of T. F. Metz, of BIsbee, as well as for Lem Shattuck's bottling works, and will" attend to the sale of goods foi those firms In Douglas. 4-25 tl A Great Bargain. A beautiful cottage, furnished, In ttho very best location, on lentn BfcTCfci. Has four rooms. Including i V'" " v . 5-15-tf Douglas, Arizona NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Frederick A. Sweet, de ceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Frederick A. Sweet, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with tho necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator at Naco, Arizona, the same being the place for the transaction of business of said estate. Lin said county of Cochase. B. A. PACKARD, Administrator of tho estate of Fred erick A. Sweet, deceased. Dated BIsbee. this 9th day of May, publication. May 12th, 1903. DOUGLAS HOSE TEAM IS FAST MAKES RUN IN THIRTY SECONDS UNDER DISADVANTAGE Careless Handling of Automatic Gun Causes Consternation Newsy Items From tho Smelter City. (Special to Reiew.) Douglas, May 28. Wednesday even ing tho hoso team made a practice run. They made very good time. mak. ing tho run, attaching tho hoso and nozzle and getting water in exactly tmriy seconds. There was but two seconds delay at tho plug, caused by tho cap being on. The run down II street, around the corner and up Tenth street, was ex ceptionally fast. The boys did good work In handling tho hose and If thero had been no trouble at tho hydrant, tho fast time made at Sunday's prac tice would have been beaten. After getting water through tho pipe, the firemen very kindly flooded the street for a couple of blocks, which completely laid the dust for the time being. The Tenth people appreciated this act of public benefaction on the part of the fire department, as for a few days the dust has been a great nui sance Lost Control of Gun Yesterday morning a Naco man was exhibiting an automatic pistol In one of the Tenth street saloons. By some means the safety catch was dis placed and the pistol was discharged. The bullet went through the front door and out Into the street. It was very lucky that some one in the sa loon or some passer by was net shot. Those automatic pistols are very treacherous and they, can sot be hand led tco carefully HOTEL ARRIVALS E. D. DcGoyler, Durango, Mex A. G. DeGoyler, Durango, Mex Geo. D. Stateson, Chicago, 111 Ed Canet, L03 Angeles Paul Dombech, BIsbee. Leslie Gatlif, Sonora, Mex J. F .McNally, San Marcia. New Mexico. B. E McVeagh, San Francisco H. W. Peacock, El Paso R. H Lester, Chicago 0 NACO LODGE. NO. 20. A. O. U. W. Naco Arizona. Master Workman, K. C. Hicks; Fi nancier, W. R. Chaffin; Recorder, E. L. Kennedy. Meets each Wednes day evening in Madden's opera house Visiting brothers cordially invited. 0 DOUGLAS POST OFFICE HOURP General delivery window open and stamps for sale from S 3 a. m. until 7 p. in., except while the mails are be Ir.g r"M7ibuicd Money order and registry window open from 8:30 a. zn. until 6 p. m., ex cept during the distribution of tke malls. YOU CAN LEAVE DOUGLAS For BIsbee, Naco, Benson and Can' anea at 6:00 a. m. For BIsbee, Naco, Benson, Fair- bank. Tombstone and the west at 3:40 p. m. For Hachita, Lordsburg, Clifton and Morenci and El Paso at 10:10 a. m. For Nacozarl at 11:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. o GREATLY ALARMED. By a Persistent Cough, but Perma nently Cured by Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy. Mr. II. P .Burbage, a student at law, in Greenville. S. C, had been troubled foi four or five years with a continu ous cough, which he says "greatly ilramed me, causing me to fear that I was In the first stage of consumption." Mr. Burbage, having seen Chamber Viin's Cough Remedy advertised, con hluded to tr yiL Now read what he avs of It: "I soon felt a remarkable change, and after using two bottles of the 25-cent size, was permanently cured." Sold by all druggists. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Mary E. Denn, Deceased Notice Is hereby given by the under signed, administrator of the estate of Mary E. Denn, deceased, to the credit ors of and all persons having claim; against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers within ten months after the first publi cation of this notice, to the said ad mlnstrator, at BIsbee, Arizona, the same being the place for the trans action ot business of said estate, in said county of Cochiso. MAUR'CE DENN, Administrator, of the Estate of Mary E. Denn. Cattle Exchange! Muster (EL Co., Props. The Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars CeneralHeadfroarters for Ecverybody 'DOtGLAS, ARIZONA. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the Probate Court of the County, of Cochise, Territory of Arizona. In tho matter of the estate of J. It, Sinclair, deceased. Order to show cause why decreo oC distribution should not be made. On reading and filing the petition Ot V. K Stiles, administrator of tho es tate of J. R. Sinclair, deceased, and praying among other things for an or der of distribution of tho residue ot said estate among tho persons thereto entitled: It is ordered, that all persons inter ested in the estate of the said J. It, Sinclair, deceased, bo and appear be fore tho probate court of the county" ot Cochise, at the court room ot said court, in the city of Tombstone, In said county, on Wednesday, tho 27th day, of May, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m., then and there to show cause why an order of distribution should not be made o tho residue of said estate among tho heirs at law of tho deceased accord ing to law. It is further ordered, that a copy ot this order be published for ten suc cessive days before tho said 27th day of May. 1903, in the BIsbee Dally Re view, a newspaper printed and pub lished in the said Cochise county. F. R. O'BRIEN. Probate Judge. Dated May 21. 1903. 5-23-10t. o PROBATE NOTICE In the Probate Court ot the Conntr; ot Cochise, Territory of Arizona. Notice is hereby given that MaurictJ Denn having filed in this court hi? petition praying for Iettere of admin istration of the estate of Francis A, Ovens, deceased; tho hearing of the) same has been fixed by said court for Thursday, the 4th day of June, 190J, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoonof said, at tho court room thereof at tho court house, in tho ciyt ot Tombstone, county of Cochise and all persons in terested In said estate are notified then and there- to appear and show cause. It any there be why said petition: should not be granted. Dated, May 21st, 1903. F. R. O'BRIEN. Clerk. First publication 5-23-03-10L NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS Office of the Board ot Suporivsors, Cochise county. Arizona. Tombstone, May 12. 19C3. Plana will be received at the offiee of the board of supervisors in tho rltv of Tombstone to June 1st, 1903, at 10 a. m., for the construction of an extension to the- county court nouse and jail. Tho successful competitor wnoso plan3 will be accepte.i by the board will receive the regalar percentage for tho plans and superintending 1 tho construction of tho said extension J. J. BOWEN, Chairman. JAMES T. DUNCAN, ClPrk. PIANO BARGAINS very easy terms during April and Msy. ER, HAMILTON, MASON & HAMMJi and KIMBALL Pianos and Organs VOSE'fi: SONS KINGSBURY FRANK- LIN.WILLARD and many other- pianos- at halt the marked price. Popular,, 10cv THE PIANOLA AND OTHER-S5Ue" PLAYERS " We are pioneer piano men otcthoj southwest. We carry the largest stock of pianos and general musical merchand!saaB5i "lave In stock In our various agencies,' ' iver one hundred pianos of twenty dtfc ."erent makes. Write for catalogues and terms. Redewill Music: GtoII PHOENIX, ARIZ. " Good advertising? Is the nuifirnet whtcX) palls trade. You may have Just as good values as the other fellow, but If h2 tells the public about his ability to do better for them than any one else and you do not hq will get the trade. Tell people why It Is to their advantage to trade with you. Tell them convlnticcly anl Keep telllns them. Chicago Dry Goods Reporter. The drnrrlnir power of an ad. la ranged br It circula tion IT you want to reach the people, nae this papr. AT af ' 4A t't 4 I H, Erfy-, &- j 1 -- rs4 HWg," W"WBWflHMOW