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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
-- PAGE TWO BISBEE DAILY REVItiW, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 30, 19C3 SISBEE DAILY REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Invrlably In Advance By tie year ?7 50 Oy Uo nonUi 75 luued Every Morning Except Monday, CONSOLIDATED PRINTING PUBLISHING COMPANY. The Rer.ew nag a branch office at Douglas, and Is delivered liy carrier la the following towns: Naco. Cananea. Douglas. Tombstone. Benson. ' o ADVERTISING OBJECT LESSONS. The Prescott city council had their eyes opened recently on advertising rates, says the Journal Miner. The lesson should make it easy for the Prescott newspapers to collect their city printing bills in the future. In order to secure a wide circulation of their proposal for bonds it "was de cided to advertise in some of the pa pen? of the larger cities of the United States. The advertisement for which the Prescott papers, which have no contract, with the city for advertising charged $26 for thirty insertions, war accordingly sent to a number of ra pers. The mayor, who is an admirer ELECTRIC PLANTS. In tho Clifton Morenci district there Is a proposition to supply the mining companies, as well those engagea in other business and industries with electric power, which it is proposed to create by a water power on the 'Fris co river some twenty mllees above. A company composed of San Francis co men has been organized and sur reys have been made which it is claimed are favorable to the success of tho enterprise. Both above Clifton, on the 'Frisco river, and below on tho Gila river the AND opportunities arc favorable for provid ing excellent power. Aireaay mis power is being used by tho Detroit Copper company at Marencl. The water for that camp, other than for do mestic use is pumped by water pow er from the 'Frisco river, a distance of seven or eight miles and raised fif teen hundred feet. The. Morenci Wa ter company supplies the domestic water for the camp and it Is also pumped and raised about the same dis tance from Eaglo Creek. There seems to bo no doubt about the feasibility of generating any quan tity of electricity when there is abundance of water in these streams, but just now how the power plants could be arranged so as to provide foi continuing to regularly supply the de mand, either in case of extreme low water or in time of floods down the streams no doubt 7. ill be found a se rious problem To make a power valuable it must be regular and it would have to be based on the minimum amount of wa ter available and then it would have to be delivered beyond possible danger of floods. For generating electricity to uppl the towns of Clifton and those in JA. BAUER, BUTCHER SHOPI j) ysyS2 e3rtt?S- Sst&33,-s8, sQfel52222!222AyQfe'fy'S2&& l $ corner U. K. Street and Railroad Avenue. THE OLD RELIABLE BUTCHER SHOP ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS ahennly butcher shop in Iii&bofl nhich Leaps th yoar 'round nothing but the finest $ Veal, Mutton, ForK and Top Phoenix Beef. Imported Sausages of al Kinds A i VEGETABLES IN SEASON & 1 he Zoo Saloon, Bmn2t33 THE BEST OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGRRS Fresh Draught Beer Always on Hand. Best attention to all AGUIRRE & CORELLA. ' ! KM' t-WMi THE NEW ENGLAND t i. KITCHEN! That's The Place To Eat" X 4:-4ifr-M-fr-:M--M-5' Ki ! ! ! 4"i"H" Boston & Brown. Props. BISBEE, ARIZ. The BANK, of BISBEE BISBEE. ARIZ CAPITA'- $50,000.00 SURPLUS .S25.000.00 Otooslta over Half Million. Director!. Officer!. Ben Williams, J. 8. Douglas W. H. Brophy, president, J. B. Anglus, W. H. Brophy J. S. Douglas, vice president M. J. Cunningham. M. J. Cunningham, caskler. Drafts Issued on all part of tho wot Id Mexican money bourht and sold Safety deposit boxes for rent. Branck. Naco, Ariiona. DEPOSITORY FOR TERRITORIAL FUNDS Branch The Bank of Bisbee Naco, Arizona W. H. BROPHY, President. J. S .DOUGLAS. Vice-President. M. J. CUNNINGHAM, Cashie ED M. BLAKE, Manner. Wo transact a general banking bosIoBSs, issuing drafts ou ail the prineipa. citla of h United State. Mexico and Enrops.llocc Kougi Chtua and Yokohama Japau. Uexlcan money bought and sol J at prevailing marVet prlce3. We solicit accounts from Corporations, Firms and Individuals of Hearst's Chicago American, request ed that the advertisement be placed in J the Gila Valley below tbere is no doubt that paper, but when notice was sent of -what it would cost, he came very nearly dropping dead of heart failure. The price named was ?S60. The order was immediately canceled by tele graph. This incident brinss into notice the absolute fact that Arizona newspaper advertising rates are lower perhaps than in any other state in the union, especially is this true of the daily pa pers. A few weeks ago the Review had occasion to call on some of the larsei metropolitan papers for prices on advertising space. The price per column in one New Work paper was $100 for one column, one day, with no discount for time contracts. If the advertising was of a display character the rate would be doubled. The Arizona daily papers are as a rute receiving a ridiculously low rato for advertising space. In proportion to their circulation, as compared with tho metropolitan papers, the papers of Arizona reach a much larger per cent age of possible customers. The 3ay will soon come when advertising rates In this territory must necessarially bo advanced. There is not a state In the onion that can make a better showing in the matter of the excellence of its newspapers than can this territory, while at the same time there are only a very few that can even keep a bal anced profit and loss acount. but what a sufficient and safe watei power could be utilized, but to supply sufficient power to run all the mass of machinery in the Clifton-Morenci dis trict seems to us -to be a stupendous undertaking, to say the least AN IMPORTANT WATER DECISION. A decision in a water case recently tried in Phoenix before Judge Kent, of that city, has treated gome consterna tion among the water owners and wit ter users cf the Salt river valley. The decision is not ithout interest to the people living in the San Pedro valley, though w e are not sufficiently informed of the canal system on the San Pedro to be able to say whether any one would be affected there or not. The decision is to the effect that af ter land has been once irrigated u water from a stream the 'and can not afterwards be deprived of water, though the owner of the land may have no water rights or interest in any canal. The decision of Judge Kent says that the owners or lanu once irrigated from a stream ma de mand that water from a canal compa ny carrying water from the stream, be delivered to them by paying a reasonable price to the canal for carry ing the water. NEW MAIL ROUTE A mail route on the A. & K. M. rail road from Hachita to Lordsburg, New Mexico, is very badly needed. It would shorten the time in mail deliv ery twenty-four hours between Bisbee. Douglas, Naco, Fairbanks and Tomb stone, in Cochise county, and Chiton. Moi;nci, and Metcalf in Graham coun tyall important mining towns. This would be a great convenience to the people and would be highly appreci ated. A man may now go to Clifton from Bisbee in nine hours, but it require thirty-three hours for the government to transmit a letter from Bisbee to Clifton, because of the ab sence cf a mail route on that part ol the A. &. N. 51. railway between Ha chita. on the El Paso & Southwestern and Lordsburg. The mail leavln; Clifton for Bisbee is brought by the A & N. 5t. railroad to Lordsburg; there it is delivered to the Southern Pacific mail car and is carried to Benon where It remains until the next day It should come direct to Hachita from Clifton which would deliver it in Bis bee nine hours after it left Clifton. It is the same delay from Bisbee to Clif ton. We trust that there will be an effort made to have the government estab lish a mail route on the A. & X. 51. o Hachita. It is badly needed and we !o not believe the government would hesitate for a moment to grant such 3 needed mail facility, If a proper request was made, as In doln so scarcely any expense would be in enrred. DRIMK WALDORF CLUB RYE and you drink the very best BANNER DISTILLING CO. Cincinnati. Ohio MINERS AND MERCHANTS BANK CAPITAL $50,000.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS L. C. Shattucx. president J. M. Muhcim, Vice Presioent J. T. Hood, Cashier t J. Overlook JaxosSChmio Drift for sale on all parts of the wor d Mexican money bought and sold : : : A general banking business transacted. A SHARE OF YOUR PATFOrlACE SOLICITED ! $'' 'i$&f$tBi2 S$f$:$:$3H5-'53r3":515''s'Sd: cadquariers for HAY AND GRAIN We- have in stock. Kansas OaU. Wholo White Corn, Whole Yel low Corn, Corn Chop, Bran, No. 1 Cle an Wheat, San Joaquin Flaked Barley, clean and bright; first class old cutting second crop Alfalfa Hay. New crop Alfalfa and fancy Grain Hay due hero Slay 20th. Let us figure on your next order Special prices la car Iot3 and large quantities. it H'f (?) m w m :m (0 i BANCO de CANANEA Department of Cananoa Consolidated Copper Co S A. La Cananea, Sonora, riexico. Established 1902, Transacts a General BanKing Business Drafts Issued on all Parts of the World. umiaiiB: W. C. Qeeene. President I. MaruiKca, Cashier F. H. Bsechkk, Assistant Cashier W. C. Wiseoae, Teller W. II. Lyons. Assistant Teller COEEE3PONDKNT8 . Chemical Natl. RinV, New York Citr Anglo-Californian Bk., San Francisco Consolidated N'tl. Bank, Tucson, An. Banco de Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico? U. L, Wiechers, Mexico Citf W (?) 't ' n w f ALEJANDRO GARCIA 5eeaSsM AGENTE ADUANAL.Y COMISIONISTA Custom House Broker and Commission Agen? Naco, Sonora. flexico Respectable class of trade onl solicited THE BEER GARDEN Down tte Cunron A nice cool place to spend a watiB day. Now ia a position to take in boarders and have some ntce rooms Short Orders at All Hours V-ll. IGO.lVop. Everything rMel i WHY send to E Paso or other towns i for shodd buggies and pay lo- E;ai freight when ycu can get ' the genuine DEAL BUGGIES . a-.d BAIN WAGONS at Brophy's Ca rria ge Repository J LOWELL I i a-0 carloads to arrwe any day , WW-H-H"M 1 1 H"K"M"i- t--M !! !! r The citizens of Phcenlx do not pro pose to abandon the fiaht for municipal owcership of the waterworks of that city. At a public meeting a few days a?o the -Municipal Water Works League" was organized. It is prr posed to isue city bonds for the pur pose of a supply aater works plant to be owned by the city. Only recently a special election was held in Phoenl-c to vote the necessary bends to earn' out the proposition of municipal own ership, but the old water company succeeded in defeating the bond issue by a very few votes. Another eiecuou will be ordered in October. Municipal ownership of ail public franchises is growing more popular all the time and the probability 13 now that the proposition in Phoenix tor the city to own its own water works will be victo rious when it is again voted on. YOU When You Travel, Travel Right -W-M-5-:- Mark Hanna has made it plain that President Roosevelt owes him nothing for the endorsement of Ohio republi cans. The fact that Roosevelt refusess to rely Implicitly in the political judgment of Hanna must not b taken as any indication that Roosevelt is a fool. The Intemperate language indulged by Dr. Thompson, a number ct tnc Presbyterian general assembly will not rerult la any serious narm w lut Mormons. Neither will it assist any effort to expel Senator Smoot from his set In the United States senate. No one will blame the Presbyterians for condemning polygamy, but there are many of the- Mormons who are not po lyc&mists and never were and there are many, even when polygamy was urged by the Mormon leaders, who never went Into it as a practice aor assented to it as a church law The onlv way for the Presbyterians to remove Smoot fryn the United Sen ate is to convict him of the crime cf polygamy. They can not hurt either Smoot cr the Mormons Sy Intemperate language. I PASO & SOUTHWESTERN R. R. Fastest, Cleanest, Best Through Dining Cars Only Direct Line to EI Paso Close Connections to all Points NORTH WEST. SOI -EAST j. Cochise Lumber Co. Incorporated Wholesale and retail dealers in Puget Sound, Texas and California pine. California redwood, lath, shingles andshahes; mouldings, doors, windows and mill work. Tel. 143. W. C. READ, Manager. Bisbee, Arizj ggBd i Of Course we have WOOD and COAL t I Stove and Cord Lengths Phone 102 MOORE BROS, and WREN Office at Yards in Lowell and Brewery Gulch Dubacher 3uilding TH K"Hww'HwwKK4ww4wHHKK"! The Fourth of Jnl: program in Bis bee will include the full list of sports and contests. It looks now like the 1S0S celebration, being prepared for, will be grander,ln evrry way, than the one of l2t year. SULLIVAN FIRST MOTION HOISTS The DIAMOND nun IS rrnMDPFSQnus r Standard and RocK Drills r AT? THIT Wfl1T J We Carry a complete line of RocK DriiU TX Repairs also Compressors and Diamond Drills at onr BRANCH HOUSE, EL PASO, TEX. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO J, '?? - 4$4'SsS4''S'3'S,3 CHARLES VON ERXLEBEN Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Room 12 Postoffice Building Charges: $5.00 a day. Including free use of team. Mining claims In group survey ed and platted. $5.00, each. Development, assessment and other professional work at possible lowest rate3. Blue prints free. Satisfaction In every respesct guaranteed 5 Mining property platted and reperted upon. IdFllnTv rarrh) shop "j iy 5) Jfr CITY BARBER SHOP BATH ROOM AND PrtRCf L! TUBS EMU MARKS, PROP. (f) 'SZii''Z.''.'fZ' m r .T-'..l Cr j:-S:S-iB't!- laiHfnmiHinHinHnniniinnwimnmnifflfnnHiHnwimme You Don't Make a Mistake 3 When you buy a Hall's Safe. They arej made for service, as their use for overr3 sixty years will testify. The bestZS made. ' XS Wo make a specialty of Bank;3 Vaults and bank equipments. Corre-3 spondencd solicited. sEl Paso Safe and Specialty Co., ei Paso, Texas IiiUiiuuiiiuaiUiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiuimU'iiuiiiiimmiiiiuiil PWfWifn! f L 'I J y It M 2k v .-' ,n s. i "Mlr' mLri in i; wiiiinlMtnf ."Tiftaf