Newspaper Page Text
)WS iac !WMf & &'W fcf wiiflrragi'iiiillMiWiW ' JtAtJrV YAGB TWO FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5. 1903 NlVtBIXYCLU5 WfcWfc.UT " "" &g,mmmsmmmimmmmmitmmmm im. Fit II l I I v tij Rr iir f ' , It II II;' f h & l 8ISBEE DAILY REVIEW JUBSCRIPTIONRATESM B7. uo year r; ?.'.?.?. .sv!9. 1 J7 50 ' iii uy ue monta 75 temcd,Ev6tyJilotnioa .Except. Monday. CONSOLIDATE! iTEol PRINTINGS AND ublIshingTcompanv. i- nrt tp TbjBevjea' nas,a brancn official . - :ji"Ak. . Douglas; and isdellvered liy carrier in O10 following (ownsf - Naco, Cananea, SSSSA'AlQrtl a3tftTA3S Benson. 4 I i ...V ic .. . - (M ir TH ESTR!KE.SITU.ATIONr1 - Tfie dispatches last night Indicates abat the strike situation in the Clifton "Morenct district is growing; mory'-seP riom. There is an indication of trou- blo brewing The report thaf repre- aent4tlves ot the Federation of Minora arekstcj; to Cllftoa and MorenefTo or-" Canlt unions Will not help natters, but miy result 5n an unnecessary pro". ionsi'.ion of the trouble 2-m Clifton andJ- Aforenct, as silted Yeff terdav. ate the pioneer Copper camps' in Arizona; there has -never be'en a la Jjor-crjanlntlon there;" ever before Dispatches from Columbus, Ohio and the republican convention in that state does not indicate tho totat obliu ration of HanQromthepoliticsflf J,hat state. HeseettoJM very lubah Jn evidence anaUiblit-feal imrrmes may Binf' in uinj arertiveiycurpse; it is nowsure that any eadorvemeuCoF Robsewltas a presidential candidate will have a string to it and It will be subject to control by the individual desires of Mark Ilanna; if lianna desires to use Ohioretear in hia own presidential 4''j- WM"l$Wl-t... aspirations it Is his beyond question. c- ' - Thqro were clouds visible yesterday up Tombstone canyon with some rain i(i Bisboe, In view ot this wo desire to advise that eje be kept pa the-, head sates. . . , Disbee's Industry continued undis turbed. Thl9 is the ideal cimo of all lin 'Arizona and the" Review hopes that .jBotntng' mayevcrtranpiro to to dis turb the present unhers?al good feeling and prosperity. t &Q&e&. Wiiil!2,Q&&2S!Q.i& &&&b'&&&2&&'S&Q3&,&Kl2'&i A. BAUER, BUTCHER SHOP ' -4 Corner $,' K.'Street aid Rallroa AvenM. u5 F 1 .1 - . "! " . - . . . ' ' i L THE OLD RELIABLE BUTCHER SHOP .A3 ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS 1 he coir butf har Klion J r.. .. w.i -'id '- eai, nniion 2 ?, 'flhM uniainai -d P5ssa.eyie.'?e,pypypya. &g2Qwsp&f22&Qysfy&& 1 9 I I , aijTH&N E WENGIi AN Q, WFiMnu :u.i nun u KITCHEN! r ' xd 7 9lh?f- :rmc-ri-nofTilj 9a 4-1 hat's TJie Place.Tq Eat" Boston & Brown. Props. BISBEE. ARIZ. :'' ; SURPLUS The BANI1 of BISBEE BISBEE. ARIZ ni IiA-inaW .. NCAPITAl.'55O.000.CO .,-.-V... $25,000 O0B ti Directors. Ben Williams, J. S. Douglas J. D. Angius, W. H. Brophy -Mguunnlngkam. - tT ptposrtre v3K it! W 11 Hon. 11 Office ra. Brophy, presfdeifC in W. H, J. S. Douglas, vice president Drafts Issued on all part of the world baiety deposit boxes for rent. Mr-Ji-OunninKkam." caakler Mexican money bought and sold Branca. JNaco;Ariona. ! DEPOSlTOKY-FORTTERKITOFaTVLr-rUNDS"' :: :! !! ...., T il fr J. it..T. A1-11 it f 1 ' j f -. 4TJ1 ' X. J ? (: its there bfeco any serious Ubor trou-1 fofe the "Ballot ghaU" ?pread. ihere blos there. In no other camplrr Art "f on." " na has there been more perfec"saf- .isfaerton between la'borerg 'and em3 ployers nntll the present trou Ue. The compmiesTiave always" shown tfie most feindly-Jsonsfderalon for' tK'e men em ployed'and on the1 6ther hand the m-n employed hare" alwiys"15ien loyal .and laVA"1 10 tfac int9reits''ofJne compa nies. . ,, If IheTeerafion intends to attempt At the recent session of the grand chapter of Colorado the following de cision of the grnnd high priest was npproi ml r 'So .chapter shall receive the petition of a companion for aflilia. tton unless he, ahall have visited the said chapter jit least once previous -to the preseurTtiy'oIr ncl? petition, and ,-he fchall visit the chapter once subsw quent Xa the reception of the same be- to place unions in Clifton and Morenci Ahls is not the time to take.up thejnat- ter, as su:h an attempt cant only add fresh pomplications to the present un inrtanMe diffiicsti:, Tha preseat,sftuatpn at Clifton and "Morencias one which demands sober, tkocctt tni cool anJ delibsrate action on the pa't oT all-conc'ernef; any at vsmpt to strr jp eygitmjut) b-qutyd-e interference xttll'ia oUrCoplri)h;J be lo2.tbB'vor;jjAejconrpaules of that aisnc'TVfn.SeeftBfnlf resent any inter ference fro-n Colorado. Should a un ion be forced into Clifton during the y-resenttroublertrm-ay Jead tofurnre strife hetween the companies and" the men? whereas thelrrelatlonshave been non-unionism and thsj cOmpl,rfcation ca'ijht"n3t,''nDvr be introduced. ThB unlonizlnz of Clifton and MprScj' v.v. ---- ------ - r--z-r--; r'--r.. tie preeat trouble fsover than rz s ;' cz ia 3 .y'ca-f a-jc laue to, after the pre MOwt "" The Iisview doss not, under kiv tvha. should be dona to end the present strike' aj, COIton andflojj rencf, as that is an affair wnolly con- corning the miners nowona ;trikesand the employing cdmpaynle Tlieloonv- . w " r-T . 7. -("1 . "j . .. " panics Jiae,the nht tosaj what the wiif pay miners 'orefght hours work. If the msnare not willing to work for the wage 'scale loirered'it Is ttielr rfgfit to"quft. Jfotber flien are, wUfing to work for lie wagp. scale'' offered it is thelr'right to do so anu any attempt to AuiiCiieru wiiu iucuj iu iud vujujifueuv of tSa-right, sacredly pledgtdb"yjie cocst'tutlon to every American, is .a violation of law The approach of the Colorado repre sentatives can result in no'.hlng but a prolongation of the strike in the dis- If our dispatches were correct last aightthe miners tiae already shown a disposition to abridge and hipder the rights ofothers wEieli are-guaranteed by the American Constitution, It there,are men in Morenci or,any- where' else in Anzooa who desira. to work fb- wares offered it is their right s-aq whosoever interferes wfth them does' lo in violation j that American iruarantee ol freedom. . " ", Itl5"td'"be hoped that trouble, will bo avoided, but the writer knons enough about praham County to know that f there are men In Morenoi or anywhere in" that county who desirca to work they will be protected in sodoinjj, T&e sheriff of Graham County, Jame- V. Parkin is atlhe scene o( the threat ened trouble; he is a cool, brave and determined man. He has men as depd atfes in whom he can rely at all times and under any circumstance. The IJeview having knowledgo of Graham County's sheriff and the deputies under hii piedict that anyiSerioas trouble will be presented. This Is a time for peace making in the CUfton-Morenci district and any attempt at agitation nill be ill-advised. Ths mining industry there which em ploys nearly 4,000 men is paralyzed ami the daily loss is enormous both to companies and men and overbody hav ing- any interest there should strive to hriK about a satisfactory solution of xhe present difficulties, that wortc 'may be resumed"""- Tlie Jlnsons ofIIavana on their oti bulldlps and have one of the best and mot 4pJcfo"us"lodse rooms in the (-Island - - -Jt -- The rasons of St.-JosVph, Mich , -will erect a 40,000! Masonic temple , 1 Lord Ivitchouer was installed as dis tract srond master of tho Punjab by Jhe Duke of Cmnaught at a Masonic Catherine recently at Delhi) , ( The nw Scottish Kite cathedral in Portland. Orp. will be- sumptuously furnished" One of-the features of lbs rq.uip,ntcnt Is a $lb,000 organ ex1-! 'iiinucji t'S iuq touan company at uie -Tan Aniencau.cspo'iltlon. The. grnixl chipter of Pennsylvania has twenty-seven district deputy grand high pritwta A temple to coVt S50.000 -will be erect ed by the Masonic" bodies in Engle- nood.lll 3'97 " ,L ? ' A $73,000 Maoiik temple -iT to-be oryrtwUn Glur pity,Iav ( NyihigTJtij)lfiisJynur worshipful master ami his ollicers h'etter than to have a weU filled andxronded lodge at the meeting', says the Keystone. It cuthnses'thecnTienland bettetSWOtirl ReporU read W the recent scsslon'of he grand lodge oCJUab show a mem bershin In that iurlsdlctlou ot 1.033. 'The gatrl fir thoiyeatsruslOMfc-W. V monumeuL 10 lue iuic itf-iu v Jiarj Tvffibe'vrectetf thVlnnlpeg-Cy thf-Jfa? sons of ManitobaraiiarUie'QrtUyeat t Tcmtorie.-, -Zli.- t-Z 5. t ODD'FELtOWS.- fo 66Jid5.ceoei oi srii'.v 3M:, it HAY AND GRAIN iv; -f pm-y. ,grii r ? i' a. p lccJ ttl r-! JWe ha-e itfstoeltf -Kknias- Oats, Whola. White Corn; Whole Yel low Corn, CornChop Bran, fo. 1 Clean Wheat, San. Joaquin Flal-ed Barley .tleaaaad brigat;q Br3tfcja33 oldcnttins''6ecqndf'cr6p"f Alfalfa Hay. ' Now crop Alfalfaan'd fancy Grain Hay duo here May 20th. Let us figure on yousaext order. -Special prices In. car lot? and large quantities. . . ... . . if -J . . 1 . Branch The BankofjBiske I Naco, Arizona W. H. BROPHY. President , J. S .DOUGLAS, Vice-President. lCtA)A AdHi Jv3jjiO)IJ M. J. CoNNlNGHAM, Cashier ED"M.JBATCE, Manaierf a We transact a (roeral fepklBbQln''ess,Issnjndiatuoajj ptlncpal cities Jp be'Cnlted States, Mexico and Earope, IIosz Kousr, China and"okGhama, Japan. Mexican monejbocurtit sod oUot preTailinK market prices, Wo solicit accounts from i, Corporations, Firmj and Indirl Judls ALEJANDRO GARCIA AGENTE ADUANALY COMISIONtSTA Custom House Brokerand Commission Ageai " Naco, Sono'ra. flexico Respectable class of trade only solicited THE BEER GARDEN Do-vrn the Gtanyon ., A nice cool place tO'speuS' a warm daj. . Now in a position to take in boarders and have, some nice r6omS. Short Orders at AH Hours V.H. ICO.Frop. Evera-thini Cr3tcI-. --x--:--w-w--:'-fs-v-M-: Z YOU LodSfsi oX;Uie,prdr,Jn Jlany COM " trtr Knlcndlir Crlp. In "inofikiniT nf the order recentlv Cframl Sire Goodwin said-i;"Whlle tlie I. OO F. is nn American order, yet .the principles upon -nhlcb it i-found ed-aro so broad thaflt appeaUto the people- ot all countries- To the, north of ua. in Canada, where the red flag pi 'England wae.s jtliere arc-many thoui sandSjOf Odd Fellons, while there are grand Ipdgts In Germany, Australasia the Netherlands, Sweden and Swltzep land At the taiectlnB of the bo ercign lodge "nlrctecn different countrl&s, with many different" lnunV'rs-aro sometimes represented." - The order fcj now about .to enter Jjuth Afrlcakiaiid it is predicted by many that thuinemborshlp In that part of the gfobo will be second only to the mcmCcrsIilp In he "United States. ' Therf will soon be enpuj-li Rebekah lodges'"!!! 'Washington-for-tue forma tion of an assembly. This is & con-v summation long desired by Washing' tons Odd Follow. U .. u Jlissourr has-ouq, of .the finest Odd IelIotv3' l(om In- the country, ,U U situated lu Liberty and, cost $100,000 Callfonila's 301 subordlpate lodges, 200 .Itobe.l3li lodges', pi "encampments and 25 cantons' have a combined mem bership of over 00,000. ' Tlicrfe-ls every reason to believe that OfldJ Fellowship Is-entering upon1 an cra-of mirlaled prospfcrlty, says the 0(W Fcllona' Hcrnld. Now let every member become enthused and do his duty, and. the result at the end of the. vear will be astonlsblnz. Call for the "Kl Trpplco" cigar, made n Blsbfie from Clear Havanna Fill lags and Sumatra wrappers. Sold ev erywhere. 0 NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS Offlcc of the Board of Snpcrivsors, Cochise county, Arizona. Tombstone, May 12. 19C3. Plans will be received at the office of the board of supervisors in the city of Tombstone to June 1st, 1003, at 10 a. m., for the construction of an extension to the county court house and jail. Tho successful competitor whose plans will be accepted by the board will receive the regular percentage for the plana and superintending tho construction of the said extension . . J. JV BOWEN. ChAlnnan. JAMBS TV DUNCAN, Clerk. Jni 'Jj' (. v.,i'v ;" 1 " Wheii i You. Travel, Travei , T - -Right . . CL PASO i SOilJHWESTERM R. R. . 1 t sit 3 t 9 - C" & Fastest, Clea'nest,sBest Through' Dining Gars -, Qrily Direct Line to EI Paso . Close Connections to all Points., 1 NORTH feiortO V l3it3 WEST. -EAST SOUTH Ti ! ? ? if if 1 f - AAA j A" If WW "' "i V V V '9 VW -i-k-h-h-x--h-H' : ; : : i- -i rriifMiBYii 11 afl II Tim inn irrcf . . . lflil YAH HEM, 144 So. Alain St., Los Angeles, Cal. Just Opened, thoroughly Renovated and Nexvly Furnish- ea. new riumDin? ungnt a-a sree-ts' rcsms ro Kates 50c per day ana ji.uu per weex up. KBff ULLIVAN MiNiwr Miruiwcnv r lnta Hoisting Engines STANDARD air compressors OF THE WORLD Diamond Drills Rock Drills We carry a complete line of Rock D.-ius and Repairs, Hose and Steel, also Con pressors and Diamond Drills at our BRANCH HOUSE, EL PASO, TEXAS. 1 B THE SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO. I MINERS ANO MERCHANTS BANK ' CAPITAL - S50,000.00 OFFICERS AK0 DIRECTORS L. C. SmATTUCK. PRtSlDtNT J. M MUHCIM, VlCC PRESIOCNT J. T HOOO, CAtrflED l. j. overlock Jakob 8chmid Draftn for sale on all parts ot the wor d Mexican mo&ev booghtandeold : : t ! A general banking business trantaeted A SHARE OF TOUR PATR0NAEE SOLICITED -.,. i BANCO de CA'NANBA Cepartment of Cananca Coasolidaled Copp G6 , S.;A. La Canariea, Sonora, flexico. SS.-33S.sS33S3S53a.33'a,a53!S:3:- hv' $9&:&:.f.tS&:&:6:e66Se Established 1902f Transacts a General BanKing Business " ' i r Drafts Issued on all Parts of the World. " oyyicEBsi '" " W Cs,QacEVE.iPresident LMiOMAkes, Cashier F. E. Bcecbuc, .Assistant Cashier W. C. Winioab, Teller W. H. L.IONS. AsiUtant Teller J COBHEPONDBSTii: Chemical riatf. Bant', New "Vorit Cltr Atwlo-Califoralatt Uk., Ban FraneUeo Consolidated NU.ilanV, Tacaon, Arlr. Banco de Sonora, IlermojiUo, Mexico II. ., Wiechers, Mexico City WHY sa-yi Jp E pao dnqther towns for shoddy buggies and pay lo cal freight when you can get the genuine DEAL BUGGIES 'arjdAIN , j3. Broph 'Carrjageeposilor) " lowell' j " Two carloads to arrnren yday t ' "n odj l-3f di ilw j'ii CdcfflSE"r:iJM:BEot Incorporated 'DC (-S ""il Wholesale and retail dealers in Puget Sound, Texas and California pitfo , 7 California redwood, lath,shingles andshahes; mouldings, doors, windows and mill work; - Tel. 143. C. READ, Manager. Bisbee, Ariz Phone $.&Gtt4G&$&l4rp&$&Z&3&S 4&$t Of Course we have WOOD and COAL- Stove and Cord Lengths " 102 MOORE BROS, and WREN Office at Yards in Lowell and Brewery Gulch Dubacher Building -I ?54sss4K$Kx CHARLES VON ERXLEBEN Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Room 12 Postoffice Building Charges: ?f00 a day, Including free use of team. r Mining claims in group survey ed and platted, $5 OCT, each. ' ' Development, assessment and other professional; work at possible lowest rates. Blue prints free. Satisfaction In every respesct guaranteed Mining property platted and reperted upon. ' 1 s -r-v-x ,-?-?'S- C,,a-S,-:?'i?" c-rtftf ri . rii CITY BARBER SHOP IVERTMNG flliST-CUSS BATH ROOM AND PORCELAIN TUBS EMU- MARKS, M m ftmnimmnimninifflnmiiwininnnnniinmmnininim mYou Don't Hake a Mistake .-s nfSill1! When you huy a Hall's Safe. They are; made for service, as their use for overly sixty years will testify. The besttS made. 5 Wo make a specialty of Bank Vaults and hank equipments.- Corre-Z3 spondence solicited. S sEl Paso Safe and Specialty Co., ei Paso, Texas g YJ. " "11 iiiuiiuiuuiiuiiiiuuiaiuiiuuiuiiiiiiiuiiuaiuiuuiiiiiu ' i . i ' i i ;t i 'W :o iz "S-st if ' in hOalWB - , - '.i iT) -oi t ,i)ieyo oa ti 9iifT sta-io j ( Ji'( wAtlrtiui J ffiWTiinrfaos bar aoiinit EA-iM33 llll .1 T ' I i 'j I ft a 'i t; " "" iJ,'"WWE553K" T L i- tL vrs5r - "igsr-W isr&"-.