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J0"1piPgtf ijRjllMlrtBBtf t figfitvtprrf ctuaT 023D ,45-? . V 1 -tiSiSWfjvJi. . 4.V BI8BEE DAILY REVIEW, WEDNE80AY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1903. ).'i . life WHITE HOUSE, j6e OR,BPieto, Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars iil kinds of panics Music. lOtll St. Come and get acquainted. R. L. HOCUE, CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying, mans, reports, and examinations. Work in Sonora. Mexico, a specialty. Box 254, Douglas, Arizona, Phone 50 Geo. Mitchell, Prs.vH. L. C Hanke, Cashier. Directors Geo. Mitchell, V. S. Dlxon, E. A. Von Arnlm, L. C. Hank The First National Bank Capital $50,000 DOUGLAS. ARIZONA. BEN GOLDMAN. Complete Douolis Gommsneial GO. Groceries and Tinware, "- Hay and Grains - -s Free and quick delivery to all parts of the city. Out of towu trade solicited. Do You Realize That Douglas has assumed the proportions of a city? and that in ron.Tinc re.-l estate values are on the advance in all porta ot the Sitelter City. There are tome opportunities in the way of business and residence lot left. Thev are for sale by the International Land and Improvement Comnary, the original vendors of the townsite proporty. List your property for sale or rental with them A. general correspondence solicited The International Land and Improvement Company, "DOUGLAS. ARIZONA -The- Bankof Douglas Oftcers : W. H. Bophy, PreMent J. 8. Douglas, Vice Prer a O. Elli, Cashier Diss t es - W. H. Brophv, J.S vls, U. J.Oaoaltui ham,S.F. . C.O. EHU Einlpped with ample capital, wo are now prepared to do a genera! basking business and solicit tie accounts of mer chants, corporations and-. Indi viduals. Hotel Ord Corner Tenth and Q 5Creet Fihst Clas3 Accommodations Sample Boom (or Drummers H. a STILLMAN. Proprietor. E. A. Von Arnim Real Estate and Cattle Broker . . . Agent tor Non.Resldests C. E. Rhone DENTIST Crown, Bridge and Porcelain Work a specialty. Gas ad min is lerea. Douglas, ARIZONA If You Are Dry. CALL AT Duncan CSL Horton's Union Cafe DOUGLAS. - ARIZ. CANANEA. YAQUI RIVER . PA CIFIC RAILROAD (Vneral Notice Effective January 15, 1903, folio wing will be daily schedule of passenger trains: I eare Naco 9:30 a. m Lea re Cananea 2:00 p m Arrive Cananea 11:30 a m Arrive Naco 4:00 p. m E. A. McFarland, Asst General Manager. Naco, Sonora. January 15, 1903 Passenger Time Table. E. P. 4. S. W. Ar. from Douglas 7:07 . m. Lt. for Naco 7:17 a. m. At. from Benson, 8:50 a. m. Lt. for El Paso and Dougla 9: CO . m. Ar. from Naco 12:38 p. m. Lt. for -ac 1 p. m. ) Ar. from El Paso 4:42 p. m. H. L. Taylor, LAWYER, Douglas, Arizona. Bank of Douglas Building. t 4"fr 4 S DR. s. a. UTZ, l PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Chaso Building. DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. GEO. B. RE AY. line of Call on TIM MALONEY THE ABBEY For a Good Drink. -0th Street. - - Douglas Attention Public... JOS. SCHWARTZ, Prop! All Work Guaranteed. Best plumbing is conducive to rood ealth; is certain deata If you want first class piumblng cai on the Douglas Sheet Iron and Plumb Ing Works, ,dhjglas,asiz. uth street 320 acres choice copper property ad joining Copper Glance and Marqutte and Arizona. Located in Warren tnln ing district, Cochise county. For sale by UILLAND & 8TONE, Mining Brokers, Douglas, Arizona. Office, Ord Hotel. SAVOY RESTAURANT. European Plan. Proprietors: Leo Putnam and Miss Oda Kaler. Ninth St, near G, rear of P. O. frJ4-' - DOUGLAS POST OFFICE HOURP General delivery window open and stamps for sale from a. m. until 7 p. in., except white the malls are be Ir.g i"xtribmcd Money order and registry window open from 8:30 a. m until 6 p. m., ex cept during the distribution ot tkt EI Paso Northeastern SYSTEM In connection with the ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM, is the Short Line between El Paso, the great Southwest, and Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis .Memphis and prin cipal points East North and Southeast Elegant Pullman, Standard and Tourist Slepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Day Coaches on all trains. Dining Car Service Unexcelled. Call on nearest agent for full la formation, or addess the undersigned N. B. For a handsomely Illustrated booklet desriptive of CLOUDCROFT, the Premier Summer Resort of the Southwest, send four cents postage to A. H. BROWN, General Passenger Agent E .P. & N. E. System. El Paso. Texas. Cattle Exchange! Kuster CO. Co., Props. The Rnest Wines, Uquors & Cigars C trlK4fartr i for Kreryhy D9CCLAS, AUZ0XA. NEWS FROMthe SMELTER CITY THE REVIEW BRANCH OFFICE HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM THE ROY BUILDING TO THE POST- OFFICE. ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BOX 395, DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION HOSE TEAMS ARE NOW TRAINING CAPITAL INVESTS HEAVILY IN CHIRICAHUA MINES. Business Men Consider Advisability of Forming Mining Bureau to Inves tigate and Sell Reported Strikes. (Special to Review.) Douglas, June 23. Last evening the department hose team made the best practice, run that has as yet been made in Douglas. This team is do ing excellent work. They will go to Bisboj during the celeluaUoa in that city, and compete wj(h the teams thai are expected to run there. Bisbee will reciprocate by sending a team to Douglas to compete for the prize offered by the Douglas committee. The Douglas department team has not run In harness at any ot the practice runs, and lt Is expected that when the team gets Into harness and running clothes, their time will be lowered considerably. Last night they run in 31 seconds. Last week there was a big sale of Chirlcahua mining property. The Chiricahua Development company, through Superin-endent Knowles, bought the Sullivan group of claims, the Bahn brothers group and the Streeker claims. Tho. Sullivan claiars tare rich in silver and lead, and also carry good copper values. The Bahn and Streeker claims are copper prop erties. The consideration is $750,000 for the whole number of claims. Ten r.i cent is paid down in cash, and the balance is to be. paid within seventeen months after the first payment. The3e properties adjoin the Captain Burns group, which the Chiricahua Develop ment company now owns. The recent strike of larse bodies of copper ore in the Chiricahua moun tains has attracted the attention of capitalists to that section, and befo:c many days another big sale will be consummated. There is a movement on foot among some of the leading business men of Douglas to establish an exploration company in this city, to investigate reported mining strikes and prospects, and to buy and sell properties that have been proven by expert examina tion to bs of value. Prospectors of good reputation will be employed to search for mineral indications, both in Sonora and Arizona, and report their finds to the company, which will investigate the reported find, and, it satisfactory, put the property on the market. o LITTLE DOUGLAS LOCALS. (Special to Review.) Douglas, June 23. Superintendent Simons of the E. P. S. W.. is In Doug las on business connected with the road. , Mr. Evans of La Cananea, Yaqul River & Pacific railroad, is in Douglas today on business. The management of the Midway has made arrangements for a shadow graph entertainment, to be run on the Midway during the Fourth. A shad ow boxing contest will be thrown on the canvas. Mrs. Wm. Harper, who is at the hospital, is reported to be rapidly im proving. The little child of Mr. Billlngsly died yesterday. The little one seemed to be getting better, and it was thought that It would entirely recover its health, but Sunday night a turn for the worse came, and yesterday death claimed the soul of the little home brightener. Fred Pennington, a fireman on one of the passenger locomotives of the E. P. & S. W. railroad, who has been seriously ill, left for Deming, where his parents live, this morning. Mr. R, H. Hughes, the baggage agent at this station, accompanied Mr. Pen nington to his home In Deming. Mr. Hughes will return to Douglas within a couple of days. Mr. Musset, who for some time has been a salesman In the store of Ren- wick White, has resigned his position and has accepted a position in the machine shop at the car shops. Mr. Care, who has ben on the road billing the large cities of Arizona for the Douglas celebration, has returned to Douglas and reports that every where he went he was assured of many people coming here to attend our big celebration. N. A. Comstock, who sells safes, is in Douglas from El Paao. J. L. Obermuller, who has be:n prospecting in Sonora, has returned to Douglas. The Wpodmen are making arrange ments to give one of the swellest dacceB ever given In Douglas. The affair will take place on Saturday night. Good musIcJtas heen secured by the managers of 'xl.ball. Last night a resident of Douglas had a pocketbook removed from his pock et by a light-fingered gentleman. The pickpocket was muned'0jv,i,blcycle and rode up behind; 'the man with the pocketbook, grabbed lt out of his pock. et and made his escape. Ho has not been caught The book contained S150. Within the last few days there have been two business changes in Douglas. The Capitol saloon and the Commer cial restaurant have changed hands. The Douglas band reorganized last night, with Mr. Lincoln as leader Some of the players who went into the organization at the Btart have dropped out, but others have taken their places. This band will play at the bull fights. A band from Fronteras Is al&o engaged to play during the bull fights. The committee which has charge of the lodging of the guests of Douglas during the Fourth report that they are securing a large number of lodg ings, and that all who come will be taken care of. Mr. Burrous Edso has gone down into Sonora to examine the Providen- cla property, with the Intention of buy. Its into the company it he Is satisfied with the results ot his investigations. Mr. Edso Is from Cripple Creek, and is interested in some of the big mines in Colorado. He is expected to return to Douglas very soon. Mr. Stone, of the Providencia company, will leave tomorrow for the property, to see what progress the development work 13 making. Mr. Fred Hess ha3 returned from th'e Bisbee Consolidated mine. Last week the Acton & Marts build ing cm Tenth street changed bands. William J. Roberts bought the build ing, paying JS.uOO for it, which is con sidered a very good price. H. Clay Herrick made the sale! JoeSwartz has'brought his family from Bisbee to Douglas, and sold his property in Bisbee. He will build a residence In this city. He is now putting modern plumbing in the three Sparks houses. - -- Dr. Nye left last evening for Tomb stone, where he goes to testify In the Webb case. Dr. Nye made the ex amination of the body of Lon Bass af ter the killing. Date Graham took Ramon Flores. the Mexican who pleaded guilty to horse stealing, to Tombstone last evening. Flores was bound over to await the action of the grand jury, which does not meet until December. Hotel .Ord arrivals: Mrs. Luck, Bisbee; C. N. Wright and wife.B isbee; T. F. Hines, brickyard; W. A. Fiege and wife. Dragoon; H. G. Laux. city; J. H. Hall, Phoenix; L. A. Smith. Tombstone; James Davidson, El Paso; Mr3. Hines and children. brickyard. Hotel Roy Arrivals: Fred A. Ray, Denver; Ben Goldman, city; T. A. Comstock, El Paso; C. M. Mandis, Bisbee; A. G .Roberts, Bisbee; L. O. Corson, Tucson; Robert Jacobson, Tucson; J. K Obermuller, Cos; Mrs. Ellis LeMaster and son. o ATTENTION. MINING MEN. We will sell or bond the Old Guy nopa, an old developed property, full of' gold and silver, for $80aQ. This property has a tunnel 100 feet in ore, and a winze that we do not know the depth; it Is filled with water. On the property we have a dump, from which we can show you $1,300 assays in gold and silver. We will guarantee that you can get fifteen thousand dollars out of the dump as it stands today, and it will probably show you a great deal more than we can assure you In It. We do not ask a cent, but want you to investigate the property; lt is there to prove Itself. This mine is the greatest offer that has been made for some time. The reason is that it lies in a section of Mexico where few white men have been until recently. There Is plenty of water, and water power on the ground. There are no assays 'to show, on any part of the main ledge. that will not warrant shipment. For further particulars address W. F. Ross and H. Clay Herrick, Box 3, Douglas, Arizona. 6-24-5t . o One and all served thf same, ri o" poor, at the Hotel Queen. Coma where your money buys the most. 6-23-2t o The special sales days sIvmi weekly by the Emporium are looked forward to with a great deal ot in terest by the public It 3 CUTS, BRUISES AND BURNS HEALED Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antiseptic liniment, and when apniled to cuts, bruises an4 burns causes them to heal without maturation 'and much more quickly than by the usual treatment. For sale by all druggists. ' DO YOU KNOW that an advertisement in The Re view brings quicker returns than any other publication in the Southern Mining Field. Hotel Roy Onlx First Cla Curpftn Hotel in Douflii. r" P All modern conveniences. Porter meets all trains J.-A. RASBACH. Prop. MANGLED UNDER MOVING TRAIN 3IMON VERA'3 LIFE CRUSHED OUT IN FREIGHT YARD. Lived Three Hours in Excruciating Pain Came from El Paso del Norte. Might Have Been Drinking at Time. (Special to Review.) Douglas, June 23. Last night a Mexican named Simon Vera camo to a horrible death under the wheels ol a rapidly movoing U eight train. The victim of tht accident was apparently ijius uuuuuu uj; me rails, witn one arm and leg over the rail. One arm was severed from the body and the log taken off just above the knee. The head was cut, supposedly by a brake beam. Tho man was horribly mangled. As soon as possible a doc tor was called. . Dr. Uta responded to the summons and boarded an engine and was taken to the scene of U, accident, which was near the LInwood hotel. The doctor made a quick examination and found that Vera could not possibly live. Strang to say, the man had loat but very little blood, as the arm and leg bad been so crushed that the arteries wtfro closed. Bandages wero at once applied, and everything done to eais the pain which the man was suffering. The accident occurred at about 10 o'clock, and at about 1 Vera died. Before dying he became conscious and told thoso present that his name wa3 Shrxm Vera, and that his home wa3 in El Paso del Norte, but that be had been working at Las Animas. He said his father's name wa3 Jose Maria Vera, and hla mother's name Julias Lopez Vers. Vera was put on a car and brought into town. Dr. Hickman was called and assisted Dr. Utz In trying to save the man's life. Near where the man was run over a bottle of mescal was found, and there is every reason to believe that Vera was under the infiuenc of the mescal and had, while in an intox icated condition, stumbled onto the track and fell down under the passing train. The inquest will be held this afternoon at the office of Coroner Johnson. Vera was so terribly mangled that many ot those who Baw him afer tho accident wero completely unnervted and could not stay near the man or help dress his wounds. o Everybody's money looks alike at tho Hotel Queen . 6-23-nt o YOU CAN LEAVE D0UGLA8 For Bisbee, Naco, Benson and Can anea at 6:00 a. m. For Bisbee, Naco, Benson, Fair- bank, Tombstone and the west at 3:40 p. m. For Hachlta. Lordsburg, Clifton and Morencl and El Paso at 10:10 a. ra For Nacozari at 11:30 on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. DOUGLAS STREET RAILWAY TIME TABLE In effect Sunday, May 10th. 1908. Douglas Terminal Passenger 3tation E. P. 4 S. W. (Temporarily) Leave Calumet 7:05 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 10:50 a. m. 12:00 a. m. 1:45 p. m. 3:05 p. m 5:35 p. m. 11:05 p. m. Leave Douglas 6:40 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 2:40 p. m. 5:10 p. m. 10:40 p. m. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are just what you need when yon have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste In your mouth. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invlgoratn your stomach and give you a rlih for your food. For sale by all drug gists. o SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM FOR TERRI. TORIAL INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL AT BENSON ARIZONA. Build a brick tank In ground 10 fee from present artesian well; Inside di mensions to be 9 feet deep by 12 feet diameter, built of hard burned brick 18 inch wall laid in cement mortar, 3 to 1 bottom to have 6 inch concrete 1 to 8 of broken stone, sand and cement well tamped, and the bottom and sides to be plastered with cement half and half, mado smooth and perfectly tight. Use No. 1 Portland cement for al! work. Tank to bo covered with 7-8 T. & O. properly constructed. Hinged opening 3x3 feet left In top. Conduct the water in a pipe from well to tank (10ft.) 3 feet below present outlet Top of tank to be level with ground. Place over this tank one 10 foot Ideal windmill or other equally as good, with 35 foot 3 post steel tower. One 3 j Inch brass body iron capped cyllndeftbrasa plunger rod to pump into tanks placed about 10 feet from sunken tank and run from these tanks 700 feet to building, with 2 inch gal. vanized iron with band of pipe around top, placed on tower. Towers to be oenstructed of 8xG Inches and tie rods 3-4 Inch platforms of 2xlC lnches-18 inches centers covered with 2 lncr plank. Tanks covered with 7-8 Inch T. & G. properly suportod and venti lated. Build concrete footings under tower supports 3x3 and 3 feet deep with cement footings 4x4x1 Inch concrete 1 to 6. Run a 1-1& inch plpo Into hall on first and second story in building, and 6 foot from floor place two Pacific hose reols vvllu 100 fest 1-1 inch underwriters linen hose, and valve nozzle and coupling for each reel. Second story is 16 feet from ground. 1 gal. outlets to connect with supply pipe to plumbing in building with gate valves at proper height to turn water on and off. Sewer con nect waste outlets with 4 Inch stone pipe and run to cesspool 10x16x20 feet dep 200 feet from building, and give proper grade digging trench, cesspool and back filling. Cesspool a bo cribbed with timber no Ies3 than 8x10 in threo tiera properly braced and backed with 2 Inch plank. Build cover over cesspool with 8x10 Umbers and 2 Inch plank, 2 feet be low surface of ground braced strong enough to drive over, and cover with dirt. The contractor is to furnish every thing to make tho job complete, to make a first class job in every par ticular, and to be turned over to board in perfect working order. All of thn wood work to bo painted two eoata white lead and oil, color as directed. Scaled bids will be received at the office of Henry Buehman. Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Indus trial school, Tucson, Arizona, up to a. m. of the 22d. day of June. 1903. tha board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. HENRY BTJBHMAN, Sect, Plans can be seen at the office of A. n. Emanuel, Tombstone. Arizona; Ben Heney. Fairbanks, Arizona and H. Buehman, Tucson, Arizona. o - MENDED ARTICLES OF INCOR PORATION OF THE piSBEE QUEEN DEVELOPING COMPANY, Know All Men by These Presents: -. That the articles ot incorporation or ? tho Bisbee Queen Developing Com pany, as heretofore duly filed and re corded In the office of the county re corder of Cochise county, and In tho office of the territorial auditor in and for the Territory of Arizona, have been and are hereby amended in the matter following, that Is to say, that that certain provision of said articles of Incorporation which is in words and figures as follows, to-wit "First, That the name of said cor poration shall be and is Bisbee Queen Developing Company" shall be and 18 amended so as to read as follows, to wlt: "First. That the name of said corporation shall be and is Bisbee Queen Development Company." B. F. GRAHAM. As President of Bisbee Queen Develop ment Company. Attest: WM. L. HARGROVE, Secretary of Bisbee Queen Develop ment company. t Territory of Arizona.) """- ' County of Cochise, )ss. Before me, S. K. Williams, a notary public In and for said county and ter ritory, on this day personally appeared B. F. Graham, known to rue to be the president of the Bisbee Queen Develop ment Company, and as the president of the Bisbee Queen Development com pany acknowledged the execution to the foregoing amended articles of In corporation as the free act and deed of the Bisbee Queen Development Company, by him and by Wm. L. Har grove, secretary of said Bisbee Queen Development Company, voluntarily executed and attested. Given under my hand and seal ot office this 7th day of May, A. D. 1903. (My commission expires November 30th. 1904.) S. K. WTLLIAMS, Notary Public (Notarial Seal.) Recorder's Office. Tombstone, Cochlde County. Arizona. Filed and recorded at the request ol B. F. Graham & Co June 1st. A. D. 1903, at 9 a. m.. in Book 2 Incorpora tions, pages 461 and 4G2. FRANK HARE. County Roco'der. PIANO BARGAINS very easy terms during April and May. ER. HAMILTON. MASON & HAMLIN and KIMBALL Pianos and Organs VOSE & SONS KINGSBURY FRANK LIN WTLLARD and many other piano at half the marked price. Popular loo THE PIANOLA AND OTHER SELF PLAYERS We are pioneer piano men of ' southwest We carry the largest 'stock of place and general musical merchandise and 'lave in stock In our various agenrifui iver one hundred pianos of twenty dlf "erent makes Wr'te for catalogUM nd terms. Redewill Music Co., "J '. -NL ARIZ 1 r xC2F mmBiraBCBfe