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'iOjliiwumw" . BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 2. I I? A . X BttN GOLDMAN. Douglas Commercial GO, Complete line of Groceries and Tinware, Hay and Grain. Free snd quick delivery to all town trade Qo. Mitchell. PrMMMi L. C. Hanka. Cashiar. Director Geo. Mitchell. W. 8. DIxson, E. A. Von Arnim, L. C Hanka The First National Batik Capital $50,000 DOUGLAS. ARIZONA. THE WHITE HOUSE, Fine Wines, All kinds of games Music. IOtH St Come and get acquainted. ' R. L HOGUE, CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying, maps, reports, and examinations. Work in Sonora, Mexico, a specialty. Box 254, Douglas. Arizona, Phone 50 Do You Realize That Douglas has assumed the proportions Of a city? &xd that la coaseqoence real estate Talac are on the adraoce In all parte of the SmeHor City. There are some opportunities in the war of business and residence lots lefu These are for aSe far the International Land and Improrement Couipanj, the onvtn-il Tendors of the townsita Jiropertj, List joar property for sale or rental with them A general correspondence solicited The International Land and Improvement Company, DOUGLAS. ARIZONA -The- Bankof Douglas Officers: W. H. Brophjv President J. 8. Douglas. Vice Prer C O. KUis, Cashier 'Diss 1 w "7?. H.BrophT, J.S ham, S. F. "vlas, H.J CucQinf . C.O.EUi Eiaipped with ample capital, ire are now prepared to do a General banking business and lollclt the accounts of mer chants, corporations .and .lndl Tldnala. Hotel, Ord Corner Tenth and O StrerU PiBST Class Aooohmodatioks Sample Room for Drummers H. C STILLMAN, Proprietor. E. A. Von Arnim Real Estate and Cattle Broker . . . Agent tor Nonresidents C.-.E.' Rhone DeNTiST Crown, Bridge and Porcelain Work a specialty. Gas ad. mlnisterea. Dooolas, ... Arizona If You .Are Dry CALL. AT Duncan L Horton's Union Cafe DOUGLAS. - ARIZ. EANANEA. YAQUI RIVER & PA CIFIC RAILROAD General Notice Effective January 15, 1903, following Trill be dally schedule oi passenger trains:' I eare Naco 9:30 a.m Lea re Cananea. S:00 p. m Arrive Cananea 11:30 a. m Arrive Naco 4:00 p.m. E. A. McParland, As8L General Manager. Naco, Sonora, January 15. 1903 Passenger Time Table. E. P. &. 8. W. At. from Douglas 7:07 . m. Lt. for Naco 7:17 a. m. Ar. from Benson, 8;50 a. m. Lt. for El Paso and Dougla. 9:00 . m. Ar. from Naco 13:33 p. m. Lt. for .ac 1 p. m. Ar. from 3 Paso 4:42 p. m. ' H. L. Taylor, LAWYER, ft Douglas, Arizona. Bank of Douglas Baildlng. 8. 8. UTZ, M. D, Office .hoars 10 to 12 a-.m.; 2 to 4 p. m.t and 7 to t p. m. ' Night aad day calls answered1 - from offlce, "took 7andaVAts Us Bandtag. ' DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. " '' GEO. B. REAY. parts of the city. Out of solicited. J0E QR,BPLDErw Liquors & Cigars i 320 acres choice copper property ad joining Copper Glance and Marqutte and Arizona. Located In Warren mln Ing district, Cochise county. For sale by UILLAND & STONE, Mining Brokers, Douglas, Arizona Office. Ord HoteL YOU CAN LEAVE DOUGLA8 For BIsbee, Naco, Benson and Can anca at 6:00 a. m. I For Bisbee. Naco, Benson, Fair bank. Tombstone and the west at 3:40 p. m. For Hachlta, Lordsburg, Clifton and Morenci and El Paso at 10:10 a. m For Nacozari at 11:30 on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. 8AVOY RESTAURANT, European Plan. Proprietors: Leo Putnam and , Miss Oda Kaler. Ninth St, near Q, rear of P. O. Hotel Roy Onlr Flrat Glass European Hotel In Douglas. " All modern conveniences. Porter meets all trains J. A. rVASBACH. Prop. El PasoNortheastem SYSTEM in connection with the ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM, Is the Short Line between El Paso, the great Southwest, and Kansas City Chicago. St Louis .Memphis and prln cipal points East, North and Southeast Elegant Pullman, Standard and Tourist Slepers. Free Reclining Chair Cars and Day Coaches on all trains. Dining Car Service Unexcelled. Call on .nearest agent for full In formation, oraddessithe undersigned N. B. For a handsomely illustrated booklet desriptlve of CLOUDCROFT, the 'Premier-Bummer Resort of the Southwest, send four cents postage to r A. H. BROWN, Genera! Passenger Agent E .P. & N. E. System. El Paso. Texas. Cattle Exchange! Ktister CO. Co., Props. The Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars , GeneralHeadquarters for Eerer? body DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. MIIW3S5 rosTY-TnntD rzAE. 43 Pages : Weekly i Ktatratsi. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. $3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. " sent oa axtnts corr. MMRCSdaitiflcpltESS S3 atlSXET SX. HIT FSAVOKS. CAL - ?- ww. Hi THE REVIEW BRANCH OFFICE HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM THE ROY BUILDING TO THE POST OFFICE. ALL COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BOX 396, DOUGLAS. ARIZONA. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON AP1LICATI0N FIGHTING BULLS HAVE ARRIVED VICIOUS LOOKING BOVINE MON STERS PENNED UP. Preparations for the Exhlbttlon of Best Bull Fights Ever Held on Bor der Accommodations at the Ring. (Special to review.) Douglas, Ariz.. July 1. Last night the herd of bulls for the Agua Prleta fights were driven into the pens at the bull ring. A Review reporter took a trip oter to the ring, accompanied by Mr. C.!F Nichols -and Judge Henry see the ani mals that will furnisrr the sport for the thousands who will witness the bull fights. The bulls are certainly beauties. They are all large, well fed, full blooded bulls, and certainly look like fighters. They are powerfully built and active. If some of the bull fight ers don't get killed or seriously In jured during the three days' fighting, it will be because they are extraor dinarily skillful and can do mighty fast foot work. The bulls are in the best of condi tion, and do not show any effects from their long drhe oterland from the Cachuta ranch No one Is allowed io go near the bulls, as they become used to people and will not put up so game a fight If they.Are accustomed to the sight of man The ring Itself is being wet down every day and rolled with a heavy roller, to make the ground hard and free from dust, which might make it not only dangerous for the fighters, but extremely unpleasant for the spectators Already people are going over to Agua Prleta In large numbers, Just to see the big structure, and all say that lt far surpasses anything hey expected to see The management has arranged a special box for the representatives ot the press. Tee press box is directly over the arena, and is large enough to accommodate all newspaper men who may go to the fights. The AS30. elated Press will be represented, and the United Press will have a man. present at the fights, also the Hearst syndicate, besides several of the pa pers In this part of the country will have men on hand to report the fights. The press box will be fitted with chairs and tables for the use of the Teporlers. The box is directly over the exit from the arena, and Is twenty feet long by twelve feet deep o LITTLE DOUGLAS LOCALS. (Special to Review ) Douglas, Ariz , July 1. The Douglas Drug company had their formal open ing today. The house for the ccse cart was moved across the street today and placed back of the Ord hotel. This was done to make room for the speak ers' stand A special conveyance has been or dered sent here for the sole use of the governor during his stay in Douglas as the guest of the city. oere will be an automobile here during the celebration, to carry pas sengers to and from the bull ring in Agua Prieta. The street railroad company may run their car3 on the track of the B. P. & S. VT. to and from Agua Prieia during the bull fights, and several hacks and stages will be continually running, which will provide means for every one to go and come from the bull ring without walking The Mexican who was captured a short time ago in Ag'ia Prleta by Officer Johnson is; still in the Agua Prieta Jail, awaiting the ar rival of extradition papers from Her mosillo. He is in irons, and has a guard over him. There is now abso- lutely no doubt but that he is the much wanted criminal. The city is beginning to put on its Fourth ot July clothes. Most of the stoies and business houses are belug decorated with the national colors, and the appearance ot Tenth' street is very pretty. The passenger train to and from Cos on the Nacozari raod Is well pa tronized. The coach is always crowd ed in the first-class compartmenL Travel into that part of Sonora is in creasing, and the road will soon have to put oa a different coach to accom modate the traveling public The Mexican vice consulate opened In Douglas today. The consul's offlce is on E avenue, between Eleventh and Twelftn streets. Brooks, the trick bicycle rider, s n Douglas. He wUl ride after the fight on the Fourth in a cycle whirl in the bull ring. Mr. Fink", of the Brady-Levin com mission house of El Paso, returned to El Paso this morning. Dr. LIndley went to .Benson tits morning to meet his, son, flafeo Ie com ing heie to make, .Duglasus home for1 a while. "' ' The Toting contest for the Oodde38 of 'Liberty is growing intareatlns. At this. writing the leaders are Mfss' Lin coln and Miss Hendersoa. Thursday in THRisnb closes the contest, but there Is plenty ot time for a new contestant to enter uie race. Ed Miller, a mining man from So nora, Is In Douglas. He Is lu.eresied in a gold proposition with Dr. Utz, cf this city. The property consists ot somo thirty pertinencias, and from the work bo far done a good showing of ore has been made. The property is not far from Nacozari. A small force of men will be put to work, anu systema.ic development begun. Mr. Miller will leave for the property in a day or so. The band met again for practice last night, under the direction of Bert Lincoln. The boys show decided Im- provement, and are producing excel- Z .r i .. I Tl " 1 also for the Midway. .The offlce ot E. R. Pirtle in the old Bank ot Douglas building is being remodeled and up-to-date office fix- tuies and fu.nlture put in. When compleled this office will be one of the best equipped real estate offices in the southwest ' The hose team made an extra good practice run last nighL The water pressure was strong, and in conse quence of this it was possible to see what the boys were doing. They made the run and had water at the nozzle in thirty seconds. Mr Lewis Luch and son Tom re turned to Bisbee last evening. aaaaw yvr - - t caa JJ aaAX Vaaaa aaaaW im aBMataaa. "SSv t "T m "CV- aaa bbbbW iS f57P NKV Xk.a'fcJ? aaaal bbbbb! V Jf 5aa. ' jM!amaT1PBIIIBflaaaaaai V ivl aaaal W of ihe Islands ' BBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBai B The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars f4t k H 71m Band Im tho Stnokei Protection M- Hb "-"BBBBBBBBBBBBBataaBBBBBBBtBBBBfa'a'aB ' " ' '" . mnimmmmninimnimmminminniinnimmfiimininiiiinininnimnifiHnniinm I Announcement I We 1THE FORMAL OPENING! si Of our New Store on 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY FIRST 2 H And to invite you to call on that day and look II us over. On opening day each lady patron will p be presented with a. valuable souvenir; Don't J pfail to see our new line of Jewelry and try our j soda. I THE DOUGLAS DRUG CO. lUlilUiUiliiUiiUUiUlUiuilUlUiiiUiUllUUilUlliUiliiUitiiilllUlUlUililUilllUlUllUUiUlui I I n k I 1 1 yhv-?m; CUSTOMS OFFICERS ON THE ALERT CONTRABAND GOODS ARE BEING 8IEZED DAILY. Special Preparations Being Made for Meeting of Two Governors at Bull Fights Good Ore on Exhibition. (Special to Review.) Douglas, Ariz., July 1. Two adjoin ing boxes at the bull ring are being aecoratol today for the use of Gov-'a lernor Brodi3 and Governor Ibel ol Sono'a- American flags and Mexi- JL.T , e,n'w,nea, aDout "" if8' ElT,ns an ,nternaUonal aspect. u i.crou.0 oi mo two governors at me Dull fights will lend a certain algnlty to the occasion which will be appieclated by at least all Americans who are present at the exhibition or the great Spanish sport. Lately the customs officers have been seising a large number of Mexi can cigars which wore being smuggled out of tho town. For the next few days an extra force of inspectors and line riders will be stationed in Doug las to watch for contraband goods crossing uie line. There will be wish to announce ( thousands of people dossing back i and it will take quite a force to pre sent drawn work and Mexican cigars I from coming into the United States. There is on exhibition In one of the store windows on Tenth street some samples of ore from properties owned by the Cochise Prospecting and Dever opment company. There Is also sample of the placer gold and tno gravel from which the gold is washed. The ore samples are very rich Jn metal, and the placer gold is coarse and bright, and should run about 3Q to the ounce. One of the exhibits J an Indian batca, or gold pan, used by the Indians to dry wash pay dirt. The brokerage offlce of tho Brady. Levin commission people has been closed. Mr. Levin was in Douglas jesterday from Nogales, and Mr. Fink of El Paso was here to close up the business affairs of the firm in thlp city. Mr. Ivor Thomas, who has been the representative of the firm m this city, will remain here and conduct brokerage business for nimself. Eat at Ilo'el Queen July 3d, 4th and 5th, in Douglas. Best service, best cooking, and prices reasonable. 7-l-4t o - Little Egypt, the original, will be seen at the Douglas carnlvaL For a lazy liver try Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. They invigorate the liver, aid the dlgestloe, regulate the bowels and prevent bil ious attacks. Fo rsale by all druj. gists. Bosco, the strange Australian freak who eats live snakes will be seen in the Midway, Douglas, 3d, 4th and 5th. 3 3 3 . . , . ,"w i F v I 1 7 I JJ 'r - ft' 1' Hi rf