Newspaper Page Text
MjMBMWMIpMWWpwwwWiateBfaag kkkkv -i'.-- - iwggTzrKaBBWBwwiiwwwwiM.jiiwi'iiui,iLttJSf iv J - W"'T"" 'finrrrtin i ... .. i ' " ' : r 1 KTWttti'Th ITl HiTTii TTIii nniBii.t. imk .... ,,,-,... ...,. -a i i ni i rf"r3BBMfcf 1 :' "' ' , " ' 'l'1 '. J'VJ' " '""''I l' ' " 4 WMHttM - ,:l,mmmm m ...., 11 i n-i ijp mw. ') ' ' n --gSMr ' ill BUSINESS BRIEFS COCHISE COUNTY SCHOOLS mil . T' M "" 'TI llWWi.lim.WV.'"- C' TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 14, 1&03.TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 14. 1003. i i m l ' m THE FAIR STORE & 55 The balance of our Ladies Shirt Waists, comprising the Choicest of the n n 1 'I' I ? w- TV W 5 ft 5 PATENTS. Patents Hazard & Harpham. Los Angeles. Send for tree bojlc on 94tents. o Yegetables In cold storage at Mo fceri. o YOU DONT WANT TO FIND yourselves out of water some HOT DAT, do you? 'Well. then, why don't you get one of those Galvanized Iron Water Tanks Prices J2.50 and up from B. O. ORD, The Plumber and Tinner Stop at Hotel NoWes In Tombstone, o WATER NOTICE. All persons desiring to take water from the McDonald Springs, call at ay office. In Dunn's drug store, oppo site poet office. Rates $2.00 and $3 00 r month. A. J. CRONK. o Soaps, perfumes, combs, brushes and tllet articles, at Central Pharmacy, o Cold air storage vegetables at Hosier's. o Ask your grocer for Eureka Lemon TacSa Extract, only manufactured by B. Maler & Co., Benson, Arizona. 4-19-tf. When you want to rent a house call and see Wallace's list. No trouble to how houses, horse and wagon always t the door. L W. Wallace 8-13-tf AN EATABLE POEM Thai. Opera Club Cafe la the talk of the day, Along with mutton chop You can have Ralnlers hop Private rooms for ladles. Sweet music for babies; If looking for better fare. Trust yourself to our care No one can excel Tie goods that we sell, tf OLL1E. The new cigar, the Bisbee Favorite, b on the market It is certainly cor rectly named, for It U the favorite of very one who has tried IL You will know the box, for It has a half-tone sgraving of BIsbee's favorite, the football team, on the cover. o Get wholesome vegetables at Mo ther's, t-f 3 Slake Plrrung. All kinds of mining properties for ale In fractions or groups. No middle man need apply. Also an interest in Ix claims that Join the Easter Sun Bay. Four houses for rent two, cee, four ant six rooms located In a& Bisbee, coK"ven!ent to all points thereabouts. Enquire of Jacob Plr nad, better kno.-rn as "Dutch Baker." j . o HOTEL WILSON, 125 W. FlrsSL Well lighted, airy rooms, neatly furnished and clean. European plan. Rates 50c to $1.50 per day. All street cars pass the house. o CHOLERA INFANTUM. This has been regarded as one of the most dangerousand fatal diseases t- which Infants are subject It can b cured, however, when properly treated. All that Is necessary Is to five Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. as directed with each botle, and a cure U certain. For sale by all druggists. o Fresh vegetables at Moshera. Grease the wheels of your thinking apparatus and thing Schwartz Bros, when you are wondering where to get the very latest and best In men's high class furnishings. 7-10-tf o For a good, comfortable smoke, try the "El Troplco" a home production A trial will convince you. o THE DRUGGIST WILL BUY IT BACK. Ton assume no risk when you buy Chamhberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. Your druggist will refund your money If you are not sat isfied after using it It Is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy In use for bowel complaints and the only one that never falls. It Is pleasant, safe and reliable, o We are still "kecpin' on, keepln' on" in the way of new goods at the Men's Store. Canvas shoes galore! Our big leader, the TJ. S. A. shoe in tan and black, $3 50. E. & W. colars In every size and style, as well as their shirts. Howaboutycu? 7-10-tf SCHWARTZ BROS, o No man or woman In the state will hesitate to speak well of Chamber lain't Stomach and Liver Tablets af ter once trying them. They alwayr produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, improve the appetite and tTengthen the digestion. For sale by all druggists. o Every one who has smoked a Favor ite wants another. tf Miss Wolf's hair dressing parlors, 25 Brewery gulch. Shampooing, man icuring and scalp massage. , . 7-10-6t (Special Qonrespondence.) Tombstone, July 13. I have collect, ed for the benefit of your readers some statistics In regard to the public schools of Cochise county. The following is a list of the moneys collected during the second quarter of 1903, to be apportioned to the sev eral districts, as reported by Treasurer Scribner to County Superintendent Wallace: J. C. Page. Justice fines $ 5 73 M. J. Brown, Justice fines 27 50 C .A .McDonald. Justice fines. -18 20 W. W. Garnet. Justice fines... 4 93 R. O. Johnson, Justice fines... 12C 00 A. V. Lew Is, gambling licenses 1,168 uj W. F. Nichols, territorial aud. 1.1G3 30 A. V. Lewis gambling licenses 91200 Five poll tax receipts 12 50 W .W. Garnet, Justice fines.. 19 95 J C. Page, justice fines 23 05 C. A. McDonald, Justice fines. 23 15 V. R. N Greaves, Justice fines 38 65 M. J. Brown, justice fine3 33 CO W. W Garnet, Justice fines. .. 9 95 A. V Lew is, gambling licenses 8S3 50 C. A. McDonald, justice fines. 15 10 J C. Page, justice fines 5 43 M. J. Brown, Justice fines 35 90 V. R. N. Greaves, justice fines 4 30 Twelve poll tax receipts 30 00 To apportionment 24 81 To apportionment 81 45 To apportionment . . .-. 1"9 93 Total $5,407 49 The money was aportloned to the different districts by Superintendent Wallace as follows: District No 1. Tombstone $18'? J District No. 2, Bisbee 186 41 District No. 3. Hereford 1S6 47 District No. 4. Huachuca 186 47 District No. 5, Babacomari.... 186 47 District No 6, Fairbank 186 47 District No. 7, Cententlon 186 47 District No. 8, St David 186 47 District No. 9. Benson 186 47 District No 10, Tres Alamos.. 186 47 District No. 11, Adams 186 47 District No. 12. Dragoon 186 47 District No. 13, Willcox 186 47 District No. 14, Teiston 186 47 District No. 15. Dos Cabezas...' 186 47 District No. 16, El Dorado ISC 46 District No. 17, Wllgus 186 46 District No. 18, San Simon 186 46 District No. 19, San Pedro 186 46 District No. 20, West Huachuca 186 46 District No. 21, Marcus 186 46 District No. 22, Pearce 186 46 District No. 23. Naco 18G 46 District No 24, Pools 186 46 District No. 25, Turquols 186 46 District No. 26, Cochise 186 46 District No 27, Douglas 186 46 District No. 28, Slaughter ISC 46 District No 29, Black Diamond 186 46 Total $3,407 4: The following has been apportioned by Superintendent Wallace for. the re serve fund, as required by chapter lfl section 128, paragraph 3, of Iheschool laws; District No. 1. Tombstonejn- crease. 49, $12.81 $ 620 20 District No. 6, Fairbank, in crease, 1. $12.81 12 81 District N .oS. St. David, in crease, 1, $12.81 12 Si District No. 9. Benson, in crease, 2. $12 81 25 47 District No. 13, Willcox, In crease, 2, $12.81 25 47 District No. 21, Marcus, in crease. 13, $12.81 164 62 District No. 23, Naco, in crease, 20, $12.81 253 17 District No. 27, Douglas, in crease, 89. $12.81 1,126 02 Total $2,240 63 The following estimate of the prob able expense -of maintaining tin schools of Cochise county has been furnished the board of supervisors by Superintendent Wallace: District No. 1, Tombstone $ 5,300 District No. 2, Bisbee 15,000 District No. 3, Hereford 500 District No. 4, Huachuca 500 District No. 5, Babocomari 500 District No. C. Fairbank 500 VERY REMARKABLE CURE OF DIARRHOEA. "About six years ago for the first time in my life I had a sudden and se vere attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got temporary relief, but it came back again and again, and for six years I have suffered more misery and agony have suffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physician's prescriptions and treatment without avail. Finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to see an advertisement of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, with the testmonial of a man who had been cured by IL The case was so similar to my own that I con cluded to try the remedy. The re sult was wonderfuL I could hardly realize that I was wel again, or be lieve it could be so, after having suf fered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cured me." For sale by all druggists. ORDINANCE NO. 27. An ordinance for the prevention of fast driving within the city of .Bisbee. 500 1.000 2.200 r.uo 500 2,0)0 500 500 500 50J r.ii.i too 300 1.800 2.000 1,500 r,00 l,00 500 1,000 M0 2,000 2,000 Total $49,250 I For some time past the Chinese in spectors of this part of the territory have suspected that numerous Mon golians were being smuggled Into the territory from Mexico, and that they were being assisted by parties living In this section. A few days ago Dep uty Sheriff I.arrieu, of Fairbank. was given a tip that a man named Bennett was engaged in this business. He accordingly notified Inspector George I Webb, of Tucson, to come up to Fair bank. The two then watched the ac tions of Bennett for a few days, and jesterday they surprised him with two ! Chinamen on the river near Charle: ton. Bennett and the Chinamen -were placed under arrest and brought here and lodged In jail. The Chinamen will be taken before Judge Doan with in the next few dajs, and will no doubt be ordered deported, while Ben. nelt will have his examination before Commissioner Emanuel, and will be held to await the action of the next United States grand Jury. The recent grand Jury brought in an indictment against two parties for bringing Chinamen into this country unlawfully, and the bench warrants for their arrest are now in the hands of the United States marshal. The ball game yesterday between the Tombstone and Benson nines re sulted in a score of 11 to 4 in faor of the former. The game was called at the end of the sixth inning on ac count of rain. Doings in Court Saturday. Bowman vs. Anderson; set for July 27th. McNally vs. Radovich; set for July 27th. Bebrins s. Behrins; set for 19th Taylor vs. Burns; allowed until close of terms to file exceptions. United States vs. Felipe Garcia; jury returned verdict of not guilty, and de fendant discharged . The First National Bank of Tomb stone designated as depository for all bankrupt funds of this district "EdmlnstonTS. Edminston; dlorce;' decree ordered. Haynes vs. Hockley; set aside deed; Judgment for defendant Accounts of W. H. Baker, deputy collector of customs, $2; J. M. Miller, Inspector of customs, $7.50; T. A, Hoi' land, inspector of customs, $10 50, and John Cook, bailiff, $8, approved and allowed. United States vs. Frank Mastrovlch; plea of not guilty withdrawn and plea of guilty entered; charge was smug gling 300 cigars; judgment was pro nounced fining Mastrovlch $200; payment of $140 was made, and a guarantee of $60 offered to cover fine. United States vs. Innocente Silvas; convicted of selling whisky to an In dian; the Judgment of the court was sentence of six months' imprisonment in county jail and a fine of $200. United States vs. Albert Alvord; A. R .English, for defendant, pleads not guilty to all indictments; all cases set for Monday, 9 a. m. It was or dered that ball in Alvord's case be fixed at $2,500 each in two cases, and $1,000 each in balance of four cases,' making a total of $9,000. The bond has not yet been furnished. Be it ordained by the Mayor and ( Common Council of the City of Bisbee, las follows: I Section 1. That it shall be un I lawful for any person to ride or drive I any horse, mule, or team, in any ave nue, street, alley or lane, within the limits of the said city, at a greater rate of speed than six miles per hour, or at a greater rate of speed than a natural walk, within one hundred feet of any corner, turn, intersection, or crossing. Sec. 2. That any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars, or shall be lia nriswtifid for a nerlnA not rxreedfnz J two months, or shall be punished by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as re quired by law. Passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Bisbee, this 7th day of July 1903. Approved the 7th day of July. J. J. MUIRHEAD, Mayor of the City of Bisbee. Attest: W. D. KINSEY. 1 7-10 8t " City Clerk. District No. 7, Contention District No. 8, St. David District No. 9, Benson District No. 10, Tres Alamos... District No. 11, Adams District No. 12, Dragoon District No. 13, Willcox District No .14, Teviston District No. 15, Dos Cabezas... District No. 16. El Dorado District No. 17. Wllgus District No. 18, San Simon District No. 19. San Pedro District No. 20, West Huachuca District No. 21, Marcus District No. 22, Pearce District No. 23, Naco District No. 24. Pods District Nj. 53 Turquoise... . District No. 26, Cochise District No. 27. Douglas District No. 28, Slaughter Expense fund Reserve fund, 5 per cent js choice, the very latest S Oxford, Cheviot, Lawns, at 50c on the Dollar. there's justone hundred $10 Choice of all our Handsome, Organdies and Silk Mousseline do Sole Waists, yoke of all-over Chan tilly lace, sleeves tucked at shoulders and elbows, large flowing ends of real Valen ciennes lace, worth $20.00 each; sale price $10.00 $1.50 Ladies Waists go at 75c The sizes run from 32 to 42, box plait fronts, with lace Inser tion, others with embroidery and hemstitched, 30 In this assortment $1.50 Ladies Crash Skirts at I5c About 35 in the lot, made of grass linen, linen collars, plain tailor-made, sold regular at 50c and 75c 15c S3.50 Men's Crash Suits at 75c There's about 15 In the assort ment, in light, medium and dark colors; pants are made with belt strap ,turn-up bot toms. For Monday, Tuesday SB International Undertaking Parlors ROBT. HENNESSY, Manager Rolled Steel and Metallic Cas kets. Embalming i. Specialty Larir assistant for ladies and Children, rompt attentiod to night calls Telephone No. 15. TVTIL, S. BELX. (aijdy Kitcljerj ICE COLD Lemonade, Allltc Shake, Ice Cream and Candles BICYCLES, TYPE-WRITERS. SEWING MACHINES, CASH REGISTERS & GUNS REPAIRED. SAW FILING & KEY flTTING. J. O. RAUB JOHNSON BLOCK Cut Prices on Hats... At Dorflinger's Just received a new line. Came later than we expected them. Would be pleased to have you calL If not suited, don't buy. MARBLE ANDGRANfTE Monuments. M. W. JUNES, P. O. Box 105, Tucson, Arizona. vaff o JSL New York styles, iu white aud colored, in Madras, Kfc Mulles, Batiste, Voile's, Organdiesand Silk Chiffons buch unprecedented offer as this and fifteen waists in all and Wednesday we offer those worth $3 50 and under at 75c $4.50 quality and over at $1.00 25 dozen Men's all Silk Hand kerchiefs worth 75c and 50c at 25c Blue, pink and red centers, with white edges; white centers with fancy-colored edges, worth 75c and 50c, at 25c $6.50 Ladies White Waists $3.25 Of imported India linen. Persian lawn and grass linen, fronts handsomely tucked in clusters. -inch hemstitched, new style stock and shoulder, cape effect. Also pure white linen Waists, stocks and fronts trimmed with imported black and white braid. There's probably 27 in this lot $6.50 Ladies Tub Frocks at Half Beautiful designs, new style D r.r FranKenberg, Bros. & Newman jL. El Paso Northeastern SYSTEM in connection with the ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM, j Is the Short Line between El Paso, the i great Southwest, and Kansas City, J Chicago, St. Louis .Memphis and prin cipal points East, North and Southeast. ' Elegant Pullman, Standard and Tourist Slepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Day Coaches on all trains. Dining Car Service Unexcelled. Call on nearest agent for full In formation, or addess the undersigned N. B. For a handsomely Illustrated booklet desrlptlve of CLOUDCROFT, the Premier Summer Resort of the Southwest, send four cents postage to A. H. BROWN, General Passenger Agent E .P. & N. E. System, El Paso, Texas. ttttrbtrlrUtrerlr(rtrlrtttrCrtrlrCcCtt a o 6 tr iuu nivt iuuk aunt. - rt. .-.... ... modern in some respects why not haveitsoinallre spects. I have a complete stock of BATH TUBS, LAVATORIES. SINKS. CLOSETS, and etc , and skilled labor will do your work at reasonable prices. All Work Guaranteed. ui We solicit your patronage with a new stocK of Staple and Fancy Groceries ANDERSON & CULL. At the Johnson Block Bisbee Improvement Co. I Electric Light and Telephone Service Phones Business $4.00 per month, Residence $3.0C Long Distance Lines to Douglas, Naco Tombstone and Cananea "Purity" Distilled Water 5-galIon Jar's 4O cents Phone 197 S CALIFORNIA MARKET. Post Oftlca Building. II. O. MOSHER, Proo Fresb Beef, Pork, Sausage and Mutton always on hand. Meat delivered to all parts of the City may never come again, ff blouses, full-gored skirts. Those worth $12.50, at $6.25 Regular $8.50 quality at 4.25 $5.00 ready-to-wear dresses.. $2.50 $2.50 ready-to-wear dresses 1.25 51.50 for Ladies Waists Worth $3 There are about 36 In this assort ment, and nearly every one of a different style. Some are made with low necks and short sleeves; others with full kangaroo sleeves and bell tops; others with bias tucking and broad Inlaid seams Hem st'.tch3d and lace fronts, with briar-stltched collars, are to be had In this lot $1.50 Childrens Sailors at Half Large and small brims, silk bands, plain and embroidered, with or without streamers, suitable for boys and girls. $1.00 quality, at 50c 50c quality, at 25c 25c quality, at N10o PIANO BARGAINS very easy terms during April and May. ER, HAMILTON, MASON & HAMLIN and KIMBALL Pianos and Organ VOSE & SONS KINGSBURY FRANK LIN WILLARD and many other planoi at half the marked price. Popular 10c THE PIANOLA AND OTHER SELF. PLAYERS We are pioneer piano men of Uia southwest We carry the largest stock of pianos and general musical merchandise and ave In stock In our various agencies, ver one hundred pianos of twenty dlf. .'erent makes. Write for catalogues md terms. Redewill Music Co., PHOENIX. ARIZ. ' - 5 I - 3 3 o r n 2 P j 00 7. 5 H 1 1 i 1 1 -I 1 ? jt 1 ' l I ,1 -'J! I i; A'Jff " 1 k.i ' 1 i'.j' MM-- ( I.. -. L ,-"-; MjiTTH '" r mm iwriaB m .ym 1 atwaw ..ftmuwt..