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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
pTfT-HllQ, in mi nt i iwnirniin n n rin i tt n - i mmm i ii mi i iwmmm n i m i i i i a i mi t rf-(M- -- m Is 'ttoW f v 1 BISnr.! DAILY' REVIEW. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1903. ir-rn ll II HI m T T rMTT" " "" '"" " -r30 -- tC4. - --- - -..r i iii i im 1 1 ! n jac h 1 H .11 ,! I , I J ii ' Iff 1 J I w $ ! i'.l .si ll- 1 i --. ii . ?- i Ii SKT ISyv, 4mv) tea. Wo are still harping on our stock of MEN'S FLANNEL SUITS, A few left, but the sizes are complete, not in all the kinds but all sizes in the lot. Remember we are riving 25 per cent, discount Our $6.00 suit is a mixed dark grav, two puce, sack. NORFOLtiS. Plain sack, all the different shade-. The prices, range from $6.00 to $13.50. Boys' Fannel 2-piece and crash 2-piece, from $2.50 to SG.oo. 25 per eeat. discount to all buyers. Boys' Crash Norfolks, $3.00. Boys' Kahki Suits, $2.oo Boys' Washable Suits, 85c to $2.oo. Meu's blue serges, black alapaca aud black silk unliued coats $2.00 to $6 .so. 2; oer cen discount. TmZ?W. Men's Flannel Trousers $-;.00 to $4.00. , - yi We have goods in this of seasonable 20 per cent, discount to all Shoe f buyers of linen, covert, coolie and can vas goods. A full line of men's ladies', boys', misses and children's to select from, your size. Clean fresh stock, no shopworn department We aim to give 3 ou the penefit shoes when in season and you want them. : xrrrSi 11 fr- a vuumi: WW f I1 I .! ALVORDS TRIAL COMMENCED YESTERDAY DUNN' c. S DRUG STORE, A. Davenport, Manager. Brewery Ave., opp P. O. Full LineofFINE. Perfumes Soaps and Stationery Remember we make Prescription our Specialty Rent your furnished rooms through the columns of the Review. Only 1 cent a -word each Insertion. The trial of Burt Alvord was called In the Federal court at Tombstone yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The court rcora v. as filled with spectators desirous of hearing the testimony In the no'orious case, which has been pending against Alvord and his asso ciates for the past five years. Judge Doau, from the bench, called court to order promptly at 2 o'clock. Alvord sat in the group at one of , the tables, apparently the least per-1 turbed of any In the courtroom, despite the fact that to him the ending of this trial Is of more import than to any of the others. That his attorneys Intend to make a stubborn right to save the man agaln3t whom practically the whole territory Is set. was evident when Tom Flannl gan arose Immediately upon the con vennlg of the court and moied for at continuance on the ground that the witnesses Jim Melton. William Hil dreth. Matt Burts. Billy Stiles and; Henry Jones were not present. This motion was denied by the court, and' the work of selecting a jury for the case then commenced. I After one of the most searching se-, lections ever made In an Arizona i court room, the following Jury wasi finally agreed upon: T. S. McClellan.j A. V. Stone, A .Aesely. Wayne Bursley, , C. T. Beavls, C. It. Cassell, William Ramsey, J. Bingham, Frank Murray, B. R. Michea, H. Prall and Michael Mc , Cullough. , I It was late in the afternoon when I the first witness, R. E. Brown, was, called. Brown is one of the quartette i taken from the pen as a witness In thU case, and Is now serving a term for his part In the Fairbank holdup. At torney Flannlgan was on his feet In an ! Instant with an objection to the wit ness being heard at this time, end he was withdrawn. WJlllam Downing, another of the convicts from Yuma, was then put on the stand, and his testimony proved most damaging to the Interests of Alvord. He testified that at 2 o'clock on the morning following the Fairbank holdup, both Alvord and Stiles came to his house at Pearce, and told him that Three-Fingered Jack, Bravo Juan, the Owens boys and R. E. Brown had gone out to hold up a train. The next day, according to the testimony of the witness, Alvord asked him to go to Wjllcox and help out the boys, as they might need their assistance. "But I refused to go with him." said Downing. "After the holdup. Brown came to my house at Pearce, and I saw Alvord glte him the money with which to leave the country." At this point the prosecution's exam ination rested, and the cross-examination of Downing was postponed until this morning at 9 o'clock. Attorneys Nave and Campbell are making a hard fight to convict Al vord of the crimes charged against him, and have left no stone unturned to make the government's case a strong one. They are prosecuting Alvord on the Indictments found against him on the Fairbank holdup alone. As yet there has been no motion of the Cochise holdup. The record of Burt Alvord before and since his implication and subse quent arrest for train robbery has been about as checkered as could be imagined. ALVORD AT WILLCOX. When Burt Alvord went to Wlllcox that town was completely in the hanaa of the wild-and-woolly cowboys; the citizens and every officer In the place had been completely buffaloed by these devil-may-care fe'lows. Every saloon and store in the place they had ridden Into and "shot up" at one time or another, and conditions had become unendurable. Finally It was learned that Burt Alvord could be Induced to go to Wlllcox and act as a peace offi cer. He had the reputation of hav ing plenty of nerve and being a dead shot with a gun. A public meeting was held, attended by the business men of the town, and an invitation was extended to Alvord to go there and act as town marshal. The Invitation was accompanied with the guarantee of the best men In the place that they would stand by him In any trouble he might encounter in the work of taming the gun-packers who had made that town almost uninhabitable. After Alvord went to Wlllcox there wa3 no serious trouble: It seemed to be understood that he was there to kill the first man who stepped outside of the line of good behavior. Alvord killed one man in Wlllcox, but he was exonerated for it. No one knew Just how this killing occurred. The man killed had made some ugly threats. One day he came to town and he and Alvord were seen walking around to the rear of a saloon; a shot followed, and when the crowd got there the man was dead, shot by Alvord. Alvord certainly kept Willcox in a peaceful state while he was there, and his ar rest for train robbery was regretted bv many of the citizens, who admired him for his courage. Chas. A. McDonald Justice of the Peace Notary Public Ex-Officio Coroner Office Dubachef Building, Brewe ry Gulch. Telephone No. 133 J Half Way House... $ NacoBisbee CHARLES HULL, Proprietor. t SUNNY BROOK WHISKEY ICE COLD BEER. Cfaolce rood constantly In itock Case goods on demand. .. ........... ... . . . j. . ' TTTTTT-yT, iyC5ySS3S2aSaSBBe.weBa'32SB ' A. BAUER, BUTCHER SHOP! Corner 0. K. Street ana Kauroaa avenue. g THE OLD RELIABLE BUTCHER SHOP f ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS g 1 k. ,t. ,,r hot in Risbes which etos the Tear 'round nothing but the finest T -v.i Mnti Vnrk unit Tun PhncnllBeef. ImDI v w . ... - ,?rV-r. ?c ti crcnu (RJ y5 (LUISBUJ n JH1" Jv , IDS ODJJ DUWUCI auw( lu ,iuw -.v -w- ., - tVeal. Mutton, PorK and Top Phoenix Beef. Imported Sausages oral Kinds GREAT CLEARANCE SALE We are clearing out our summer stock at such low prices that you cannot af ford to miss this sale. We are very much averse to handling stock over from one season to another. We would rather buy a new assortment and give our cus tomers the benefit of fresh goods and very latest styles During this sale we have marked everything in our store down to bedrock. We cannot describe all the bargains we have in store for you, but a few we will name here. Rich smooth Fragrant Delicious tA ftrfect brekft cam mhtnstrotd xf A ertun 4 " I IN SEALED VACUUJW Akin ai iviVC POPSH f WHEREVER PURCHASED tal oi mssitrpdet In oof ft era at to found caj ASK YOUI OKJJU rv it J HIGH Grade Coftee Hills Bros.' Coffee is tte highest grade of Java and Mocba Wended lor strengta and aroma; smooth and delicate o flavor. Packed In z. vacuum in an airless tin, and will retain all its freshness. "We guarantee this coffee to be the finest coffee in the market. Frank J.Graf, The Grocer. lHtlMH llltHlt 1 1 1' 1 l' H ! . THE NEW ENGLAND KITCHEN! U 5 M "That's The Place To Eat" Boston & Brown. Props. BISBEE, ARIZ. Yt t ttt4 It ' 1 1 1 1 PIANOS Write us about our ea3y pay ment plans. The ZELLNER PIANO CO. . Tucson, Arlsona Ladies Ginghams and Fercale waists, washable goods Regular 1 00 Waist for thi-i sale 4Qg Fine white lawn waists Regular 2.50 poods at 25 each Blue mercerized dress skirts a few efi2.C0 tklrtat 75c each Embroideries and insertions nice patterns worth 15c a yard, sale price 7 yards for 25c Nice Lawn wrappers, nicely made, fast color Regular 1.50 wrapper tt 50C Good assortment of percale wrappers 2.00 goods at 75C 36 inch madras cloth fine patterns j 20c goods during sale tj ydS.'for 1.00 36 inch percale nice assort. ed pattern worth 15c a yard now 15 y(Js for 1.00 A few pieces of goods suit able for curtains, com forts, etc. large patterns w IS yds for 1.00 Fine line of fancy lawns at 121 and 15c a yard Nice line of white lawn at 8 and 10c a yd. Finest assortment ecru and white lace collars, big gest bargain yet Regular 2.00 goeds at 35c each A good size pure linen towel Red bordered at 10c each Men's golf overshirts well worth 50 and 75c sale price 25c Men's black and white stripe overshirt at 20c Men's suspenders good web Regular 25c goods a few left at 10c pr. Men's half hose seamless fast black I5c hoso 3 pLlr for 25c A regular snap mens balbrig gan shirts and drawers Regular 50c goods sale price per garment 20c We are still selling hand kerchiefs for almost noth ing, mens red 24 inch hand kerchiefs Worth 2 for 25c at 40c per doZ White handkerchiefs blue & red bordered also dotted n 10c hdkf. saie price 25c per dOZ. Children's handkerchiefs, cheap enough to lose 10c per dozen A nice assortment of mens neckties at 10c each Boys blouse suits washable goods at 45c a suit A good line of mens belts at , 25 and 50c Shoes for Everybody at half the regular value, our shoe ' line is a strong one We have a good line of cloth ing, mens duck pants at 75c. a pair. Khaki over alls at 75c a pair, have a line of mens Hats and caps A few nicely trimmed hats which we will sell cheap. Ladies muslin underwear, table clothes, napkins at40cperdoz. Bleached and unbleached cotton very low, and plenty of different articles not necessary to mention, but come and see for yourself that everything we advertise we have in stock. Don't you delay in buying as we sell goods very fast, i i ember we are bound to sell out our summer stock at any price, and our loss is your gain THE BAZAAR BARGAIN STORE Opposite the Postcfflce Bisbee, Arizona f if f k. 1 I I -' ' - fit L-r ' sMiA4ta