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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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ff li !' f .J,' ytsa:itffaMj-H.w. fljWi- a i BI8BEE DAILY REVIEW, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 19 1903 PAGE THIRTEEN r b it ' r f I ! I I tar ', Ft k'' u ; J A SMART COSTUME. It la Made of Tadrta, Uollenne and Crepe Je Culne. A dre&4 of crepe de chine seen recent ly bad Us hklrt arranged with Uat plaits on the hips and finished at the hem with heavy folds and tucks. The coat shaped bodice was short at the back and hod u big collar of cream em broidery edged with silk fringe and tassels. It opened over a waistcoat of pink and black chine silk which was lut away to show a tucked chiffon vest and a cravat of alencon lace. With this was worn a pint chiffon hat trimmed with a wreath of green fo liage, the brim being lined with black chip. , Taffeta, crepe de chine, eoltennc t.nd silk voiles are all very smart. King iioi III' ACCO11DI0N PLAITED ETPECT. spotted net Is having a good share of favor on a lining of shiny silk, but It Is too flimsy and not to be compared with firmer fabrics. For tea and coffee coats It Is all very well and even for blouses, but for an afternoon season frock a material which In rtself is more attractive Is to be preferred. There Is a great deal to be said In favor of the chine silks, especially for gala occasions. Such frocks must be softened by lace or a net flehu. To for get this Is to court failure, for the gen eral effect of a gown must be soft. The cut shows an accordion plaited costume made of soft taffeta trimmed with passementerie. JUDIC CHOLLET. FOR YOUNG GIRLS. VhPT Follow Closely the Faahlona of Tbelr Elder. Very dainty light tones are used for young girls' dresses. Crepoline, eta mines and summer woolens are the favorites for such gowns, and the fash Ions follow very closely those Intended for older people. Thus there are the same deep capes, the same plaited coatee and the same sack bolero. The plaited skirt. If well made and fitted, is a most becoming fashion when worn to the ankle and Is especial ly suitable for girls from fifteen to sev enteen. The hip yoke Is less popular, for It requires shapely lines and a well rounded figure. The excessively pouch ed front has disappeared, but the full ness Is slightly fuller and more pro nounced. Belts, too, are not pulled dewn so low, but encircle the waist. The nf PRACTICAL GOWNS. Crepe de Clitne a Good Material. The AeiT Tafl"eaa. For ever day wear charming gown nre made of dark woolen material trimmed with bright colored embroid eries or Arabian lace. A dark gown can be prettily ar ranged with a small square opening outlined with galloon or Insertion lace, kind removable chemisettes can be worn. There has been a great revival of taffeta In fact, no material Is bo popu- LITTLE ARTICLES OF DRhSS. Ulaatlc Delta. Xtw I'ana and Vella Seen Iu the Sliova. The neck ruffles, stoles, little capes or whateer one may chose to call them are very smart nnd are calcu lated to set off the lines of the figure. The foundation may be of any fluffy material, caught here and thero with little bunches of ribbon, artificial flow ers, etc. The wide elastic belHs also a feature of the season, and It Is especially de signed for wear with the short sack i oat effects so much In vogue. One of the newest is of gold and silver elastic worked In a Ilusslan design and held In place by jeweled clasps and slides. Veils are simpler In texture and less closely figured than formerly. I'ale blue chiffon veils are much affected with plain sailor hats. Washable gloves are worn by all smart women during the hot weather. BLUE LINOS GOWN. !ar in Taris unless it be chiffon. The new silk weaves possess less brilliancy, but greater wearing qualities. For economically minded people the best frock Is a black one of crepe de chine, chiffon, voile or taffeta. There are many dull days and occasions where black sems the only suitable wear, for It has a smartness of Its own and seldom ndterties its date. Crepe de chine Is softer and not more expen sive than fciffeta: but, after all. on a hot summer's day there Is something chic about the latter, for It sheds dust like alpaca. A sun rayed plaited skirt of soft taf feta Is charming worn with a blouse of the, same ami a jabot of yellowish lace. The Illustration fcliows a gown of heavy lace ecru and pale blue llnon. .10010 CHOLLET. FASHION HINTS. Snv-y nitie I 1'oimlar Pretty Taf feta rrorLa Are Uaefal. Navy blue Is considered very chic this 'year, and It is seen in nil ma terials, from cheviot to glace silk. A dark navy blue glace seen recently was iriadc with closely gauged skirt, the gauging coming about throe Inches below the hips, nnd it was finished at the hem with fle large Hat tucks, stitched with fancy veinlng between each tuck. This skirt touched the ground afl round. In fact, it did more, for it lay ou the ground, al- lipP The A. C. Bottlers SOLE AGENTS FOR- Maier and Zobelein Beer BOTTLED AND DRAUGHT- c AH kinds of soft and summer drinks such as Iron Brew, Ginger Ales, Soda Water, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda. The trade Suppplied Promptly. Mail and telegraphic orders receive quick attention. The largest, cleanest and most complete Bottling Works in the Southwest. TAILOIt HADE OF BED CHETiOT The favorite glove, however, fr who have dainty hands Is i silk In black or white, with dt t ger tips and snug fitting wrisi Pretty fans are being solt i shops. They pre made to when open bunches of Con huge single flower, and they .: efTeotlvo when worn with a which they match. The simple tailor made sailor shape is being revived and Is Just the thing for outdoor summer wear. The tailor made in the cut Is of deep red cheviot trimmed with ecru and black applications of velvet and lace. JUDIC CHOLLET. MILLINERY NOTES. Simple and Chic Ilata Worn by "tVell Dreaaed 'Women. In millinery the brownish ecru shades still hold their own. The coarser and the shinier the straw the smarter the tailor made hat While the plain sailor hat is being revived, it Is not becoming to every ; ntEJTCH SAILOB HAT. swathed belt of bias silk or satin with out buckle or clasp Is generally worn and for light woolen gowns Is general ly "of silk matching the color. Creamy whites, pastel blue, pink and beige are very fashionable, and for a dark girl the champagne tint is be coming, but It Is too yellow in tone for. a blond wearer. A complete novelty In the blouss world Is jo be found In a slip of chine net, such a pretty stuff, the pattern dissolving into the net ground, achiev ing a completely original result, while the latest muslins acquired for a like purpose are uncrushable. These can be pulled through the band like an eastern silU fabrjc and emerge un scathed. The cut shows a French sailor suit able for a ycung girt- It Is of yellow straw trimmed wltn pink, rosea. r JUDIC OHOLGET. TVALEISO COSTUME OF BLUE CHEVIOT. though It had no train. This is a characteristic feature of many of the cmart afternoon skirts of the hour. The short skirt Is kept In Paris for street wear in the morning, and for practical purposes it does not enter In the category of smart gowns for after noon wear. Some of the taffeta frocks are made with loose sack loleros, with a fichu or stolelike ends of lace and chiffon. In most cases taffeta Is a fabric which requires softening, and nothing can be more attractive than lace to give tie required effect. The cut shows a walking costume of blue cheviot. The jacket Is made In the prevailing loose sack shape, laced In front with a silk cord. it y. JUDT8! CHftU,??. Archibald & Cunningham, Proprietors Post Office Address, Bisbee, Arizona. Works at Don Luis, Arizona. I THE LAf2T BOLEBO. rne. and for those who may not wear It the French sailor Is designed in dif ferent sizes and trimming-). The smart hats nearly all tilt off the face, but are brought well to the front la throw a shadow Into the eyes. A chic way of trimming a French tailor Is to encircle the crown with a jvrcath of small flowers held together with a ribbon bow. Scarlet touches In a rather deep shade appear on much of the white millinery. The ecru hat trimmed with a single scru ostrich plume Is very pretty worn with a pongee gown. 'The sailor shape of white linen slm-. ply trimmed with folds of china silk or a white breast Is always smart and be coming. In the cut are shown the latest bolero and a smart hat of coarse yellow traw. JUDIO CHOLLET. THE HOTEL QUEEN DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. ost commodious and completely furnished Hotel in the Citv. Music This Evening Try a Sunday dinner at the Queen Finest Cuisine, Location Ideal, Large, Airy Rooms, Hot and Cold Baths, Moderate Charges, Rates $2.00 up. Board and room $50 per month, Corner 12th Street and Railroad Ave. dJ td , I! i i"- 1 Cf!S' .a-iiai k J- JlEt&f-i E r ;