Newspaper Page Text
.""- "f'JfMtLv- - UA&SSaBtJsji jwaK'"l" -- . A w. i l ), i 1 I i I' J. I till It m v "i , ', BEN GOLDMAN. Douglas Commercial GO, Complete line of Groceries and Tinware, Hay and Grain Free and quick delivery to all town trade 6m. Mitchell, PrMWMi L. C Hanka, Caihlar. Director Geo. Mitchell, W. 8. Dlxton. E. A. Von Arnltn, L. C. Hanka The First National Bank Capital $50,000 DOUGLA8. ARIZONA. THE WHITE HOUSE, J0E aRngSw. Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars All kinds of games Music. IOtfl St. Come -and pet acquainted. R. L. HOGUE, CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying, maos, reports, and examinations. Work in Sonora, Mexico, a specialty. Box 254, Douglas. Arizona, Phone 50 Do You Realize That Douglas has assumed the proportions of a city? nd tht in coneqaence real estate values are on the adrance In all parts of the Smyltor City. There are some opportunities in the war of business and residence lot left. Thee are for lie by the International Land and Improvement Company, the originil vendor, of the townsite Tfoperty. List your property for sale or rental with them A general correspondence solicited The International Land and Improvement Company, DOUGLAS, ARIZONA -The- Bankof Douglas Officers: W. H. Brophy, President J. 8. Dorutlas, Vice Pre: V. u. tins, uasnier Dike f ss- W. B. Brophr, J. S ham, S. F. "rflas M.J. Canning . C. O. Ellis Equipped with ample capital, we are now prepared to do a general banking business and solicit tie accounts of mer chants, corporations and indi viduals. Hotel Ord Corner Tenth and Q StrttU Fsr Class Accommodation's Hample Room for Drummers H. C. STTLLMAN. Proprietor. E. A. Von Arnim Real Estate and Cattle Broker . . . . A cent tor Non-P.esldenU C. E. Rhone DENTIST Crown, Bridge and Porcelain Work a specialty. Gas ad ministered. Douglas, - - - Arizona If You Are Dry CALL, AT Duncan L Horton's Union Cafe DOUGLAS. - ARIZ. Hotel Roy Onlx First Class Europetn Hotel In Douglas. All modern conveniences. Porter meets all trains J. A. KASBACH. Prop. Cattle Exchange! Hunter CO. Co., Props. The Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars GtaaralHeadquarters forEeverybody DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. H. U Taylor, LAWYER, Douglas, Arizona. Bank cf Douglas -ulldlng. , 8. 8. UTZ, M. D, OAca hoars 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. "TCUJit and day can aiunrerea- from eslee, rooaaa 7 and 8, At-? lit OM'BaSdJsc v. w , DOUGLAS. ARIZONA., r. GEO. B. REAY. parts of the city, solicited. Out of For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They Invigorate the liver, ild the digestion, regulate the bowels and prevent bil lons attacks. Fo rsale by all drug gists. o YOU CAN LEAVE DOUGLAS For Blsbee, Naco, Benson and Can anea at 6:00 a. m. For Blsbee, Naco, Benson, Fair bank, Tombstone and the west at 3:40 p. xn. For Hachlta, Lordsburg, Clifton and Morenci and El Paso at 10:10 a. m. For Nacozari at 11:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. SAVOY RESTAURANT. European Plan. Proprietors: Leo Putnam and Miss Oda Kaler. Ninth St, near G, rear of P. O. 4 llifTTTATrSCIEKTlHC gORTY-TDIRD rEAB. JLJCs33 43 Pages : Vctkty : Ulustmted. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. S3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. SXSD rOB BAWLS COPT. MMNG"4Sciintlflc PRESS S30 MARKET PT 8AH FRANCISCO. CAL CHOLERA INFANTUM. This has been regarded as one of the most dangerousand fatal diseases t which infants are subject It can be cured, however, when properly treated. All that Is necessary is to SJve Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each botle, and a cure la certain. For sale by all druggists. CANANEA. YAQUI RIVER 4. PA CIFIC RAILROAD General Notice Effective January IB, 1903, following rill be dally schedule of passenger trains: Naco, Sonora. January 15, 1901. Ar. from Douglas 7:07 . m. Lt. for Naco 7:17 a. m. Ar. from Benson, 8:50 a. no. Lt. for El Paso and Dougla. 9:00 . m. Ar. from Naco 12:38 p. m. Lt. for tac 1 p. m. Ar. from EI Paso 4:42 p. m. I-eave Naco 9:30 a.m Leafe Cananea 2:00 p.m. Arrive Cananea 11:30 a.m. Arrive Naco 4:00 p.m. E. A. McFarlaod, Asst General Manager. LODGING 1 i HOUSE.... 15th and F Streets DOUGLAS, ARIZ J Rooms Jor rent by Jay we lc Z or month v T Everything new andicleanV I A. RUIZ," Prop. . SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 25, NEWS FROM the SMELTER CITY THE REVIEW BRANCH OFFICE H AS BEEN CHANGED FROM THE ROY BUILDING TO THE POST OFFICE. ALL COMMUNICA TIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BOX 395, DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION AGUA PRIETA TITLES r. ':Ar; citizens hwe been BUNCOED BY SOME ONE. Ground Is Claimed by Some Heirs to a Mexican Estate Mexican Govern ment Will Take a Hand. (Special to Review.) Dougla3, July 24. Those who have been residing at Agua Prieta and have been assisting in building up one of' the prettiest little " Mexican towns I along the border have just discovered that they do not own the land upon which they have been building aid making other improvements, and, as It Is now, since the discovery of their J unfortunate predicament, several hun-l dred lots upon which adobe houses are ' ftandlng. some of which are nat yet, completed, are for sale. This condition f affairs was brought forcibly to the minds of he people of Agua Prieta, most of whom are Mexicans, on the 26th of June, when Edward Camou arrived and In formed the people that they were upon his property, and that he had some for the purpose of putting matters straight This startling announcement", diately put a stop to the completion J of many of the adobe buildings which were under course of construction. I When a newspaper representative went over to find out. If possible, the exact condition of affairs, he wa3 In formed that the contention on the part of the heirs to this property wa3 a hatched-up scheme for the purpose of taking advantage of the people who had gone ahead in good faith and spent their money in building up a thriving little town. It was further stated that the people were estopped from further building, and that those 03 The beer is x i w 1903. having frame buildings would be obliged to remove them from tho ground they occupy, and that those having adobe buildings would have an opportunity to hold their property by making additional payments on It to the claimant. Edward Camou, who represents the heirs to the property upon which Agua Prieta is situated, was seen, and made a plain statement of the '.situation as It exists today, from, his standpoint. "There is absolutely no truth in the statement that I have stopped any one from building or finishing any building In Agua Prieta," said Senor Camou. "The only problem in this matter is that these people have built a town on tho property of an estate of which I am one of the heirs, and I have come mere ly to straighten the matter out." When asked upon what understand ing people had gone ahead and erected good buildings, he answered: "Upon no grounds whatsoever. There have been some people who claim to have come Into possession of tho land In some way or another, and have sold lots to many persons, who paid them money In good faith. It, of course, works a hardship upon those who have been humbugged and de frauded In this manner. But this is not our fault, and those people have recourse upon the men who have de frauded them. "There are also those who built houses upon our ground without pay ing any one for the property. The executor of the estate, Senor Morales, will arrive in a few days for the pur pose of straightening the matter out. The lots will be sold, and those who have erected buildings upon the property will have an opportunity to buy. There will be no exorbitant prices charged, but the lots will be sold with the prices of the property In Fronteras as a standard." It Is now stated on good authority that the Mexican authorities will take a hand In the affair, and property owners will not be allowed to suffer. && A Doctor's Reasons Patient: "Why do you say Schlitz beer? Isn't any other beer as good?" Doctor: "Perhaps; but I don't know it. I do know that Schlitz beer is pure." Patient: "What do you mean by pure?" Doctor: "I mean free from germs. Impurity means bacilli; and in a saccharine product like beer bacilli multiply rapidly. I do not recommend a beer that may contain them." Patient: "If ow do you know that Schlitz beer is pure?" " eLQ Doctor; "I has secnat .brewed. Cleanliness is carried to extremes in that brewery! Tlne beer is cooled 'inf,nnlafe'flaVs vr06rrisin- filtereqjair, thea.tereci.,V,yetaf?e'r - aIlnhe,se --" - oiv iJlT- -J5 rj "'!- --,-- U--TJLM.'' f- --,. ' THE DOUGLAS BONDS SEVERAL ERRORS COMMITTED IN HOLDING THE ELECTION. Board of Supervisors Refuse to Ap prove the Issue of Bonds, and New Election Is Necessary. (Special to Review.) Douglas, July 24. -The people of Douglas are chagrined over the out come of the recent school election in this city, at which time the taxpayers voted to bond the district In the sum of $20,000 for the erection of a model and up-to-date school building. Tho grounds upon which the school election -was held Invalid are several. In the first nlarp In thn nnhlls:hl notice of the special school election' the word "bond" was used instead of "bonds." In the second place, the ballots were not printed in legal form, con forming to the statutes. Next, the school board did not make proper returns of the election to the board of supervisors. The papers were signed as individuals, and not as a collective body. Another error committed was In the posting of the election notices, by not particularly specifying the places of posting. Ben Goodrich, Esq., one of the fore most lawyers of the territory, was omployed as special adviser to the board of supervisors In this case. The people of Douglas regret very much that their efforts in this direction have gone for naught at this time, o Wy J. Lewis, of the Blsbee Consol idated Mining company, has returned from the mine and reports work pro gressing very satisfactorily. precautions, every bottle is sterilized by Pasteur's process after it is sealed. I know that beer treated in that way is pure." Patient: "And is pure beer good for me?" Doctor: "It is good for anybody. The hops form a tonic; the barley a food. The trifle of alcohol is an aid to digestion. And the custom of drinking beer supplies the body with fluid to wash out the waste. People who don't drink beer seldom drink enough fluid of any kind. A great deal of ill-health is caused by the lack of it." Patient: "But doesn't beer cause biliousness?" Doctor: "Not Schlitz Beer. Biliousness is caused by 'green' beer beer tnat ' aged. But Schlitz beer is always .before it is marketed." Ask for tht brewery bottiing. , - - ' - -l LITTLE DOUGLAS LOCALS. (Special to Review.) Douglas, July 24. Ward Stiles, en glneer on the E. P. & S. W. railroad, is back from a short trip to El Paso. F. L. Hunter, material agent of the Southwestern, Is located at Forest for a few days, looking after the material used on the new branch. Trainmaster C. A. Brown and Mr. Hartman of the El Paso office of thB E. P. & S. V., are making an Inspec tion trip over the company's line. Miss Irene Ituppert entertained the Thirteen club and a number of other friends at her hospitable home Thnrt. day evening. Miss Ruppert will short ly leave for an extended trip to Call, fornla points. II. J. Simmons. sUDerintendent of the E. P. & S. W., went through on No. i yesieraay evening to Blsbee. Judge J. B. Mattos has orjened an abstract office In the Atlas building. no reports a good business being dona in this line, especially for nan. residents. N. E. Ferguson, of Braun & Fermi. son, is In Douglas on business with his uougias branch store. Dr. G. R. Richardson, of Eagle City, passed through Douglas Friday even ing, en route to Blsbee on mining busi ness. Conductor Patsy Collins has re turned to work on the Benson nm after a slight Illness. A new commission house. In which Texas men are Interested, will be opened In Douglas about August 1st. The new firm will be composed of tha Maguin brothers, of Houston, Texas, who are large produce and provision dealers in that city. The new Arm will carry a large stock in warehouses in Douglas, and will make this their distributing point. They will estab lish branches In Blsbee, Naco, Tomb stone and Tucson. Owing to the large number of new mining lcfcatlons, and the probable development of a large area of min eral land lying close to Douglas on the American side, a new mining district will be created. At the present time when a prospector locates a claim he does not know what mining district he is in, and the records at Tombstone fall to enlighten him any. The mat ter will be brought before the board of supervisors at their next meeting la Tombstone. is insufficiently aged for months ii Z x 7 -- THE BEER THAT MADEILW4U,KEE FAMOUS I !. til . . , M If ! I ;r "V