Newspaper Page Text
.vflT4- i BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, 6UNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1903. Trrn - 1 ' Kf-kjO . " I -7 1 If? &5 BEN GOLDMAN. Douglas Commercial GO Complete line of Groceries and Tinware, Hay and Free and quick delivery to all town trade 0. Mrtehalf, PrtaMatlt. L. C. Hank, Cashier. Directors Geo. Mitchell, W. 8. Dlxson. E. A. Von Arntm, L. C Hanks The First National Bank Capita! $50,000 DOUGLAS. ARIZONA THE WHITE HOUSE, JOE amutar. Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars AH kiuds of cames Music. Q Come and jjel acquainted. R. L. HOCUE, CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying1, mans, reports, and examinations. Work in Sonora, Mexico, a specialty. Box 254, Douglas, Arizona, Phone 50 Do You Realize That Douglas has assumed the proportions of a city? tad tfcit in eonssqnenro real euate ralocs aro on the adranee in all parts of the Smxltvr City. . There are some opportunities in the -way of business and residence lots left. These are for !&! DT the International Land and Improrement Company, the original yendors of the town3ite Vropertjr. List roar property for sale or rental with them A general correspondence solicited The International Land and Improvement Company, DOUGLAS. ARIZONA -The- Bankof Douglas Oihwra: W. H. Bronhy, President J. 8. Douglas, Vice Prec U. O. Ellis. Cashier Dm T cs Vt. H. Brophy, J. S -las, M.J. Cunning ham. , a. r. -CO E11U Equipped with ample capital. We are now prepared to do a general banking business and solicit tie accounts ot mer chants, corporations and Indi viduals. 'Hotel Ord Corner Troth o4 a 5tru XFtast CLASS AOOOMHODATIOXS -fVimple Uoom for Drummers H. 0. flTILLMAN. Proprietor. E. A. Von Arnim Real Estate and Cattle Broker . . . Agent lor Non-Resldents . E. Rhone DENTIST "Crown, Bridge and Porcelain Work a specialty. Gaa ad minUterea. DonoLAS, ... Arizona If You Are Dry CALL AT 'Duncan (EL Morton's Union Cafe DOUGLAS, - ARIZ. Hotel Roy Onlx Flrt Cl Europein Hotel In Doug-la. P All modern conveniences. Porter meets all trains J. A. RASBACH. Prop. Cattle Exchange! Kuster CO. Co., Props. The Finest Wines. Liquors & Cigars "CaoralHeadqarters for Eerery body DOUGLAS. ARIZONA. H. U.Taylor, LAWYER, 4 Douglas, Arizona. Bask of Douglas Solldlng. 8. S. UTZ, M. D, OBce boots 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. ' Nlgat aad day calls answered ""."ipom oflce, rooma 7 aad 8, At- SY. IwSafldlB. .- . - DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. , GEO. B. REAY. Grain. parts of the city. solicited. Out of YOU CAN LEAVE DOUGLAS For BIsbee, Naco, Benson and Can anea at 6:00 a. m. For BIsbee, Naco, Benson, Fair- i bank, Tombstone and the west at S:40 p. m. For Hachlta. Lordsburg, Clifton and Morend and Bl Paso at 10:10 a. m i For Nacozari at 11:30 on Mondays I Wednesdays and Fridays. SAVOY RESTAURANT. European Plan. Proprietors: Leo Putnam and Miss Oda. Kaler. ' Ninth SL, near G, rear of P. O. MIIWGSSSk yoBTT-TnntD teas. JL Id33 43 Pages : Vetkry t Qtatntti INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. S3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. inT ro sixru copt. MININGscilntiflc PRESS 130 MAEKET ST.. 8AU FRaXClBCO. OAL CANANEA, YAQUI RIVET: A PA CIFIC RAILROAD General Notice Eflectlye January 15, 1903, followini jrill be dally schedule ol passengei ;ralns: Naco. Sonora. January 15. 1903 Ar. from Douglas 7:07 . m. Lt. for Naco 7:17 a. m. Ar. trots Benson, 8:50 a. m. Lv. for El ?so and Dougla 9:0' - m. Ar. from Naco 12:38 p. 31. Lt. for -ac 1 , m. Ar. from El Paso" "4:42 p. m leave Nco 9:30 a.m Leafe Cananea 2:00 p.m Arrive Cananea 11:30 a.m Vrrive Naco 4:00 p.m E. A. McFarland, AssL General Manager. 1 !' 'I1 '!' 'I1 LODGING HOUSE.... 15th and F Streets DOUGLAS. ARIZ Rooms for rent by day week or month Everything new and clean ,. A. RUIZ, Prop. X i "$- 4r t V !' ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of John Keating, Deceased. Notice U hereby given by the undei slgned, administrator of the estate of John Keating, deceased, to the credit ors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first pub lication of this notice, to the said ad ministrator, at his office in the city of BIsbee, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. In said county of Cochise. L. C. SHATTUCK, Administrator of the Estate of John Keating, Deceased. Dated BIsbee, thli 8lb day ot July. NEWS FROM the SMELTER CITY THE REVIEW BRANCH OFFICE H AS BEEN CHANGED FROM THE ROY BUILDING TO THE POST- OFFICE. ALL COMMUNICA TION8 SHOULD BE ADDRESSED B X 395, DOUGLA3, ARIZONA. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION A BIG WATER STRiKE ARTESIAN WATER FOR THE SMELTER CITY. At Depth of Slxty-five Feet, Megulre Gets Heavy Flow of Water, That Prevents Doing Further Worw. (Special to Review.) Douglast Aug. 1. A body of water has been struck just northeast of Douglas which promises " to be the largest ever found In this section of the country. The well is one being sunk toy the Dduglits Improvement company on the land owned by S. F Megulre, and shows a very strong pressurp. At a depth ot sixty-nve feet through a six-inch pipe over 300, 000 gallons of good, pure water is rushing out of'the ground. For a good many blocks the streets and alleys have been flooded, and lt has been necessary to dig trenches along the streets to run tire water off. The company has been trying to get their well down deeper, but the heavy pressure of water hinders the work. A large storage tank, hold ing over half a million gallons, has been ordered, and will be placed In position as soon as received, from which the water will be distributed through the city mains. Water has been encountered in Douglas from 40 to 200 feet. In any quantity, and the boring of the big artesian well by the Copper Queen is watched with much interest. This will will probably develop a, flow of artesian water at a distance of 230 feet, and will give this company more water than they will need In their large reduction works. . o LITTLE DOUGLAS LOCALS. (Special tu Reviw.) Douglas, Aug. 1. Judge Gc-xez Mesa aTived from Fronteras Satur day evening, bringing with him a flock of .game chickens, which he will ilt against the birds from Douglas Sunday. Superintendent J. T. Iogan. of the Nacozari rallroal.' has returned from a trip to Cos. where he went on bus! ress for his company. Judge Henry Buemler is back from a mining trip to the Chiricahuas. Fred Cadwell.!he newly appointed nostmaster, has taken charge of the Douglas postofflce. In the place of Renwick While, resigned. Mr. White has opened a gent's furnishing store in the place formerly occupied by his news stand. Fifteen new buildings are now un der way in Agua Prieta. and founda tions for many more are being dug. The town across the line from Doug las is improving with the smelter city on thi3 side. There are at present fifty-three places where Hquora are sold in Douglas, and twenty-fejir barber shins and several more to open soon. The Junds building on Tenth street. Is nearly completed, and will be oc cupied by a dealer In wet goods as soon as finished. A number or names living "' Douglas claim that during the la'e snell cf rain a number or wens e e filled In. causing great inconvenience in th owners. The roads leading Into Douglas are in verv bad shape at present., anu sPTTPthinc should be done to have them put In good order at once. o NOT OVERWISE. There Is an old allegorical picture of a girl scared at a grass-hopper, but in the act of heedlessly treading on a inake. This Is paraneiei Dy me m.... who spends a large sum of monev building a cyclone cellar, but neglects to provide his family with a bottle or Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di ...,, Bpmedv as a safe guar.! against bowel complaints, whose vic tims outnumber those of the cjcione . . ,1-1.1.. aTtftv K a hunarea 10 one. " ...- -va-hore reroimIpit as tne mosi jmnpt and rellafti edtdne In usi jBT taeae diseases. For sale ty ar. JruggisU. o NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Mlnle Stelnhoff. Kntlce Is hereby given by the under signed, administrator of the estate of Minnie Stelnhoff, deceased, tc the cred itors of and all persons having claims ugainst the said deceased, to exnwu '.bom, with the necessary voucners. within four months after the nrst. pun-'icatlorw-of this, notice, to the said ad ministrator, at bis office In Bisbee. the same being the place for the transac tion of btislness ot said estate. I said County of Cochise. M. J. BROWN. Administrator of the estate of Minnie Stelnhoff, Deceased. Dated BIsbee, Ariz., this 18th day of uly, 1903. First pub. July 19. -w4t CHARLES S. ROGERS uatc or m.mMTM, o. cj . iuuwivn ur riui a- AND INFRMCEMEIIT'UWYER US W. Third St., Loa Auf el, Cal. BASE BALL LINE BISBEE VS. DOUGLAS IS TODAY'S PROGRAM. Tearrs Are Evenly Matched, and a Cose Game is Looked For Doug las is Stronger In the Points. (Special to Review.) Douglas, Aug .1. The game of baseball to be played at Douglas Sun day morning. Immediately after Uie arrival of the early train promises to be one of the best ever brought off In the smelter city. The two team aro about evenly matched, and no doubt a large crowd will come down from BIsbee to cheer their favorites and help them all they can to win from the boys on the line. The new diamond Is In excellent shape, and a good, fast game Is looked for. The following Is the complete line-up of the two teams: Dquglas BIsbee Martinez Pitcher Godfrey Almgren Catcher Crow Williams First base Aldrich Quilling... Second base ..J. Hankins Wammell... Third base Morfoot Worthlngton. Short stop Hubbard Overlook Left field Stewa't Lincoln Center field Brown Clarke Right field ...McMullen Hall, substitute. o DYSENTERY CURED WITHOUT THE AID OF A DOCTOR. "I am just up from a hard spell or the flux" (dysentery) says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tennesee. "I used one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having a doctor. I consider It the best cholera medi cine In the world." There 1 no need of employing a doctor when this reme dy is used, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint In any form either for children or adults. It never falls and Is pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of the JUNCTION DEVELOPMENT COM PANY. Know All Men by These Presents: That we, the undersigned, have this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the Ter ritory of Arizona, and we hereby cer tify: I. That the names of the Incorporators are Chester a. v;onguou, vuawca Brlggs, Thomas Hoatsqn, 'l nomas r. Cole, Charles d'Autrembnt, Jr., and Gordon R. Campbell. II. That the name of the said corpora tion, and by which it shall be known in law, is "Junction ueveiopmem Company." That the principal piace for the transaction of its business .n Arizona shall be at BIsbee. In Cochue -.,- irhnm The eeneral -ifflces shall be at Calumet, Michlga.i. with branch offices at such other places as the Board of Directors may from time to time direcL Said company may also carry on and transact business of the kind and nature hereinafter pro vided in all other states and territories whatsoever. III. The business proposed to ue trans acted and caried on by the said cor Doration Is as follows: In general it engage In and carry on the business of mining, renning. smenms "" '"" ufacturing any and all kinds of ores, minerals and metals; to purchase, io, nr amnlre hv license, bond, con cession, grant or otherwise, any lands. mines, mineral rtgnts, DuiiainB. ele ment?, rights or privileges, machinery. plant and other enecis, which the company may think proper from time to time to be acquired for any of its purposes; to prospect and search for ores and minerals; to de velop, mine and grant licenses for mining In and over any lands which -nv r. nmuired by the company, and to sell and otherwise aispose ui mc, lands, mines or other property oi me rnmnanv. to buy. sell, manufacture ind deal in minerals, plant, machinery. implements, conveniences, provisions and things capable of being used in connection with mining operations, or required .by workmen or others em ployed by the company; to construct, carry out. improve, manage, work, control and superintend any roads, ways, railways, bridges, reservoirs, water courses, aqueducts, wharves. 'urnaces. mills, crushing works, hy draulic works, electric works, fac tories, warehouses and other worKS and conveniences which may seeoo di rectly or indirectly conducive to any or the objects of the company, ana to con tribute to. subsidize, or otherwise aia or partaKe in sucn operation;. iu bur. sell or otherwise dispose oittne capital stock of this or any other cor poration, and generally to ao any an-i all acts and things, and transact anv and all other business Incidental to the ourpose aforesaid and not contrary to the laws of the Territory of Arizona, or of the United States of America. IV. That the amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand (J750, 000) Dollars, divided into Fifty Thou sand (50.000) shares of a par value of Fifteen (15.00) Dollars each, payable in cash on call of the Board of Direct ors. . t V, That the time of commencement of liprsald corporation shall be Immediately Ul on flllnjr these Articles with the Re- corder of the County of Cochise. Arl zona, and the Auditor of the Territory of Arizona, and snch existence shall continue for a period ot twenty-five years from and after the date of said filing. VI. The affairs of the said corporation shall be conducted by a board of nine directors, who shall bo stockholder? of the corporation, and shall be elected at the annual meeting of the corpora tion on the second Monday In April in each year, and the officers of said cor poration shall be a president and vice president, both to be elected by the Board of Directors from their own number; a secretary, a treasurer, and such officers as the Board of Directors may deem necessary, who may bo cho sen from among the stockholders. The members of the Board of Directors for the current year, and until their suc cessors are chosen and qualified, are: Charles Brlggs, John S. Dymock. James Hoatson, Thomas Hoatson. Pe ter Uuppe. of Calumet. Michigan; George E. Tener, of Pittsburg. Penn sylvania; Thomas F. Coles. Chester A. Conedon and Charles d'Autremont. Jr., of Duluth. Minnesota. VII. That the said corporation Is not at any time to subject Itself to a greater liability than One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, except upon the written consent of the holders of one- half of the capital stock outstanding at the time the obligation is incurred, and In no case shall such Indebtedness be Incurred to an amount exceeding two thirds of the outstanding capital stock. VIII, That the private property of stock holders of said corporation shall be PTPmot from liability for corporate debts. In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands and seals, this 30th day of June.A. D. 1903. CHESTER A. CONGDON. CHARLES BRIGGS. THOMAS HOATSON. THOMAS F. COLE. CHART ES D'AUTREMONT. JR. OORDON R. CAMPBELL. State of Michigan. ) County of Houghton.) ss. Before me. J. Edw. Shepard, a No tiry Public la and for the County of Houghton. State of Michigan, on this day personally apered Chester A. Congdon, Charles Brlegs, Thomas Hoatson. Thomas F. Cole. Charles d'Autremont, Jr., and Gordon R. Camp bell, known to me to be the persons whoe names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowl edged to mo that they executed the same for the purnose and considera tion therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this 30th dav of June. A. D. 1913 My commission expires September 27, A. D. 1905. J. EDW. SHEPARD. (Notarial Seal.) Notary Public. Kfl For DruM Dnmkanness, Opium. MorpMha end other Drug Usln. thaTobscco-Habi' aad Neurasthenia. Cero poadcaca lit THE KEELEY UI V WSTITUTF. striair Dwlchu 111 The Gold Nugget Mining Company Ten Thou&and Shares Development Stock placed on the market, carrying a premium of i shares for each share taken at the par value of $1.00 per Share Applications for stocK taben at the BanK of Bisbee or by Pritchard and Jones This StocK Will Last But a Few Days Report of Engineer Geo. C. Clark can be seen at Pritchard & Jones, Room 5 Postoffice building. Assays taken by Rollins & Tin3 taking up the property: November 19. 1902 December 15, 1902 March 23, 1903 March 25, 1903 Assays taken by Rolins & Tins Jones, taken from, three ot the test Claims Sunset claim No. 1 Sunset claim No. 2 Gold Nugget No. 1 Gold Nugget No. 2 Golden Fleece No. 1.... Golden Fleece No. 2 Golden Fleece No. 3.... Golden Fleece No. 4 The following samples, taken by of the ledge, speak for themselves: Gold ozs. No. per ton. 2. 2.01 4 L42 5 52 6 ..: 4 5 80 J -. 1.18...... 80.4 38 50 9 80. ..j. .'13.6, 22 $0 10. ..-... m ...... .... .84. ;. .... ... f16 80 11 14 ." Top croplngs. Average No. 3 and No. 8. granite wails, gave $3.2i and S2.80 respectively. Can drive in your buggy on to the claims. Abundance of water secured under option. No experrslve'machlnery needed. Development by tunnels on the ledge. Quartz can be quarried right out on the Fleece claim. Mlna timbers J2S.00 per 1.000 laid on the ground, Timber for fuel can be laid down at $3.50 to 84.00. We expect this Jne to be on a di vidend paying basis in one year's timi, I I -' I . , - T. "'i'13' , ' fT- -iinni , 'i-wiii i , , iupDnininmnniipi IMgjJigmiiii jaisin The New York Times Is Now Appearing Every Sunday IMPKOVID AM ENLARGED A departure of the Magazine Supple ment which accompanies each number of the Sunday Edition of The New York Times is the introduction o Cartoons and Illustrations. The many bright, breezy, entertaining ar ticles are brightened by Illustrations from the pens of well-known artists. New features will be constantly In troduced to Improve the Magazine, but the old friend. The Man in the. Street, will remain to amuse people with his bright, chatty, and clever stories of men and women who figure prominently in the news and events, of the day. The New Section of the Sunday Edition of The New York Times will be as Interesting as it always Is readers of the Sunday Times may depend on getting "all the news that's fit to print," promptly, accurately, aad well told. The Financial Quotation Supple ment which accompanies the Sunday Edition of The New Work Times cov ers all transactions in Stocks. Bonds, and Investment Securities both list ed and unlisted. It includes capital ization of corporations dividends date and rate, the fluctuations In quo tations for the closing week high and low price for both the current year and the year preceding, and other in formation indispensable to either in vestor or speculator to aid him In solving financial problems. The Quotation Supplement is kept on file by all banks and financial institutions for dally references. The New York Times Saturday Review of Books , Which accompanies the Saturday Edition, treats books as news. The book publishers of the country have made The New York Times Saturday Review of Books their preferred medi um for announcements of new publi cations. - Order Through Your Local News dea'ers.. or mail direct from office, as per fol lowing rates: Subscription Terms. By Mail, One Year, Sunday Included J3.50 Six Months, Sunday Included.... 4.2 J Three Months. Sunday included.. 2.25 One Month, Sunday Included.... .7S Per Week .IT Daily, without Sunday, per year. . 5.00 Dally, without Sunday,, six months 3.00 Dally without Sunday, three months 1.53 Dally, without Sunday, one month -. .50 Daily, without Sunday, one week IS Saturday, with Review of Books and Art Supplement, per year. . 1.03 Sunaay, with Magazine Supple ment ana Financial Supplement per year 2.59 Postage to foreign countries for Dal ly and Sunday editions, add $1.10 par month. Address THE NEW YORK TIMES. New York. ley at the request of Collards, wheu Gold ozs. 44.85 f 927 05 4.30 101 2S 11.46 236.87 65.20 1,347 68 ley at the request of Pritchard 4 claims: Gold ozs. 1.30 $26 27 . 1.40 28 93 , 2.70 55 80 4.M) 99 81 4.60 95 08 1.20 24 80 .80 16 53 1.15 23 77 Engineer Clark from all the cropping Silver ozs. per ton. Value. . ... .. V) oy u 28 40 v. 10 40 43.J.V?. .... ........-....... 6 7tt -" - - 11 40 .,.,. .... ............ ....... A 7V .5 10 80 i29 03 v. n JP .'-S '.5 . ri - -"V .j I