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'iga?,. .-. -,A.9i-5aasa?sHBSB ,1. f.iJ. i-y xbUMlMwv BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 61803. 1 - ? -N! 1 in the MINING F ELD Operations of Interest Throughout the County of Cochise, Arizona and Sonora i underlie the various groups. of down which Improve in character ' with depth. The group of claims I. In the meantime the holders of the Is joined by the Frankenberg Bros, shares are patiently waiting for the groups and the Erickson group and expected strike.". Many of them can showings so far encountered are coi' ill afford to hang on, some of them only doing so at the cost of privation and at the expense of the merchart and business man, but all are lured by sldered very satisfactory by the dl rectors. The list of officers and di rectors is as follows: Carl Clauson, 1 president: W. L. Akers, vice presl- FINDING FRACTIONS. Durinir .the rwii 'oi, ! claima. there has come to he quite & little talk about fraction al claims lying in irregular forms in between the groups of claims held by tninlng and deelopment companies and to which until recently no one had maae any c aim personally lor tho lthe ,uck of those who have cleaned (dent: James T. Hood, treasurer; W. reason mai me existence oi sucn irac- rUD trom $50000 to as mucn as a mll. . E,keriy. secretary. Directors: S. Jii J. V ," t0 , Se , "" m mining investments, as well as I s. Sutton. W. A. Eckerly, W. L. Akeri, ffllght feel impelled to locate and ; gcores wh(J have made a ew tnouE.,A C- MacDonald. Carl Clauson. O. claim them. These fractions, too, of ands of do,ars each An(J the fevpr Ro)llns George Jt Porter. """i" l"c,c tt,D ," , V ." of fieculatl(fi extends beyond thj are in some cases right in the midst ,., , ,. ' . .. ., ,. ... , , , . . . . ' limits of the copper land into the Wt fpmmo tr nlnlnu ntnrl Tint' hnf nrann rM rru"", "'..r". : ...:! country of iron. 1U .&tCUl lUC; CUC OAiVt W7 i BLIND MEN TO MAKE BROOMS. KM"l"M-T'H"'M-l"M''M' 1 1 G. E. TomI!nson& Co. I Mines and Mining Stocks 3, Bankof Blsbee B'b'a J BISBEE, ARIZ fltMMHtttt'Hl I II t .. .- .w- -- J. .. J. ,1. ,t, ,, ,. ,t, ,. r' I HERMAN & NEWITT, t ASSAYERS AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS "The Reliable Place" 1 Above the BISBEE. 2 Flood Gate ARIZONA Hill t 1 I I I I II MIM in them. vary from one acre to as much as five or more acres and while of little j service for mining as a separate property they are usually salable to the group owners at prices proportionate to the value of the group. The possible existence of such frac tions and the recent talk about them has prompted certain persons to un dertake a systematic search for them Big Mining Company Continues to Care for its Disabled Employes. Despite all the talk about soulless corporations, and employers who have no care for the personal interests of those who toil in their behalf, it Is not a difficult matter to point to coi:- thic coarohw i nnt mnfinpd to lderate officials and to firms which Individuals, but one case which oc- lJCTe, ,In iynl much attention to curced about two weeks ago was. the welfare of the individual worker where a fraction lying between two!wuu 6e," "" 'aour lur "ul ul5 a'a fit ho Inri-oaf nrnnprtipe In the district i"1 Va- was snapped up with notable celerity by one of the companle's for whose lands this narrow strip acted as a buffer. iot so many months ago one group Of claims not far from Bisbee sold for a nice round sum, and was generally conceded to be worth the price, but shortly after the transfer along comes an Individual with an offer to One institution of the latter class is the great Calumet & Hecla Minim; company, of Michigan, noted alike for its great care in safeguarding its workmen from accidents and as well for treating with unsurpassed consid eration those of its employes who may be unfortunate enough to sustain serious injury in the discharge of duties to the company. Recently the big mining company SNAPPED UP. Activity in the transfer of small lots of stock in the local development companies is reported about town. Brokers who have small lots of these sent in by overstocked Investors do not have to wait long for customers. Shares in the Junction Development company today were at prices aboo the par value of that stock. The Junction is a nice lookln; proposition to those who know the local situation and it Is asserted that a short time will notice a remarkable stiffening in the price of Its shares. The promptness with which Blsbee people buy up any offerings of tha home property stocks is a most con vincing evidence of the faith they have in all the properties here. The sale of the first 10,000 shares of stock of the Gold Nugget Mining company is progressing nicely and further development work on the property will probably be inaugurated very soon. GEORGE C. CLARK, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ENGINEER. BISBEE, ARIZONA. C. R. Moorhetd. President Joseph Magoffin, Vice-President J. 0. Lackland, CuUw. J. H. Russell, Awrt. CasttSb The State National Bank of EL P.ASO, TEXAS Transacts a General Banking Business (Solicits the accounts of Banks, Corporations, firms and individual. The H. L,esinsk:y Company INCORPORATED EDWARD J. FLANNIGAN ATTO R N EY-AT-L A W Mining Law a Specialty. Bank of Blsbee Building BISBEE, ARIZONA. KINSEY& McDONALD, DEALERS IN STOCKS. All Stocks Bought aid Sold ru Commiss'-ii. BISBEE, ARIZONA. Bu&nrher Building. Phone 1TJ. WHOLESALE GROCERS EI Paso, Texas Quick service to points In southeastern Arizona and Sonora. orders have the best attention. We sell to dealers only. 'ioiiHLiiiflMPIHEmKlk ', Bfe iJ(BB90GH''B"f3iW For Pianos Organs riusical Instrument? Of all Kinds Sheet flusic Etc., writ . W.8.Dann& o. Exdailrj Mclc Hmi El Paso - Texas All Mniitn email fraction. Htlht Oil the middle of the recently -sold group ordered the erecting of a broom fac rv0n,0 nmvprt .hat his title was too- In connection with its big plant Events proved that his title was perfectly good and he had but to name his price, which proved to be a pretty stiff one, and it was promptly paid. This condition in a mining camp like Bisbee Is not new, but it 1 to be wondered at that men shrewd enough to float very highly capitalized corporations, should omit or neglect to see to it that their land titles aie of uch a nature a to preclude the pos sibility of interlopers within their borders. New experiences along this line are aid to be coming for some of the "big ones," shortly, as sharp eyed claimers are said to hae located slight tracts at half a dozen different places, the location of which tends to give them a value, perhaps abova the intrinsic worth of the land. By the aid of surveyors maps. and this new department is intende'l entirely for the benefit of the under ground men who by reason of prema ture blasts in the mine or otherwise, have lost their sight but are otherwise physically able to work. This company protects its unfort unate employes and their families in many ways 'should there be any need for it. and their injured men are giv en light employment permanently so that they may be retained vn the company's payroll and so be able to support themselves and families. The company has a list of twelve or fifteen blind men on its pay rH at thQ present' time and these "will now be given places in the broom factory in, fact 'the, 'factory is being estab lished Ifor their sole benefit. By way of. contrast with many oth er Institutions at'' the present day It is gratifying to see this humane metn WILLIAM M. CLUTE, . MINING ENGINEER. All classes of engineering work. Office In E. G. Ord's Building. field notes and by a careful study ol j 0(1 of carjng for those who would per the claim boundaries on the ground i haps be otherwise in distressing cir- t ehonlrt be readily possmie 10 a.-. cumstances. mine the surface solidity of any block or group of claims at any rate, a com petent surveyor could quickly make known the facts in regard to it. There are many things in regard to assesment work: securing patents and kindred subjects which either present or prospective mineral land holders will do well to Investigate ear ly In their experience and so perbaps tave somewhat of trouble and ex pense as well. ELECT OFFICERS. At a regular meeting of the stock holders of the Crescent-Copper compa- Iny on Monday afternoon, the report of the company's progress was re ceived and accepted. The old directors were all re-elected for the term which will expire May . 1904. Two new directors, O. M. Rol lins and George M. Porter were also re-elected. The officers were also re elected. The company is now sinking a new 3-compartment shaft on the property which contains a twenty-foot ledge of mineral matter. They are also widening out the old shaft to a 2 onmnartment anerture. This shaft lm i iiuimiiiiiininiii'H SPECULATION RAMPANT. For the size of the community. St is doubtful If there is another section of the United States where" speculation In mining stocks Is so rampant, or v miir-h mnnev is tied up m Mining securities as in the copper coun- J baa been in vein matter all the way try of Michigan, says the uetrou jour nal It is estimated by brokers and bankers in a position to know that more than $12,000,000 has been In vested In Arizona and other western stocks by copper country people with in the last two or three years, and the money has been contributed by all .t..UI v-r the nonulation. Servant girls, laborers In the mines. J ministers, protessionui i-i -in every walk of life hold shares and are waiting for the time when some Of the numerous companies engagu to developing mineral deposits or ju searching for profitable veins, shall - hn nroved successes or fail ures. Many of them, no doubt will be doomed to disappointment ior i.. Is conceded that not all of the comps -nies whose prospects have been po highly colored by the promoters will .c,it.. it Hrh." but. on the other hand. it is certain that the returns, from the successful properties will more than make up for the entire sum investec . The great bulk of the money has been put into companies operating in th Warren 'Istr,'-t of Arizona, which Indicators alreidv show will become one of the greatest copper regions cf the world. It Is the rich showing that some of the p-opertles have made that has stipulated speculation in the Arizona s'ocks. Company after com pany have been organized with Mich igan money, and for twenty mile3 southeast of Bisbee shaft after shaft is going down in the expectation of striking it rich. All these are being sunk on what is believed to be the mineral-bearing formation, as marked by a range of small hills, but If Is a fcreat question how many of them Will tap the ore deposits supposed to DYSENTERY CURED WITHOUT THE AID OF A DOCTOR. "I am just up from a hard spell of the flux" (dysentery) says Mr. T. A. Pinner a well known merchant of Drummond. Tennesee. "I used one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having a doc'or. I consider It the best cholera medi cine in the world." There is no need of employing a doctor when this rerne , i Cort fnr no doctor can prescribe - Kpttpr medicine for bowel complaint in any form either for children or adults. It never tans aim is "" to take. For sale by au The Wave Candy Factory AND ICE CREAM PARLOR. SHERE.ERTS, FINE CIGAUS AND TOB CCO. Private Rooms for Ladies. Ice Cream for parties on ohort notice. International Undertaking Parlors ROBT. HENNESSY. Manager Rolled Steel and Metallic Cas kets. Embalming specialty Lady assistant lor ladies and Children. Prompt attention to night calls. T!tphon No. 15. M. O. ROLLINS, ASSAYER. Gold, silver, lead and copper, ' each 75c Gold and silver, $1.25. All work don carefully and straight business or none. Postoffice box 846. Blsbee. Ariz. FOR: Call on Watches, Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry A. H. RICHARDS fHB JEWELER 103 El Paso Street, El Paso Grand Central Block Prompt attention given to mall orders and repairing. PROFESSIONAL CARDS P. J. HART, jVi. D. Central Lodging House 8 to 10 a. m. 4 to 6 pm. Phone 149 - Night and Day Gce Hours DR. G. E. LINDSTRAND, 494 Tombstone Canyon, VETERINARY SURGEON. Calls answered rt all aonrs. M. D. JOHNSON, M. D., CLARK'S Engineering and Assay Office fline Examinations, Hachinery and Mill Estimates and Designs Accurate and QuicK Retarns. Chemical Analyses and Assay Government Surveys in Arizona and Mexico BRANCHES: DOUGLAS, NAC0 and CANANEA PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pkone 165. Postoffice Bldg. h'M'l 1 1 1 1 1 n vt YOU When You Travel, Trave. Right EL PASO & SOUTHWESTERN R. R. Fastest, Cleanest, Best Through Dining Cars Only Direct Line to EI Paso Close Connections to all Points NORTH 'rank E. Hertford Sth E. Hazzard HEREFORD . HAZZARD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW TUCSON. ARIZONA. t nt fr Land Script DR.H. A.SCHELL, Eye Specialist, 16 X. STONE AVENCE. Tucson, Ariz. Next visit to BUbee, Naco and Doagtas Id October Jtfi 'ypSH M. O Conntll, XTTORNEY-AT-LAW Oftlca Rom No. 2, Bank Building BISBEE. ARIZONA O.K. STAGE LINE LIVERY STABLE HACK STAND TTnrV meat nil trains and connect with onr staff e for all mines on the monntaln. Saddle horses and lirerj to all parts of the country. Terms reasonable. Report to stable anr ezhorbitant charges or negligence in service. Give us a trial and be con vinced we mean all v.e say. 'Phone 12 1-2 0. K. Stable. F. ANDREWS, Manager CANANI&, SO NORA, MEXICO. Jno. Brunner FINE MERCHANT .... TAILOR1NQ And Dealer in Gent's Furnishing Goods First-Class Fit Guaranteed. 104 El Paso Street, El ra so, Texas SOFT DRINKS Of all kinds, including soda, singer ale, iron brew, sarsaparilla. etc., and manufactured bj ARCHIBALD & CUNNINGHAM who are prepared to supply the trade at Conanea Naco, Douglas, Bisbee, Tombstone asd Benson. Also agents for Maier&Zobelein beer. E. W. Baum, M. D. Leuls Dytart, M. D. D. E. Broderlck. M J. PHYSICIANS AM) SUROEODd DR. W. E. HANKIN DENTIST. WEST- -EAST Rooms 2, 3 and 4, over Postoffice. Phone 68. E. R. Carpenter, M. D. Albert Wilkinson, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Rooms 2, 3, 4 and 5, Miller Building. Opposite Hotel Sheldon, E Paso, ... Texas. w -WIXX. S. BELL -S ICE COLD Lemonade, All Ik Shake, Ice Cream and Candles VJKMM)WWWWrjrXXW Tree Coinage Saloon Agent for McBrayer Whiskey ani International -.Ci?ars Main Street riiDee, Arizona t&w&mtw&wrdntMtxu '.tm St. Louis Beer Hall L C. Shattuck Proprietor Agent for Anheaser-Bosoh Brewing Association Wholesale and Retail Finest Brands of Brewery Avenue BISBEE Arizona WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS,.. Pumps Assay Supplies he Mine and Smelter Supply Co. El Paso, Texas Machinery & Mining Supplies THE: $ SOUTH nimtHH fHMiiiimi : masi i jtt Exchange C. W. BLACK, roj. The best of beer and choice wines, libuors and cigars. Hoisting Engines C. N. TIBBITS, Local Hgr. C-". SOLD BY kOHLBERG, BROS EL PASO, TEXAS , I