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?-: t ,."!- UNIVERSITY CLUB BI5BEE DAILY REVIEW Try a "Want" Ad in THE REVIEW It Brings Results The Review brings the News First. Other Pa pers follow. REGULAR MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRE55. VOLUME VII BISBEE, ARIZONA. SATURDAY AUGUST 8, 1903 NUMBER 84 t. I' ' i V H li If SENATORS AT OYSTER BAY MILLARD OF NEBRASKA AND NEWBURN, OF IDAHO, ' ON FINANCE. DISCUSS VITAL ISSUES Senator Millard Holds Belief of the President in a More Elastic Curren cy, -Backed by the Government. Plenty of Bonds Now Afloat for It. Oyster Bay, Aug. 7. Senators Mil lard of Nebraska and Newburn of Idaho were guests of the president at luncheon today. The senators and President Roosevelt stated their de slre respecting financial legislation -at the approaching session of con gress. Millard agreed with the president on the desirability of a more elastic system of currency than the present one was quite positive that the gov ernment itself ought to be behind every dollar of currency Issued, so that no question of its value ever would be raised. He expressed the belief that government bonds of a sufficient quantity were now outstand ing to afford a basis for currency issues. He also said he would favor the "right kind of a measure" looking -to a greater elasticity In the cur rency, but he felt sure some meas ures recently proposed would not be acceptable to the country. IARP ON BIG FIGHT be foolish to predict that Corbett will knock the big fellow out, as Corbett has never shown that kind of ability, and een If he had he will be up against a man whom It Is next to Im possible to put to sleep with a blow from a glove. "I saw Corbett Just before I left the coast, a couple of weeks ago. and he certainly has Improved physically. He appears much more robust and a great deal heavier than he ever was before. As he is only 33 years of age, I can't seo why, with a good faith ful course of training, he cannot step Into the ring next week a better man than he ever has been. "If he can manage to stay away from Jeffries, and content himself with Jabbing and slde-s'epptn-throughout the twenty rounds, he will get the decision on points Just as sure as he enters the ring. "On the theory that the fight will go the limit, here Is another way that I reason out Co-bett the winner. He Is a very popular man all over the country, and especially In San Fran cisco. Exactly the reverse Is true of Jeffries. If there Is any chance to give either of the men the best of It on small technicalities, as there most always is In a long fight, Cor bett will be the man favored. "Eddie Graney, who Is to referee the fight. Is a good, square man, and will undoubtedly give satlsflctlon so far as his rulings are concerned, but I am afraid he will prove too light for the task, as be is a small man. If the big fellows get to roughing it," MURDEROUS PLOT FRUSTRATED. Wal'a Walla Threatened, with a Fol. som Event, Preceded by Murder. READY FOR THE POPE'S CORONATION CEREMONY It Is the Desire of the Pope that as Many of the Poor as Possible May Attend Fifty Thousand Tickets Will Be Issued n Order that Wish of Pius May Be Gratified. Venetians Enroute Rome, Aug. 7. St. Peters is closed while preparations for the coronation next Sunday are proceeding. Pope Plus has expressed his desire to havo as many humble members of the faith as possible admitted, and 50,000 tick ets will be distributed by parish priests. Catholic clubs and associa tions, seminaries, ecclesiastical cot leges, monasteries and convents all over the land. The remainder of the seats will be reserved for distin guished guests. Only two galleries have been erect- handful of flax. This is lighted and it flashes up for a moment and then dies out, as the chaplain chants "Pater saivste, sic transit gloria mundf" (Holy father, thus passes away the world's glory;. This is done three times, and mass is then begun as usual. After the mass the coronation takes place In the balcony over the portico of St. Peters, overlooking the piazza. The second cardinal deacon takes off , the mitre, which until now the pone i nas worn, ana men me senior ca' Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 7. The wauie oi tne recent plot to escape from the penitentiary here was dl closed this afternoon by the confes sion of a convict. Convicts, Burkey ana Mitchell had a convict picked out who was the physical counterpart of Superintendent Meades. Meades was to be killed and his clothes put on this man. The trio was then t.i go through a hole In the brick wall of the Jute mill, which they planned to cut, and have the outer gate opened by the guard on orders from the pseudo superintendent. Operations on the hole through the brick wall were recently stopped by finding brick dust among the Jute scraps. o KILLED A SUSPECT. .PUGILISTIC CONNOISEUR SAYS . CORBETT WILL WIN. "Corbett Looks Good to Me. 1 Expest to See Him Win from Jeffries on Points," Is Opinion of Old Refered. Wyatt Earp, who is well known In 'Arizona, and ,who -has been, residing jor some timepast,in Texas, was a At.tVnr.nA nQBoAnjcoi- Inst teht BQ I WfVlriljLTirf (?Hf . Ahp- 7 VTinHinT Wni'UVUUlf JJOOBV. . CT , . a .. 7-. , .--- r. - - - - I w VIIU Utah UAAJ Tsnteto Sari Francisco, to take In the fatality has resulted from the pursuit the council at ed, one for the diplomatic body an! dinal deacon (Macchl) places the tia ti one for he Roman aristocracy. The on the pontiff's head, and all the peo- body of the church will be divided pie cry out: "Kyrle elelson!" Into compartments, with separate en- The new pope Is one of eight chil trances. Thousands are aiseady dren, two sons and six daughters, leaving the Venetian province-; to at- j One of the sisters is a dressmaker, tend the coronation of "their pope." j another Is married to a sacristan and The coronation ceremonies will te peddlar; a third married a wine shop performed at St. Peters according to keeper, and the two others are un the rite dating from the latter part married The new pope Is the se.--of the fourteenth century. jenth pope v. ho has come from the re- As the pope enters the church the : gion of Venice, among whom was "Ierk of the papal chapel hold3 up be- ( Benedict XIII, who also came from fore him a reed surmounted by a(Trev!so. i PEACEFUL END. Will Kemp Succumbed to Fever Yes terday Morning. At his home on School hill at 7. o'clock yesterday morning, Mr. Will Kemp, the popular bookkeeper of the ' BIsbee Improvement company, quie; ly passed away, after an illness of nineteen days. Mr. Kemp was a Michigan man. and had been resident here but about three months, and during that time had endeared himself most thoroughly to his business and social associates, and was recognized as a most efficient employe by the B. I. company, who speak of him in the highest terms. We learn that he was held in high esteem in his former home In Calu met, and the news of his demise will be a grievous shock there, as Indeed It Is here. Afflicted by typhoid fever, Mr. Kemp seemed to be improving until a day or two ago. when a re lapse set In and he weakened rapidly and passed away as one In a sleep at 7 o'clock Friday morning. The funeral arrangements contem plate the removal of the body to the Roman Catholic church this morning at 7 o'clock, where the services will be held. The remains will afterward be escorted to the 9 o'clock train, and shlped to his former home in Mlcl Igan. The following gentlemen w'll act as Dall bearers: A. W. Ecker, itin n Pnrrv. W. H. Roberts, R. L. James, A. M. Mackenzie and F. R. Harrington. FAMOUS SOLDIER DEAD. Brigadier General Woodsoji Passes Away at Paola, Kansas. Paola. Kan., Aug. 7. Brigadier General A. E. Woodson, U. S. A., re tired, died here today, aged C2 years. He was In the military service forty one years He will be buried In the national cemetery at Arlington, Vir ginia. -o MURDER CASE CLOSED ATTORNEYS READY TO ADDRES3 THE JURY IN THE CASE OF JETT AND WHITE. -Ji- Proved Not t Be an tiscape but-Ran When Called on1 fibSurrooder.- . WHAT IT COSTS THE CITY FOR ITS FIRES When Fire Chief Henkel appeared before the city council last Wednes day nieht he had with him a number of b'ills that had been turned down by a previous meeting. of the convicts who escaped from the I On Thursday the Evening Miner Frvi ?aim nrlann An nnlmnwn manl.,M. A... nriti. ah nviAla nhuh c.atrA . v.w t..vw .- .......... .. .... . vmyj vui niui au aiuMC uii,u. aM.a killed near Davisvllle tonight. U V--V -J - 1902, repairing ji i -- : fire ..hose. ---: - l was The man was seen acting queerty near a farm house, and when called on by the officers to surrender, started to run. The officers fired, killing him instantly. Since his death the man has been Identified as one who had. been in the vicinity for several days, hunt- ins; work. It Is believer he was de ranged mentally. The officers who killed him have been exonerated Csrbett-Jeffries mill that Is booked to i tone off in that city. Earp refereed (ae celebrated Fl'.zslmmoas-Sharfcey contest several years ago, and is an expert in pugilism, says the Tucson Citizen. He is especially qualified to pass an opinion on the outcome of the big fight, since he is personally acquainted with both Jeffries and Corbett, and has seen both men in action. In discussing the probable outcome of the contest yesterday af ternoon, Mr. Earp said: "Corbett looks good to me. I ex Sect to see him win from Jeffries on points. He will enter the ring with Jeffries heavier by from twelve to J Eminent Jurists Say Its Acceptance fifteen pounds than he has ever been i Would Be Unconstitutional. in any of his fights. The only ad- Colon. Colombia, Aug. 7. The lat--vantage that Jeffries ever had over ! est advices from Bogota state that him was weight, and I figure that i the adversaries of the Panama canal twelve or fifteen more pounds on treaty have assumed a. new attitude, Corbett will reduce this advantage to which is based on the recently pub a minimum. I lisbed opinion of an eminent lawyer "Anybody knows that Jeff cannot i at Bogota, who claims that accept cope with Corbett In skill and gen- ance by the Colombian congress of eralship, and I figure that if Corbett the Hay-Herrera treaty would be un "will play the elusive jabbing game constitutional, because congress did which he says he will, he will be re- not sanction the last canal project, turned the victor, on points. It would and for other technical reasons. ANOTHER OBJECTION TO TREATY that the city council had been using the fliy house -Without having ra: munerated the fire department for its use. The fire house is a public build ing. The fire department have no use for the rear room of the build-l mg otner man to noia lis meeuags there. The city owns no other build ' July $8.25,. September JLi.l9Q2, carpenter -worlc ana pamung, jsj.aur work on engine $12.25; oil, 1.15; hauling engine. $h.0Q; -steward for fire house, $14.00. October 9, lumber for fire house, $21.15; repairing apparatus, $8.50; transfer, $1.00. ' November 10.. transfer, $2.50; Case of Killfyre, $66.10. December 8 labor on pipe 'Ine. $147.S5; material for pipe line, $174.17. January 8. 1903, lumber, $20.30; BROKE ALL RECORDS LOWE SPECIAL CROSSES CONTI NENT UNDER THREE DAYS. Henry P. Lowe Charters Special Train in Futile Endeavor to Reach Bedside of His Dying Child. Los Anaeles. Calif.. Aug. ..At QUESTION OF VERACITY Defense Attempts to Show That Ewen, the Principal Witness, BQrt an Unsavory Reputation Among Hit Neighbors as to Morality and Honjr Cynthiana. Ky., Aug. 7. Afta? eleven days consumed in taking tUa testimony in the second trial of tha commonwealth of Kentucky againkt Curtis Jett and Thomas Whita, charged with the assassination Of Thomas B. Marcum, May 4 last, bOtH sides rested this afternoon. Tho ar guments of counsel will -begin, to morrow. During the trial some twenty-five witnesses from his own county, amt other witnesses from Powrll county. inhere he resided until he moved to Jackson some ten years as-o, testified that Ewen's morality was as bad at was his reputation for truthfulness At the same time some of them tes tified that he was a church-goer, wa a constant attendant at Sunday school and never drank whisky .-r gambled. Many of them were confused on cross examination, especially those from Breathitt county. The best impeaching evidence wag offered by a number of citizens of Powell county, including the couur judge, sheriff and others, whi tcstlfted that Ewen had a bad reputation as t morality and truthfulness among hla neishbors1, alt lough each of thesa '. witnesses, as far as their own per sonal opinion was concj.-ned, testified without exception that he hla debts promptly, never drank, and at tended church regularly while rajldl' ing among them. "Tick" Beech, who testified several Los Angeles, cam.. Aug. .. aw days a0 for y defengeF waa ooatf.. ;06 o'clock tflis .afternoon the speciaUy, t b - wftneS8' Rtrssadd.'for"' tha ,. COLMCIL PASSES ON BILLS Immediately at the close of the f stone contractor. At that time these sitting- of the council as a board cf ' gentlemen explained to the council equalization yesterday, a special Jaeeting of the council was called to act on such bills as had been sent in with the proper affidavits. The bill of O. J. Omstead, archi tect, who drew the plans for the new city Jail, was laid over until the Jail committee. Warner and Taylor, could i Jcoafer with Ms, Omstead and get A. E. Lutley...., 38 40 his explanation of the bllL Already' BIsbee Evening Miner 5 60 the council has approved part of thlsi W. O. Shiner: 52 50 bill, and $60 has been paid to Om-! BIsbee Mercantile company. ... 33 42 stead. The total amuont of the bill ! F. A. Sutter 1 10 30 tho difficulty they experienced In do ing their work, and presented extra bills, which were turned down by the council. The following bills were allowed at yesterday's meeting of the council: Copper Queen Consolidated Mining company . -. $26 10 lng' suitable for a meeting place for'Pair on pipe line front of fire house, the council, so of course they have 3!; , ,., been meeting In that room. , February 4 repairs, $1.00; repair- The books of the city show that lnf,lmt' V the city has paid the fire department1 fc Man 4. carpenter work on fire for the use of this building, and not nse. $14.3a; material for same, only that, but the cost to the city for. 50- .,,.,, , ,, ,.;,,. nf h fire denart- April 8, material, $4.30;. repairs. ment Is something enormous for a 3-50- city the size of BIsbee. In less thanl -Making a total of 8'6.68 one year, from July 2, 1902, to April At yesterday's meeting of the coun 8 1903. the city has paid bills coming ' cil a finance committee was appointed under the head of the fire department by the m ayor consisting of Counc 1- ., 4 ..-; men Ord, Hunt and Scott, and thi3 ,r,t it'htr.hrn to make 'committee was Instructed to confer .. '.vo t mr, stated abo.e with the chief of the fire department . ,. .,i, ., flr hn,i thlnzs ' and endeavor to make some arrange- which were needed by both the fire ments whereby the city council may department and the council to make j nave iue uSe Ui u.c . - ., . tha mtini nf hn'.h .meetings. lue iwma ui, i. " .wo- - ...n .,,t these bodies. The remainder were in xne ejes ui iu -""-";" bills properly contracted for by the drawback In approving bills Is tha department, and were paid with the they have been ""d for by approval of the council: aost any official of the city from Here are the dates and amounts the scavenger man to the city ma - paid for the fire department and shal. and it is the purpose of the Ssed upon by the council favorably: I council to put a stop to this practice. .train bearingTHenry P. Lowe, chief engineer -ofihe Ijnlted States Steel ,corpprtiQji drew in, at Xa Gratfde' station, naving compieiea me run from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, a distance of more than 3,200 miles, In the fastest time on record. Lowe left New York on Tuesday, August 4, at 2:33 p. m., and arrived tn this city seventy hour3 and thirty- one minutes later, or in an hour and twenty-nine minutes Ies3 than three days. The record-breaking run just fin ished by Lowe was undertaken with the object of reaching the bedside of his little 11-year-old daughter, who was lying seriously ill in this city, The child died early Tuesday morn ing. Mr. Lowe was not advised of her death until well on his way. As prosecution,- anil -also-'by Cyrus Hal- land. .Beech swore sevort days fQ ' he had seen the killing, and these wlti nesses say Beech told them h? Hi not see the killing, and h was gild he did not. The commonwealth H' swear out a warrant for the a'reit 9t Beeoh and John L. Noble, who will bi. . charged with swearing falsely. e DEATH AT UNKNOWN HAriQI, Coroner's Jury Renders Verdict Death of Asotin Rapist. 91 Spokane, Wash., Aug. 7. Death fyf strangulation from being hanged ovar a guy wire at the corner of First aui Fillmore streets by masked men un known to the jury. Is the substanci vl a verdict returned by -the 'lo-uner'i all arrangements had been made for Jury at Asotin, Washington, at th the special train, and schedules pre-, inquest over the body of WUHa.-n pared by the railroads, the trip was Hamilton, lynched Tuesday night far continued as originally planned The record for the run between Los the murder of little Mabel Richards. Hamilton s body was buried In Ao- RUSSIAN LABOR STRIFE. I Hastings. Michigan, today, saying tv,Mt ho had declined to accept the Cossacks Forced to Shoot Into Mob to 'appointment as chief Justice sot A , lg $136.15, and it is the balance, $76.15, that the council has not yet appr ved. The bill of Mr. Olmstead F. W. Myles, transferred to G. W. Dunn 51 00 Stodghill Bros 12 50 has been a knotty one to the council ' BIsbee Improvement company.. 58 9a ever since the Jail bills have started Bisbee Drug company 35 70 to come In. At the first presentation of bills from the contractors, it wasi Total $324 67 discovered that the plans of the The bill of Dr. P. G. Linscrom, vet arehltiect could not have been, fol- erinarian, for attending sick horses lowed out by Joe Schwartz, who did ! owned by the city, amounting to $20, . . . J T 0 TTrtl1lnn.s 4fin'- J1..1fnfrrAj me piumomg, ana j. a. yi"iuo, ."-. was uuuuncu. Cleveland. O. .Aug. 7. The finals each other for the western champlon- cf the western amateur golf cham- ship. They are H. Chandler Egnn. ninnahlD'have been reached, and two of Exmoor, and his cousin, Walter Chicago golfers are again to meet Bgan, also of Exmoor. Mexico, tendered him by President Roosevelt. Smith was appointed to mc.oort formpr Chief Justice Daniel M. McMillan, who was removed by order of the president. Smith gave no reason for his action, hut it is believed here that he was Influenced by the sentiment existing Angeles and Chicago, east-bound, is ' tin cemetery this afternoon by Ulf held by the Peacock special, which in ' father and two or three other men, March. 1900, made the distance in No funeral ceremony was held. fifty-seven hours and sixteen minutes.! It is a coincidence that the Peacock AFTER SUPPOSED CONVICT, special was also chartered by an offl- Sacramento, Calif., Aug. 7. 11:1? clal of the United States Steel corpof-1 P- m. The police force of this city atlon, the eastern run being made for , are now In pursuit of a man suppos! the purpose of enabling Peacock to to be convict Fahey. Within fifty yard attend a meeting of the board of di-, t tne iepot m Wis city, at a plae rectors of the corporation at the time . called China Slough, several shoiqf of the consolidation. j have been fired. ANGUS PAYS HIS LICENSE Protect Themselves. Kieff. Russia. Aug. 7. The labor disturbances were renewed today, the strikers parading the town, break ing windows. Invading workshops and compelling workmen to Join them. (jossacKS nreu upuu tuw - .nnuencea uy i wwwii. ;.-. - taHK oi tne uncivil, auc mw in me mrriiuij diiiiiat. .w.c otr-"-been assailed with a shower of atones, j ment of a non-resldent to the chief several m uic muu ; ....- . ( juaiiutrsuiy. All tramways are suspended and o the bakeries are closed. The price DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN SPAIN of bread Is rising and it is feared that martial law will be resorted to in Three Thousand Families Homeless order to quell the disturbance and, Fiame-Swept Quarters, subjugate the mob, among whose, Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 7. A terrl leadere are said to be nihilists of the we nre today totally destroyed the rankest order. quarter of Esparraguera. occupied o ' mostly by working people. Three REFUSED CHIEF JUSTICESHIP, thousand families were rendered des- 1 Utute, and some workmen perished. Clement F. Smith Will Not Accept the Esparraguera is situated fourteen Office from the President- I miles northwest of Barcelona. Denyer, Colo., Aug. 7. A special to th Republican from Santa Fe, METAL MARKET. New Mexico, says Clement W. Smith! New York, Aug. 7. Silver 54c had sent a telegram' to that city from Mexican dollars "c. J. B. Angius. one of the trio who refused to pay their city licenses, has returned to the city fold. He paid his license to Marshal Mullen yester day, but did so under protest. When Chris Radovich, the Brewery Gulch merchant, held out against the collection of city license'' On the ground that the city was not duly incorporated, many were of the opin ion that perhaps he took a stand that would be sustained by the court3, and among the number was J. B. Angius. So when the marshal called on Mr. Angius on Wednesday to col lect the license which the city claimed was due from him, he refused to pay the same until the case against Rado vlch had Ijeen Hetermlned by the courts. At a meeting of the city council Wednesday evening action was taken In this matter, and it was voted by that body to instruct the city attorney to proceed against J. B. Angius, J. W. Wood and all other who would not obey the call of the city. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Angius made It known that he had decided to pay his. license and It was forthwith collected by Mar shal Mullen. The amount paid br Angius Is $120. and covers the last quarter to July IsL There remain now but two othtrs who have refused to comply with tttq law in regard to the payment of li cense, and these will be sued at OBf9 by the city unless they decide, and do so at once, to pay the amount standing against them on the city books. They are J. W. Woods anl J. C. Divldovlch. Attorney Sutbjr stated yesterday that he would pro ceed against these two if they had not paid their licenses by last night. $4 far as could be learned, neither of; them had done so. Divldovlch con ducts a small grocery store on O. K, street, next to A. Bauer's market, and Woods is proprietor of the Racket store, in Brewery gulch, opposite (ha, postoffice. The amount which Divldovlch uW owes the city is $100, while that ovii ' hv Woods Is much lessJ1 Should tha city win Us case against RadoTlufc', those who hold out to await tha r sulfof that case will be oblige t pay a fine in addition to their UcetU, IWL M(i4ii"mi wttjftjBjtyjw Z3SZ3P2