Newspaper Page Text
The lot fapttai t.pck ol uint,coiyi Batf-' SVTtt -r gg; ffnawi mw. .mm. I A t r 1rri ?- &4 BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1903. rhla- county. -Arizona, ( INCREASED ASSESSMENTS OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Of the City of Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona Bisbee, Ariz., August li, 1903. At the August meeting of the Board of Equalization, said board believed that the following assessments on Iho following described property, are each too small, namely: (A) Angius, J. B.. frame building ..... $ 600 00 (B) Blom, Mrs. Bessie, personal property i.t .K ... j 100 00 Barker, A. S., frame building ..7.. 150 00 Bailey, Isaac, personal property, pipeline, etc 135 00 Brophy, M. J., personal property 210 00 Barnaby, A., frame building in First ward 1000 00 Bauer, A., two brick buildings in First ward 500 00 Bisbee Improvement company, Palaco lot and building. .$1000 00 Bisbee Improvement company, personal property 5000 00 6000 00 Brophy, W. H., four buildings on Mcln street 3000 00 Brophy, W. H., personal property 590 00 3590 00 Bisbee Water & Fuel company, three tanks 1500 00 Bibee Water &. Fuel company, one boiler 100 00 Bisbeet Water & Fuel company, pipe line 367 '00 BIsbeet Water & Fuel company pipe fittings and supplies 500 00 Bisbee Water & Fuel company, tank on Chihuahua Hill ... 100 00 Bisbee Water & Fuel company, office furniture 500 00 3067 00 Bisbee Trading company, personal property 500 00 (C) Cronk( M. E., burrows, saddles, etc 75 00 Coretto, B.. nineteen buildings 5000 00 Coretto, B.. personal property 1000 00 6000 00 Diro, Joe, personal property 35 00 Doyle, M., personal property 200 00 Dereder, Walter, personal property . . 50 00 Dorflinger, George, store building 250 00, Dubacher & Mubelm, building on Main street 2000 00 Dubacher & Muhelm, personal property .'..-.... 156o 00 3500 00 (F) ,;. Fenderson, F. C, frame house '. .f .. 200 00 Fenderson, F. C. personal property 35 00 235 00 Fletcher & Wood, personal property 2000 0" (G) Goldstein, St., personal property .-. .'.... 500 00 Godfrey, Charles, personal property 100 00 Graham, B. F. & Co., personal property 500 00 (H) " ' "" ' Hofmeyer, R. J., frame building. ..-...- 550 00 Hofmeyer, R. J., personal property . 77.5 00 1325 00 Hunt, Kathrin, frame house and personal, property ., .'. . .' W 275 CO Harris & Greener, personal property 300 00 Hagan, Dan, three frame houses ;;.f. 1500 00 Hennessy, Robert, personal property , 1800 00 a) y z Igo, E. V., personal property I... 100 ?0 Ingle, F. E, personal property ."..-.-. - 35 00 (J) Jack, J. H., Lumber company, personal property ...v-.-r.-. 2000 00 Jones & Kllner, personal property " 275 00 (KK - -f - "-' " ' Krlemer JH.. personal property r v , 223 00 Kelly, W. B., personal property ..:;..', ! 50 00 (D " LllquUt, Gus, perscnarproperty 35 00 Letson. Mrs. Maggie, personal property -f. .-. 1200 00 LePash & Osteny personal property 650 00 '-'-- (M) .- Mulhagen, O. H., personal property .'... Ioj 00 MIchels, F. S., adobe house. ... .,.;. 200 00 Muirhead.'J. R., personal property. .n .-.-. "" ' 35 00 Miller, S. M., eight houses ; 560 00 Myers,. Mrs. J H.. frame house .'. . . 500 00 Myers, Mrs. J. H., personal property 500 00 1000 00 Muheim, Joe, thirteen buildings 2305 00 Muheim, Joe, personal property 340 00 2645 00 Negri, Thomas, personal property '. 35 00 Numan, A,, personal property 35 00 Newman, C. A., personal property 1000 00 Noble, Nick, personal property 35 00 -v. (O) v Oddonetto. Joe, personal property 35 00 O'Hare. Martin, ten frame houses 1350 00 Ord, E. G.. personal property 500 00 (P) Prlntey, J. E., personal property 250 00 (R) Radovlch, C. J., personal property 600 00 (S) S5errer. F.'R., estate of adobe building . ?? 00 Stilesj V. R., frame house an J personal property ... jW w Schmledlng, H., personal property 10 " Smith. Mrs. E. L., frame houses and personal property .'. 33o w Salazar, Charles, personal propertr. "" .... ., 500 00 Shattuck, L C.,-ten houses and two cabins 1650 00 Shattuck, L. C, personal property 1?30 00 2980 00 (T) . Trezise Brothers, personal property ,nn nn Twomey. John, three frame houses 200 00- 600 00 Twomey, John, personal property rnn no Tate J. R. & Co., personal property -uu uu (W) Wilds, Even, personal property 200 00 Wallace. I. Ww two houses '..... Wdlllams, S. K., fourteen houses inn nn iron 00 Williams, S. K., personal property 100 00- 1600 00 The owners of the above property, and all who are Interested therein, are hereby notified that the Board of Equalization of the city of Bisbee, will meet in the office In the rear of the Fire House, in the city of Bisbee. county of Cochise, and territory of Arizona, at , o'clock In the afternoon on the 17th day of August. 1903, at which time and place they will take up, consider and determine whether the assessments above specified or any thereof shall be increased, when and where you can be present with such witnesses as you may brincand will be given a hearing. These assessments will be by the board taken up and considered in the order as they appear above, unless for good cause Srst shown the time Is extended in any case. KINSEY. City Clerk. MINING APPLICATION NO. 824. SUR - VEY NO. 705. United States Land Office. Tucwc, Ariz.. August 5, 1903. Notice is 'e-ebv -ven, that The Eas ter Sunday Gold Mining & Milling company. wose postomce aaaress is Bisbee. Cochise county, Arizona, has this day filef the application for a patent for 1457-1457 1492-1492 respec- tive linear feet of the Easter Sunday; Hogback Fraction, Side Line & Saddle mine or vein, bearing copper, gold and Bllver with surface ground on each 600 feetMn width, site 'ed in Warren Min- ingistrlct. count- "ochlse and ter- ritory of Arizona j-u designa'ed by tfce'fleld-notes and o'HcIal plat on file In this office as Surve No. 1705 In sev tlon. 17. in town3ite-2S3, R25EG. & S. R: B. & M. --.. ft -&. 1TAr. -Knf-nr-r a .a saia aurvey io. i.v- u-..-6 -"- follows: Easter Sunday Beginning at cor. No.Vl, the N. W. cot a pine post. In x mound of stones scribed 1-1705 E. S. THE .K .whence the N. W. cor of the N. W. 111 uai tc dv-. a - hpsn s: 59decrees 07 minutes W. 735.4 feet and stone monument on Sacramento Hill bears N. 85 degrees ,40 minutes W. thence N. 89 degrees 49 minutes E. 600 feet to cor. No. 2, the N. E. cor., thence 13 degrees w ' minutes E. 1457 feet to cor. No. 3, the s & Cor f thence S. 89 degrees 49 minntes W. 600 feet to or. No. 4, the !s. W. cor., thence N. 13 degrees 20 minutes W. 1457 feet to cor. No. 1 the place of beginning. Hogback Fraction Beginning at cor. No. 1. the N. WJ. cor. identical with J cor. No. fi Easter Sunday Lode of this .survey, a nine post In a mound '.f , stones scribed 1-1705 H, B. L. whence I the Calumet & Pittsburg shaft bears S. 18 degrees 20 minutes W. & the IN. .7. cor. of the S. W. quarter sec. ,;;:".. j r ntant0. w I li Z.A n. n.. .tl rj. LX. -H. J - " in. Dears o. i ucsj ceo .. u..u-.o ... 1318 feet, thence N. S9 degrees 49 min utes E. 600 feet to cor. No. z, tne . E. cor., thence S. 13 degrees 20 min- utes E. 1457 feet to cor. No. 3r the S. E. B, cor thence S. 89 degrees 49 min utes W. 600 feet to cor. No. 4, the S. W. cor., thence N. 13 degrees 20 min utes W. to corner No 1 the place of beginning. The Saddle Lode Beginning at cor No. 1, the N. W cor., identical with cor. No. 4 Easter Sunday Lode of this survey, a pine post in a inoucd ofJ stones scribed 1-1705 S. E.. whe-:c-j the N. W. cor. of the S. W. quarter sec. 17. T. S. 238, R. 25 E. G. & S. R. B. & M. brs. N. 42 degrees 55 minutes W. 1420.3 feet, thence N. SO degiees 49 minutes E. 600 feet to cor No. 2, the N. E. cor., thence S 13 degrees 20 minutes E. 1492 fet t cor No. 3, the S. E. cor., thence S. 89 degrees 19 minutes V. 600 feet to the corner No. 4, the S. W. cor., thence N. J 3 degrees 2d minutes W. 149,2 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. 'lhe Sideline Beginning at corner No. 1, the northwest -orn;r identical viith corners Nos. 2, 3 auu 4, respect tiiely of the Saddle, Eas'er Sunday, and Hogback Fraction, claims of this suney, a point in a mound of. stores scribed M705 S. L. L.. wherru the N. W. cf.rner of the S. W: 1-4 se.cti.a ?7, T. S. 23 S. R. 25 E. G. & S R. B. & M. bears north 56 degrees 29 minries W, 1S80 feet, thence N. S9 decree 49 minutes E. 600 feet to corner No" 2, the N. E. corner, thence S. 13 desrees 20 minutes E. 1492 feet to cor. No. 3, the S E. comer, thence S. 89 dc?ree3 49 minutes W. 600 feet to coiner No. 4, the S. W. corner, thence N. 1 i degrees 20 minutes W. 1492 feet to torper No. 1, the place of beginning. The presumed course of the veins of these claims are as follows: Easter Sunday from N. end corner of loca tion S. 13 degrees 20 minutes E. 1457 feet; Hogback Fraction from the N. end center of location S. 13 degrees 20 minutes E. 1457 feet: Saddle from the N. end center of location S. 13 degrees 20 minutes E. 1492 feet; Sideline from the N. end center of location S. 13 de grees 20 minutes E. 1492 feet. The said mining claims being of rec ord In the office of the recorder of deeds of Cochise county at Tombstone, In the records of mines as follows: Easter Sunday, book 16, page 180; Saddle, book 16, page 238; Sideline book 16, page 267; Hogback Fraction, book 21, pages 108-109. The adjoining claimants are: North, Kriegbaum claims, names unknown East, unclaimed South uncIaimedJ West, Golden Era clalnrs, names"'un- known, Bryce et al., owners Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Easter Sun day, Hogback Fraction, Side Line and Saddle mine or surface ground are re quired to file their adverse claims with the register of the United States land office at Tucson, In the territory of Arizona, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the -statute. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. FOR SALE. A forty-gallon milk route; eighteen or twenty No. 1 milk cows; two horses, harness and saddle; a new wagon; seventy-five laying hens; three pigs; milk cans and pails; hay cntter; In cubator, and Innumerable odds and ends. Will rent the houses and cor ralls, or -will sell. A bargain for roan and wife. Must sell on account of death. Address P. O. box 444, Bis bee, Arizona. MMNGlS fORTY-TEIRP ram. 48 Page : Veekly Illustrated. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. S3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID, erjro roa sxmkjc copt. MMNG"'ScIentlfic PRESS SSO MARKET RT SAM FEAKCJSCO. CAt BICYCLES, TYPE-WRITERS, SEWING MACHLNES, CASH REGISTERS & GUNS REPAIRED. SAW FILING & KEY flTTlNG. J. C. RAUB JOHNSON BLOCK PIANO BARGAINS very easy terms during April and Maj ' ER, HAMILTON. MASON & HAMtoll-. and KIMBALL Pianos and OrganJ VOSE & SONS KINGSBURY FRANK LIN WTLLARD nd mn7 other lan i it the ix.arl.Bd &rlc frnltr I' THE PIANOLA AND OTHER SELF PLAYERS We are pioneer piano men of tk southwest. We carry the largest stock of piano and- general musical merchandise ani Have In stock In our various agencle rrer one hundred pianos of twenty dlf ,'erent makes. Write for catalc-xuw tnd terms. Redewill Music Co., ; PHOENIX, ARLZ- APPLICATION FOR A PATENT. Mining Application No. 816, Survey No. 1793. United States Land Office. Tucson, Arizona, July 18, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the es tate of J. C. Chisholm. by Joseph F. Chisholm, administrator, whose post office address is Bisbee, Cochise county, Arizona, has this day filed his application for a pat ent for 1963.18 and 1160,43 re spective linear feet of the William Jennings Bryan and Bodey mine or vein, bearing copper, gold and silver, with surface ground on each 600 feet in width, situated In Warren mining district, county of Cochise and Terri" tory of Arizona, and designated by the field-notes and official plat on file in this office as survey No. 1793. approx imately in township No. 23 south, range 24 east (unsurveyed). Gila and Salt River base and meridian; said survey No. 1793 being as follows: BODEY Beginning at cor. No. ,1, the N. W, cor.. Identical with location, a pine poot scribed 1-17:3 B L., whence U. S. M, M. No. 4 bears N. 68 degrees 21 minutes west 8311 feet. Thence S. 24 degrees 39 minutes west 97.27 feet to intersection S. side line Red Jacket, at N. 84 degrees, 07. minutes SO sec ond W. 232.50 feet from the S. E. cor. 11S0 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 2. the S. W. cor., identical with cor. No. 3 William Jennings Bryan, a claim of this survey. Thence S. 75 degrees 46 minutes E. 610 feet to cor. No. 3. the S. E. cor. Thence N. 24 degrees 39 minute3 E. 1160.45 feet to cor. No. 4, the N. E. cor. Thence N. 75 degrees 46 minutes W. 60.62 feet to intersec tion side line Cherokee lode, at N. 12 legrees 48 minutes E. 12.33 feet from the S. E. cor., 392.14 feet, same bear ing to Intersection E. end line Red Jacket lode, at N. 19 degrees 10 min utes E., 62.08 feet from the S. E. cor. 610 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Be ginning at cor. No. 1, the N. W. cor., a pine post scribed 1-1793 W. J. B.. whence U. S. M. M. No. 4 bears N. 67 degrees .02 minutes 30 seconds W. 7704 3 feet. Thence S. 24 degrees 39 minutes W. 93.65 feet to intersection S. side line Red Jacket lode, at N. 84 degree .07 minutes 30 seconds W. 866.22 feet from the S. E4 cor. 712.93 feet, same bearing to intersection line 3-4 - AmericAn lode, survey No. 1716, at N. vu uCO I,. 10111 icm, IUIJU1. lJ. O 1063.18 feet, same bearing to cor. No. 2. the S. W. cor. Thence S. 75 de grees 46 minutes E. 477.27 feet to in tersection line 3-4 American lode No. 1716, at N. 36 aegrees W. 195.94 feet to corner No. 3. Thence N. 24 degrees 39 minutes E. 163.18 feet to cor. No. 4, the N. E. co. Thence N. 75 degrees 46 minutes W. C10 feet to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. The presumed course of the ledge on the William Jennings Bryan is from the S. end center of location N. 24 degrees 39 minutes E. 163.18 feet, and on the Bodey lode from the N. end center of location S. 24 degrees 39 minutes W. 160.45 feet. AREAS To'al area Bodey lode 15.982 acres, less area in conflict with Cherokee lode .283 acres, less area in conflict with Jted, Jacket lode .400 acres, less area in conflict with Rabbit-f. lode .009 acres. Net area Bodey lode, 15.290 acres. Total areavVilliam Jen nings Bryan lode. 14.643 acres, leb's area in conflict with Red Jacket lode .65 acres. Net area William Jennings Bryan lode, 13.998 acres. Net area group 29.288 aer.'S. Magnetic variation 11 degrees 55 minutes E. Area 29.28S acres. The location of this mine 13 record ed in the recorder's office of Cochise county. William Jennings Bryan In Book 14, page 219, Bodey in Book 13, page 2", of the.Records -of Mines. The adjoining claimants are: North Red Jacket, Rabbit and Cherokee, unsurveyed, L. C. Shattuck. owner; Friday lode, unsurveyed, owned by applicant herein. South Fashion lode, Douglas & Hazel, owners. East American lode. No. 1716, Plr rung & Haninger, owners. West Sophy, unsurveyed, owned by ariTilicant herein. Any and all nersons claiming ad versely any portion of said William Jennings Bryan or Bodey mine or sur face ground are required to file their adverse claims with the Register of the United States land office at Tuc son, in the Territory of Arizona, dur ing the sixty days' period of publica tion hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. MILTON R. MOORE, Register. First publication 7-22-'03. 61t torres & PRIETAS RY. Time Card No. 17. . June 27, 1S03. In Effect 9:00 a. m., arrives at Torres at 9:45 a. m. Train No. 2 leaves Torres at 10:45 a. m.. arrives at Minas Prletas it 11:15 a. in. Train Xo. 3 leaves Minas Prletas I at 1:00 p. m., arrives at Torres, at 2:15 p. m. Train No. 4 leaves Torres at 4:45 p. m., arrives at Minas Prletas at 5:30 p. m. ..All Trains Connect at Torres on Sonora Railway, Nogales, to Guy mas and Vice Versa. Wells Fargo & Co.'s Express and Telegraph operation between Minas Prletas and all parts of the world. Shortest and best route to YaquI river. Barranca and San Marcialcoal fields, Soyopa Sahuaripa, Ures, La Buca, La Dura, Yaqui Smelting & R3- fining and Vaqul Copper companies. Freight can be consigned to F. H. Seymour to be forwarded by team from Minas Prietas to the above named place3. . Advanced charges paid on ail goods consigned to railway, which are received, forwarded and ware housed free of commission and stor age charges. At Minas Prletas depot hacks al ways ready to malte trips to any of the above named points at reasona ble rates. - F. H. SEYMOUR, Pies-Prop. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, MAIN STREET. Bowen, Henderson & Hubbard Palace Livery, Feed and Hack Stable Mason's Old Stand. Hack at all hours. Good 8pecial Attention Given iWrsWfcVWkW ; TELEPHONE 16 L. C. SHATTUCK Dealer in m ill Kindt of lumber. Sash, Doori, Etc. Estimates on plate frenf and Mill work furnished on application. "UUiasaiB iraunsnn Minini Ti.nNtM to Called Lou . Specialty jwwwmmmfwpwmmwmw'mim M. J. Justice of the Peace Notary Public Ex-Officlo Coroner Celepbone, post Office Bojr, 556. BISBEE LUHBER CO., .... CAPITAL STOCK 2E,000 .... Yard Located at Lowell Office at the jard and Dubacher Bid. Directors: Anton Trojanovich, Harrr Urown, J. B. Ancuis -"U"-B ,.wm, .Muju iiara9 Officers: w u. mitjuioe A Full Line of Timbers andvLumber Of all Descriptions Twenty Carloads on Hand igBVWXXHWOMBMuwfK L. J. OVERLOOK, Manager. - .....- Telephone, No. St. J Bisbee Mercantile Co. ! CHOICE FAniLY GROCERIES wa onj in car load lots and meet to all parts of HAY AND GRAIN m4WVW Ed. FLETCHts A. W. Wood O. K. Livery Feed and Sale Stables FLETCHER . WOOD. succe8sors to p. Graham & Co (O. K Livery and Sale Stables) First elate driving and (addle horse. Horses boarded by the day or month. gmmmmmmmmimnnmammminniiHfnmmmmmB THE ANHEUSER BEER HALL,i S BOSTON & BROWN S B KEG BEER ON DRAUGHT 2 1 fREE LUCH 11 A. M. TO 3 P. M. 3 nAIN STREET 3 i3iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiumiiiiuii5uiuiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiuihii!iiiii ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o - . O O PETE LEFASII L & 0. BAR AND RESTAURANT OPENDAY AND NIGHT 17 Main Street. Choicest Liquors The Best and and Cigars T J0 Coldest Beer ooooooooocoooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooopooc ooooo THE TURF nUSICAL ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLY WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Keg Beer on Draught Aeentsfor National Club Whisky and Anhenser Kee Beer. THE ORiENT flNCST RESORT !K THE TERRITORY MUSICAL ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLY The Mazei Upper flaln Street BISBEE, ARIZ. Upper Main 8treet. rigs and Careful Drivers 1 Telephone 23 to Boarding of Horn. P. 0. BOX 507 & x. . . I BlbUtt, ARIZONA ' BROWN and Conveyancer No. 80. Office, No, 20,Matn Street Anton Trojanovich, President Harry Brown, Sec. licasuicr all Competitor, the City. Good delivered S Ranchers' and Miner' CuppVa KOBT. OSTEJfQ o o o o o o Q o o o o o SHIPP & TATE, Props. Main Street MAIN STREET HANINGER BROS PROPRIETOR. Bisbee Arizona afe K. ' -Mmm?' laHHwIi&Maafff i 1i I ' B X VI . n - . i X k-tH '- r-- - -" ' " A IK. "CCT & m t i . i