Newspaper Page Text
, , -v-' - r y$ . t rW - jwr ex rcjc ptminov aoip" wsr3r jjac ns&pio PT! SMmi DMEVHR "YHTKevlevr5HnKtfir t Vmi.i'j: Ad lo . TIlFREVIEW c IV '.' r I'tnj no I. 'UiUCI TA. It Rr'njrs Results ; pfjrTToIfiny. nr-uit.EE.GlIL'AR "MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. .lutli)n t m, 41 ,af VOLUME VII 'BISBERpTRIDAY AUGUST 28,: 1903 -NUMBE&1Q1- ,J WXB- :m M fiTWr m 1 vij m m lb I i y I II -"1 - . BB - m- Jftim4H 'kaaV I u ill mf vm - iT X " - iT ... . - tXSSi t T-t MOREKANSAS tz . . v 1 3 trS. - r- r - ZzFlfflfl 1 HEAVY ' c RAINS IN VICINITY OF t - KANSAS-CIXY-UtiRRECE- DENTED. ill ' SfTfifflONHS-'dRAVt Veamer3areaTrpredlets-Rl-eorBoih' Rive.- Business Wfll, Suffer and JropsATeAT ready Ruined by 'tHe Klver cRanging Its 'Course. a5OTSjjjAtMTi.uaprtfc-j ; -tlenudlr heavy rains . sorth .asd-west- I of Kansas City have caused the Kan- I cas and Missqurt rivers to rise sud denly to unusual heights, and the re- l 'suit here may prove grave. A bulletin issued today by the local weather bureau announced that the Kansas or ' Kaw river would rise from five to I seven feet at Kansas City In the next , forty-eight hours and a rise of equal magnitude it Is said. Is coming this way down the Missouri. The fact that the Missouri will rise also Is causing anxiety here as it U believed it wl'l ' retard the- flew of the Kansas river j. at the mouth of the latter stream and oiMnrr-or ho ten.irari-'hriil"P! a,! well as the railnav va"d and hyje5 lite fierce face and vigorous pe3'-lwhy business In thP west bottoms. The ures. bel'eve that he is maulirg the trurrent is swift and it carries much j immortal Ichor out of them. The n0 complaints about him or his work formed that the United States govern driftwood If the bridges should goltrus's have greit need of Just such a a-d a measer cablegram conveys not ment has deciied to send a squadron out It would criople the traffic of the.min at this Juncture to save them "big racking hcuses and other estah-i lishments ao-cs the Kan-s il" fr-'m "here arJ cu off communication be tween the fao Kansas cities. The K-in'as rite' here tods- rorvvn 'be, r-nifalsrn Is on. It will be t'lree fee '1 ten hou's and is etP.l rlslng' rapHlv. At lawrence this'rincml support from Its oH tim pt'arn r-e fin- f' 1uri"e the p'cht a.zi at Topeka I is also up about fmr fet At Manh tan. where t"3e Bi Blue empties lno the Kansas, the 1st ter stresm bs Hspi even-f"t in 'iB Tnst twenty-four hours At that point the Blu& hs Jiroken from Us bank"! ?-i(' it romlns-aToss the 'ou'ntry fak "1"E a"short course to thelCatras rtrF Varr ft-- are '"oor)v si-h",'--e4 At Stccksda;e 'eight n3U" ro" of. Ar-fV-ttvi t'e Bute i slish'lv higher than during the great June fiecd KOOSEVELT WEAK -JJJS.TRUST ISSUE " r-,r PLAYING DOUBLE CROSS WITH VCTERS OF THE COUNTRY. .rT- i,h. .o.n-i-B. cnni. ry ra Q i H 7 T l ' "nstl Quo-y-Cf -nne- wasmngionr nqton Correspondent. (Special Co-resjondence If Pre3lden Rp'gspvelt Js electea -, .. it n III K rt I m fit iA -cil t..1in..n U. I,a fe lifllnlno' tVom l I UtUOC iua u rr, tr mU4 lkaa oo the'r battle with the trusts. If is noAfcos for r-taj-. kinds ofwork that ';ange.tenr that 4hPfef menu Is .r-tush tii o u "was a'- J$HJSUSi!yS8K&9j5 O 10 IHlai at ne is r.gnucg 11 - trusts wiu mism ana main tLl; -' 8eecow -ne s- uu.iis, -tui. i.v- u ee now mtirn ne is eu'intra .u ' -. dUtlnguished censiderafon pf t,hp rj pie for his efforts to curb the. trusts Mr. Roosevelt started In political lite 1 as a strenujtrs free tracer, and was a member othe Kev "lrk FrgeTjade- .uu, jr.. vaii5'" Jrr. T -Wr IZ : .nressnttyear.jk. He fur'her exp'ained ne Deen a traction 01 a second slower from the Protective Tariff League p at. y,o ?0veTrmer,t did re alltw 1n -acting there-is-co-telling -what joined the "standpatters.;::??11 Anus, ;nfifij;t hej tut if tae appTicanTScrtasinigiirJeifreeirrsrariete stands opposed to the most certain PTP wlnin? t0 nay thp clerks for ex- already black record of the worst man wayiof Eurbrag'tne-trpstj5rapd..3lngt)ra tjme- he W0-rK j be expedited. Arizona has today relief to the people by. reducing Jhe nt nsuaU found lbat lt a brword and he would, have 6taside tarE duties, it was tne-presiQents vo1c'etHa"r,,Kirre'rr te trust bill in the last tagsed the passage OT tnntr bills the Elkins anti-rebate bill ad hepartjrMiCoPcoiprneTce' , ,,Ulll ,wlth",Jts bureau, of corporatioha tjailWlMveSffifMlr'totTnTtSPJHis voice: could have caused his atforaey:ger. :m&KttZj,-sa i3lSn wr-S the,terrlfpry. 1 .- ! .V , -.. rftQ& Ar :&&,:$& m T.bM U.d V-M U.WU MUU 1 DW..J ... " Interest cf the people. ilig voice was -sirrntr Tnsteaa of ayias. sick 'um KnoxT"-hcrr Mr"-He-crst-n3-Eiiardr FtawTy-. tin.Cjlchinn.iagaidl the new bureau" cr owprtatuw'in &, iiepartmeijtffii-feronan;e .should opea the eyes of. th,voters .of the couut.y o the xeal.4sitljrrnofitte-IpT&iasnTWr--f.n.Ti agairjst BCuthe-irn3Lquestionv In. discsaslcg. the "present statistical outlcok In Wa'hingte-.." the earre'Bsadtrt of the New York Journal of Commerce type amfff ItWjInrsued with vigor Vvgj 27,sald 5f-hn net- rwrjKirrj,'TbM!workJnowla-titj fo tBis'Ufelia'y'of'V reW th&rOurtr irxo-1 llqw.fMu-jgestderllU. be i. goai-2eaJ.W.y:omrda,Int in theSQr,! frjprirl.. ,, . n-rrn 31 " ' I neaW futfire w nen the methods now contemplated- 'Ate" actually, applcd Pressure of 'tie, most, slreKiiptis 'sort J-wllljundoubtedlv- be, -brought, ,to7bear Tt the vvnt e House. - uusimiowoui( llitf iltrpaitmegt will rearty-beaja-to show its hand In the matter of trust Investigation cannot be cerfamiy"pre-' dieted, bof'those who are In apposi tion Ao "know say It "will u6,tb8,'untll after the next presidential election. time .Ismeeded for the organization the' "work and for laying out special lines ot Investigation. -All this, will -- ronsmuejmaiiy .months, and Secretary LCoxtelroa to ' weaken, hii strategic poiltlon by . open fire In a presidential campaign, 'f 'here would be any danger of hurt-1 ing his party thereby. It will, there " i cood while before there are 1 any definite re3ul:s of the Inquiries of the bu-eau f corporations, Is tha-o anvthlcs-ln this, staiaaieg,! ;, to frighten the trusts? 13 it not clear nrtfc!?e-W,nreatfnr'glve1he r, rr-s.t3.JwavgarjL mj?ijggwa two 1 vears more license to loot the people's rc-kets two "-ears at Jl.OOO.OOO.qoo p a year? AnS whaE lhen?kPublici:y ( That's all an J more than all. for itlls'f entirely cptlonaj .vitjj jhe president ' tferany of'th far-t Withered by 1 this bureau are ever published or no. ' 3u' the fart, when published, arejto. sprve only as a basis for conservative -ut!-'rut res'smat'on sometime In the djm asd distant future. ' Preslien Roosevelt fiihtlng the trusts' Ret He i their be:t filend. He. as no other livlrg man. knows how to tickle them and at the same fine make the rSVt!tude. who f"fn "he wrath cf an outraged pe-"!1" It is part of their came that Wall st-eo- 2,1 ti1P trusts are to be against "-Mevp't th's var Next Year. frji)! hat the G. O p. u goniric fl- ''Io-rtJ 'J-e t-uts How long. O T c-d how ling, wjll the pe-ple be 'coled? CHIEF CLERK IS FIREFOUTi 1- SURVEYOR GENERAL'S CFFl'CE IS ffl.SCe'E CF GRAFTING. k- 4- - -- Dou- -e CwrerpWere Held U 1 Is fSIE rate-t Aanltca- ?i- t:ors. ' , . afir-tSAug .. UliSJi. Arm- sire g oT the sur eyWgeneral's of . . ,TT - ' -" the duties 01 acting acting fT95mf't?iThT;i! .,., .. , . ...,-jt-m,.. .-. -y .?- . , .-.- - w--M--.-i.-- -,- . time ha-'Obigf- Vf k-AV. TS?Mutph was relieved by telegraph j .ifftifiimtrcm .that was conducted' sev Rrai weeks ?sro by Special Inspeq'or b Le-tia- lae lnvesupnaji 1--i '-"iJ-soriS nt Mr -inrnV d In cha-ginc douv ? - ,; - , -M7irth1TTge?s $3 .,,. drr,-, additional was cYarsrel . , ... be roi!owr,g"m?Ter: - upon a 1 nuAininttn rtf r -Tliro inn f rt o ; . fr- -A9t, Mur7,-j;. riamta the -nlicant that V.n at;a linVtfn 1 in ties nt.- otirl M )f jj-jg impossi- e to reacTlf pifdspeth dlv!rfedhe-lnteiit!or of,vord and Stiles from the county j 110? , nmiicatrotl durin? thethj jlesDe'rado Jujt il4 Rme jfor had, here are given In the court or -1- -hM , Ar, fllt- ,uon An . . So -comnlalnt wasmade until las"t lilt- iiiiiiuuai CU.11KC ns uaiu. . 5&-ita:h8Tia?'fevriresentatlve of ex- Pettlgrew n- -r ' !. . "X.;Jm 1 .. ?PTC2L.anpUCa lOUS Itir ine paieiillll . .- " ; . . -. . . irr -- -V-y-f ...? OHwsif mining claims in me suBx?iHv'1V;Trii' f Jf- ' f " ?& ty M. ftnL"T7'rls -(am-ld'thrjoughout tWiTfilrtiaiBLkdKflrwMjLJ-gi tTn'tPd'PtatPs ' for T-plnif in an ill- Inal andjt Jsa well known fact that to transferthe said Alvord from the h-mcr p11 the time. His temper was he lias no particular lave" for confine- Jail irr Cochjscpunty t,o th?. Jail In "ct irrmrdve'd" when "Ke-hea-iF of Jhe. meat, ' ,J ,.jC " . ' . rIariccpa coontr,-' 't, ?rotosS5p "foT'TiTrn" TTf mplfy the. Qrder were -recelvoi from the-mar- "Done In chambers "at the c.Ity of 'rfV?thp'-zov4'-nra'--'T to r.a fhe 'shdl''offlce to remove" AlVoVd ani Trnbstbne eu-vrttiln -said Second lu.- JVqHr-'Mr "-Mcli B l"d tn na a fee -bffc Ke j-efeSi? th m?ter to h dpnartrnpnt and the m-actipfjBu,'ulLiliillviu.ifLiT unrlrr -ir-if whorrVv turphy w thattB'1ia-d ieen charg- Ing exorb".ant fees. Air, .MHfnv rias t- t r-r-ectel wth the office s'nee 1885 and -was al- hSfSfflcfe'trom C5arrfadSrlne the ad- mt4(ltV!rtnf!lnf Ifrfo ("onartmpnt hv .HjjfcQjSmithef bom ftsTa &r AMERICAN OFFICIAL T 41. '" Tl 1 v X" r l A. U V 1 . tin V T'. i 1 ir" 'Repofrthaf USVipe ojisul .Hagblssen Was Murdered Mucfi President' Promptly Orders " Be in Readiness to Amends Are Washington, Aug. 27. No addlfisn- al information was obtained at the s.ate department during the day re- garJlng the assa33ination of U S. Vice Ccnsul Magelssen at Beirut, Syria. In the absence of particulars no motive can be ascribed for the crime In the state department the officials hate no means of suggesting a theorr as to tae American Ice-consul shoula have been kIlled There have been the slightest suggestion of cause for, the crime ' i 27 President Oyster Bav Au Roosevelt tonight issued orders that OUTLAW STIL M "". f ? n Tf.e3ietailsrcf a daring attempt -!n 'the part of Billie Stiles to gat awaj fqm the custody of Deputy JIarshal v 111 mil nuiiv lut; luiter u& iaiiu Stiles and Burt Alvord to safer finar- ters Jast Tuesday, reached this city ygs'-erdaj- That'Stiies flld not escape tj' uult1 dub lo - thg - factrtbatrrfeerys handcuffed DURING ATTEMPT ,-.M::.i;OIlLii! nwffli' for had he not beejj he .areacguUtedJiy thejuries'at tHe" next beea?a&loStD'g6tthBttguntetn pfjhejU.jS courtwhlch, Jts at Shprlff Tom Hiirlrtfrprri TamlRotie InJDecember . .'' . would nave of Deputy Sheriff Tom Hudspeth wnue tneiai-er was reaenmg our ms han4loahtte;,r,i0Iiax-. -. loe flotj 01 me aueoFi-onun-s 'to safn his freedom Is related by an e,enuaess 10 sue act as iouows,- eyewltness to the act as follows- jhiot o-d Aivn-3 wp-p s.y'ff'LiPi.tt1? wa'ting room of the depot at Benson."r3ICDoxalfmml murangersr-anti-taken handcuffed together, HUJ and an- "'"-!""'"' '' " """'"' w "' i it- JJUI auu wuilt: lUUKllli; UirtL-liy ai. their prisoners were probably not aware ;f what was being dons a th-enrlnvo?ome plan pf escape. time Huispe'h was across thj Nothlnghasjb4ejr srfd aVto w T""k f'cm the dePot aa looklc- inl Sr.FftttdVt tSmptlcity'trtMh. nw SVlPt and came Into the depot to 1 greet him Stiles shoved dut his free hand to sakei that of Huispeth. but. in so doing slipped his own pat that 1 cf he deut- and grabbed at ihe butt ! "' bis gun. which stuck out of his' belt. r t v mn - - li - ibouEht for-the reputation af-hU Th3f he wouldTiave killed-here1 n- little doubL "Hi's past reeori as-a-gnn man leaves no room for doubt en that rnro T-nmcratti mmnpfi nwar trnm, C.ttn. n e nnm no . A l,nva-' YL T. 9 1 aa owu oo ms u.s.w... r.uw - r i . a. i i, n i i Thsltt6a&ea,99f.saes,,f,tfsvl TfiejKaiures.oS'tpe ubH-- hlm., Sen?imiMPf.rm&&mSm,Vnltei Stiles from the'JaJi at 'TomrTstone oh' account of a rumor to tne effect that Mr-alAW notorious criminals weia,) be turned-Jo-jse. Th alertnejapf the,of- flcei.s dlBCOvereVthe pjoj. ad day la-rtf DfeputjrMarsfial -Will Hill, ac - companled by arcasaistants loftiToTnbo vvhile Alv6rd "was aSsfSnerTfluarttsfs In the Phoenix 1a.ll. That hoth are - "Hotr8w',?af'tfEeryll'W' more men to theTf'cre3!t,l2ddblyntHe'da-r''tfn wnleB'foeFhav'el&eji.Ke. V IS ASSASSINATED t- by Turks Xauses . Anxiety, i. XJ a, , Our European Fleet to Act in Case Proper NofMaTde . the American European squadron, un- der command of Rear Admiral Cotton, ' should proceed at' once to Beirut. Sy- ria. to be in readiness to support any ' demand the United States may make on account of the assassination there of Vice-Consul "Magelssen. London, Aug. 27. According to a dispatch received here from Con stantinople, the porte has been in- to Turkish waters immediately to de mand an explana'ion of the murder of William C Mgelsen. United States vlce-ccnsul at Beirut. Syria, and the punishment of his assassin o-ihe fact tiat- ihe intentions of Sti'es v.ere frustrated by Hudpeth, who tad co de3lre to aid him In es- uapiu i , B,0th ,were lodged safely behind the bars, where 'hey will have a hara r time In gettlcz cut until the prcce-s j - jof tlio jfttt-lias hcci, ser.edpxjhey - TombB'ohe InJDecember . allies DU.asnon. ume ago succeeuea ielulns-the offiteri. top a while af - lerme grauu juty.oau,reiuraeu na m-i dictment against him. He was cap- tured at his homes'ead camp on the gan Pedro by Deputy Sheriff Porter ai . Um u mV uu iuC to Tombstone, where he was Iqdged in '' ""- "- ,""".". v v ,"w' ' a,-ri -id. it-nns-iraitru t.irtfc it d..u.tru to tge tc-etner itiej woulirfertainijr ham the in- tended dplivery of Alvord and Stilei. but it is understood that the officers are 03 the lockout for those who gave rhe snap away. WHY ALVORD WAS REMOVED Tri eT'f eaVrin's fbr thb'rtmbval of AI- jail der. wnicn reaas 3s ronows: "Upon the application of Ihe Unifed tion that the Cochise county Jail Is unsafe fpr the confinement ot said -Alffert AlTordTeason of the numer- ous-sEmDathizers In Cochise conntv , -i . ... .. ." ". : .. - Baia 'dependant ana tne loca- thp salrt tqf 1 npar the lntofna. (Torrsf boundary line between-tKfs ter- titory and' "Mexico r ''Ir is hereby ordered that the Jail p Mrftopa countv be and the sameMsl LdraTitr jAllnflnr&4 FM. 1.a Am.ff.M.J, Mv..w uctaicu .ui mc Luauuwunil I inm hhiuh m.,. fVL.KS- t e il'T ww - diolffl district, this 24rh day .of August, a u i03. -- - ; tlrrnnit.. FLETCHER M. JOAA', Juge." The above is the order In the Alvord ojruf-fcsewhIIethe StJIes orJer i3 the - Mm wlthtKe er-kftptIon of the word" PJnvs.Jo.-.tace of Maricopa. The repor that the men will nof-toe fere. prJJrial and that 'a-cha-jffe-tJ-r-venue'wouId'be askedtfot- is entlrelv without anil tlio 16. SURVEYING PARTY For the Mexican Centre) Co, Arrive? at Cananea. - (Sixclal tOi.flevtew.) CananeaAug 27. J. R. Waters, he civil engineer" ia"c"Barse of the "pajty ndw in the field for the purpose ose!ecting a route, through the cen tral part or Chihuahua and northern Sonora for the propoied line of the "Mexican Central, leaves Cananea to day otfis return trlppe returns by theSonora rlter route, havinrcom in by Oaxaca, Fronterasaad to the east of tie 'AJo range ofj'mountalns. He report this rcute a feasible one, the maximum grade being 2i per cent. "No doubt this route will be selected! unless the'resourcej of the valley of , - v "" ouuu iu me greatest ajvaniage. NEW PIGTAIL. INSPECTORS. Two Boston Men t 'Be Stationed atl Arizona Port. Washington. Aug 27. Two new Chinese inspectors were today ap pointed for the district of Arizona. John J. Murphy has been assigned to the Tucscn station and J. J Bonner wIU be located at Yuma The men will leave at once "o assume their du ties at those points owing to the press lrS need of InsDec-ors in keeping om the hordes of Chinee that are known t0 ke In Mexico ?nd to the measures tha are belnr adopted to smuggle them Into the United States MISSOURI RIVER IS HIGH. Council Bluffs Fee's Effect From Ce Iv ed Railroad Traffic. Council Bluffs la . Aug 27 "' Missouri river, from Missouri valley, twentv ml'es ncrth, o Pacific June-ti.-n fifteen mlla south of here Is al most a I3ke for the entire d'stance. and c five tnisk line? runn'-i east frrm here onlv one the Illl- '- Cen t"l is able to get a train in cr out 1 c' the 'his citv Two jrercns lost thir lives Bttemntlng to res-ue a currli- of rerson3 fom the fair p-iund3 wv.ioh were suddenly flooded. Th-ee o'he s are missing STOLE TRUNK AND JEWELRY P.OCM CF PESZAVICH ENTERED SUNDAY NIGHT. F.chers Stole Trunk Full of New Clothes and Diarrond Pin Valued at Seenty-five Collars. Some time Tuesday night the rocm of Steve Peszavich on Nob Hill was entered by unknown persons and a trunk and grip, containing clothing valued at $150. was stolen. Peszavich also lost a diamond pin which he val- ,"" - ' ,. ptovIM, ! hta r.ii-n frnm . r.Mcn .Qn.i j,0i.n TCOmlng at jirs. pmotfs house, while he stored his baggage in- his old room I in a cabin in the rear of the J B. 'g,. duelling- He did not discover 1 the I0S3 "n Wednesday morning. when he had occasion to go to his old rcom to ge- something out of the trunk. All that he found In place of the stolen articles was a pile of stones which had besn placed tn the room, The trunk and valise were mls3lng. Peszavich will feel the loss cf the sto'en articles, for he has just re turned from a trip to San Franicsco and while away had purchased manv!Plnt designated on time and waited new articles of clothing. He has no!'"' 1UU"B ",um""" """' "". clue to the robbers, for the deed was committed irr thrr nigh, when there was no one about the place. The theft was reported to the offi cers, but too late to be of any assist ance in apprehending the culpri's. No trace of anyone who was seen to have moved a trunk or valise has been discovered.- ' " ' Pesiav-ich Is" well known as a bar clerk here, havlhg" worked for many monthaatthe Capitol, saloon. He Is an industrious fellow and ie- things w'hlch were stolen.jrom him repre-' sented his personal savings for a long period of filthful -world' ' " So far there Save- been' no' arrests made 'and the whefeabouts"bf the trunk- and valise," the 'only clue now open' to the officers, hare- not- been found. Mo3tof the clothes taken by the housebreakers were new and nad just been made by a San Francisco tailor.' ' ' Entrance must hare been made tA the. emp'yi room -where the-. articles were- stotedfby means, ot.a.-jlupllcatfe ,, .... , ., i --,j--i"- phnippne? -ia -succession to uenerai W,,as there ye no mark F, to indHWrght u.hen the -,atter assumes the ye!ai.uBar mi fripmce ? VtllZ ifi0"'6 lfhi,hIeIHrCRESCEUS -MAKES, NEW RECORD If thenars- caugStrttr the full extent 1 . ' ' of tfie fetr. if ill MAY GOVERNMISSISaiPPl.I 'Memphis, r.Tenm, Aug.-27. Vjery In- fimnlPt67TotnrTi,frnTTi. va ,xnil5aln.l i nrinm stuti.. t,oM.ii.vUii,.k. the norofnatloaf-Iames KVftrdaman,:on a half-mile'-i-track. wasmade by fw ar -. NO WIND FOR YACHTS RELIANCE FORGETS SHAMROCK TO SAiL-AGAINST WIND AND TIMEr t U DECLARED NO RACE Llpton's Boat, Like a Groggy Fighter, Saved Fronr. Defeat by Sound of r - 1 Time Uninteresting Is the Out come of International Contest. New York, Aug. 27. With the Re liance less than a third of a mile from the finish and- Shamrock III hull down 03 the horizon, fully three miles astern of tie gallant defender, the fourth raco of '.he present series for the America's cup today was declared off because of the expiration of the time limit of flvo and cnehalf hours. The Reliance beat the Shamrock hopelessly la fifteen miles of wind ward work, rounding the outer mark twelve minutes and thirty seconds ahead of her. her actual lead being eleven minu"es and twenty-nine sec onds, and down the wind she steadily increased'it. The real race of the day was not against the 'Shamrock, but was In the exciting struggle cf the Reliance in the last half hour to reach the finish line before the re rat'a committee fired the gun which should announce the expiration of the time limit Had the wind freshened twenty minutes earlier than It did, he cup series 7ould have been ended tclay with th e straight vins for the defender, an Shamrock would have sailed back to England one cf the most worsted challengers in the his tory cf the America's cup contests. When still 500 yards from home the gun on the tug Navigator boomed across the wa.jr The next race ot fif-een miles to lpeward or windward and return will oa ai!ed on Saturday. Reliance. Shamrock. Start 11:00-01 11:02 00 Turn 1:33 10 2-0" 40 Finish 4:3S25 No finish COW PJNCHER HAS DISAPPEARED WAS OU A ROUND-UP IN SONORA AND HAS NOT RETURNED. Agreed to Meet His Companions at a Given Point "jut Until Yesterday Had Not Bee- Found. (Special to Review ) Cananea, Sonora, Aug. 27. Tester dav Youmr Baumfalk. one of Cliff 'Bookel,s cotlb0yS left the camji. about six, miles south of Cananea where their headquarters of the round-up 13 located He was riding a very unruly. danserous horse. The boys all agreed to meet at a given point in the after noon His companions arrived at the I when they returned to camp and ie- ported him missing. They at once or ganized themselves into a searching party, and are now scouring the hills in the hepe of finding some trace of thelrfrlend and companion. Young Baumfalk Is well known, here and has many warm friends among; (he cow men. He has" a brother In tie employ of the Turkey Track" Cattle company, serving; them for- many years. At 2 p. m. today nothing had been heard) ot the mlislne man. The gravest fears are entertained for bU safety. IDE TO ASSIST WRIGHT. Member of Philippine Commission Ap pointed as ViceGovernor. , i Oystsr Bayr Aug. 2(. Pesldent Roosevelt announced tonight that Hency C Ide. at, present' a nie'rnher of the Philippine commission, will be designated as vice-governor of the Philippine? uPSnccession to General cfflce xf goTernor-seneral. 11 - , , t. Trcttlna Klna Gees. Fa3t V'le on a ' Half.Ml"eoTr-?sk.j' n, ,-n i.,7T a roit urnrH't -.i. L,.n.i , ctu n mils r.c. rhi.'. ' " M m -i L : 1 I zziimm rrzzTm&izr-