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.... i. i.vVAVA? X --. f-- vyvr-"-- - '.'. MAGAZ V,TC;0SFltf.XJ.MA3 asaia JJAMH J-t M M 1 1 U I II I i yTwi iiH 'i'H' piii'nna HMMViiiinvr! mjjjijgg'"1 Aniff wA atfchl p-pg syjmJi ? 2500 ;rf "!- 1 r, 1 ? - 1 ' ', I BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY-AUGUST 3 1903 ur iLa: lea 3lxJai "'!&. 1 .TX' fHi I 17 fir d las WARREN DISTRICT AND OTHER MINING; itfiWS U 1- fV t- T ' 'i SsiKs3Bfefc -iSf "P Copper Queen Plant SOME HINTS ABOUT INVESTMENTS v Some wise man who ha.i 1; radical ildeas in his heid once said "na ure has gjvea to man an honest deal let I'tasn the to nature of a similar char 'cter, and doing this he not only ben efits, himself but nature and mankind as well." How much truth he'e a . these words cannot be overestimated How particularl true thej are o a mining camp will never be overesti mated by the man who by diligence and promotion has earned the title to belrg an honest mining man. No matter how good or bad a property may be. a dishonest company is ab solutely of no need in either of these cases. A bad property has been i .made to become a good producer,! and to produce good results to the m testor by an honest company many a time and a good property has been ruined, by. a bad company as many times. - Humboldt said that the treasure vault of the world was Ailzo ca. and his opinion ,ani stateirent I was made from the fact of the miner-1 al and geographical formation which I fame under his pergonal observation. That his assertion has proved trua where active mining and development work.has been pursued in a practical and methodical manner stands today i as ft Ilnwinfr fant hprAnrt nnrartI ' tion. The immense -copper mines of the territory rival in richness and ex tent any known mines of a like metal In the world today Take the great mines of the territory and a review of their history shows that they -wero mines at tne grass rcots and had to be tlwing to the fact that the crude meth ods in vogue at the time of their dis covery ard lack of transportation fa cilities and high cost of living made the mining of the torri'orr look doubtful. Nearlr every dividend "paing mine now in operation had a time in the history of their operation "when the ore body was entire'" lo t Elghtof orthe value deceased Jo b pa tent that is was not valuable Prac ucni metnoos prevailed and the lost metal was recovered stronger thau -ever. The row famous Copper Queen ( 'w-as considered worked out ra- hv the president of the company. Today, .upeaks for Itplf - - of a man -who never knew wht It was to lay down. To the casualreact. er these facts may 10 suggest any- thln'in" particular, bulto the exp - TlpBced mlner-fheyhava'a very im- portant mejinins. Theta.'are many Propositions in Cochise,.xbunty which awair simpiy tne aavent.o capua xu oecause it wouia tnen ana employ Tie used in a businesv!fl-p and Ip;'r- ment for money.that would provide lmate manner, and there Is not a a good,' income. It will be apparent country anywhere that offers a brod- that theformef amounts alone would er field for Investment alon the .hardly- provide many r the luxurlej of -mining than Arizona. .;, of, life. Then comes' -the'qiiest'on. -Tfifs bring r"fTs to, thp-1 ouestlgn cf: what can 6ne do with -sucbr amounts?" mining -lnvestmentfe-' Th&fwhola se- Hirst hunt un a conjpany that ""fs Just -cret of mining is mtainfed in these star'lnsr' and find out if the men be words "is Jhe company "honest?" It hind ate of Hheyright kind. It jqu the-company Is honest iatbe" flrV: nd that theffflprTbehind the oroposV plaee they will not accept property; tion are ofthesht caliber and bus-, unless it has favorable 'oodttIoii iness 'repuy?tfotfjilhen Is -ihe timeto, and Indications and they will not as!: iuma 'a- iearfesslji. 1th your $600 the investor for his monev ..iti! bw and bt'y the stock at chap figures, be has been demonstrated Then again f9r( "'vli'wds are ever thought of. they will be economical In all their, and should you be fortunate enough expenditures for the afairs of the ,0 elett a s'ork at cent on,th rompacy and will rigidly apply bus- dclIar In ?5hort time- you will notice Iress methods to everything they un, that yur "l ha- Jncrea-ed to2 ertake Just the same s they wonH wo or possiyyfS'Oa, the stock houU do witli a mercan He buiipes3 or pri- p at Pr when the dividend, season Tate business, -rMen have been known begins. f - ' J to, say,, 'I, bought omo mining "stotk: ne of ,be most lrorofs'n5j-oper-and don't even know in what sta'e Ies of ,ne Warren djstrlt-Is-that of the mi'res are located" and this, or tie Bisbee Queen 'Developmgj.r. com these are the kind of men who should P"5"' , ,The, Bltbggjlueen has been lose their money, for it Is that ktad 3 of ,het ,?it, P"Pertle, to J ta of an investor that gives mining a en " nt " 8 T not w,v . - tw,?p hT,T BnrV witt,nt e merit behind it. and Is looked up-. ever investigating, or knowing what they are going Into. For such people when they lose their money there should be very li't'e sjmpath. Then again there U the Investor who places his money the first day of the week and expects to realize and be re ceiving dividends the following day I" takes time lo develop a mine If investcs think that all that is neces sary is to put in a shot of powder, set fire to the fue and then begin picking money off the dump, the soon er he places his "money elsewhere the better it will be for him and the propi erties in which he invests and expects an) thing so unreasonable Mines are never located where ihe automo bile may drive up and permit 'he oc- cupant to reach out with a pair cl tongs and pull the money out. A 1 of the great dividend producing prop- erties of he world have been devel- oped after jears ot hard very hard work, patlerce and sticking to it in defatigably. When honest companies eater the fieM. losses to stockholders will be very few and far between. If a man 13 wise he will not invest until he has looked thoroughly into the proposition, and having assurance tho tViAA r w ll VriTi?fi mon tf responsibility, capability and worthy trust behInd it anrt recommending it worthy 0f confidence then may caPital De piaced in the proposition. jfow should 'anjone have nom 2oo tp 600 to invest in mining stock. don't get out and look for dividend paying stock. If "a, stock 13 paying! one per cent -monthly, that Is all thatl dan be; reasonably expected 2f it. -''A1 p'roposltion-jiWe thatrisl Jtst-TehafpeP sons-with twp srthcee iundred 5il-: Iars to invest would be Innkiny fnr n " one of the coming surprises of the Warren district, but because the El T'gre Gold Mining company tOe hand a the moment, and now tue Bit bee Queen properties are receiving the at ention it deserves. A shaft is a'ready down 70 feet, but the sick t Ing has bee"n most materially delave,d owing to the lnablll y to procure the tlmliora nwiWMn' fnr thp mlnp as I fast as wanted This is riow "arriving in ample quantities, and a three com partmeut shaft will now be driven ap ' ibpMly as men.'ools and powder can do the work. . I The plans and specifications for the new ltxlV Vulcan Special" lfhk mo tion hoist1 has iut b'en received and ihe big engine will be-on the ground and li'Mng the dirt at a mps grat fjing rate . ! The Bhbee Quee-1 art'oins the Pitts burg and Heela ai d Houghton Ptqp- rt'es and is sltuat"! dlrec'ly eistjif he CVvnet A- Cochise mins Tub renutatIon alreidv e'tablUed as u Ing in the verv richest of all the m e-al bel of the Warren district. The sen'lemen comnosln? the ofil -ers ?nd bcardof directors are B. P Oraham, president, ot Bisbee: R. It Benton, vice president of Lucky Tl ger mine. Sonora; J. E. Suits, general manager, Douglas: Melor W 111am , Margrove. secretary, Blsbe: and J. K McKim, treasurer, Pomona, Cil" "tornia Mr, Graham It well knon a the- president of the Lucky Tiger gold of SonT'v. and. ie stock of 'hi'i was taken uo in full almost im TieiJIteTy after being placed on the raket snd which toiav U shloDlng the richest kird of ore to the smelt-- Orsan'ied uron the same sub; stantial b?sis Is the Bisbe Queen i iud th" work is bel"g crrjed forward ' vlth the sim l'uslness like rHishnd 'ntegi-itv which has characterized all ho efforts of tbece cen'Iemer Ir cuis "-e pene-31 maraeer has fol-i ii"o the nrofasIc- of mining nractl "ally ?U his life -snd so'1 fn Sa-1 ft!Pl rrire and Jrt fact a number ot 'ch nronerfps No"p of the proDer u1i wi h which the above nmed cen MpmPT ap ron"ected but what show to the investor Just what they are do- Calumet & leg, and In a business like way. I Tao Bisbee Queen conprises a group of some forty-two mining claims or upward of six hundred acres, and located right in the heart of the great producing mineral belt ot the warren district. Tha it will become one of the most substantial producing mlne3 of the district there can be scarcely the siUhtest doubt, and investors In mining properties will do ell to make a memorandum of the polnte rglven herp rh-i Rfshpe Oueen will he a eood one to tie to. t - -COPPER-GLANCE. Jt is prcbable that development work could not be done in a mote en ergetic, mssner than may be observed mkKJdMy. ' ,2::a '?. j .j, :.vJ-S??3K!JEHtl iTTW ' n ' fl'n m1 Mim ilnJii'Mtf1 !' 'i" M nr - at the Glsnce and the company Is cer tainly going down after the ore at a good rate. The pump station at 500 feet depth is a pretty warm spot and one may well be excused for not wanting to make a v ery long stay at that point. The big station pump is perfee'ly noiseless and does l's work with oSrfet 'ease and 'steadiness. The big. sinker pump hanginr in the shaft lifts theiwater from the bottom ajid(isharges4tinto a large tank at the 500 station and the pumn lifts it fiom ther to the surface. The shaft s row about 530 feet deep and as 'ou, are lowered into the sump which is agreeab'v roo'er than the station, you may see the water entering stead ily at the cracks and seams In the ock with no sign of d'minishlng. From the station to the surface the shaft is perfectly dry for the entire depth ard. is as stra'ght as a die and perfectly timbered. The formation at pre-ent is about the same, as formerly, though it is more seamy. Dark, Iron stains are. frv ho 0m find It 1q tinT19lt tHlt thf I , . " ." ut ".... ,i. Ledges of copper ore have been shown in some of the shallower shafts on the property but at present the company is devoting Its entire atten tion to the "work a this point intend ipg to'sirlk through the p'escnt for mation as promptly as possible. The company" Is more than pleased with its neW'outfl' 'of machinery and now has everything in pretty good shape. Supplies are abundant anj as the bojs say they 'have nothing to do but work" The nearest neighbor to the Glance the Bisbee Consolidated, is working on a ledge of pretty nice looking stuff hat trends in the direction ot Glance hill or B?1d mountain as it is locally known. In the hi'Is surrounding Glance much powder is now being used and numerous rich specimens be ing shown. Arizona Mine LUCKY TIGRE. The Lucky Tigre Gold mine has now progressed so far with its devel- opment work that it Is a mine indeed, Succeeding weeks shows it to be .-uei "" muer. A tunnel driven on the ledge now shows a face 6 feet wide. In ore run- nlnS from $30 to $50 per ton, and thls Is gradually widening . The operations at every point make PIa'n that the Tigre will prove up to be a big mine. As a consequence It is little won-! der that there are false rumors g ing about to the effect that the Tigre is to be bought up by outsiders,, and the "Little WJndlet." the Evening Miner, has persisted in adhering to one of these yarns in the face of a - . - To".' iiiM wma i frT:--' 'T 'T-JJ'Z um --AA&uw,xamamaaammawmjmfXiiEiim nrmi ' wk b.uicaHiHriHiiiHnnjniB.niei:iiH igVSs 29iiiiiiiK.iiiHiiP-EKH(uOiiHyiwv''fliI!l Calumet & Arizona Smelters Positive denial from those who practically own-thennine. i There are 10.000 shares of stock' reserved in the treasurytwhlch''are" not offered for sale, and of the 55,000 Shares 'sold, only about 2,000 are held by the general public, all o ,uuu shares being held by Mr. Graham and his business associates These "gentlemen have not the, slightest notion of parting with their in erests as they realize the immense, value of the property. One other point on which the Minei Is befuddled is the matter ot the sec ond payment. This money wa3 called in. -' t- It is probable that Major Hargrove will remain at the property constant-, ly hereafter, as the work' Is now as suming such proportions" as to re-t quire his personal attention on the. ground. 1 A recent cloudburst and flood put -i the little ferry boat, whicn the com pany nas placed on the Yaqul river, entirely out of business, tearing it loose from the cables and sweeping it down the river, where It now lies a toial wreck. The boat will be bro ken up for the timber that is in it, and In Its" stead the company will now operate an aerial tramway across the river for the accommodation of both passengers and freight. Mr. Graham, who is president of the company, is now arranging for milllpanies from week,to week, has -be!,, men to visit the property and offer bids for the Immediate Installation of a stamp mill and complete outfit at the mine. i! ; 1 i If you own Tigre stock, harig-'on. for it's good time is Just coming. - "' K s i i i THE BIG CLASS "3 . The Copper Queen. n iJ tns ut 3Bniaa i "iaimtnb i, e -zar- The Lowell. The 'Spray. The Holbrook. The Gardner. The Calumet and Arizona. y e The Oliver. . fW- b The Pittsburg and Duluthf1 The Calumet and Pittsburgh!'! The Lake Superior and Pittsburgh ' The Calumet and Btsbee.o fU- The Calumet and Cochise.''' ie ww The Wolverine and Arizona.'" The Red Jacket and Bisbee. '-" The Bisbee West. sr wv-Sl The Junction it m The Quincy and Arizona. ?. j' I The Pottage Lake and Arizona The Bisbee Queen. J The Pittsburg and Hecla. t The Bisbee Consolidated. The Houghton Development com pany ' ; ! The Copper Glance '"-v-- The Marquette and Arizona. The Higgles. " " ' " The Modern " ' " ' The Cresdent. a '''l '"'""Ktn'5 The Easter Sunday5 ' " " r fl' The Esperanza.' J kwokJ The Bisbe Arizcfoa" '3"rf "" fol&r The Blibee SuBariSr-"" '"nt sla The Soledad " " : "ff & The El Tigre: " " f - 'a The Gobi Nugget. -'--T ' ' "i Wiib but triflins exceptiOns'Ul" above companies are at, workoandi( In nearlj every case doing- all fthat-iip possible to prove their giound'spee lly. This is a big list and people. (interested in mining may, well jnarelj at the extent fli it, - , T The desire to havp sonie more ptjlj companies "strike ore,,r bdih- at'homa and abroad, is very general, but when the great undertaking,whiclH the .de. velopment companieshave - planned, for themselves is - considered,,. gf iv erous patience wilL he forthcoming It takes much time to explore" larga sections of ground. a t-great-depth and. allowances must be ma'de for delays arising from various, pauses, " jy. In general it conceded thatt me progress maaejjy me' various coro aoout ail mat. any one coumao., seems morally, cer'ain 'that-iany.jpi, these companiewjljeiUArge.baaiWj of ore and it' certaintywill payU 'o , them to make a thorough try. J, it As time goes, by manypf theCDSK panles are accumu'at;ng re.pdenca,o4, the existence, of tnineraldepps(U ,qn , their holdings and these evidence, 'should, be freely accep!eJ at in. tlui. 1 feature of good resuits.Someofuili ! jwmpanie3 'aver tiat'they have spmSK ' thine "fin tholr o!ftotfoeM a( tltAea men are recoOTlzecfaH-Ia no- sense la the fakir business. E'AST SfDE. The' East' Slde'Gold'Mfntag comjay whose 'propfer'y f3 one mile eat' of j the Easter Sunday group Is about "jO , tenter upon a new season of develop.- men 6rltf of a vigorou character. - Of 'this t company C, C, McCoy la, president and general manager; ,!!&-, Rlttenhouse of LarabertsvlHe Moiti Jersey, is 'treasurer and E. C, Galla-j. gher of the, is secretary;' W.1 A. Eckerly of Bisbee, Is asslstaati secretary and treasurer. r r j t THis property has. four we1! deflnedt ledges and has( two shaf"s jnnk-one, sixty a"hd ore eichty. feet. In botb,?, which, pTay 'strealts. averaging $30 ,Vo, , $46'aion'are shown. , .JTI . Thirty ,tcfsof ?a!d rpc ate.alrcff on tnerdurnp wh'ch, will average $J5 to me ten. . -t Arrangements are now bip,"i cota pitted for the Installa'Mi sof hsaWo- machinery and the sink'n? - a ,2 12 'compartment shaft 50Q feet. 'UiJ? (probable that air drills will bei"ded,f 'with the other outfit """ 1 rl T 0 '- "-c'0 or-- rr't V fl owners had the organization of the "- , I