Newspaper Page Text
, .,. n.m.ntBM! iWW WMWMWW SOXfSiia&&m-,m!jf f ? V? THE BIS8EE tJAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 1964. rAOE SEVfcrf ! mm r,i . i i I' it I i) i ,1. I V oW .f THE PRODIGAL Lost His Clothes In Poker Game YALE FRESHMAN RUSHING HOME IN PAJAMAS REVEALS AMUSEMENT. Offended By a Merry Evening's Play. Out of Cash the Boy's Play For Their Clothing And Had to Resort to Night Wear as Result. New HiTen, Yale "freshie" Conn,. April 11, A dashing home across York street to Pierson hall, with an electiic light burning, bright on a corner two -ods away, a policeman standing under the light and men and women pedestrians passing to and Iro from the theatre, led to an investiga tion by the policeman, and the dis covery of the most Temarkable game of poker ever played at Yale. According Jo tie "fresbio," who told the story only on threat of arrest, half a dozen of his fellow classmen gata-' ered In a room across the street from the connltory. As is usual this season of the J oar, none of them could raise a ; "sou" not having hearu from home in a long period. A game of poker was ( proposed, but how to make it inter-! esting withoat some cash was a ques-j tion. I One freshman proposed that hey play for their clothing. Tb Idea was seized upon at once. It was decided to set a -price upon each piece cf cloth ing worn by tho various youths and use them by removal as needed in the game and depositing the same in the chair of the winner. It was agreed that if one lost his clothing he must seek -his abiding place in his nlgnt attire only, to be loaned by the man aho occupied the room, the clothes to be returned to the owner next day. The game grew very exciting. Some of those engaged lest so heavily that at times but one sock remained in their possession. Then luck changed and they won back portions of their attire which they donned again, it was nearly midnight when the unlucky freshman "went broks. A freshman yell rent the smoky at- mosphere of the apartment and when, only In pajamas "Freshie" was turn ed out into the cold night. "For excitement It'a the greatest poker game I ever sat Into said he jo the policeman. It is thought the fad is likely spread. to "3rd Improvement You wouldn't 'know the Hotel Ord now in Douglas. The hotel has been completely renovated and refurnish ed, and Landlord El wood Madden '3 adding to the popularity of tho house daily. Pete Lepach presides at the bar. and all will remember Pete it the L. & O. in Bisboe. 3-9-lm o NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Chas. H. Rea. deceased Notice 13 hereby given by the un dersigned, administrator of the Es tate of Chas. II. Rea, deceased, 'o the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased. to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator, at the office of C. A. McDonald, In Bisbee, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate in said County of Cochise. C. U JONES. Administrator of the Estate of Chas. H. Rea, Deceased. Dated Bisbee, this 25th day ct MaTch, 1904.. , 1t Ptb. t,3-26-30Lj5X : 1907.) . '. " x t DAUGHTER. After listening to a poor young man's tale of woe It's up to the heir ess to give him a helping hand Chi cago News. o Pure kettle-refined leaf lard, render In 3. 5 and 10-pound buckets, at 12 l-2c ed from corn-fed Kansas hogs. Sold per pound, at E. A. Tovrea & Co.'s. S-9-ti. NOTHING LIKE EXPERIENCE. "One truth learned by actual expe rience does more good than ten ex periences one hears about Tell a man that Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus, and he will most liko- r forcet it before the end of the day, T et h,m have a seVere attack of that disease, feel that he is about to die, uso tnIs remedy, and learn from his own experience lioxv quickly it gives relief, and ho will remember it all'Gons i-all and examine .New -priw bis life. For sale y all druggists. I Cananea Advertisement?. Mi'j Banco de Cananea Department c Caxaces C coliitste'lCoppe, Co., H. A. La Cananea, Sonora. flexico. ' established 1902. Transacts a General Banning Bnslness Drafts Issued on all Parts of the World. Exchange and Mexican money. OFFICERS: W. C. Green, President. I. Macmanus, Cashier. F. E. Heci-her, Asst. Cashier . 0. POSlOfflCE SALOON and RESTAURANT Jllrr HAV, lioprli-tur iVIEALS OR SHORT ORDERS Ronquillo. Sonora, Mexico TIME CARD OF THE CANANEA, YAQUi RIVER & PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Leave Naco for Car.anea at 10:30 a. ir.. Arrive Canan-x at 12:30 p m. Leave Canane for Naco at 2:10 p. m. Arr ve Naco at 4 p. m. Connections at Naco with E. P. 1c S. W. R.R. Effective January !? E A. McFARLAND, Assistant General Manager. TT7v jr.&xxwm 'JW, tit ASk- j-r-J i ii Mail I Half Way House Don I Choice Goods Constantly in Stock - -Ice Cold A ma's title to heaven docs not depend on ab title on earth. o NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tombstone, Ariz.. . April 4. Sealed bids for the erection of a hospital building In the city of Tombstone, Arizona, will bo received by the undersigned until 10 o'clock neon, April 15, 1904, and than opened. Bid ders are Invited to be present at the time., All Vds must be accompanied by .' i. 1 1 check, payable to the secre , to. a.. t.' of $250.00 .TfcecKT '"til 'o re 'A. to unsuccess al bidder April ' '. W 4, and to thi Bfcectrm otSiC- '' '.nlng cf con rerx A Donu in ine otiii w fifty per cent of the contract price will be required of the successful bidder, either in cash or by acceptable bondsmen. No per son will be acceptable as bondsman unless he qualifies for double the amount ho becomes surety for in un encumbered real estate, free from forced sale from cause. Each billed is required to state In his bid the date on which ho will com plete his work, and turn over the building, and a forfeit of twenty-five dollars a day will be required for each Land pverv day after said uate tnai he requires to complete the work. The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications can be seen at the store of the Bisbee Trad ing company in Bisbee. Mark envelopes "Bids for Citizen's General Hospital.' and address to Citizens' General Hospital and Sani tarium association. JOHN E. BACON, M. D., Secretary. A. L. GROW, Pre3idcnL 4-5-10t OR.H.A SCHELL, lye Specialist 16 N Stone Av , Tucson. Ariz,. Naco. Doulla in April and Mar. Mrs. J. H. CAMPBELL, Fashionable Dressmaker, No. 222 Brewery Gulch. Acr.t for J.illlft. Nw Y-V Taylor Made 5LenSe. !"I'e"- C fleatiDrf t-eatlj O I CORRESPONDENTS: National Shoe and Leather Hank. Nhw Yorn City. Anglo-Culifoniar. Bank, San Francisco. Banco de Sonera. Herxnosillo, Mexico Internati Banking Ccrpcr- aticn, Mexico City. Hotel Los Angeles LA flESA J. E. I.EGGETT. Prop. Cananea, Snnora, flex HOTEL SONORA only first-class hotel in Cananea DINING ROOM BARBER SHOP . AND B4R Rates. $1.00, 1.50 and $2.00 per day. From First to Last the vehicles we sell give satisfaction. They are built with that end in view. The designers and makers have ork ed out each detail to perflation, and nothing tautty Is -found in style, mate rial or construction. Tcwa Buggies, Snrries. Etc. are sold at a nominal price, bet are much above tie average' value. H. P. NoaK's, ST Larg'estiReposltory in the South we KWX, CHAS. HULL. Prop, Luis- Beer on Draught Professional Cards CHEMEST ft AS8ATERS. THE WREN HERMAN CO., .. CHIMISTS &. ASSAYERS. In the Hughes BISBEE. Block. ARIZONA. . SONOMA ENGINEERINGand ASSAY OFFICE j, Mining Engineers and Assayers 1 Government Survevs In C Mexico and Arizona Box. 184 Cananea, Son., Mex. I H ATTORNEYS. PRANK W. GOODBODT, ATTORNEtf-AT-LAW, Tomostone, Arizona li FLANNIGAN & FELTU3, LAWYERS. Offices: Tombstone and Doutlas HERRING & SORIN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Tuc3on, corner Court and Pennington Sta. BUbee, third floor, Schmidt building. Thos. D. Bennett. S. K. Williams. BENNETT &. WILLIAMS, Attorneys and Counsellors. 4 No. 7, Brewery Avenue, Bisbee, Arizona. Vtttt DR. SHINE, M. D. DR. BRODERICK, M. D DR DYSART, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONS. TTTTTTTTt J. M. O'CONNELL. A T T O R N E Y-A T-L A VV. Offive Room No. 2, Bank Building BISBEE, ARIZONA. Frank E. Hereford Seth E. Hazzar HEREFORD & HAZZARD. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW TUCSON, ARIZONA Au ts for Land Script. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Mcdonald & kinsey Real Estate Dealers, floney Loan ed and conveyancers. Office: Dubachtr Building, Brewery Ave Telephone 133. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. J TAYLOR OPTiCAL CO, (Incorporated.) Refractive Bye Specialists, Tucson, Ariz. Dr. Taylor'a visit to Bisbee and Douglas in December. . T. SHIELDS COLLINS, M. D. OFFICE: ABOVE JOHNSON HOUSE. Phone 144. 2 Hnp,s and t44 3 rings. OR. W. E. HANKIN DENTIST. Rooms, 2, 3 " "ve? Postofflce. Phone 61 Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE ForTnflaL.m&t!oo orCat&rrbo the Bladder nl Diared Kid nr. BOCVREBOfAT. Care aoicElr ! rrmnnitlT lh( wont cum of Conorrdoca nnd Okrt, so matter ot how Inn.H.nfnl. Abtolutell harmless, bold ty drcgiiia. Pries ll.). or br mail, peat paid, tiXO. 3 bona. (2.73. iTKE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO. Belllaatalne. Obla. LOOMIS & GLASS. CENTRAL PHARMACY. a&Tv. SS-ira V' w kJ'VsE'wI' THE ORIENT S7T - Finest Resort in the Territory MUSICAL ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLV THE GRAND CENTRAL Benson, Arizona. Directly opposite the depot European Plan. Nicely Furnished Rooms. Samuel Friedmant Prfret5r ancl Manager. DOUGLAS. (tirirtrCrCrtrCrtratnro-a'OvV'av-avoxjtro. . ? 2 Geo. Slochett Co. Stock Brokers. Boldoa De Blk. Houghton, Mich 3 3 Wo aro pioneer dealers in un llsteu securities in Michigan and our facilities for hmdliug uulial ed slocks are unsurpassed, send to us for what you want, if you If you wish to bell quote your lowed uet price u us WWWWWWWWWWWW DOUGLAS KEAL ESTATE. H. CLAY HERRICK, Bank of Douglas Bui.ding, 4 Douglas. Arizona Real Estate, Rents Insurance. Speclil attention Non-Resident property, 4 Cattle Exchange! Kuster & Co., Proprietor. THE FINEST WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. General Headquarters for Everybody DOUGLAS. ARIZONA. HELLER & WRIGHT Rates: GoM oul silver . SI 10 Coiper . Q Lend ... Ti Write for price list dt m&llln? envelope:. Assayers and Chemists Metallurgies ana Mining Engineers Doaglas, Arizona MISCELLANEOUS. lllllht INTERNATIONAL UNDER TAKING PARLORS. Embalming a Specialty... . Robert Hennessy, Manager. Paone IB. ftVKrft it H irditirtrC'tt iitrtrCrbiiiititi trtra tt&.mKKJ&.KXJlXKMK.nv.K BISBEE FAVORITE CIGAR IS THE LEADING HOME MADE CIGAR PHONE 214. f ,. ,, 1 .. 1. 1 GEORGE C- CLARK, Analytical Chemist and Engineer. BISBEE, ARIZONA. f. Jf .. . . 4. .;. . . . 4. Jf BEFORE BUILDING, a. See" 5- G. C. ROSS, 90 Tombstone Canyon, For Carpenter Work or Con- tracting. Job Work a Specialty. CHEAP CASH STORE CHOICE TAMILY GROCERIES. Fresk fruits -f ll hinds received dally WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS. . Goods delivered free. MEDIGOVICH & NOBLE. BICYCLES, TYPR-Ww ITERS, SEWING MACHINES. Cash Registers and Guns Repaired Shw Filing and Key Fittine. J. C. RAUB C. G. COLEMAN Decorator Paperhanger Art Work ESTIMATE FURNISHED Leave Orders at the Hardware Department C. Q. Store. WJKMMyXKMKKKKKKKMJKKKKKWf F. J. HART M. D. A. N.COOPER M.D. Physicians and Surgeons Central House Main St. Phone 149. 3. .1 S- TIME CARD NO. 2. , Arizona and Colorado Railroad. Train No. 1. Leaves Cochise for Pearce 4:10 p. a. Leave? Pearce for Cochise 6 p. m. Effective Sunday, Nov. 1st, 190S. E A. M'FARLAND, Assistant General Manager, . .. .. .. - . . . . TAKE A HACK J Doa't WslK ED PRICE, Prop. Telephone 10 Innex. Stand near English Kitchen. fHHtTfl't'M'f!"HtWtfH Traiernal Orders Rathbone Lodge No. 10, Knights of Pythias meets every Tnpsrtav vnlnr in Pythian CasUe. Visit ing Druttiera coraial ly Invited. S. A. Merritt, K. R. S. H W. Aiken, C. 0. F. O. E. BISBEE ERIE NO. 175. Fraternal Order of Eajles meets r?. ery first and third Tuesday, at Opera House. Visiting Eagles cordially ll vited. U A. 3R0WN, W. P. H. S. HILLMAN, W. S. . P. O. C SlabM Lod( (71 neeta first an Third Fridays af eaca month. VI lun BrotasrD cordially ivtt. J. C. UJ aaa, caaj i Kclaa. C. B. neaart, Secretary. UNITED MODERNS NO. 160. Meet 1st and 3rd Mondays at 8 p. m., at Library Hail. Visiting member cordially invited. C. C. Warner, Chan. M. E. Cronk, Secretary. CARRIE REYMANN LODGE NO. Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W. Meets In Library Hall 2d and 4tX Thursdays In each month Visiting hrotbers and sl3ters cordlalj Inviu MARY GILL, SARAH M'CREA, Recorder. Chief of Honor. f-and Murk rkaoter N . R. A M. Regular cosvoes tloni third Tuesday Ui each ironta. 8:lt a. oa. Tlsltlng companions U good si -.dins eladlr re ceived. C. L. CAVEN. H. P. J. L. BROWN, Sec. Eastern Star Vodg meets second and fourth Wednesdays In eaca monti CATHRINE MURHEAB, Worthy Matron. EDITH STONE, Secreur7. DEGREE POCAHONTAS. IMPROVED ORDER OF REOTMEK. Minnehaha Council No. meets flri; Monday and third Tb rsday of every month at Opera House Hall. Vision) members cordially Invited. NETTIE LEONARD, PocmOuU. PHOEBE CORNING. Keeper of Hsc 1 mproved der f Em en, CeeklM Trib N 1 a e-jt eresj Tanrsda arenlnx at Opera Han. Hall VUitins brotaara rdlally lnvltad 'ohn W Mullen. Sacnem. Allle Sotvles. Sachem. W D KtuSHj Ckit uf Records. Bisbee Lodge no. 1. L O. r O. F., meeiB every Wadnoa-' day evening Visiting brat- in cordially invited to attend P. J. M'CULLOUGH, K. G.. F. C. FENDERSON. Sec. ' ' DR. E. BAUM. - DR. E. S. GODFREY, JR; o Office 'phono, 223. Dr Baum's Res 'Phone, 225; jfr 4. . &8?&&$W vtijtf m sT r&&. I B K ' r ,1 '.:( o-JC ! rI