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' Washington. July 22. Forecast a for Arizona: Falrln south, showers K and thuader storms In north. Sat- jj urday. Sunday, fair. g aSXXXXKffXXXkg DAILY REVIEW! THE METAL MARKET. New York. - July -22. Copper. steady, 12 5-8&12 3-4c; bar'ftllver, 58c; Mexican dollars, 451-2 REGULAR MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. rrm-s ' r- VOL. VI UNIVERSITY CLUB 1 NO. 65 BISBEE, ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1904. J TO GET THE NEWS ALL OF THE NEWS YOU'LL HAVE TO REAO THE REVIEW T& ALL THERE. BLSBEE .1 J V It JI I c .1, - K 4:1 FUNDS LOW FOR 6. 0. P. STRUG6L WALTER WELLMAN SAYS REPUB LICANS FIND TROUBLE FIL LING WAR CHEST. BUSINESSMENNEUTRAL Present IndleatSons Are That Tables Will Be Reversed and Democrats Likely to Have Larger Campaign Resources. Chicago July 22. A special telegram from Walter Wellman to Chicago Record-Herald savs: It Is no secret here that President Rooseyclt. Chairman Cortelyou and other managers of the Republican cam paign reaLze that they have a figat on their hands. They are not nervous and they expect to win, but they we allie to the tact that the conditions with which they are now confronted will require the hardest sort of work on their part if the election Is not to be uncomfortably close. To start with the Republican managers are having a good deal of difficulty about raising campaign funds. They have rand beginning at this part of the work, and they already have dlscov-1 eded that It Is going to be a dilncuit task to amass even the modest sum l hat they had set their hopes upon. Months ago President Roosevelt and his friends caused It to be made known Through these dispatches that they did not need a large war chest this year. Kllhu Root, then Secretary of War, apoke out frankly. He said that there was a tendency to use enormous sums of money In presidential elec tions, a tendency which had run riot In recent years, might result in a very serious notional scandal If It was not checked and he believed now was the time to call a halt. That the secretary echoed the sentiments of President was natural inference, but l afterwards Improved an opportunity to make doubly sure of this point. The selection of Mr. Cortelyou to be cam paign manager was in one way an indication of the President's wishes in this respect. It meant a clean, businesslike, honorable campr."sn, in which money should not play a lead ing part. Whereas Mr. Hanna disbursed very nearly $0,000,000 In the first McKinlej campaign and more than half as much In 1900. Mr. Roosevelt's friends said secteral weeks ago they woull be well content If they had in slgat this year half as much as Mr. Hanna used tour jears ago, or about $2,000,000. Now they are learning that It. Is going to" be an exceedingly difficult matter to raise even that much. Of course it Is as yet too early to get inside information and frankness to tlons or any of the other probable features of the struggle, but it is not denied that up to this time the Indi cations are anything but encouraging. The few efforts that have been made to raise money In New York City have not met with warm response, waere thousands were expected hundreds on ly have been offered, and these some what grudgingly. Two important facts already hare made themselves uncomfortably clear: One Is that this year the leading en of the business and financial world are not alarmed as to the re sult of the election. They feel tol-languid-and is more personal than of They are feeling so secure that their interesi In the campaign Is somewhat erably matter which side wins. a business nature. The other depressing fact, as view ed from the Republican standpoint. Is that New York City at least, the city where the Republicans usually get SO per cent of all their campaign contrl but.ons, the indications are .that this year the subscriptions will run about two dollars for Parker to one 'for Roosevelt. In truth looking ahead from Ibis preliminary survey of the field, the Republican managers be lieve that in 1904 the democrats will have, the larger campaign fund, a thing has not occurred since 1892 when William C. Whitney had more money than he knew what to do with and when, as everyone will remember, Mr. Cleveland was elected the second time. The shrewdest observers of our national politics long since came to the conclusion that larger campaign tunas are to be regarded not as the agencies of success but as Indications of the conditions which make success pos sible or probable. If this be true the early indications favor Parker as they favored Cleveland. The Republican managers were a little surprised when they found that under the leadership of Judge Parker himself the battleground had been shifted largely from the West to the East. It is now generally understood that the programme of the Democrats a outlined; int a dispatch from N wo JELNT;Strike Renewed THE MONEY WILL BE HERE ON JULY 30TH FOR THIS PURPOSE. Final Payment Is Not Due Until Janu ary 30th, and It Is the Opinion That If Extension Is Asked for at That Time It Will Se Granted. eTBisbeevesterday Advices received In Blsbee yesterday were to the effect that the third pay- ment on the Wolverine and Arizona, v?hlch is due and payable at Blsbee on Juiy 30th, will be met promptly. The third payment due the original owners amounts to twenty-three thou- badly that at the hospital where he posed to reinstate their former em sand dollars, and the final payment Is ,..,, i,v.n ihcr. i. m tn t, little nloves nendine thn settlement hv arhl. not due until January 30th. 1905. Among the Blsbee people who will share In the twenty-three thousand dol- lars are M. J. Cunningham, W. H. Bro- phy, M. J. Brophy and Mr. Harvey, for- crowd caught sight of an ambulance J Journed with the understanding that mer superintendent of the railway which had been called to Nelson Mor-1 another conference would be held to company at this place. Mr. Harvey 13 ru R- flna nlnnt to remove one of the morrow. Whether the difficulty can at present in the east, and has not been in Arizona for the past two j ears. The prompt paj ment of the third Installment on the Woherlne and Ari zona shows that the company still have and nearly upset the vehicle in an en unbounded faith In the.r property, and deavor to reach the supposed obnox- at the mine the present indications bear out this conclusion. Work continues without interruption, and Superintendent Hunt says there be no interruption In the develop- ment work for the remainder of the year. The Wolverine and Arizona Is a de- ! velopment company organized along the same lines as other development rompanles operating In the district, with a capltal.zatlon of 40,000 shares at a. par value of $10 per share. John uamei, oi .Michigan, is president oi me company. Campers Caught In the Raging San Pedro WAGON BOGGS DOWN IN MID STREAM, AND COW PUNCH- , ERS COME TO RESCUE OF BISBEE1TES. A. U llanahan, Jack McGee and Mr. HUlman returned yesterday from Ram say canyon. In the Huachucus, whero (hey have been camplns On the way In they had an exueri- ence which they will not io.g:. When they reached the ford in the San Pedro they drove into lie water. thinking it aboit I vj feet ''d The recent high water had cut the Chan nel out at this place, and the occu pants of the carriage found themselves in deep water .which was over the bottom of the wagon. The hnrses were unable to pull the wjgon -mi. aLd it began to settle In the mud. Mr. Hillman swam ashore and made his way to a nearby ranch, and came back a rope, some cowboys and their horses. The rope was fastened to the wagon, and the cow yo.ns i.Utul he stranded campers out ot :l.e San Pe dro and out of danger of drowning tt COWBOY RAN OVER MEXICAN. Douglas, July 22. A Mexican was run over and severely bruised last ev ening on Ninth street by a cowboy. The tatter was unable to see the man in the uark until nearly on him. The Mexi can the nadded to the trouble by los ing his head and running directly in front of the horse. .st. Louis the day after the contention Is to be .followed. That is to say, the old alliance between the South and the West, which obtained in the ,da'ys of Bryanism, is now abandoned and In stead there Is an alliance between the 4CHd Southland New York, with a plan m carry enough, or nealy enough, elec-" loral votes. In the- fcast to make a majority of the college with the ad dition of the 151 votes of the solid South. An important part ot this pro gramme, which, is only now coming to light and naturally is causing 'some perturbation among the Republican leaders, has to do with the outlook lor tariff revision. Everyone who has inside Information and thefrankuess to knows that the Republican plat- lorm at Chicago was Intended to in- dicate a purpose to revise the tariff. This intention was to be used in -the West to satisfy the consumers who nave been demanding tariff reform At the same time It was to be used In the Bast and among manufact. urers generally as an argument In fa vor of the perpetuation of Republican domination in the nation. "Tariff revision is Inevitable by one or the other of the parties." The Republicans were preparing to say to those who are Interested In the various schedules': "Now, which do you prefer, a revision by the Republi can party or by the Democrats; by your friends or your enemies?" On the strength of this it was be lieved an old-fashioned tariff campaign might be waged, with enthusiasm and campaign subscriptions from the man ufacturing centers aiding the Republi can cause. NU dblllrJIIIcJIII III dipt STRIKERS ATTACK AMBULANCE. AND ARE FOUGHT OFF BY POLICE. ONE MAN WILL DIE FROM EFFECTS OF BEATING AND KICKING GIVEN HIM BY RIOTERS ST. JOE SALOONS CLOSED, AND CITY UNDER PROTECTION OF DEPUTIES AND POLICE THOUSANDS OF MEAT WORKERS WALKED OUT. MEETING OF STRIKERS Chicago, July 22. The rioting of to- day when a man named Frank Miller waa set UDon by a crowd of srikB svmnathlzers. Ther heat him hope of his recovery. Miller was set upon n front 0f Armour & Co.'s plant j nd kicked nlmnst to death. Further trouble came when the i employes who had met with an accl- dent, to the company's hospital. The crowd, assuming the man of the non- union class, attacked the ambulance. ious personage W3th drawn revolvers two policemen and the doctor defended their charge and had to withstand a siege until help came from the stock yards. o Hundreds Walk Out. St. Joseph. Mo.. July 22. Fifteen hundred striking packing house em- ploy es who returned to work this morn- ing walked out again All the saloons In St. Joseph have been closed bv or der of the Mayor, and large forces of policemen and deputy sheriffs have been called ouL Strikers today sought out several non-ulon men In this city, and attacked and severely beat them. I o ' No Settlement at Meeting. ! Chicago, July 22. The stock yards strike was renewed -this morning lu Mexican Official Murdered Americans UhcTiTSam Demands Investigation Washington, July 22. In answer to Acting Secretary of State . Loomls demand for full information respecting the killing of two Americans In Aguas Calientes. Me ..ico. Consul Kaiser, at Mazatlan, has telegraphed undeV last night's date, as follows: i "Americans hat e telegraphed me that Alcalde Torres, nephew of K Gen. Torre?, while intoxicated went on business to Way's office, who . required him to return when sober. Torres left, and sent his sub- . ordinate to arrest Clarence Way and Ed Latimer, but Instead of ar- K resting, they assassinated them. The governor promises me aid in a t thorough investigation. This information has been verified by a sec- . ond dispatch. The investigation Is now In progress. Dispatch In t transiL" y. Acting Secretary Loomls telegraphed the consul to dispatch some t response person Immediately to Aguas Calientes to make full InquI- , ry and report upon the assassination. The place 13 remote, and there K i is no consul nearer than Mazatlan. A A A A A A A A A A it 'A A A A A 'AA Jap Torpedo Boats Attack Port Arthur Fleet VladivostockSquadron Reinforced Japs Attack Port Arthur Fleet. Cbee Foo, July 22. Thirty Chinese refugees who have just arrived here from Port Arthur, report that the Jap anese made another torpedo attack on the Port Arthur neet lasc Thursday night. The stories of the refugees vary In detail. Some state that the Japanese were repulsed with the loss of three torpedo boats?, while others de clare that the movement was merely Pumping Plant Was Under Water A heavy rain In the San Jose Moun- 'ast night it was stated that the com talns on Thursday evening4 formed ajpany expected to be able to deliver mlsnty river that swept across the flat ,Ba,or '? th,e PP'0 of Bi3bEe 8ome , ,. . , . ., . . time this aiternoon. In the vicinity of Naco, two hundred A arge ,orre of men were at worK yards wide and five feet deep. yesterday clearing away the debris In The water rushed through the en- 'he vicinity of the well and overhaul- gine house of the Bisbee-Naco Water lnK theh disabled pump. company and put out the fires In the i Residents of Naco state that the boilers. The new well was caved In amount of water that rushed down and the pumps disabled. A new pump ' from the San Jose Mountains was the was Installed yesterday morning, and , largest in the past eight years. arrangements have been made by the waier company to secure another pump from the Wolverine company if ii is luunu necessary. At the office of the water company GOVERNOR BRODIE GONE EAST. Phoenix. Julv 22. Rnverr.m. PrrvllA left this morning for New York. He is j a member of the committee appointed Phoenix, July 26. Governor Brodle to notify President Roosevelt of his 'yesterday granted a parole to Sim 25S? br!' JSKS RePub"ca Neighbors and John Richards, convict convention. ThB otificatlon commit- .,,.. . . ...... tee will meet at the Waldorf-Astoria , ed ln Plnal countr of cattle steanS on the evening of July 26, and will pro- i two years ago last November. They ceed to Oyster Bay the next day. Gov-! have served In the penitentiary almost ernor Brodie, after the notification, ayear, and had been sentenced to will go to Pennington, N. J., and spend three years. Many citizens and most four or five days with Mrs. Brodle and then he will return to Phoenix. With Bloodshed AND PACKERS TODAY Chicago and all other points where the big packing companies have branches, because strikers were dissatisfied with Ihe manner in which the omDlovers nro Iration. The Joint conference between representatives of both sides of the contioversv today failed to reach an agreement, and the meeting was ad- be satisfactorily settled at tomorrow's ' meeting Is problematical, as both pack- j ers and strikers maintain that they are living up to Wednesdays agreement lor settlement by arbitration, and that It Is the other side who are responsible ior the renewal of hostilities. o Children Take Part In Riots. Chicago, July 22. Restless crowds filled the streets of packing town all daj after the ordering of the second strike. As soon as It grew dark, and especially after the news had reached the district that no agreement had been reached at the down town conference, small sized riots were numerous, and it kept the police busy until far Into the night scattering the belligerents. In one of the disturbances, Josle Romln sKy who had taken the place of a striker, wa3 attacked by nearly a thou iand boys and girls while she was on the way home. She was chased for several blocks and pelted with mud and stones When she reached home she fell in a heap on the doorstep, ex hausted from fright and bruises. a 'A A A A A 'A Vt Vt Vt A 'A A A A A an attempt, which failed owing to the vigilance of the Russian searchlights, and that the Japs escaped unhurt. o German Cruisers for Russia. London, July 22. A dispatch to Reu ters Telegram, from SL Petersburg, says It is reported there that the cruis ers said to have been bought by Rus sia in Germany have joined the Vladlv ostock squadron, which went to sea especially toxatet them. . The pipe line between Naco and Bis- bee was slightly damaged by the high i water, and in some places was washed tout or line lor a distance of ten feet but never parted. CATTLE THIEVES PAROLED. of the grand Jury and trial jury joined tn the petition. RADICAL MEASURE TOINIPROVERANGE J. J. RIGGS, OF CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, FAVORS DRIVING OFF CATTLE. Cattle Stealing at an End Riggs Would Have All Cattle Taken From Ranges for Next Ten Years to Re Seed Ground. Douglas, July 22. J. J. Riggs, of Dos Cabezas, one of the w ealthle3t and larg est cattlemen in the Southwest, Is a lsitor in the city In his official capac ity as a member of the territorial live stock sanitary board. Regarding the work or the board. Mr Riggs stated this morning that he felt that It had ac complished a great deal In the last year and made many decided changes tor the better in connection with the cattle industry in the territory. "Among other things," -said Mr. itlggs, "it has put a stop to cattle steal ing. It is now understood that the man who resorts to that sort of business is certain to be brought up with a round turn, and no matter his position or in fluence, prosecuted to the limit." Speaking of the cattle Industry In the territory, Mr. Riggs said the cattle, men confronted a very serious situa tion, and that something would have to be done in their aid. Much the same condition prevailed over the ranges of tno country, and the time was at hand when action must be taken. Continu ing, he said "An opportunity, the greatest that has ever been afforded he cattlemen, will offer at Denver next week for the taking of steps toward se curing needed legislation on the sub ject. The president has appointed a commission, numbering the senate and house chairmen of the committees on public lands. Secretary Hitchcock. Mr. Newell and a number of others promi nent In connection with public land matters, arid land Irrigation move ments and the cattle Industry, to meet In that city on the 4th, 5th and 6th to confer with all the cattle men ot the west for the purpose of talking over the situation and arriving, if .possible, at some conclusion as to the best way out of the difficulties we are In. I shall attend the meeting, and I think that every other man Interested in the cattle Industry and Jn Jmprovement of our public lands should be there who can possibly make the trip. "As for my own opinions in the mat ter, I believe this; that it la the intent of the homestead law to give to the set tler sufficient land for him to make a living from, but no more than he can develop and improve to the advantage of the community at large. I believe that to make this clearer and to get the best results we should make the law read so as to conform in ereater decree (to the English law in force In Austra lia where the apportionment of public liands to settlers Is left to local boards (acquainted with local conditions. For instance, under such a law I might be jallotted 10,000 acres in an arid stretch of Arizona, while you might have just as much in actual value with a 500 ,acre allotment next to mine, but carry ing grass and water. j "Regarding the grazing land matter, 'some steps must be taken to get our j ranges back to normal. In time this will be done by the reservoir storage jof water by the government and by in dividual development and use of the I vast streams of water that run under us.- But this is far ahead, and the need for immediate relief very great. !To get this, if necessary I should favor i the most radical steps. I would not I halt at turning cattle off the ranges, 'absolutely, for ten years, that the grass 'might be reseeded, the ground given jopportunlty to loosen up and steps tak len to bring the flow of water from rains back over the surface of the 'ground instead ot through' the canyons and gulches that have been cut by rea son of the surface of the ground hav ing become hard and refusing to take up the downpours such as we have had in the last week. A good example of this was furnished yesterday at Naco. A finer rain I never saw than that which fell there yesterday afternoon, but It did the caked ground little good, running from It and going largeJt to waste down the San Pedro In a flood that covered the ground a couple ot teet deep. "The commission meeting at Denver will, of course, oily discuss these mat ters. It Is probable, however, that out of the discussion will grow a bill for presentation to the next congress em bodying the conclusions arrived at af ter the views of the stockmen have been heard, and it ought to provide for some very satisfactory and valuable legislation. As I have said, I believe curtailment of grazing one of the best steps that can be taken. Overgrazing has certainly added to the terrors of our drouths and helped make them." BRIBE-GIVER INDICTED. St. Loul-, Mo.. July 22. Colonel Ward Butler, a prominent local politi cian was indicted today by the grand jury on the charge of bribing witness es. The indictment grows out of the confession of Chas. F. Kelly, a former member of the house of delegates, who says Butler gave him $15,000 for leav ing the country and staying away until the bribe-giver3 against whom he had damaging evidence were protected by the statute of limitation. v 00M PAUL BARREN CLAIM WELL IN WHICH MINERAL WAS , CLAIMED TOBE, BARREN PORPHRY. MAY SETTLE TODAY Yesterday Twelve Determined Men Clean Out the Well, and Find No Trace of Mineral A BodyiBlow for Claim Owner. ' claim was sampled, and no ore of any kind was found. At the meeting of the protestants In Judge McDonald's office Thursday nignt it was aeciuea mat samples ot ttla nnm Doul nrt!1 ..mat tia ti.ll 'Tllf. locators of the Oom Paul claimed that tney naa an Kinas ot ncn ore, out mat It was in the bottom of a deep well that was full of water, and consequent ly not visible to the naked eye. The men who were at the meeting one and all decided that they must see this rich ore, and the scheme of tak ing out the water and sampling the shaft was concocted. Everyone in the room was made to promise absolute secrecy, and then the plot against the Oom Paul ownera waa Inlrt A num. ber of men agreed to go on the proper ty with buckets and ropes, accompa nied by a mining expert, and ball out the water, go down into the well and take samples from the four sides and uuiium. ay many present It was thought that the work should be done that night, for fear that Radovich would hear of the plan and get an In junction restraining all parties from go!n On the nrnnertv- TOut oa one had given his word not to tell any une oi me scneme. It was decided to wait until morning, and then with the aid of daylight and a few Mexicans the work could be done better. Theiime set for the' prospecting par. ty was 8 o'clock, and yesterday morn ing at that hour twelve men and some Mexicans, with ropes, buckets and picks, met at the Shattuck saloon and n a body went up to the well which lies between the old bakery shop and Adams' store. In a few minutes the Mexicans were hard at it pulling out the nine feet o'f water that hid the "world of ore" while the Americans kept guard to prevent any Interference from the claim owner. Some of the prospec tors had euns in . -.. .- made to drive them from their work. aoout i ociock when the last drop of water was taken out and sam ples were taken. Not a sign of ore of any kind could be found In this well, but to be sure 311 Of the fiamntea -Qrlll he aeeava4 en that sworn testimony can be given that mere is no mineral on the claim. This rather etransre nrrmaertirrr. w.a necessary to make the protest against me granting ot the patent valid. A patent can not be given for the Oom Paul if there is no mineral on the ground, and resterdav'a r,len nf etrat. egem by the property holders show mm mere is no mineral, and they alL feel confident that they will win their case. Last nizht it was renorted that n tel ephone message had been received from Radovich who la In Dniieina. that he and Medlgovich will be in Blsbee -J today and are willing to sign deeds glv-5 Ing the property to those who, are claiming it for building purposes and their residences. Court About Over Fisher Case Yesterday Court at Tombstone, as far as the criminal docket goe3, is nearly over, there being but one prisoner in the jail that was Indicted by the last grand jury ,and only a few who are out on bail. Yesterday the case of Harry Fisher, for assault on Jack Howard In Wil cox, was heard by the Jury, and at a late hour last night the jury was still out. A man by the name of Craig is to be tried as soon as the verdict in the Fish er case is brought in. He Is charged with horse stealing. This term of court has been one that has given the criminal element in this part of tho territory a severe shock, as twenty-seven convictions is the grist of the juries. t ELKS WILL MEET IN BUFFALO. Cincinnati, July 22. At an adjourn ed meeting of the grand lodge of Elks ceatorriav Affomnnn V r DnVl.a.n t9 Dubuque, la., who is less than five feet in height, and weighs eighty-five pounds, wa3 elected grand secretary with a total vote of 278, while T. R. j Burke, of Richmond, Va,, received 216. Buffalo "was selected as the next ( meeting place, other contending cities -UI Deing Syracuse, jn. x., ana uaiias, Tex , -.1 . i-. I tttat 4fcl2t VJSH1