THE BI8EEE DAILf REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 190?. s 5 4- t 3f 3! St 2 J5$J55$S.5j.jjS5Ji5S5JS$5J5S5$4t'$" u,A aWMCJ 5 Wet IrVeatHer Neccessities This is the time when people should take every precaution to guard against colds, and attendant ills. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The majority of colds are undoutedly the result of ex posure, damp clothing, etc. Your are obliged to be" out in the damp weather and coming id, think your clothing is only slightly damp, not enough to injure you; yet the next day, you find you have eaught cold. Wear waterproof clothing and this will not happen. Our stock of watterproof clothing is eceptionally well assorted clothing for every purpose. He'rder's or Walking Slickers j2.5 Pommel Slickers, best quality pJ.UU Slicker Suits Coat and Pants $3.25 Rubber Coats Medium weight Heavy Officer's Coat Gossamer, light weight $4.00 to $6.00 ACKINTOSHES ' Equally good for rain or shine. Our cravenettcs will protect you from the rain, and are stylish and dressy, suitable for wear on many occasions. Mackintoshes $6.50 to $35.00 UMBRELLAS A new assotmeut just received; everything, from the gloria silk to the best all silk umbrella; strong, setviceable steel frames, and assorted handles. ai.yd to as.uu 3 3 S S S S S RELIGIOUS WORK TO MEXICAN WOOD CUT BE CONTINUED . J TERS RELEASED fhfielfir fMtlT"k Aerannlnn fnt Et vlval SCfJtses Efforts of Evangel.) istsat Presbyterian Church Brought Many Converts Evangelists Qo to) uougias. Is the LucRy Number tsjsjsjsitjsjsjsjsjsjsjsssjcts tivi&ixvi&vevivi&xigsusiivsx K is a s R J J?. 24 If You Would be LucKy, RiBg THE ORIENT MAIN STREET Finest Resort in the Territory USICAL ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLY iandard Furniture Co 18 Brewery Gulch. Phone 244 m - . Second Hand Goods 17 NEW DESIGNS OF DRESSERS A very large assortment of Bedroom suits at a bargain. All kinds of Second Hand goods. "We pay tbe highest cash price for second hand goods. Standard Furniture Go. i i 1 Dr. Smiley, evangelist, and Mr. Han son, singer, Sunday evening concluded special revhal services that have for the past two weeks been in progress at the Presbyterian church in this city Itev. J. E. Fry, the pastor, report3 that the services thajt have just been concluded have been on the whole very satisfactory. In all more than fifty persons 'pro fessed their faith as a result of the af ternoon, evening and open air meet ings that were held. A large per centage of these are expected to af filiate with the different churches of the city. Mr. Fry farther stated thai while the weather had not been so favorable for large attendance as could hae been desired, still the re sult was very satisfactory and help ful to the church under whose aus pices the meeting were held. It is bald to be quite likely that the evangelistic services that were be gun in this city by the Methodist church will bo continued by other churches of the city. Steps are al ready being taken by Itev. J. A. Smith, of the Christian church, to be gin sprices at an early date under the auspices of that church when the Christian evangelist now holding serv ices in Douglas shall have concluded the meetings at that place. It is also quite possible that still other denomi nations of the citv will follow in the matter of, special services. Dr. Smiley and Mr. Hanson will this evening begin a series of meetings in Douglas to last for two weeks, they departing for that city yesterday, ft PERSONAL.. MENTION The Pythian Club dances tonight al Pythian Hall, while the Ladles of the Maccabees give a dance at the Opera House. pptfi Tehanev. of La Brisca Gold oomDanv. left last evening for 'Mag'da- lena, after several days in the city '6H business. ' Agent McNair, of the E. P. & S. W left last evening for El Paso, where he will meet his family on their 'way to Blsbee from Eastern Texas. Mr. and Mrs. E. L.. Wilcox left yes terday for a visit at Los Angeles'". l turned to the city Sunday evSnrng, having been unable -to -reaeh Phoenix on account of washouts. Jf' Miss Sadie Manning is in the 'cijy for a several days visit from 'Douglas. K. P. Carey left last evening for Douglas to look after, property inter ests he has in that city. Mrs. H. A. Winter and little daugh ter left last evening for a visit with her parents, at Globe. John M. Walker and wife arrived in the city yesterday from several weeks' visit to points in California E. S. Kelly leaves shortly for a!oWs' iness trip to Los Angeles. Alex Grant is in town from Douglas for a few days' visit. Mr. Grant was one of the original discoverers of the Luckj- Tiger property. The Copper Queen band gave an ap preciated concert last night in front of the Blsbee Drug Co. store. N. C. Bledsoe and L. Palletak have formed a partnership under the title of the Bisbee Collection Agency, and have opened an office in the Medigo Ich building. Mr. Bledsoe Is an at iviuKf uuu Mr. Falielak a collector. Alfred Neynian, of Brewery Gulch, is in the hospital suffering an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. John Hopkins returned from Cananea last Sunday after an absence of a week with friends at the camp. Mrs. J. L. Brown spent last Sunday at Naco with her daughter. Mrs. J. S. Curry. E. Aminoff has returned from Cana nea, where he was to visit the mines and smelter. Frank Odermatt, son of Dr. Oder matt, ot Tucson, Is in Bisbee and may remain E. G. Ord has returned to the city from Los Angeles, where he accompa nied Mrs. Ord. The latter wHl re main for a couple of months at1 the coast. Hart Stoddard eTpects to leave to day for a visit at Roosevelt. Ed Hoffman, of the C. & A., return ed yesterday from a vacation trip to Los Aneeles. Miss Laura Reynolds arrived yster, day from Los neles- to take the posi tion of stenograpner 'In the office of B. J. O'Reilly '" r-"--f- J. T. Wilkje was Jn t6A yesterday from Cananea. where he' Is operating a brokerage office. R. H. Whittlesey, through J. E. Thompson, yesterday purchased a cot tage from J. H. Quante at Lowell. Shamrocks and St. Patrick's novel ties, a large assortment at the Fair Store. By U. S. Commlsslonei-Will Offend 'tip More Assistant U. S. Attorney Campbell Appeared In Case-gLJelyJ ic rui incw juagesnip in Arizona. J. H. Campbell, assistant U. S. attor. ney, and Deputy U. S. Marshals Fos ter and Hill were in the city yester day to appear before U. S. Conimls sionci Cassltly in action brought against three Mexican woodchoppers for cutting wood from government land In the neighborhood of Dixie canyon. After hearing the evidence in the case Commissioner Cassidy re leased the men from custody. "Warn ing was glen that further offense would be met differently. The com missioner was moved to his action of yesterday by the fact that the evi dence showed that the Mexicans had not knowingly violated the law; that conviction if they were held over to the next U. S. grand Jury was exceed ingly doubtful on the evidence In hand, and that all three men had fam ilies which were suffering by reason of their confinement in jail. Attorney Campbell returned but re cently from Washington, where lie was to further the passage by Con gress of the act providing for a fifth judicial district in Arizona. His ef forts w ere very largely responsible for the final passage of the measure, and he is as a result looked upon as the logical man to fill the new post. it Is said that this view of the matter is taken at Washington, and that when the ludge for the new Arizona district is appointed by President Roosevelt, which will doubtless be shortly, his name will be Campbell. The latter gentleman has been a resident of the territory for a number of years, and is widely known and esteemed. He has the unanimous support of the peo pic of the territory In the candidacy which he hap announced at the behest of friends for appointment to the new judgeship, and if the solicitations of the people of the territory avail he will undoubtedly be named by the pre&idenj. talkIojothebs (Continued from First Page.) A Man of MeaE Can ill-afford to be without the pamphlet "A Banker's Will." It explains a curious provision in the wil of the -President of a National Bank in New York City,and gives the list of securities in which the largest accumulation of trust funds in the world is invested. The pamphlej: isjsent -jfree. This Company ' Has earned more for policy-holders Has paid more to policy-holders Holds more in trust for policy-holders Than any other company in the world , Bi6e MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK ITfc ?f 1 J K. Kl "- America RICHARD A. McCURDY, President World SHIRLEY CHRISTY. MANAGER. Phoenix, Ariz. HOTEL NOBLES The best In Tombstone for tie travel In? man Large and cool rooms. Jaa. Herros, Prop. c wty .Reawpfeer tas aXSOVB HLTOSK7 ,NBM CarttaCoUiaOaeDy, d4 JFBS 3 boys aa every Its It! Runabouts and vehicles of all de scriptions, the good kind, at Brophy Carriage Repository at Lowell. Have you been to Naqum & Co.'s this New Year? . iz Get away from the stench. New MOON ADDITION LOTS must ALL GO! They are Just what you want, and the prices will make you feel GLAD. CUT OUT THE RENT drain and build a "HOME. SWEET HOME" in the healthy, clean smelling. NEW MOON ADDITION. SEE EDWARDS & WREN ABOUT IT. r PROBATE NOTICE. still more hideous evil for women. These unpleasant tendencies in our Americaif life are made evident by ar ticles such as those which I actually read not long ago In a certain paper, where a clergyndan was quoted, seem iHgly wjtri approval, as expressing the general' American attitude when he said that'the ambition of any save a verv rich man should be to rear two children only, so as to give his chil dren; an opportunity "to taste a .few of tHi'feood things of life." v The way to give a chilff: a fair chance in life is not to bring It up in lliifury, but to See that it has the kind of' (raining that will give it strength of character. To sum up, then, the whole matter is simple enough. If either a race or an individual prefers the pleasures of mere effortless ease, of self-indulgence, to the infinitely deeper, the infin itely higher pleasures that come to those who know the toll and weari ness, but also the joy, of hard duty well done, that race or that individual must inevitablv in the end pay the penalty of leading a life both vapid and Ignoble. No man and no woman really worthy of the name can care for the life spent solely or chiefly in the avoidance of risk and trouble' and labor. Save in exceptional cases the prizes worth having in life must be oald for. and the life worth living must be a life ot work for a worthy end, and ordinarily of work more for others fhan for one's self. The man Is hut a poor rri-atiirl whose effort ' Is rather for the bet terment of his wife and children than for himself; and as for the mother, her very. name stands for loving un selfishness and self-abnegation, and. In any' society fit to exist. Is fraught with associations which rend it holy. The woman's task Is not easy no task worth doing is easy but in do ing It, and when she has done It, there shall come to her the highest and holi est joy known to mankind; and having done it, she shall have the reward prophesied in Scripture; or her hus band and her children, yes, and all the peonle who realize that hor wnr'k Una at the fendation of all national haD- pmess and greatness, shall rise upi and call her blessed. o Men's and Women's rubbers, all sizes, for sale at the Fair Store. it "You'll like the place" Mrs. Mnir- hcad'3 restaurant, upper Main St o Don't forget. Only a few days longer to buyiyour hardware, wall pa per, etc.'' Bisbee'' Trading Co. If it fs a 'bilious attack take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by All Dealers In Patent Medicines. o For an Impaired Appetite. Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed Is a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the stomach, strength en the digestion and give you an appe tite like a wolf. These Tablets also act as a gentle laxative. For sale by all dealers in patent medicines. o Arizona and Colorado Railroad Co. Leave Pearce, 7:45 a. m. Leave Cochise, 9:30 a. m. Arrive Cochise, 8:40 a. m. Arrive Pearce. 10:25 a. m. E. A. MTARLAND, In the Probate Court, Cochise Coun ty, Territory of Arizona. In the mat ter of the Estate of Jesse M. Greer, Deceased. Notice for the hearing of petition for Final Distribution. .Notice is hereby given that the pe tition of Thomas F. Dwyer, Adminis trator of the Estate of Jesse M. Greer, Deceased, for final distribution has been filed, this the 8th day of March, 1905, and that on the 20th day of March, 1905, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of that date, at the court room of said court, has been duly appointed by said court for hearing of said petition, at which time any person interested in said estate may appear and file an ex ception in writing to said petition, and contest the same. "Dated Tombstone, Arizona, March Bth, 1905. FRANK W. GOODBODY, f Clark Probate Court TIME CARD NO. 3, Cananea, Yaqul River a. Pacific R. R. Co. Leave Naco. 10:3C a. m.; Arrive Naco, 4 p. m. Leave San Jose. 11:05 a. m.; arrive San Jose, 3:32 p. m. Leave Villa Verde, 11:25 a. m.; ar rive Villa Verde, 3:10 p. m. Leave Mesa. 11:48 a. m.; arrive Mesa, 2:45 p. m. Leave Del Rio, 12:01 p. m.; arrive Del Rio, 2:30 p. m. Arrive Cananea, 12:30 p. m.; leave Cananea, 2:10 p. m. V. Bisbee Plumbing' Co. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work A complete line of Enameled and Steel BatK Tubs Lavatories, Sinks, rGlos" ets and hot water range boilers. Bath room sun dries Pipe fittings and brass goods. j Shop61R.R.Ave PflOflE ,61 , Offiice and works,,. 6iR..t. Aye OTHKlSHW- nBamBas9Bcsa9B9SBBBiBaBon9SBasnnaraikiaH9B'au. Phonv334 1 I- s i f P. O. Box 808. GOTO J. A. RARLSOK ARTISTIC TAILOR ' For clothes that will fit, wear and keep the shape. They are cut and made right, that's why'tlfeyareTso pleasing to the wearer. We also do DYEING, STEAri and DRY CLEANING REPAIRING AND PRESSING LADIES' AND HEN'S GARMENTS" All work guaranteed. s.t ,, ... Upstairs Schmid-Shattuck Bldg. Bisbee, Arizona Closing' Out ,Sale of Hardware! WILL LAST BUT A PEW DAYS LPNGER 2,000 Rolls of Wall Paper ." Selling at 25 per cent below original prices. J Builders Hardware, Ammunition Table Cutlery, Picture and Room Houlding, General Hardware, &c. All Going At Cost lISBEE TRADING CO OPPOSITE DEPOT Fixtures for Sale Store for Rent... 79VlHl.3k