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VASE EIGHT THE BISBEE DAILY' REVIEW. BIS BEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1906. E Ir-, Ss EARLY SPRING gALE . 0F LACES AND Embroideries mam one? CHE latest development that is causing wide spread comment in the Lace market is an advance of 10 percent to 20 percent in prices of Nottingham Vals, Calais, French Valenciennes, Irish and Venise Galloons, etc. etc. And our Eastern Representatives: (We have them) , in form us that this increase has come to stay--due to the law of demahdj-which is causing a congestion in the lace centers such as St. Gall, Arbon, Plauen, fiochst, Nottingham, etc. etc. BUT having placed our orders ahead of the rush and before the advance, we are in a position to give you your usual bargainsbut THURSDAY being a LEGAL HOLIDAY we will hold this special sale FRIDAY. Special for Triday Laces and Embroideries LACES Lot 1 Consists of Vals, In pretty designs and various widths, an unusual bargain One you can't afford to miss. Oinie Dozens Yards 25 cent its LACES Lots 2, 3 and 4. Included In these lots are Clunles, Tor chons, Irish and Venise Galloon's and French Valenciennes, In unus ually pretty designs and various widths. Regular prices are Just double what we are asking. Lot 25c Lot 3-I0c Lot 4-15c ST. GALL EMBROIDERIES Insertlngs and corset cov er embroideries in a great variety of pretty designs for underwear, dress trimming In fact any of the Innumerable ways that may strike the fancy of the individual, all the different widths, too, and the regular price is Just twice this sale price. These also come In lots. Lot MOc, Lot 2112 l-2c, Lot 3-15c Lot 420c9 Lot 02Sc Closed all Day today SAVINGS BANK NEW BUSINESS VENTURE Three Local Banks Form Stock Company Wiln $100,000 BIsbeo (s to havo a Savings Bank & Trust company, wun a capitaliza tion of $100,000. This is the latest an nouncement In the local business world, and the stockholders In the new company will be none other than the three local banks, the Bank of BIsbee, Miners & Merchants and the First National. With this capitalization, together with the high .financial standing of the above-named institutions, the savings bank which is to be started in iJisoee will easily be the strongest financial tnafttntfnn In ArWntift One of the officials o a-local hank yesterday. In speaking of the proposed new enterprise, stated that such a move had been under consideration by the three local banks for some time, i Finally, the Bank of Bisbee made Its plans known In this respect, when they discovered that the other two , banks were already at work along the same line. Then it was that the prop-, osltlon was launched for the three , banks to form a stock company, with a capital of $100,000, and institute a savings hank, in which all three bank ing institutions should share equally. The proposition met with favor with the directors and papers are being drawn up this week to this effect. In this connection it is stated that the savings bank in all probability will be located In a fine brick and stone building which It is the intention of Mr. Muheim to erect on his property known as the Dubacher building at the Intersection of Brewery and Main streets. Bisbee has long needed such an in stitution as a savings bank, where small Investors can save their money, and at the same time have it draw an Interest. It is expected that the sav ings bank will be a reality during the next six months. FIXICO AND WILD CAT JAILED. re Two Seminole Indians Held for Mur der In Territory. Muskogee, I. T., Feb. 21. Deputy Marshal Cordell brought in two pris oners, Barney Flxico and Wild Cat, yesterday, charged with the murder of Billy Cully, a Seminole Light Horse man, on the third of this month. A ight horseman is a mounted Indian police officer. , When Wild Cat was put in Jail here, one of the:-deputy marshals, Bass Reeves, recognized him as a man he had arrested once twenty years ago. J Reeves arrested hlih on a murder j cnarge ana was tatting mm to ton .Smith for trial. When they reached the Arkansas river. Wild Cat made his escape. He had nbt been seen or heard of since, and the officer sup posed he was dead until he turned up at the Jail here today. Wild Cat and Fixlco'are both Seminole Indians. O' ' PERSONAL NOTES. -4- YEOMEN GIVE DANCE. The Yeomen Lodge of America will give a masquerade dance at Pythian Castle Friday night. An admission of fifty cents each will be charged, tbjs Including supper. A prizo will be given for the most comic makeup, and the most original costume. A good time generally is anticipated. 1 $ crfANK WOULD BE BRIDEGROOM. PROBATA NOTICE. In the Probate Court of Cochise Coun ty, Territory of Arizona. ) Dated February 15th, 190C. J. E. JAMES, Clerk of Probate Court. First Publication February 17, 190G. In, the matter of the -Estate of ) Notice Edward Grenfell, deceased.) Pursuant to an order of the Pro bate Court of Cochise County, Terri tory of Arizona, dated February 15th, 1906, notice is hereby given of the hearing ol the petition of L. C. Shat tuck, administrator of the estate, of Edward Grenfell, deceased, praying tor an order authorizing him as such administrator to enter into a contract .with, the Saginaw Development Com pany, granting to said company an extension of the time for final pay ' xnent of the purchase price of the in terest of said estate In and to the fol lowing described mines and mining claims, situated in the Warren Mining Efcjtrfct, CcfchJsJ; County, Territory f Arizona, now "held by said Saginaw Development Company under a con tract for the optional sale of said in terest to Watts S. Humprhey, which said option has been assigned by said Humphrey to the said Saginaw Devel bpment Company j jthe location no tices of which are recorded In the of fice of the County Recorder of said Cochise County, in the Books of Rec ords of Mines, as follows, to-wit: World's Fair, recorded In Book 12 at page 600. Logan, recorded in Book 12 at .page 616. Shattuck, recorded In Book 12 at page 616. Leland Stanford, recorded In Book 12 at page 615. Senator, recorded In Book 13 at page 2. Paymaster, recorded in Book 13 at page '7. Congress, recorded In Book 13 at page 3. Cherokee, recorded In Book 13 at page 3. - Calumet, recorded In Book 13 at page 10. Grenfell, recorded In Book 13 at page 211. Keating, recorded In Book 13v at page 235. Shattuck No. 2, recorded In Book 27 at page 478 The time of payment and the terms more fully set forth In the form of and conditions of said contract being contract attached to said petition, to .which reference Is hereby made for the particulars thereof, and Wednes day, the 28th day of February, 1906, at 10 o clock a. X., at the court room of said court, has been set as the time and place for the. hearing of said pe tition, and all persons Interested in Bald ctetato are hereby notified to appear, at that time and place, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why an order should not be granted to said administrator author izing him to, grant such extension "of NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ON ISSUANCE OF BONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in accordance with the Organic Law of the Territory or Arizona, and the Revised Statutes of Arizona pertain ing to elections and pursuant to a res olution of the Common Council of the City of Bisbee passed and adopted at a meeting of the said Council held on the 14th day of February, 1906, by which resolution it was decided to call a special election, at which elec tion should be submitted to the quali fied electors and owners of real and personal property subject to taxation in said city, the question whether or not said city should Issue bonds for the construction of a sewerage system in the said City of BIshpR n snorini election will be held in the said City Of Bisbee On the 20th day of Mnrrh. 1906, between the hours of 8 o'clock m the morning and 6 o'clock in the evening of said day, at which election Will be Submitted in tho nngllflnJ electors and owners of real or person al property subject to taxation In the said City of Bisbee, the question whether or not the said City of Bisbee shall Issue bonds In the sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars for the construction of a sewerage system In the said city, said bonds not bear a rate of inter est (exceeding six per centum per annum payable semi-annually, and said bonds to run twenty-five years and be payable as follows, to-wlt: During the first five years of the time which they are to run onlV th interest shall be due thereon, and at the end of each year therpfter besides the Interest, there shall be due and payable on said bonds the sum of Four Thousand Dollars nntil the said bonds shall havn hr-pn nalri Notice is further given that said elec tion Will be held In thn fnlln-nrlno places In the Frst Ward, at the Fire House: in tha Siwmil Wnrrt In ho building in the rear of Fire House formerly occupied by J. E. Thompson; in the Third Ward, in the Johnson tflOCK. Said snecial election will h con. ducted in all respects as a regular election la said city, excepting only. tnat me rorm or the ballot to be "im nished electors shall be as follows: Shall the bonds for the mnctrnrMnn of a sererage' system be issued? Yes. anaii tne bonds for the construction of a sewerage system be Issued? .No. Dated and done at the office of the Mavor and fVitnmnn Csmnfli nt tho City of Bisbee this 16ih, day of Feb ruary, 1306. a W. HICKS. City Clerk. r Grand Washington's birthday ball at the upera House tonight. Police Arrest One Who Insists Should Be Honored Man. He Washington, Feb. 21. The White House wedding was not devoid bf crank features. Every occasion of importance is reflected at the Presi dent's home by the appearance of some demented individual. The wed ding has produced a new Prince of Denmark. His name Is not Hamlet it Is Peter Carlson. "I am to marry Miss Roosevelt this morning," he an nounced to a policeman on guard, "and the match was arranged by my royal mother. Her Highness the Queen of Denmark. I am Longworth's brother, and this proposed marriage is all a mistake." Carlson was arrayed for the nup tials. He wore an opera hat, some what the worse for wear; a soiled white vest and a pair of dove-colored trousers that were travel-stained. He insisted that he met Miss Roosevelt upon an army transport at New York and that their engagement fol lowed. He predicted serious interna' tional complications and warned the United States that Denmark was not to be trifled with. He has been com mitted to the asylum for the insane. TEXAS CHOOSES AFFIRMATIVE. Columbia, Mo., Feb. 21. la the de bating contest between the University of Texas and the University of Mis souri, Texas has chosen the affirma tive of the question submitted by Missouri for the interstate debate. This gives to Missouri the negative In this year's debate, both with Kan sas and Texas. SILK Mrs. E.- T. pillette left yesterday for Alubug.uero.ue, - where she will spend several days visiting friends and rela tives. Dr. C L. Edmundson left yesterday for a few days' visit with friends In Tucson. W. P. Stiles arrived here yesterday from El Paso and will spend several days here for the E. P. & S. W. rail road. Mrs. John Smith and daughter, Mary, will leave for their home in Los Angeles Saturday after spending a few days here with friends and rela tives. City Marshal Snodgrass left yester day for a few days in Tucson. o Washington's Birthday The school children at the schools In Lowell, Don Luis, South Bisbee and at the Central High School will today hold the regu lar celebration of Washington s birth day. Very appropriate exercises have been arranged, and the school children will give a part of the day from their studies to these exercises. o Main Street Fight Officer Wllmuth yesterday arrested M. Ryan and Chris. Sarensen for fighting on Main street. The two men quarreled in a saloon To settle the difficulty they agreed to go out into the street and settle it with hard kpuckfes. Offirer Wll muth appeared on the scene in time to land both In fall. o Death Reported Charles L. Ford died yesterday at noon at his home on Castle Hill of spinal mcnegitis. He has been sick for several weeks. He is a miner and has been employed at the Holbrook shaft during the two years he has been living .in Bisbee. The funeral arrangement has not been made, but interment will be at the Evergreen Cemetery. mm flp Yourself t- ! i an Injustice When you take your' prescriptions to any other Drag Store to be filled. i If you have any doubt that we do the largest pre scription business In Bisbee, step Into our store and we WILL PROVE TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION that this Drug Store fills more prescriptions than any other Drug Store in Bisbee. Hence, Good, Pure, Fresh Drugs dispensed by competent men. J1 Rinehart's Drug Store On the Corner opp. the Depot. SMM Phone J04. I him hb b wm . - imm Re'igious Workers Gone Major Morton, Adjutant Plumstead, Capt. and Liuetenant Ebert left yesterday for Douglas after holding two meetings at the library here. They stated the meetings were quite successful. .: C) Died of Asthma J. J. Brazil, a re spected citizen of this community, died yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Brazil has been a sufferer for four months from asthma. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence on Clawson Hill, Rev. Burcham officiating. o Coming With the Review Mr Forbes, of El Paso, arrived In Bisbee last evening, and has" accepted a posi tion with the Review as advertising manager. Before coming to Bisbee Mr. Forbes was advertising man on the Herald, and later had charge of the advertising for the E. B. Welch Co. in El Paso. Mr. Forbes is rated as one of the best advertising men in the Southwest today, and the Revlewis pleased to announce that this paper has secured his services. o Under Difficulties The Review Is engaged this week in moving its me chanical plant and occupying the third story of Its new building. Before the first of April, the Review will be en larged to a seven column paper, and orders have been placed for a fast double-feed Hoe press and another lln otypo machine. NAQUIN & CO, Ostermoor Mattresses ? s d044f'.3-8"if)'!lfr COAL OIL, Was a surprise to the men who lived by candle light, and the man who was used to coal oil smoke and smell side-stepped a little when they wanted him to put - in gas. All of these are now Hopelessly Behind the Times We would like to explain t yon the many advantages and points, of superiority of ELECTRIC LIGHTS Over others Bisbee Improvement Company Copper Queen Hotel Building. Phone 197, Buy direct from the factory. Pay less and wear the best. Sold direct to the consumer. Mail orders prompts ly filled. Send for samples. LOS ANGELES SILK WORKS, 511 S. Broadway Lof Angeles Cat Remeber, Raatz & Sasse. the noted candy men. o Grand Washington's birthday ball at the Opera House tonight o When down town, come and see my choice meats. Moshier's Market, Up per Main streeL Grand Washington's birthday ball at the Opera House tonighL AFRAID OF STRONG MEDICINES. Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief, from pain may be-had 'simply by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm and withoHt tak ing any medicineJnternally. For sale by all-dealer In patent medicines LOST A. small, redback memoran dum book, well filled with notations. '"JlndePwIll confer a great favor by returning same- 'to. X. R: Allen or this" office. ' .i .u. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In the Probate Court of Cochise County, Territory of Arizona. In the matter of the Estate. of Clyde T. Scott, deceased: Upon reading and filing of the peti tion of Emil Marks, administrator of the Estate of Clyde T. Scott, deceas ed, praying that the administrator be authorized, empowered and direct ed to mortgage the real estate belonging to said estate, which is described a3 follows, to-vrft: j Three lots situated on Main street' via Lowell between the property of the Bisbee Lumber Company and the Bonanza Circle Hotel, together with the uncompleted two-story brick building thereon situated; said property- being, in Cochise County. Terri tory of Arizona. It Is ordered that ill persons Inter ested In said estate appear before the above entitled court on Monday, the 19th day of March, 1906, at the hours of 10 o'clock a. m., at the court room of said court, then and there to show cause, If any they have, why said real estate and the whole thereof, should not bo" mortgag ed for the purpose of securing the sum of five thousand ($5,000) dol lars, for the purpose of completing the above described- building, as Is core fully set forth In said petition, reference to'which is herein made for further particulars. Dated this 16th day of February, 1906. ' FRANK V7. GOODBODY, - . -- . Probata Judge. 1st Pub. Feb. IT,' im- "... Our Second Hid Gloves FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW WE OFFER LADIES' KID GLOVES In Dressed and Undressed, all leading shades, 2 clasps, self stitched and fancy at 95c PER PAIR EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED .6 p , - -n r, The Peoples' Cash Store Muheim Block Next Door to' P. O. Phone 238 COCHISE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., H.. R088, Managsr ' ii?j1"JI j TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA K ' Not effected with any other, .abstract company. Complete abstracts ot.any .property. la Cochise Couatyoa tkort : IBIiDM Ornc-wItri J. E. THOMPSON CO.J V" m m 1 1 m- m m f3 : v $ a . - h j 'X'vcGmLmmU!3&&& - r " 3 5 .