Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA,.SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1906. t "JV I - THE COPPER QUEEN STORE The Copper Queen Store. it'-V' TEhe &kl rSf .A.-cC T T -.,Trr T-'-. r-r. w 3? .if SMI rc .. o - -. V w-'J--' StoreOpen? Until rr 8 KM. QFAD Ponder,; Childs, Health Seeker anj Bisbee'Resident, Meets Ja'Sudden End. S "T- ? Word, was received In the city yes terday il?at Ponder L. Childs. former ly employed iii- 1h,s city had dropped I dead In' El Paso. "","iifc " Childs came to uiEDee m me iat-: ter part of March of this year, from Los Angeles, and was employed in the "Wave confectionary store until the latter part of .May. He then.enter- ed the ernnjoy o Barker on Bre - "Xvenue. He left Bisbee on last Sat " utfay evening arid the next, heard of him he was reported dead in El Paso. Childs' was a native of Georgia, and several-years'ago suffered a severe Ill ness which left him In a weakened condition. He came West and settled in Los Angeles where he remained. for nearly a yean Not getting' any belter in California he concluded to try Arizona's climate, and came to BIsbeej After coming to Bisbee he did well for a while, and then began to fall again. He was very delicate and was subject to extended sick spells. He finally determined that he was never going to gst better and made up his mind to nend his few -remaining days with his parents. On last Saturday evening he started fron((BIsbee and was' 'very wealc at that time, but said that the thought of going home would ..give, him strength to make the journey to Geo- gia. Chilfts was 22 years 01 age. his relatives will be communicated with as to their wishes in ihs disposition of the remains. - .. jr. . . J rrO FINDS DEATH BY LEAP, FAILING WITH A KNIFE. NEW YORK. July 27. Just nine years were .required to convince Mr. Samuel Grcenberg, a pretty nine wom an 26 years of age, the mother of" two babies, whose husband is doing a te"rm of six months on the Island for abuse and failure to support his little brood that life was not worth living. She first went to the room in which her children were sleeping, kissed them both many times, crooned over them and cried softly, then, taking a carv ing knife, she cut a great gash in her throat and lay down to die. But the blood did not flow quickly enough for Mrs. Greenberg, so. spring ing to her feet while she had yet the strength, she hurled herself through the kitchen window of her flat and plunged down three stories to the paved court below. Greenberg gave, up a well-paying job to beat the races a year or so ago. He neglected his family and abused his wife so that she had to appeal to e magistrate, who sent her husband to the penitentiary. That Ibajhlng, suit dinner, ought, to put, to' rest all the rumors to. teh ef fect that Harry Leht and his-friends have also become safe and .sane.- ' DROPPED ON EL PASO STREETS V Today lVft - i'. 1 flnH 1 ..qLO K5 ..--- -- 85c The' Sale of 50c Neckwear" HX- jdC fc 4WW G0LL ls oyi m m H Uh SUHUUL SNUIEIENI Tombstone Scribe Would Point the Way to the Young Idea in Cochise, A communication received in Bisbee yesterday from Oscar K. Goll. city editor of the Tomhstonp Prospector, indicates in certain terms, woucnea m the fine style of the train- The lecture on Mexico given by Hon ed journalist that Goll has his eade'A. OrflLi rav , fctJl-Jii eye on the office of County Superin-1 ...... v Mvuvvia vi ocnise; county and that he. will make a bid for tiiS fi,.rnnrf f .v. n . , . ,w --.-- " vwuvreia ui i,nrnie :uuur in uis flSDiratlonq Goll is a newspaper mp- 6, -'.. ability and his raln,nf? j? ?' n? "" . t . , , - training in the leading leading TsetCspaper offices of the country ' auuuiu uiatic Jlliu u loriuiuauie OPDOn-I ent to any republican out for the honor Mexico from the occupation of the he seeks. Mr. Goll has been a resi- southern republic by its primitive in dent of the county seat for several . habitants, the Toltecs, dwelling at years and has also resided in Bisbee length on the characteristics and cus at different times in the past toms of the people, the coming or Cor- It is evident from the tone of his tez ln 1519- wltn eleven vessels and communication that he has the back- a biind, of S.00. Wlery. , ing of the Tombstone contingent in ., Hls forceful portrayal of the revolu his effort to sit at the head of the tlo'?ary. wa,ve Llhat terrorized Mexico county's educational department He t ended ,,nvth? w?,r of 1845 was Per" contemplates a fence biudlng tr'pio aV,S ne f,th.1 Iea,dlng fcatures of the Bisbee P,n the neJ taSS" ; Jj&X!?" X. T win interview some of the ieadinc dimuimiK snri no, . ,.,. .,...!.. ,.T j -.-. v uwiuicu J aspirations. WUUVVSlt. UU BYUJUillll V 111 n 1 11CGT Mr. Coil's masterly style of Eng-I Iish should stand him in sood stead when he takes the stump in his own behalf and his oratorical ability a handy weapon In managing tha school nanus of the county. o MISSOURI EDITORS. rDULUTH.- July 27. Members of the Southwest Missouri Pres Association on their annual junket visited Duluth yesterday. The flret excursion of ,i,bb"f,. nnd ,MVfa?,tu,' . As" wu..."" "" ."! mui ""'"'" AUs. i, iuiu me utsEunu uu Aug. zu, to give business men In the other states of the West a chance to visit Duluth. The special G. A. R. rates from Minne apolis during the week of Aug. 15 will bring a good many outsiders to the city. Just about now is when the cheerful Senator Beverid'ge is giving out a good imitation of a hen out in a hard shower. Los Angeles News. o A local bank has the following placard displayed conspicuously on the walls of tho establishment: "Early to bed Early to rise Work like Helen Advertise." o It was a boy that choked on candy ln Ohio. No girl ever choked on candy, though she eats a ton to the boy's pound Pembina. (N. D.) Express. o That woulu-be murderess f had ,a nerve to want to kill J. Plerponf Mor gantwhen he was-so busy. Los An geles Express.. 4&. THE COPPER QUEEN STORE - -v v-'ini t 4 ttfMtfWlt II PAH y i ? $fo. : Store Open - Until 8 P. M, LECTURED AT YJ.C11 MEXICO Attorney Orfila Pieases Big Audience With History of . Sister Republic, well-as instructive talk -on the early u"" j. tusiuma ana language or the country. The descriptions of the old ?, - - .. whirh in r,r..,,. , .1 ,j ..- -- tuciuua in mc viu irCDUDIIL - .. were eicepuonailV lntorcat. lnS,an(l w?u Y"1 ?PPr?S-Iated by Jhfi Mlulenr. TtS many points of inter- i i0t .11 ninctn m .. est we;e" wejf inustrated from the stereonticon Mr. Orfila tnnl- un Hclmv f Z',Z . , 11 L " "1'"""" " ""- a. .eugin. on me reiorma- rion period and the war of 1S57, lenrl . ing up. In a pleasing manner, to the t rencn invasion ln 1SG1. Throughout the lecture Mr. Orfila's talk was Illustrated in a manner that lent added interest to his remarks. The lecture, which was given under the auspices of the Camera Club and the Spanish class of the Association, was the first of a series of lectures in which Mr. Orfila is expected to figure prominently. Judging from the num ber present at last night's first num ber on the program, and the keen in terest displayed, together with the ap plause that .was given the speaker at V. rf, w.".. .!.'-. wl e among the popular and instruc- tive events of the season. ESI INTO DEATH OF HAS ADELAY Inability of Physician to Be Present Causes Post ponement. What drove Mrs. J. M. Cameron to take her own life on Thursday night is still a- mystery, and will probably re main so for all time. The husband of the dead woman has not recovered from the shok which her death caused him. He knows of no other reason for her action, except as he said be fore, 'that she might have become de spondent on account of the reduced circumstancesin which they have been' for some. time. F The coroner's Jnqueswas"held yes terdaymorning at 11 o'clock attCoro-. ner.-Hdgan"s court in Lowell, ,On? the coronerVjory were Fred Goldschmjdt Ross Tolpln, Aleck Kennedy." J. - J, Kent .Henry McMillan a'ndT. M. Car ter, The principal witness was the hus band of the dead woman. He. testi fied that his wife seemed 'to be In good spirits when he came home from work, and that he had not had an inkling of the tragedy until ho heard the shot H. H. Warburton testified that lie had entered the room a couple of minutes after the shot was fired, and at that time Cameron was leaning across the form of his- wife. He was talking to her, but she made no reply. He said that he picked up the gun and took It to his room, where he kept It until the coroner arrived. Mrs. Grant and John Pringle, who were Jn the boas at h" lime of !! rrnsj-Jy. ;-5'Ifi-,-i as to ihe time the shot was lirad. iiu to the position In which the dead wom an lay. The inquest was then ad journed until five o'clock, to take the testimony of Dr. Baum. ADD CAMERON The funeral will take place at the Palace Undtrtaking ; Parlors ; ' this Corning at 10 o'clock, tho Rev. Harvey M. Shields officiating. The intermsnt will be att Evergreen cemetery H : lie REPORT AS MADE ON FIRE FACILITIES DetailecfRenbrt of Denarfmflnt ICommlttee Shows Estimat- .' i ed Cost of WorK.; 4 ll ?The report of the committee from the fire department, detailed, to look, ltto the cost of constructing tanks and water mains for better fire protection for the City of Bisbee, a3 turned into the department at Thursday night's meeting; contains much of importance and Interest to the taxpayers who may be called on In the future to vote for or against the project. The fire de-' partment Is determined that, sooner or later, Bisbee will have a better fire department and better equipment with which to battle against fire. The ro port as given, "below contains the es sential features taken up by the com mittee and discussed at the last meet ing of the department, at which timr a committee was appointed to confer with the City Council with a view to securing the much needed Improve ments. Report of Committee. Bisbee, Arizona, July 25, 190C Mr. C. M. Henkle, Chief Bisbee Fire Department, City: Dear Sir: Your committeo appoint ed for the purpose of arriving at the cost of complete fire protection as laid down by the ruleryand regulations of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific Coast, begs to submit the fol lowing estimate: Three steel tanks with storage capacity of 1,069,500 gaM. (356,500 gals, each) Installed. 116.081 About 4500 feet 10-Inch pipe . . 9,000 i-incn laterals 10.000 200 hydrants 4,000 Gamewell - fire alarm system with boxes 2,500 Combination wagon 2,000 Horses and harness ,. 1,750 It will therefore be seen that an ex penditure of approximately $50,000 will be necessary. -.f From information oBTalne'di your committee decided thit tanks built of steel would be-r preferable to tanke of wooden- construction, with very lit tle 'Inference in the cost Mr. Sher man also furnished an estimate of J17.644 on a concrete reservoir with a capacity of one million gallons, but advised the use of steel tanks Instead at even cost, and especially as the steel tanks were $1600 cheaper. Your committee wishes to acknowl edge the great assistance rendered by Supt. Gerald Sherman, of the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co., whr placed his engineering corps, headed by W. G. McBrlde, chief engineer, at our disposal to work In conjunction with City Engineer McN'eish. Yours very truly, GEO. E. BUXTON, Chairman. J. E. THOMPSON. M. NEWMAN. SEI2ED WITH CRAMPS dATHER IS DROWNED. FALL RIVER, July 27. James H. McDermott '40 years old, was seized wjth cramps while bathing in he Taunton river, near the Bo-der City section "of thU city, this aitornoon. and drowned""before help could reach him. He Is surviver by a family. R EST FREES ER F E Pin Used to Hold Clutch Lever, Jarred From Hole and Let Bucket to Bottom, The inquest Into the cause of the death of Jake Rlglar at the Shattuck Arizona property on Thursday night, was held In Coroner Murphy's caurt last evening. On the corner's jury were: T. J. Jones, Thomas .Dickson. Fred Rovuey, Ehrocan Chlsholm, T. Kirkpatrlc'K and Edward Peak. The witnesses before the Jury were: L. Brisbine and James Trevena, the two men who bad been workine on the crosshead with Tticler and hid iust INQU t ta' 4ne ieppedoff before the accident occur- .reo i, tua Barney the engineer; .QeorgeLRcd Light In regard to returnln .TaJ.cot, the Jnaster mechanic kat the money."' He said that Zlne ha - .. L. - I, "ue, ana a. w.estenana, -vno worklngon the surface. The princaple witness, was Ed Bar net. He explained that ho lwd low ered the men to the depth at which they were working and had then pulled back the clutch" on he engine and In serted the pin to hold the clr.tch. tight He said that he then turned to'' attend to the other drum on which he was hoisting. He said that ho thought the jarring from tho ilrum with which hs was hoisting had gradu ally worked the pin out of Its ,lace, and as soon as the pin fell It released the clutch and the accident fol!w;d. The jury remained out about twen- i fiv m'nutrs and then brought in . fir verdiru The verdict wa3 Js fol lows: "We, the jury, from the testi mony, find that the deceased came to his death accidentally and attach no blame to anyone concsrned." The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Rlgler; home In the Johnson Addition, the Rev. Harvey M. Shields will conduct tha, services. The fnneral wlli be held under the auspices of the Knights of gljbias. t MR, ZINE GOT TOO BOISTEROUS IN JAIL r4h v , HI! Arrested pn Charge of"busingj uvan utticer, He Haised ;c:"f-Rough;House, The case of the Territory and City? vs. , Bert Ztne came up . for -trial iul Judge Murphy's 'court yesterday after- The first witness for the prosecutron' was Officer Frank .Johnsoru who ar rested Zlne. Johnson testified that on last Sunday evening he was In Shattuck's saloon and was standing near the bar taking a drink with George Toles when Zlne entered and j oveing a ten-collar bill on the bar in front of Tolcs picked It up. Johnson sa d that Toles looked around and asked where the money was and the bartender said that Zlne had it. John son said that Toles was under the In fluence of liquor and when Toles had ufcKea ior tne money a couple of times and did not get it, he took a part in the proceedings. He said that he told Zlne to give back the money and Zlne did. Johnson then said that after this he and Toles went out cf Sliattuck's and Into the Red Light. He said that in a few minutes Zlne '""' " uner naving a annK wltn them started to abuse him. savlne- hnt Johnson hml hutt,i ii ... 1., that was none of his business. John son said that Tie told Zlne if was his business and then Zlne commenced to use vile and abusive language to h'm. He said that ho cautioned Zlne to de sist but that it did no good and finally that he and Officer Wilmoth arrested Zlne and took him to the city Jail Officer Johnson testified that Zlne was drunk at the time that the disturbance occurred. The next witnesses for the city J s::; JYUraoti, S"lDD, 6 m. can, K. Baker. SnOdarsw. Mrs. Find! J, I ay- son tnd Mr. Vralker. These witnesses testified to different circumstances In connection with the case. Mrs. Flnd layson and Mrs. Walker testified that Zine had made quite a disturbance after he had been put in jail, by call ing and rattling the doors until a late hour of the night A. M. Call, tha bartender at Shattuck's, said that he had seen Zice take the money from th bar and hold it behind him and that he had told him he had better put it back. He said that Toles look ed around and asked for the money and that Officer Frank Johnson fin ally told Zine to give the money back as Toles was under the Influence of I'quor and was getting mad. This closed the prosecution. A. W. Nelscn, as a witness for tho dffense. said that ha was in the Red Light at the time that Zlne was ar rested and said that he did not hear Zine usa any abusive language to Jr-hnson. On cross-examination it was brought out that Nelson was about twenty feet away from the two men "when "thy were talking. " J. Ccrreto, the bartender at the Red Light, said that he was behind the bar that night and a short distance from Johnson and Zine. He said that he had heard Zlne tell Jonnson that he could not arrest him, but said tnat he did not hear any vulgar language used. Walter Howard said that he had been with Zinc that day and that while he would not say that Zine was drunk, he said that he was feeling good. George Tolcs testified that he had been drinking that night and that he had put a ten-dollar bill on the bar. He said that he turned around to look for it and when the bartender told him that Zlne had it he told Zine to give it to him, as he was ftp able of taking care of hisown moi-ey. He said that he did not think that Zine intended to steal the money but had taken it as a joke. He testified that he trusted Zine with the keys of his safe and as high as a thousand dollars. He said that while Zlne was not as drunk as he himself, still Zine had a Jag on. Ben Moore testified that Johnson told Zine in the Red Light to return the money to Toles. He said that he heard no abusive language. Zine took the the stand and said thai he took the bill to have some fun with Toles. He denied that be was drunk and said that he had not. used abusive language to JJohason) ' This concluded' the' defense Of fleer Johnson was called ln.rebut- tar.andjilenled what Mooted had said - W - .- W. U..W.. . TCra 10 an? cuuversuuuu u mtj ,aty had re- tttrnod the money when they rereTiB Shattuck's. Short arguments were made by the attorneys and the case went to the Jury. The- ury returned a verdict of not guilty. o- LADIES' AID SOCIETY. The ladles who are Interested ln the Lowell and South Bisbee Presbyterlar Church are Invited to meet at the Lowell Chapel on Thursday, Au?. 2, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for the pur pose of organizing a society, o LATTER DAY SAlWTS. Elder W. L. Cluder, representing the Reorganized Qhurch of Jem ChrisJ of Latter Day Saints, has locat ed ln the city and will speak on the streets' as often as the weather will permit Sunday at 6:30 p. m. he will sroik in front of the Copper Queer offices. His subjet will be, "Smash 'njr Sf-taclei." Tccst p'-"le ar-s n'-t connected n with tho "Mormon'1 Church, and' (" ranh onrosel to rc Ivgamy and other dectriacs cf the Utah church. NEW-LIGHT ON -. ; "' CASE OF HOWARD The. latest developments in the case of.theTerrifory against Ed Howard, charged with the theft of a calf, the 'property, of Rancher Jake Shearer,, puts an entirely different aspect on'the action- of Jus tice Hogan in binding the man over to the ext session of the grand jury. . From such Information as was obtainable from the testimony adduced at the hearing at Lowell Thursday, it would appear that Hogan's action was strange, but It now appears that while Howard would not take the stand In his own defense, he has falked freely with Shearer and with the cowpuncher, Echols, who trailed the lost calf to the Howard corral and fixed-the act of its killing on Howard. Howard has never denied that he killed the cair. but has steadi ly maintained that he did not think it the property of Shearer. While the statement was not brought out from Shearer. Echols, the cowboy in Shearer's employ, testified that Howard had told him he thought the calf one of the Hysham and Xeal herd, or an "E" calf, thus giving the ranger force a line on what they say is his thieving propensities. From the information obtaiV"j"e after the hearing of the case at Lowell, it appeared that Hogan's rctlon was based on somethlnc more than testimony adduced at the hearing, but this point seems now cleared ln the face of the Echols itatement. Echols testified that he took up the trail of the calf from the place where the cow was found, and that he trailed the ame from this place right up to Howard's corral. Though he was subjected to a severe cross-examination his testimony was not broken down on tnis point Tnat he had a conversation with the defendant on July 14 in Douglas and the defendant told him he supposed he was taking an "F" calf, which, according to the testimony, was the brand owned by Hysham and Neal. PS i . Mr. Shearer said he was in Douglas on the same day, and that the defendant approached him and told him he understood it was be- lleved that he had taken one of his calves; that if he did so. it was through mistake, as he did bot know whose calf It was. He then paid Mr. Shearer a sum of money in settlement of the matter, and the fact of the passing of the money was testified to by Echols also. Mr. Kenny, a butcher at Lowell, testified that a day or so P"J to the 14th the defendant had sold him a slaughtered unbranded - calf. No testimony of any kind was Introduced by the defendant ONE FOR THE ROUND TRIP HP KANSAS CITY. OMAHA. ST. LOUIS ST. PAUL. MEMPHIS. On sale Special Dates tember, with liberal stopover privileges in both directions RETURN LIMIT 90 DAYS. Regular summer tourist rates, to all above points. Also to various resorts WISCONSIN. MINNESOTA. ILLINOIS. OREGON. OHIO. CALIFORNIA. WEST VIRGINIA And the Southeast, on ber 30th. Return limit October 31st. Particularly low rates to Louisville for "KENTUCK IANS' HOME COMING," June 13-19, 1906. For rates schedules, and full information regard ing any trip, call on or write - . W. P. M'NAIR, Local Agent. Get Trading Stamps Friday and Specials 75 Dozen Ladjesj Embroidered, Lawn,- white Turnovers) regular prices up to 25 cents. r 25'DozeoXa'dies1 White Embroidered new styles. -Bought to-sell at,25c, SSc.andOcAspe2 cial for Friday and Saturday at 15 cents. (See-Window-.) A large variety of New White Embroidered and Pleated Belts, r A great value at 25 cents. Pays to Trade at the People's Gash Store Allen Building, ' iMKAllillH FARE ST. JOSEPH. COUNCIL BLUFFS. CHICAGO. MINNEAPOLIS. 14. -r . .. in June, July, August, Sep in MICHIGAN. IOWA. MONTANA. NEW YORK. PENNSYLVANIA. COLORADO. CANADA, i, -A 1 3 sale daily, June lst-Septem- k xi -."" , V. R. STILES, Gen. Pass'g'r Agt., El Paso. Xj x" x3 4 Get Trading Stamps Saturday Special at.5c. ,, iW: -. :'? Collars in all. the Straight Ahead of PJaza Phone. 238 ', f!2t bMn i !. M EKfci SM ft- ' WvHd fi