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s PAGE SIX THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISSEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1908. Mining, Smelters and SiocR Quotations Prank J. Graf (ESTABLISHED 1903) BPOKEP THE DIVIDENDS IN ILL METALS IN FIVE MONTHS TRYING WEEK IN THE MARKET IS JUST CLOSED THE COPPER HOUSE OF THE WEST SPECIAL WIRE SERVICE TO ALL MARKETS STOCKS HANDLED FOR CASH AND ON SUBSTANTIAL MARGIN C0PPIR QUEIN HOTEL, PH0WE 1 1 1 BISBEE, ARIZ. i - I I ' l " "V"P"""SS"" -gjgJM .& F - jT, . n. ." BBh. Jm wg. BflfeB. ,"a ' SkMk' anW m ---nsH Forty -seven Companies This Year So Far Have Paid $1 6.004,755 to Stockholders Copper Returned Big Profits To pay divtdena., aggregating $16. 0O4.75C in tae first five month-, this year a period ;n which the market price- of bilver, copper, lead, (spelter and other products have reflected the paui 01 last fall is an admirable record, according to the Mining World, for 47 mines and metallurgy oni work in the United States. A compilation of the profits dis iributtd bj these 47 corporations sinc their organization show- Cm have iaid dividends amounting to the fabulous sum of $411.-i60,011. On the outstanding capitalization of $364. 455,030 the dividends declare-i bo date show a return of 114 per cent. In addition to the above dividends, four muu mn holding corporations, including the Amalgamated Copper company, paid this year $3,574,549 making a. total of $73,716,209 since organization, equivalent to a return of more than 3ft p.r cent on the out ata-dteg share capital of $241.2(K).O0O. These securities holding corporations are financially interested in some of the largest- copper and gold and sil ver mines in the United States. Large profits also have been earned by nietul saving agencies. One oi these the Unitfd Metals Selling com paji which U affiliated with teh Amalgamated Copper company, paid a dividend this year of $625,000, niak ng a total of $6,250,000 since organl ition in January. 1900. with a capi talization of $5,000,000. Copper mines are the best paying, the dividends of 11 for the first five months this year amounting to $5, 681,762; equivalent to nearly 10 per rent on the issued capitalization of $58,775,000, the low" market quota tions for the metal notwithstanding Since their incorporation these. 11 coppc-r properties have ,ut to then shareholders dividends totaling the enormous sum of $261,494,954. which is nearly five times the issued capi talization. First place this year Is taken by Anaconda of Montana, an Amalgamated prot--ge, which has paid a dividend of $1.30,RH, bringing the total to date to $39,000,000 on the capitalization of 30.SOO.000 The great Calumet & Hecla mine, capitalized at 2.500.f';0, and with div of $1i6,!50.00ii to its credit, disbursed $1.00,000 so (ar this year. Boston & Montana, another Amalga mated protege, declared . $900,000 in dividends this year; making tie tol tal to date $S7,2500 on a capitali zation of $3,750,000. The Ama.gam ateu Copter compiny. whose divi dends are reported '" tnose oi other securities holding corporations markets quarterly payments at the rate of 2 per cent per annum on its outstanding capitalization of $153, 117,-900- to date the dividends sum up $55,696,261. of which $l..r3S.S7S liai been paid in t-e current year. Twenty-nine gold, silver and lead properties, having outstanding -. 157,200 In stock, dtclared dividends of $3,497,399 for the five months tun year, making a total of $74,916,839 elnre organization. Tne Homestake gold mine in the Black HlUs of South Dakota maintains the lead this year, distributing dividends of $546,000 In Ue months, which is at the rate of 50 cents a share a month, or 6 per cent per annum on the capitalization of $21.S40.l00. To date the Homestake. one of the be-4 paring low grade gold mines In the world, has mailed Its sharehold ers divldmd aggregating the large total of $16,626,350. The, Bunker Hill & Sullivan silver lead mine in the Coeur d Alenes in ldal.0 has an enviable record having paid to date no less than 10.146OO in dividend- on a capital of l-.Ow. 000 In live months this year the Bunker Hilf A Sullivan mine yielded. dividends of i.toi'.uw. n'' " CHAZ1 Z5 E'SlttS KVQHE& Whose successful campaign aga, nst race track gambling in New York has not increased the governor's pop utanty in a general way in the Em pire State. COPPER "OUTPUT PAST FIVE MONTHS BOSTON, June 20. During the per smelters in the Boundary- dls- ruonth of May there was an increase trict have just resumed operations of about 3.500,000 pounds of copper which will add over 1. 000.000 pounds output as compared with April, but of copper per month sf the Caaad. . .Ail Most Notable Stock of the Week On the Curb Was Greene Cananea The En tire Market in Good Shape. (By Frank J. Graf.) The week just closed has been a most trying one. and an uncertain one regarding the un rtainty of the outcome of the political situation upon which depends a great deal for the future of the New York and Boston copper markets. The first part of the week there were various reasons far the dullness of the stock market as compared with the recent activity that had been displayed, and trad.r were holding back awaiting the final outcome of the Chicago convention The close of the week would lead one to believe that the entire election or rp.thcr nomination had been already discounted, for it was almost a known fact that the Taft-Roosevelt faction would be nominated. The fore part of the week discounting the nomina tion soon caused confidence in the :narki t. and stocks were well bought and protected, and better prices pre vailed. At the close, however, the bear element took the market in hand Which soon caused stocks to get to '-- i'v-1 before the opening of the production was still about 8.000,000 pounds under May of last vear and 13.000,000 pounds under 1906. due largely- to the continued shut-awu ,n the Cananea properties and to the falling off in Butte. The Bo-ton News ilureau figures the production of copper In the I'nit d States. Mexico and Canada for May at 90,880.300 pounds, compared output. WALKER BROS.' LEI fER. (Special wire toL. J. Overlook.! NEW YORK, June 20 The um. ket after opening weak and under good deal of pressure, became steady, and the selling seemed to come from shorts. Later prices braced up and wilh 98,500,000 pounds last year and became steady and inclined to be lfS.800000 pounds two years ago. strong. Trad rs covered ana thero The total production for the first was not the nervousness of yester five months of this fi- a! ar we es- I day. The bank statement was about timate :-s follows: as expected. Look for fairly aclve For 1908: t market next week, but largely con i t Ntw York markets showed a considerable falling off of prices, as well as the copper securities. The most notable of the copper curb stocks, was Greene Cananea. which made a good advance during the fore part of the week, when there were many sales made as high as 11 1-3. but apparently the price was too tempting and brougfrt a great deal more stock than the market could handle at times, causing a decline of one point from the high point o the week. The unofficial report of the Copper Queen buy ing up the .Shattuc f Arizona for $3,500,000 was without foundation and most unreasoiabl0. In the first place the Thattuck Ari-itis. people would never consent to ru h a Ptnire. as the property is worth much more. It had been repor- that the Copper Queen did offer tne S. attuck company $10,000,000. which would be more reasonable. The mar ket for the stock Is still strong at is. with none being offered even at bla prices. The entire copper market . in very good condition, in spite of the poor demand for the 3.etal. Amnion mated 6,. 50 Allouez 2?on American January . SS.M0.DO6 February 65.036,750 March 7M06.7M April 87,5 May 90.8Si..;o trolled by traders and crop talk will Bingham Total 389.505.559 For U'0.: January 84.935.143 begin to be felt. LOGAN A BRYAN list Butte Coalition Calumet & Her:a Copper Range Denn Arizona invu rtetiv Granby W0.00 (Special to L. J, Overlook.) NEW YORK. June 20. The closed generally higher with the ex- Greene Gold Sliver ception of Rock Island issues, whica Helvetia . February S5.278.160 L were under pressure on repin. ui Isle Royal March 1o2.49j.230 ' noor earnlnes. Trading was not erv Mona-wn April 96,567,700 active and seemed to be mostly on an May 98.500,000 evening basis. Public interest has not been very large for some time out 2-i b 75 2z.i 'j&O CO 72.51) 1.38 Total 467,776,233 on declines the investment inquiry svr MM: ! ia of a rood cnaracteT. The bank January 97.296,400 statement was a good one. February 89.205,800 March 96.480,081 4 ril 98.044.4W We are inclined to think that the list will tee higher levels next week. o May 103.800,000 TO PRESERVE FORT HENRY Total 484.826.61 For the first fixe months of this BALTIMORE. Md.. June 20 The General Society of the War of 1812 year the production of copper is near- held its biennial meeting at the Bel "v 80 000.000 pounds behind last year, vedere hotel In this city today. The ' There Is now practically no restrlc- meeting was attended by delegates n nr mnrxT nutnut in Arizona and from a number of states. A resolu- .,. ,.A,oc, tfeor-o A nrenared to flnn was fldonted UTZiUS the war de- I r,iVnn add several million pound'' ' copper partment to maintain Fort Henry, Missouri Pacific JJ-JJ ner month to tne country s ouipui iu.nui.tii uuc wsiniunm . -- jjoutnern rav-m-- .... - I m.. ; ,.f TVm Qt'i,- QrMiTur'r'H Pin- i. ... wven conditions improve. wmiiwaius v. " w. i --- r.-nn: . n.ui 18. 62 59.50 6.12 67.00 92.00 84.50 Newhouse North Butte Osceola -. rVtiinov .. ... ........ Shattuck li-JJ) Tamarack a'- Inited Copper ' " Wolverine ft Arizona s- Warren IVack Mountain ': Nevada Utah Butte London Superior Boston ll(UMi-u: Massachusetts G'roux Arcadian 3.75 .:;7 3.62 S.'b S.2F, 3 50 3.75 t r--.nfv.T-nisi the Mannoth company . ner." as a military post for all time. smelter is turning out a materially with regimental headquarters and a increased output and the Bully Hill . band, if possible. company Is now a factor and is send , - Q- - r,e its mine to the Mammoth smel- j The bankers understand what Mr. tor In l:tah the loss or -ne uig ur.-au mui u. .u 6.a.ura. .. 1" 'ner cent on the capitalization. The .-j ted states Smelting plant keeps another, but what they want to know J- " v,r" ' .. t , TL,lor,H -- ii. ,. T,n fa wlu.ll.aF trtft nToairian tnl canHlHntpfi Maska Treadwelt on oi'uB. ..-.. down the output, in i. -10. - --."-. -- .. - Alaska. capftaT5-d at $.,4t0e. has jy Coh-mWa and Dominion Cop- , are prepared to do as much. paid $::oO,0OO in diviaenus s . " year, makit.g the total up to dato $9.2i5.000. The Caiup Uird mine at, Ouray. Col rad. in wiich Uritltft. .,.! largely interested, paid ddX yir of $393,000, and since frgariza tlon has distributed $4,124,904. on $4,100,000 issue share-capital. PAINE WEBBER A CO. ON COPPER Sfi.25 120.75 80.87 19.25 145.25 46.00 130.25 37 38 123.87 86.00 GIANT SKELETON FOUND IN MEXICO (Special wire to U J. Overtook.) BOSTON. June 20 The market ral lid easily on very small transactiou On a rumor that Adventure jad struck the lAke lode, the stock lx cme acUve and strong. North Butt's and Range were strong with no in fight. We expect bftter ;.ncs the latter part of next week. . o E. F. HOTTON CO. (Special Wire to L. J. Overlock.) NEW YORK. June 50. Thr niu Sictlo-i of corporations in 'A n.atter t passing and redadag divut. nl- j the result of compete cessation of buine- ir. the recent elsh- mon.h anr: a most conservative polio M it-i, pur-ued. Fundame--tal coi.rii lioi U- .. return to indu-vtr.s .v it, owe nver brighte- la aj al political , utloc and a re-urnptl"n of f-arnlna-. wlereby -reV.-l.y dlvj dendi w.ll te restore.l "r" '"t" lv cut or passed. While the I"? mav be .low. we favor the purchase of -,s- . ra on all setback o Charles C. Clapt a Boston broker of 19 Congress street, who has recently returned from Mexico, tells a remark able story of the finding of the com plete skeleton of a man who In life walked wtth his head nine feet above the earth. Mr. Clerk said: "Iate one night, while we were Bit ting in the camp, a shot was heard from the distant hills A party of us started oat at one- to inveatkgate. for when the sound of a gun is heard in the State of Jalisco It means that a white man Is shooting and that tie means busli ' W'e finally located the forman of the mines, who said that on going to the window of his hut he had aeen two shining eyes below and had fired. knowledge of the human frame, but picking over the bones I was able to articulate a complete human skeletoa, which measured Just 8 feet 11 lnchea "The femur measure up to my thigh, the ribs were mare like those of a horse, the. molars were big enough to crack a cocoanut. and the head from front to back measured 18 Inches. I Imagine there were enough of these bones to make 200 complete skeletons. "The cave was evidently the burial place of a race of giants who antedate the Aztecs, and who subsisted upot. the abundant game of the locality. To gether with tb bones, among the va rious relics found, was a massive stone hatchet, weighing 30 pounds. "The Mexican government holds a jealous guard over its relics and bur- Mr. Hearst, who is now trying f of the . .. ,i.. IV-mnrrstiC W.TIV , mi" ... - .. , r.rfr.,iuicnc S-i, -oeiatior. of n clubs, and as been .using - ' " 0t -hat ..r.a-izatior, to l.uti.i in. ' r. ,., !,aue. If that 5SSer..J heek. what we at once started an the hunt, wit led treasures so that in order for the men and torches atid discovered bones to be brought from that country inra r,t a wounded mountain lion. Foi- for American scientists to study, it lowinr the trail, we came to a cave, will be necessary for some noted arche- fhe mouth of which was blocked up ologlst to go down and arrange for o !b atones with the exception of a thir removal. I int nd to see Profes small hole where the stones had been aor Alexander Agasslz In regard to my clawed awav evidently by some wild discovery, and see If some attempt can animal. made to secure some of the bones We crawled through 'his hole with to bring here. our loaches and found ourselves in a "1 have already Interested Roland A. T. S. F Erie Union Pacific B. R- T Grt at Northern IT. S. Steel American Sugar na- .... .-' " ,co fUV Canadian Pacific AT, Anaconda . Atlantic Vt'o Arizona Commercial Boston Consolidated "" Calumet & Arizona 10-? Centennial z, i. Cumberland Ely '" -i T7, 11M Hill. TT CDfc East Butte Globe Consolidated n ne Canaiv a Hancock Keweenaw Nevada Consolidated Nipissing Old Dominion Pzrrott Shannon -- Superior Pittsburg J2 Trtnlt '.'. 4.75 Victoria 13fll0 0.12 5.38 10.25 4.00 6.25 11.87 7.00 34.62 r;" 13.50 123 Wolverine ("tah Consolidated . Utah Copper Rutte Arizona ... National Kav en Franklin MicMgan Santa F r. B. ..lining ... Rhode Island .... Rock Island St Paul New York Central L. It N Northern Pacific . . Southern Railway . Reading V V. I C. S. 3teel. pfd.. . . American Smelters O. ft ff rr, 1 nlon . . o- 41 '. 31.25 46 IjOO 9.5' D.f.O 1.S'. , . 36.75 S3" . . 17.00 13? ' '.. 103.50 . u.;;37 . . lajT . . 17 25 11M2 . . 26.25 . . 101.25 . . 75 62 . . 40.50 56.00 .,.,.- i iTnitoH fitntM Treas until we Thomas, the magazine writer in these feTeriBh haste to r-.ment. He. prehistoric remains, and I expect that "" ,. . ourrenrv before the print the new currency before the Br I r,t cave (PBH ,-,i.. to'a suae., i. Heire. prehistoric remains, and I expect strewn about on 'h ficor of the cave be wijl shortly .visit the seen- of my bank8 ;ltkVe erea applied for It, It i of human bones, discovery, and prepare a report which there Is no fear of a recurrence ot to sae any sdentlflc will bo given to the public later on." ithe panic? Mining and Power Machinery Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Turbines, Generators, Motors, Electrical Supplies, Nftne Cars. Raite, Direct Acting Hoists. Geared rtatets, Electric Hoists, Air Compressorj, Rock Drills, Electric Drills, Mme Cages, Castings, Forgings and Supplies. Complete Equipment for Mines, Copper snpelt :i and Converting, Stamp Mills, Ccncentra-tors, Cyanide slants, etc, Send for quotations and Catalogues fcr any thing you may need, Prompt attention to all inquiries. Carl Clausen Engineering Office fKS'K BISBEE, ARIZONA Up-to-date Plumbing and Jobbing Guaranteed Gas Fitting and Repairs. WE FURN-tSH E8TIMATE8 ON YOUR PLANS Modern Plumbing & Boiler Company THE ONLY BOILER REPAIR SHOP IN THE CITY. 8team Heater and Boiler Re pairs our Specialty. We inspect your boiler; atop your leaky flues. Make your old boiler good as new. JOHNSON. BUILDING, JOHNSON ADDITION. PHONE 107 L. BOX 2301 BROKERS' AND MINING ADVERTISEMENTS. TESTER HICKS -INCORPORATE! BROKERS J Warren District and Unlisted pper Stocks our Specialty We buy and tell stocks if all ntarketa. SUOTATIONS CHEERFULLY PUR-MI8HED. CALL, UP PHONE 448 Ground Floor ALXT SLOCK Near PostoJTrce T. A. HUGHES FIRE INSURANCE Representing a long list of oM and tried companies. Policies carefully and cor rectly written. Rates quoted promptly upon request ALLEN BLOCK. Phone B 470 Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co. REDUCTION WORKS We are now in the market for the purchase of Copoer Ore a"d Copper Matte CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Aoarei Copper Qneea Censoiidaad Mining Comuj GENERAL OFFICE DOUGLAS ARIZONA I -. DR. H. A. SCHELL Eye Specialist Will next visit Blsbee, Naco and Douglas about June 10th. 33 N. Stone Ave., Tucson, Arts. DON'T RISK The chance of being swept fiaaa dally oat of erlsteaoe by ner lectlng the matter ot Bra la- It la a short-sighted policy. When well insured, you feel the solid rock beneath your fee. The ringing of the Bre-bell doea not give you nervous prostration and you can go to sleep at night feeling that the touch of a match can not spell your runt. I would be glad to show you some flgurea on Insurance. Pos sibly you save wrong Ideas on the subject of rates. T represent a splendid Una of companies. B. J. O'REILLY REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Bank of ' l. j. Overlock Broker Direct Wire To All Exchanges Correspondents, LOGAN A BRYAN, CHICAGO. PAINE. WEBBER CO., BOSTON. mBmBB0mmmmmB0Bm0tmB0BBBBmm0mmmmmmmmm00m0t THE HOME OF AfllZONANS - HOTEL ORNDORFF EL PASO. TEXAS wmmmmmmmmmm jo w mmo9m9mmmmm- WKBB0UB000BBB00Bt0B000000B00G00000B9000B00t000Bt90BB mmmm LADIES READ Have an elegant factory line of I BELT PINS HAIR BARETTS LAVILERS COLLARETTES At Bargain prices for a few days only. A Regular line of Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry. EYES TE8TED FREE. Fine Watch and kwelry Repairing. C. M. HHNKEL TWO DOORS FROM M. M. BANK. BISBEE, ARIZONA CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE Assayers. Chemists, Metallur gists. CRITCHETT A FEROU80N, Successors to Hughes ft Ctitchett, Agents for Ore Shippers, 112 San Fraaoiaoo St. Si Paao. Texas D. S. Heller. H J. Wright HELLER A WRIGHT, Assayers and Chemtatt, Metallunrlcal 4 Minin f.naine-n Represent Ore Shippers to Douglas Redaction Watts. I nnrroT .as. arisona wo , e IMMEDIATE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED FROM AN INSERTION OF A WANT "AD" IN OUR. COLDMN8. 4 a H. W. JORGEN8EN. CIVIL RNOINEER I Ba-Tjaby BulMlng, Btsbee, Arlt, 4 DR. Depttty Mineral urveyor. wwwwww4)ww4)ww S ,