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THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1909. PAGE FIVE ;. t fi Ki i i M 8 fn ' . i i I lo 'T f ti IT ui IC- I 91 ? n I r & i l & E -t i4 K i: 1 .1 $ I f ! I T k .-rS GREEK SAYS TIM TIMES ARE PASSING HOW THE WARREN DISTRICT CELEBRATED NEW YEARS NEW YEAR CLOSES Y. M. CJ. CONTEST Blues Are Winners By Small Margin Midnight Watch Sees Year Bom. After a most e.xcltlng finish the sec ond annual "Ked" and "lHuo" mem bership contest at the Y. M. C. A. dosed last night at 10:30. tho lsiu-s winning -the contest by a very nar row margin. lu all 210 members voro brought In. Inpoints the contest ex ceeded that of last year. In the number of members there were thirty four less than last jear. The. da to 01 tho banquet whfch Is to go to tho vvln nlns Ido will bo announced as soon as the members of tho Hluo side can gertogcther and decide oh tho same. Over fifty members wero brought In yesterday. Tho close of the contest was follow ed by tho first annual bOrvlce EASTERN STAR DANCE OF HIGHEST ORDER tn dance given by the Eastern Stars at tho Odd Fellows' hall wan one of the most enjoyable and success ful tot given by tho organization. There was n good attendance during tho evening. The ladies had made riwc'al arrangements for (lie occasion and favored all present with one of tho moat delightful dances eer given In tho city. Tho music was good andthedaiK' .irs gliding about tho-hall prcsentcaa cry pleasing spectacle Many of tho costumestjf the ladles were attractive and withal tiro evening whs one of Mho luoit eujovablo which -has ever been given In tho city or Ulsbee. NEW YEAR AUDIENCE ' SEES "BAGDAD" PLAYED : County Physician and Mayor Of Douglas Says No Epi dmics Prevalent Predicts Prosperous Year. County l'hjfsiclan -IV A. Grew fcpent jesterday in IMsbco looking oVer tho conditions here and to ascertain If tie t-carlet feer had spread from tho city to the country. Ho found everything ha ex'cuOent shape and sold that there ns no evidences of the fever lurking In the country. "I havu found overything in excel lent condition, said Dr. Green, "and find no evidence of tho scarlet tevur spreading rrom Blhbee to any othT part of the county. There U always more r less alarm expressed ana usually by th'oFO who" have no good reason Tor their apprehension. "The" sanitary and health, condition in Cochlw county right now are in tine bhape. and I feel that w have very rKison to bo congratulatc-iJ In this particular.? In speaking ' of the conditions of lXmglAs, Mayor Green oxprettwd him self generally pleased with affairs in the Smelter City, and says that It will be on the upgrade. "Of we have mssed through a ieriod of tight times which have been felt generally and ve have not had the general ac tivity in business which we have been used to In the past. Itut everything seems to be coming up and the stir of railroad building has given a new Im petus to commercial business affair? and there is no doubt thai the comin? jw will be one of tho best Id the history in the City of Douglas, "One of the resources which have been cut off for j-omo time past ha? been the- mining activity south of the international line. This is beginning: to resume oaco more. With the clear ing- up of financial affairs and the sat isfactory disposition of the Yaqui question, wo feel that Sonora will see greater activity than ever before. This wpi alto help Douglas material ly as we are one of the principle (sup ply points along the lino," o Chicago Grain. CHICAGO. Dec. 31. General liqui dation of n pre-holiday character caused a slump in the price of wheat hero today. Closing quotaions show ed a net loss of 1-8 to 1 1-S01 1-4. A great majority of traders in the wheat pit who were "long" were in clined to "even up" at the end of the year, an1 in anticipation of the holi day tomorow and In consequence the market lacked any substantial support ?inr! vne wf?ifc Ihrmiphnnt ti rfntlr day. With tho exception of December j ner. and all the married couples pre3-1 The band bojs gave a dance at the "The Girl From llagdad" was re peated last night at tho Orpheuni be fore .a good- lzed and aiprecIativo au dience and was voted the funniest production that uver came to this city. W. B. Friedlauder is certainly clever. This Is his latest musical success and watch-night , proves him to bo one of tho brightest About ten persons wero, composers as well as one of tho lead- present and held a musical and do- ing comedians. Tho play has proved votional service as the old year pass-'a great hit and tho company Is ono of d into history. j the best which has ever come to this Mrs. J. J. Harrington and Mr city. Dla'r rendered vocal eolos, and Ml is J Tho musical numbers Kro all ex AdkTns read a tclecllon. Hev. K. D. ' ceptioually sood and wero the sul lialey led the devotional service. Jects of repeated encores. Tho chorus In the contest, the captain of the J is particularly good, and tho costumes "lted" tenm, J C. 11, Amos, mado an arc altogether attractive. It Is qulto exciting finish, turning In 19C points , unusual to find so many pretty girls in tho labt fifteen minutos, but tho who givo evidence of hard study and lead of over 200 of the Illues could Bbllity The dancing Is graceful and not bo overcome. Tho official count , pleasing. last night showed the "Much" nheaV Tho Man Behind' will bo the offer- by ono point. is to night, and will doubtles bo one Cantaln Krebs. of the "nines." mado i i" lunmesi. oven seen. 10 sec inis a determined fight with his corps of company and these plays at the-juice, assistant against big odds, as the Is decidedly a good investment. Reus" had two actual workers in thei - field to tho "IlUies " one. The result MAY SPEND EVENING of the- contest will bring the local Y M. C. A. tnembershlp at tho closo of tho year to tho largest in Its his tory, numbering over 730. LEAP YEAROCIAL. An informal leap year social given SEEING PASSION PLAY There was a large attendance at tho Royal Theatro last night to celebrate Xew Year's eve by seeing the Passion play. Tho house was full during both entertainments, those not being able to gel seats for the first entertain ment attended tho second. Tlin nlnv at Jiggerville Wednesday evening was rf attracting particular attention and ono of the first and will doubtless bo i8 0ne of tho finest that Is presented remembered as one or uie most tnor- by any animated picture show. Tho oughly enjoyable events of the 190S music was especially good and fitting holiday season. The social was at- for the occasion. There were a num- tended by a score or more of rosl- ber of families there, who went In a dents from I!islee and Jiggerville, Its body to enjoy tho evening, and all thriving suburb. It being a leap year expressed themselves very much partj tho ladies present took the prlv- pleased. The Royal will have a new liege of choosing their own company, feature tonight in tho appearance of and strange as ,lt m&y seem, though Seno'rh Ells. doubtless" adding much to the pleas- j "" ure of all, not oao of the husbands I BAND BOYS CELEBRATE. present was selected by his life part Y. W. G. A. DIRECTORS TO riOLHECEPTION Formal Affair Planned Today For Friends Of Home For Bisbee Girls. Tho board of directors of tho Y. W. C. A. w HI keep -"open houso" at ih association building this afternoon from 3 until 6 o'clock. A cordial In vitation is extended to both ladles and gentlemen who nro Interested in tho work of tho association in Ilisbee. Tho home is non-pectarian In manage ment, and Miss Hope I). Smith, acting secretary. Joins tho board of direct ors in welcoming all gue3ts and strang ers tomorrow aftornoon. llefrcbhnrents will bo served after tlie. following program, which will Include some of Illsbce's most bril liant talent Tho program will begin promptly at -t o'clock. Tho following ladies will participate: Mesdanres H. H. Clifford, W. I Sims, J. J. Harring ton, Misses V. Violet Mover, Kstelic Harmon and EttJe Adkins. Tho re ception committee will Include the ful lowing directors: Mesdamss Robert Ferguson, Morris High, V, K. Splcer, V. E. Shine, Georgo Perry and C. H. Vail. WILL ENTERTAIN. The high school girls' club will en tert.iln the two basket ball teams of the high school at tho Y. W. C. A. on new year's night. The informal re ception will comnienco Immediately the game Is over. Kralt, chocolate and t.andwlche-4 will be served at the home. An evening of pleasure awnlt tho joting ladies of tho high school, and all are cordially invited to come. CLEVER Ne"wTYEAR'S PARTY. ProminouL among tho new jear re ceptions will bo that of Miss JoSb!o May Walsh, or Quality Hill, who will enttrtaln her clas mates lit her: home Friday evening from tcven until ten. Delicious refreshments will bo served by tho little hostess, after which an interesting program of new jear music will bo given. MUses Josephine Clothier and 1-oulse Roberts, of the Smeller City, will lie out of town guests who will add to the pleasuro of tho evening. tho market closed at almost the bot tom with May at $1.07 3-S1.07, and July m SS 7-S99c. The slump in wheat was the chief ent seemed to derive exquisite pleas- Uisbeo opera houso last night, having urw In being paired with some one a liberal attendance. The prize was else. The music was excellent and an voted to P. Peterson. This was ono Interesting program was rendered, of tho successful dances which iiai reasUfl for a weak corn market May, me host and aoatess. jir ana Jirs. ueeji given by the band Ikjvo and CI lc July. 61 1-10C1 3-S& (Kenneth IL Donaldson, gave every everjono enjoyed themselves thor Oats closed weak with IpTlces 1-4 to one present a cordial evening of .oughli. The music was furuisued by r c !.... i ... ... 8c lower. J pleasure. !. he baud and was as usual good. A NEW TEACHER. .Miss Eislo Toles, of Disbee, wht recently graduated In California, will be a valuable addition to the Central School faculty fo the coming school term. o Stock List. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. Amalgamat ed Copper, 83V&;. American Smelting, 83; Atchison, 100,3-S; St. Paul 150 7-8; New York Central.. .127 ; Pennsylvania, 131 7-S; Reading, 11 1-S; Southern Pacific, 120?;, Vnion Pacific, 1S3 C-S; U. S. Steel. 53, . V S. Steel preferred 113 1-8. r 3m3h$m$m$mm$m$ There Is A 'JmJmJmJm'JnJmJ m5hm5m4$h8m5mJ BIG SALE At rTHE WOMEN'S TOGGERY COMPANY. ON. I W OMBN'S GARMENTS Great Reductions in All Departments NEW OFFICIALS START IN TODAY t Beginning With New Year, Co chise Will Have Mew St Of Officers. TJio ucw fltru."T3 of Cochise county, as well as the several precinct ofllcers, t:iW nn their duties today, and for the next two ream will bo at the head of official affairs. There will be several changes right jere In Illsbee. Morris High will succeed Justice llogan as Justice of the jkcacu and Parley Mc ltae will succeed Jay VHmoth as con stable T. D. Durd'ck will remain In office as Justice, and Denny Tvvomey as constable. Judge High will main tain his offlco In the O. K. livery block, where he has arranged pleas ant and conveninet offices. Ho will also be handy to tho Jail. There will be a change In the set of officials at Lowell, when Judge Grier will be- succeeded by JHStico Murphy, and Constable Gray will be succeeded by Bailey. Justice Murphy will have tho same offices which have been oc cupied by Grier. There- are a number of changes in lii officials at the county seat. For district attorney, J. S. Williams will succeed Fred Shelly. For supervisor. Jako Scheercr will take the place of William RIggs. Charles Hicks will succeed 2. X. Caines ax county treas ure!, it Is expected that J. E. Bern t-r wilt remain as the clerk of the board of Tiupervisors. All the other fllcrs will remain In office during he nest two years. For several days past all have leen getting in shape for tho comitjg year and arranging their new homes, which they will move Into and have everything pleasant at the county scat Several have been working in the of fices for the purpose of getting on to tho ropes. o Metal Market WATER WAGON STARTSOFFWITH A HEAVY L Wyoming Correspondent Gives Vivid Description Of How Bisbeeite Imbibers Climb Up and Fall Off Aquous Vehicle. (Encampment, Wyo., Herald.) "This is tho gladsome time of year,' said tho barkeep, "when tho average rounder and 'good fellow- turns bio thoughts toward swearing off. Some- Tiow thv new ycarhas always been n popular dato for clamborlng onto the water wagon, and the weekSifter tJW most likely time for falling oft and wo might Just as well begin to prepare for tho usual number of suds-slppers saved from snakes and also witness the annual crop of water wagon wis er of a week ago. It's a peculiar fact that when one of tbjs sort decides to banish the bcozo bug for a season lie immediately gets so busy and aggres sive ag'lu alcohol agitation that his work would mako-a modern W. C. T. U. convention look like a distiller's assembly. tor the first three davs-vou would imagine him to bo the original White. Kibboner who wrote the ritual for the Hum Hescuers Iteady Belief Reform ers. Ho goes about among his former bibulous trienas and ttl s them If tney don't can the craving for cora cheer and hop-dopo the first thing we know we'll have nothing but limp leather linings to brave tho battle for bet for tho babiesj and why don't we tak a tumble to ourselves and tin tiint terrible tanking thing tight for all . time like he .as, tlitn he draws a pic ture of our wives at home darplos our ocki and making our pants over vvhiU we are down town stowing the secth- ; ing suds to secure a slipperly, slobxr Ing eouso and letting go of our ham tarnid dollars to decorate the dealers tu Demon Damuation with diamonds'. And io he goes about buttonholing his boose brlgado brother, warning him &at unless ho leav es off having high balls hell will have him fur a blear eyed Bourbon bum; tells you lie's been thinking for a good while that jou'dhave to ditch the dally drench directly or Demon" Deslie would drag you to the dreary dlppy-house or dis mal death. "He delights to bland around In hU repousso reformer's raiment and boast that Ire's hud heaps In hls'n and that it's no more the merry mixers of mirth, music and mint jullps for mine. Ho delights to repeat and reiterate that lie has lapped his last liquid light ning, and that from this timo on it's him for a senior's seat In the social set of tho Seraphic Sons of Solnlety "Iu about four days tills same saver cf buds hoaked souls who pompously prenched personal perfection perambu lates into my place with a bun on, that reminds jou of Hclnz's fifty-seven va- rietiesr he's so thoroughly picklt-d. When ho gets a grip on the bar strong enough to steady -himself and I ask h in Wii this tlng-a-llng so soon after scaling tho slippery sides of hi sprinkling wagon, be shouts. " "Y'ze 'sthlz way; I wuz 'oin' fine s silk til 'smornin wfien b'wife 'sisted baby'd said 'Da Da when o wuz only eight months old, an' I knewt wuz when ho wuz only seven sets? Broke my heart, an' fi go to th' devil now in' wife's fblame.' 'And that's the way it goes. When Special Notice All persons holding tickets on the PIANO TO BE GIVEN AWAY December 31st will please count and' segregate same according to the denomination and leave with the judgs on or before Thurs., Dec. 31, - o'clock Tickets will be counted at the Drug Store on the above date and time. Save Money While You Can Come and Look m f AT The Women's Toggery Co. ver I see a man whose wabbling ways will wreck what's worth while unless ho turns, from the topsy-turvy tangle foot track to the tremens trying to toss the terrible thirst and I know he's In earnest and really wants to shake the suds sure to slide the skids freni under him if lie keeps up the d'zzy dippy-house dog-trot much long er I'm the first man to wish h'm well and the last man to lay tempta 'Ion in his way. But these sentimental skates simulating sobriety for a sea son and then falling off tho wagon because their wives dved their eye browsor didn't dye them get tho hippy-hooray and the hurry up honk honk from Heinle." o E IN A NEW ROLE Department Orders Him To Teach School Children How To Address Letters. Because there wero over IS.OOO.OuG letters Bent to tno dead letter office tho liasL-ye&r. postmaster General -Meyer, lias issued an order that all postmasters In th country shalS either deliver lectures to, or other wise furnish information for school children on how to address letter rightly, and also, In relation to other details of tho postal service. It is tho postmaster gv-neral's de termination that the school children shall bo Instructed along this line of knowledge on the postal service. In seeing that letters are properly anu plainly addressed. That there Is necessity for this kind of action Is shown by the volume of business transacted by the dead letter office. Durinc tho nast vear 13.145,172 pieces l mail matter were sent to the dead 'etter office because the postofficcs wtre unable to read. them. There is no way for the roan to escape who presides over the destinies of millions of letter which annually go through this office, unless It be the order which the Associated Press dis patches carry, providing that the In formation may bo furnished to mo school teachers and thereby fulfill tho ideaa of the posfcnaster general. It will be of Interest to see tno "ier rlblo Mike" In motion on this timely and absorbing topic, and it Is to be hoped that a liberal number of his friends will avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing this eloAusnt address. o NEW YORK. Dec. 31. London tin market was higher with spot quoted at 132, and futures at 133 7s 6d. The local marpot was quiet but high er in sympathy with tho English mar ket at 29.00. Cdpper declined slightly In London. Spot was quoted at 63 12s Cd, and futures at 64 8s 9d. Locally the market was steady and unchanged. Lead was unchanged at 13 In London, and 4.1004.15 locally. spelter unchanged In both market. 21 In London; 5.1005.15 locally. o The Imperial Conner mmpaiv a Silver Bell Is shipping fifteen cars of ore daily from the mines in that camp to tho company's smelter at S&sco. The Imperial company is making stead r progress In th6 devplanment of its mine and Increase of Conner nro-' Old papers, 25 cents a hundred at tduction. Tho Review office. ORPHEUM ,M. M. KING, Mgr. TONIGHT mgjt ) jJAis THE MAN BEHIND 30 PEOPLE 30 PRICES 35c, 35c, 5Qc Souvenir Matinee Saturday, 2:30. Prices 10 & 25c STANDARD PLUMBING CO., PLUMBING AND HEATING. No trouble to give estimates. Get our prices before you place your order. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. No. 56 Main Street. Next to Moshers Market. Phone 407. Box 1551 SMORINGJACRETS AND BATH ROBES AT JUST 1-2 PRICE We are determined to sell all Smoking Coats and Bath Robes Ift over from Xmas, so price them at-ONE HALF PRICE. ALSO 75c to S4.00 SILK SUSPENDERS AT ONE-HALF PRICE 35c Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c. 75c Silk Handkerchiefs, Both Initial' and .Fancy at 50c All 50c FOUR-IS-HAND TIES left over at 25c. All 75c to SI .25 FOUR-IN-HAND TIES at 50 CENTS FOR ONE WEEK $1.50, ST.75 and $2.00 VALUES !N SOFT FLANNEL. SHIRTS AT THE LOW PRICE OF $1.00 EACH We're the "SAFE PLACE." SCM1Z HI Main Street nu .t. r I K